Filtering Content

I have very look strings which are o be stored into Textarea. The field in a memo.upto 3kin lemgth. What I woul like o do is format the text before it jits the testarea; eliminating thing like a single !,.:# which cause errors and then return it on the way back out to be placed back into htr textarea.

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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I've seen alot of boring forms where a vbscript window will popup if the user submits a bad word in the form. Does anyone know of a tutorial or how to make a bad word filter written in asp that basically goes through an array of bad words and if detected the output would be something like:

<%response.write("Profanity is not allowed.")%>

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Asp Form Filtering

I'm looking for an asp page to detect if there are any characters in my
contact form that shouldn't be there. For example, if there is a "<"
character, then this may mean there is html in my contact form, which
is not good. I want to build a string that has all the values of my
textboxes in my contact form. Its not working? Code:

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Null Value Filtering

I have set up a database, myDB, in MS Access. one of my Table, myTable, has columns Col1, Col2, ..., Col10. Depending on some scenarios, I insert some values in some (but not all) of the columns. Now I want to delete those records that their col3 is null or nothing is set.

I used col3= '' and col3=NULL in the below statement
objRS.Open "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE col3 = '' ", myDB, , , adCmdText

but none of them works.How to delete a record based on Null value filtering?

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Filtering Results

First, thanks to all who have helped me over the last few weeks !!
I have a form that allows the user to select multiple options.
These are user names:

Fred S
Bob D
Paul G
Dave O

When the form is submitted, I'm getting the details using

user = request.form("user")

this is returning the mutliple options.
What I would like to do is pass all the options to 'user' but at one
point on the results page only show the first user selected, not the
multiple selection

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Filtering Records

I need to build an ASP query to search a property size that is between minimum and maximum values (in two text boxes in a form). Here is the SQL statement I use:

mysql="select Center_name, Store_name, Address, Phone, Size, Type, APN
from delamo where size >= '"&min& "'"

But when running the code I got an error message "Data type mismatch in criteria expression."Do I need to dim both min and mas as numbers?

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SQL For Filtering Database In Asp

I transfer two search filters as defined from dropdown list on first page. The details are passed to my search page where i try to query the database to display the records which meet the conditions of passed variables. Code:

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Filtering From Database

i have a database with person's data: lastname, language (these two columns used for filtering).

i've created a search page with a list menu with "language"s and text box for last name. how can i filter based on last name OR language OR both. how do perfomr a filter if one is missing (let's say "lastname")?

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Filtering Search Results

anyone have any tips on creating a search results filter to provide the best
matches first? we're using an access database as part of a very small custom
CMS, and we need to site search function that doesnt just output any base
matches for a given term.

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CrystalReportViewer Filtering Problem

I have a Crystal Report 9 that gets its info from a SQL database. I
installed the RAS in a Win2K server. The report lists from the
database all the invoices. What I'm trying to do and I'm unable it's
to filter the results and only show the one that I want.

I have de following code:

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Bad Word Filtering In Forum

currently i building a forum, that why i need to filter some bad word that input by the user. i don want that bad word to come out in my forum.

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Filtering Data By Date.

I am making a small ASP application that retrieves data from a MS access file and what I'd like the application to do is to retrive only data about items that expire in the current month. I have been trying to figure it out for a while now and have not been able to find the right tools yet.

If I try to explane a little better then the problem is that I need this to work automaticly. I have already made the application retrieve the right data but I have to change the filter conditions every time a new month starts. What I need is to have these changes made automatic.

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Filtering Weekdays From A Range

I am trying (with Classic ASP) to pass from a form multiple selected check boxes. These are the days of the week. On the receiving page I need to check for the selected days between a date range (eg. 1/12/07 - 24/12/07) and write those dats to a database.

eg. all mondays and thursdays in the date range. I can wite the thing in vba no problem but into a web page and no satisfaction.

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Filtering Records After Pulling

I have a set of db results that I cannot filter completely in my query and I'm trying to figure out how to eliminate the "duplicate entries" after the fact.

My problem is I'm pulling columns for lot number and transaction time, but some (not all) lot numbers have two transaction times so I can't filter out these double entries with a "DISTINCT" statement in my query since the transaction times are distinct, but I only care about the first one. I'm looping through pulling my results as such: Code:

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Multi Drop Down Filtering Selection Issues

I was trying to set up 3 menue drop downs for filtered relational selections of 1st-(Buildings), 2nd (Departments) followed by (Projects). I foillowed all the links and can not see how to get a onchange to work as relational menue. This would have been best. But 3 days later I am tight for time so I was attempting to just setup of the time being 3 seperate drop downs with submit. I can only get the departments to work. The building and projects will not filter as the departments. Code:

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Problem Filtering Recordset By Values Held In Array

I am trying to filter a table of users to select only those records
whose roleID matches a value in an array. There could be any number of
IDs held in the array from one to a few hundred. The array is
generated by splitting a comma delimited memo field from a second
table in an Access DB. I can split the memo field OK, I can
response.write its values, but what I now want to do is add a value
from another table to my reponse write loop. Code:

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I have started doing SEO for a website and I'm trying to get a feel for how the website is set up.I dont know which file stores the content....
In the asp file page there is a string of code that reads:

<%Call writeContent(2,1)%>

I believe it is what is telling the server to find the article, but I dont know where it is.Does anyone know what else to look for?

