Find Out Distance Calculator?

I am looking for a way create a distance calculator from city to city, zip to zip, so on so forth. I know this has been done many times. Does anyone have this around by any chance. Also does anyone know of a place I can get the db or text file I need for this? I know there are some floating about but haven't came across a decent one yet.

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Distance Calculator

I want to use something like's ActiveX Component on a website so that a visitor can enter a startpoint and destination and I can calculate the distance by road between those 2 points.

This is for a website I'm writing for a mate of mine who owns a Courier firm. He wants to be able to provide online quotes to potential customers. I'm going to be using Brinkster as the webhost so I won't be able to install any Server-side DLL's, etc. Is there anything available to do this?

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Find Distance Between US Cities Using Zipcodes

I have a database having, US zipcodes, longitude and latitude. What I want to do is LIST THOSE ZIPCODES which are at a distance of given miles from a particular zip code.

For Exmaple: I want to find the zip codes which are at a distance of 15 miles from zipcode 10001 (NYC).

I have the script that uses Zipcodes, latitudes and longitudes of two cities and caculate the distance. But it calculates distance.

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ASP Calculator

The user searches for a place and then can search for similar places within 5,10,15,20 mile s from the original place. Do I have to have a database of distances or is there some way to calculate it using ASP and mapquest.

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Distance Search

I am working on a search which is used to search for something in cities of US.I want to add an option of "include nearby cities".When the user checks this it should bring up the cities near to that also.

so if the users enters city " LOS ANGELS " and state " California".It should bring up some results in california as well as cities near to californai.

Also i have another requirement in this search which is distance search.User will search for something with the option of with 5 or 10 or 15 or 25 etc., miles , so the same above results should occur.

My database contains two fields longitude and latitude.But i do not understand how to use this " include nearby cities" and for distance search.

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Distance Between Two Zip Codes

I am trying to find a software that can find distance between two ZIP codes. I think most of them do it by having the longtitude and latidute of each ZIP, and substract. But this gives the air distance. Where can I find software that find the ground distance (like in Mapquest).

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Fee Calculator Required

I have been asked to include a fee calculator in a site, which would enable a browser to calcualte fees on the sale/purchase of a property. I have searched Google for ages and cannot find such code. something similar that could be adapted(not too technical) or a basic script to do it that I could buy.

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Depreciation Calculator

calculate depreciation in javascript language just like

Function DDB( _
ByVal Cost As Double, _
ByVal Salvage As Double, _
ByVal Life As Double, _
ByVal Period As Double, _
Optional ByVal Factor As Double = 2.0 _

and SLN(cost, salvage, life) used in Visual Basic?

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Math Calculator

I just developed a simple math calculator using c# in, now i want to be able to check for the higest and lowest answer from the label control, how to do this?

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Asp Zip Code Distance Search

I have a site and i have a text box for someone to type in a zip code. i nee dto know how to program, or locate a database, where the results will display my business location(s) by zipcode and display the total distance between the zip code entered by the visitor to the site, and my locations.

like Midas has on their site ( where you type in a zip code and it returns the store locations and how far away they are from you.

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Distance Betweeen 2 Zip Codes

anyone knows what the formula is for finding a distance betweeen 2 zip codes?

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Distance From Two Tables To Insert In One

I am using this code to produce a distance from two LONg, LAT from two different tables. Can any one help me write the code so that it can pull from the correct tables and then insert into one field in on table. Code:

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A Calculator/search Engine

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.
WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number?
First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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A Calculator/search Engine

I use MS Access 2000 and my recordset holds 31102 records.

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.

WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number?

First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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A Calculator/search Engine

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value.

WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number? First can asp alone do that job? Javascript? VBScript?

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Mobile Plan Calculator

I'm working on my first ASP web site. The idea of the site is to calculate
which mobile phone plan is right for you. The idea is that the user answers a
few questions about their calling habits, and the server calculates the
ammount of talk time for each plan and then recommends on or two.
I've created 2 excell sheets already. One is a user input sheet, the other
is a database of all the plans available.
At the moment the excell sheet works like this. The user selects a rate
plan, enters in their details and calling habits, and a total talk time is
displayed on the bottom of the page. I want to go one step further.
I want the ASP page im working on to calculate the total talk time for ALL
the plans in my database (based on the users input) and then recommend the 3
with the most talk time.All of the tutorials I've
seen are simple "add this to, delete this from" database

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Online Calculator Form

I need to design a form that does pre-retirement calculations and which I could post on my company website.I'm really not well versed at all with this language so my question is this:

1) Is this a type of calculator I can design myself? If not, what avenues do I have available?
2) If yes, what type of software/freeware is available?I only have MS Info Path on my PC, not really sure if this would be useful
3) What is the easiest way to develop such a form? asp alternatives?
4) The Form is not going to be pulling data from any back end source.Individuals will manually enter their own numbers,this data will not be saved anywhere,users will be able to get a rough idea of their retirement benefits.