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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Active Content?

What is "active content"? My ASP page just returns HTML....

I have a page with an .htm extension that has a form whose action
is an ASP page which generates a report after updating a database
with the form data.

Under Windowx XP SP2 the IE6 "Information Bar" has the message:

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this
file from showing active content that could access your computer."

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Print Content

I would like to have a PRINT button on my page, that redirects to another page which is more printer friendly.
I am pulling the content of a database (msAccess) into the initial page, and want that content to carry accross..

Here is an example of the page

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Delete Content

can someone help me. I'm writing an onlineshop in asp and for the shopping cart
i use an array. If someone wants to delete some articles from the cart, i have to
delete them from the array. How i delete only one article (on line) from the array.

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How To Get Content Of A File ?

i am building some web page with template engine and i run on one problem: i want to import a content of some file and then use it in asp script so the solutions are this:

1: Create file system object and use ReadAll to read the content but there is a problem because it dosent render the importet file i get just the asp code

2: Create XML object and load the file into the xml but here is another problem this proccess takes quite a lot of time so it will be very slow for the web site especially that i want to import more the one file...

3: Create file system object and user ReadAll to read the content and then use eval(reasponseString) to execute this code... but i dont belive to much in this solution i dont know why but it seems to me it's not right.....

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Rotating Content

If you needed to have a side bar, that had room for 2 or 3 graphical ads, and you had say 8 ads to pick from, and you wanted each page to just randomly load ads but never put the same 2 or3 ads on the same page...

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Content Negotiation

I've been looking at content negotiation for serving up pages as xhtml/xml or text/html based on the user's browser and using PHP you use this:
PHP Code:

function fix_code($buffer) {
   return (str_replace(" />", ">", $buffer));


to remove all the / end of tags in your text/html code. Is there an ASP equivalent to this?

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Pull Content

I'm writing a site scraper (bot, etc.) that needs to log into a site (i have the username and password), then redirect to a particular page and then pull that content into a variable so I can manipulate it.
I'm using ASPHttp to try to pull this off. However, I CANNOT get by the login. According to ASPHttp this should be possible, but I cannot make it happen. I would not imagine this would be too hard to do. Perhaps ASPHttp is not the right tool.

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Displaying Content From DB

After a user selects the 'answer' hyperlink, the answer will be pulled from the database and displayed.
Then i would like another link once selected to remove the displayed answer from the screen. It is important that the answer is not permanently deleted from the database.
I would like to do this for a series of questions.How can i do this?

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Import RTF Content

how to import the rtf format content to word file.

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Static Content

I'm using the Server.Execute method to include a static page inside a
dynamic database call. This static page is not a valid HTML page (i.e.
lacking <body>,<head>, etc. elements), but I'm pulling it into the dynamic
page just to give the content an upgrade in presentation, including images.
The problem is that there is no way to have relative URLs in the content
page, so all the image src's are wrong. Is there a better way to include
static content like this, or a way to alter the contents on the static page
prior to running Server.Execute (I could parse the file via the
FileSystemObject, but I'm hoping not to do that)?

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Content Type

I am currently taking a lot of web form information and compiling it into a word document for users to download; however, I want to be able to embed any attachments
that they have inside the word document. The attachments are coming from a database and the office suite does not reside on
the server. Does anyone know if it is possible to create a word document with embedded attachments for download.

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About Viewing Content..

I want my Default.asp page to view different content in a <TD> according the request.
I've been understand that the best method to do it is by using the method GET, Example:


And I have no idea how to write the code:

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ASP Content Type

On the website i'm working on, i'm using a database filled
with pdf files. Users can download these files from the website.
When you click the link of a file, you see a popup screen that asks you
wether you want to download the file or open it. My problem is that it
is empty behind the content type. The download works fine, and i have
the content type stored in my database. What do i do wrong here??

If Not rs.EOF Then
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=""" & titleDownload & """"
Response.ContentType = rs("Content Type")
Response.BinaryWrite rs("File Data")

End If

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Content Management

can anybody provide good links of content management services in asp.....
If I want to develop CMS for a website then how should I go for it???

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