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A Calculator/search Engine

I have a database of bible verses in hebrew. Each letter is given its value in number. Therefore words will have anumerical value. WHat are the steps that I need to take to search a number and let the search pick up all the words which adds up to that number?

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Code Car Payment Calculator

anyone had done any car payment estimate calculations before??? If you 've had or you have an idea how to code this….please help. Thanks so much in advance.
I have a form:

Retail price, Down Payment, Sales Tax, Annual Interest Rate, Term (months) Payment (12,24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84) , and Loan.

How to calculate Monthly Payment and the Total amount (when you payoff the car) how to do it. Thanks so much. I really have no clue.

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Know Any Freeware Zip Code Distance Program?

Any recommendations for a freeware zip code distance program? I need the client to be able to select all clients living within a certain distance of his or her zip.

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Long Distance ODBC Connections

Is it possible to have some sort of hyperlink or long distance odbc connection so that I can get pages on my server here to draw from a database that is at a different location? How would this be done?

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*Efficiently* Calculate Distance Between Two Zip Codes

Alright, in regards to my previous post of finding a DB that has all of the latitude/longitudes in a DB, I need to now filter through those based on search criteria. The search criteria available includes: Code:

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error '800a000d' Type Mismatch 'Distance' Problem

I have the following code that I am trying to use to calculate distance. However I keep getting a Type Mismatch error on line 50 which is in bold. Code:

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Cannot Find DWG Files

I am trying to locate a file using the following code

Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

strURL = "http://server/ApprovedAutoCAD/140-00007-01.dwg"
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False, "login", "password"

strReturn = objXMLHTTP.status

I get a 404 status back indicating that the file is not found, which is incorrect. I am able to locate XLS and DOC files on the same directory. Any ideas why I cannot find a DWG (Drawing) file?

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Find And Replace

I am not sure if this is a question for this forum or the IIS forum but here goes. I have a dedicated server on which I am hosting about 80 websites at the moment, all of which have been created by copying a template site. All of these sites have an identical structure and are located in the same directory on the server, C:Inetpubvhosts. Several times when I have needed to make an adjustment to the sites I have to go into the remote desktop connection to the server and go site by site, copying and pasting files. For example, as each site has the same pages, ie., map.asp, sometimes I make a change to that page and have to copy it to every site. Could I write some sort of script using the FSO and execute it from one site and have it loop through each site on the server making the neccessary change(s)?

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Can't Find End Statement

The dreaded missing end statement
I need another set of eyes mine are about to cross.

My Error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

calendar.asp, line 289

My code:

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Find Performance

We have several pages that are running very slow, is there any way to
identify which pages are taking the longest to process?

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How Can I Find What Value Is In My Variable?

At first glance, the question in the subject line seems way too easy. But I
am finding some situations in my app where the value in a variable is some
sort of blank-like value, such as Null or " " or "", but I cannot tell

Of course, in order to find out the value, I did a response.write, and added
a nonsense word afterward, to help make sure it is writing it out for me.

First, I tried to check for null: Code:

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Best Way To Find <> NULL

How do I go about testing to see if a value is not equal to NULL? isNULL provides the opposite functionality, but all my attempts at the former return a FALSE value.

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Find Referer

I want to know how to find out who is sending visitors to my site. So i obviusly need to find out who a visitors referer is.

I took a guess and thought that this is what I should use:


But that does not return anything. Any ideas guys?

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Using The Find Method

Based on what the user selects in a combo box I need to find the value from another column in the same record. This is what I am using:

rsPrice.Find "Component='Desktop'"
If (rstPrice.BOF = True) or (rstPrice.EOF = True) Then
response.write("The Price for the Component Not Found")

curPrice =rsPrice("Score")
End If

I keep getting an error messages:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E29) Rowset does not support scrolling backward.

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