Finding Link Of Previous Page

i want to know the previous page,from which link the current page come here.

Is there any function in ASP to find that........?

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Getting Previous Page Name

is this possible in asp
i have a validation page and need to send people back to the previous page if validation fails
this validatation page is a standard one for all forms... thats why i dont know which page it has come from

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Previous Page In VB And ASP 3.0

I'm writing you because I have a question for you all: how can I capture the previous page from an ASP file? I need to add the URL (with parameters if possible) of the previous page to a table in SQL Server.

For example: the page that captures the info is and if the previous page in the browser history is, I need to be able to capture that information , If possible, of course...

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Finding Links On A Page

I'm looking for an ASP/VBScript function that would accept a string of text, use a regular expression to find all of the links within that text, and output an array of the links with the text that was linked (i.e. between the "a" tags).

Does anyone have such a thing? Right now I would even settle for just the regular expression pattern. I've done some searching and haven't found what I'm looking for. With some trial and error I could probably create it but I was hoping someone else might be willing to share.

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Return To The Previous Page?

How do you do something like the user pressed the "back" button in the browser? Currently, I have a redirection after a pause working
with the line,

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""3; URL=http://localhost/MyWeb/CompsOut.asp"">")

I am doing a check on wether or not all of the inputs were filled in on a form. If not, I want it to basically just go back and not reload the previous page and resend the data and such. Just go back, fill in the field, and re-submit.

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Returning To Previous Page

I am trying to have my asp page direct the user to the page that called the current page, but the only code that I have found is on the MIcorsoft MSDN Knowledge base and it won't work.

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Redirect To Previous Page

What is the code for redirecting the page to the previous page from which we have come to the present page.

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Redirect To Previous Page

The users of my website can request to login from different pages. after login they are redirected ro index.asp but I want them to be redirected to original page where they came from

I tried to use

Dim backpage
backpage = ServerVariable("HTTP_referrer")

with this code I get NOT FOUND PAGE ERROR.

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Finding Out The Path Of Current Page

Is there an easy way to find out the path of the current asp page? When looking at http://localhost/images/listing.asp I want to be able to extract "http://localhost/"

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Button To Move To The Previous Page

I am trying to put a buuton into my page which will take the user back to the previous page. The reason i am doing this is that the user may come to this page from more than one other page.

I am using this code for the button, which i have seen on many code examples, but when i click on the button, it results in an error as if the existing page is trying to load itself up again.

<td width = "325" align="left">
<input type="submit" name="back" value="Back" onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">

have also tried using the javascript: history.go(-1) code in the form declaration as the onSubmit attribute, but this just makes the same page load up again.

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Auto Redirect To The Previous Page.

How can I auto redirect to the previous page?Anyone an idea?

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Linking Back To Spot On Previous Page

I have an ASP page that lists a recordeset that can have dozens of records, at the end of each line is a details link that links to a page giving more detailed information about the record where a user can add and update information to that record.

At the top of the update record page I have a Back to Record List page. The problem is that when a user hits the Back to Record List page they are taken back to the Top of the list, I'd like to create a link that will take the user back to the record they just updated. I am carrying the data record number through the querystring.

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Get Data From Previous Page And Display It As Before But With Disabled Mode.

how can i get the data submitted by the previous form using " for each x in Request.Form " and display them same as the the previous form before and the only different is tat this time the all the data in this form is being disabled. (the data may consists from text box, combo box, radio button, etc.) . just wondering is there any way to perfrom like this..

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Displaying Data Based On Hyperlink In The Previous Page

I am doing a project that uses ASP VBScript on Dreamweaver. I try to display data based on the hyperlink on the previous page, where I click on the hyperlink("ID of the informationfile") and the following page will show the detailed information of this particular file.

However, I can't display the next page even if I add the hyperlink and the required parameter on the records that are shown on the first page. I need to ask how can I display the detailed information based on the hyperlink, or in fact the fileID from the first page ??? Code:

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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How To Transfer A Data Display On 1st Page To 2nd Page Upon Clicking On The Link

I like to know how to write this specifc function on ASP where the user eg: display a set of records on the webpage. Example the data are ID, Name and address.

Lets say i display the data on the webpage and i set the Name as the <a href>. So when i click on the name, it will move to another page with the id of the specific name. Code:

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Link With Page

why does this 'file download' box pop up when I click a button on my html page? Saying
do I want to open or save the asp file? if I click open it opens it in development.

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Link To Another Page

I have the following code that works great with html, but I am having problems doing it an ASP, since I am not to familiar with it. Code:

Response.Write " <TD width=100 style=border-style:none; border-width:medium; bgcolor=" & BGColor & "><p align=center><font size=2><B><A HREF=Schedule.asp?TeamID="rst.fields("TeamId").value">" _
& rst.Fields("Tournament_Description").Value & "</B></font></TD>" & VbCrLf

I am trying to pass a variable as you can see. It works with html but with ASP, I am doing the syntax wrong.

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Remove The Page.asp After The Link

How can I remove the page.asp link from the address bar? For example I have a link called, after the user clicks on the menu navigation. How can I get rid of page.asp?f=1 so that only appears? Another thing, will request.querystring still work then?

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Open A Link In A New Page

I am storing times into Access and that works fine and it stores into access the way i want it, like so 12.30 but it is displaying in asp like so: 12.30.00. does any one know how to change this?

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Passing Value To Next Page From A Link

Does anyone know the best way to pass a value from the same line to the next page?

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Adding IM Link To An ASP Page From User Information

I have a user based service where each user has their own information, user settings, etc. I want to be able to add tables in my user settings and allow the users to enter in their IM Service (AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc) and their screen name/user name.

That is the easy part.

What I do not understand or cannot figure out is how to link this information to the icons for each service they enter that will open up the appropriate service with their correct IM name, etc.

Basically I want to provide a way for my members to IM another member when they pull up that users information, or associated information, etc. Basically I need the script to make the Icon execute the correct IM service if the user clicking on it has the service installed as well. The majority of my members use AIM.

Where can I find information on how to install this kind of script and associate it with the users information and an icon?

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Hyperlink Color Problem In ASP Page Link

The following html code appears in an ASP page. The hyperlink is set to
white (see the page link color), but when the page renders in IE 6.0, it
initially appears in maroon with a white border around it. When the user
clicks anywhere on the page, it turns white. Does anybody know how I can
make it appear white when the page first renders?

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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Changing The Link On FP Generated Confirmation Page

I am passing variables around from page to page using the following:


then re-capturing it with:

<% 'Get the users info passed from the previous page
strUserInfo = Request.QueryString("info") %>
strUserName = Request.QueryString("name") %>

I use that info to personalize pages:

Hello <% strUserName %>, glad you are back to work on your <% info %>.

This works great for pages/forms that only update a record or display the strings, but the problem I'm having is with a form that creates a brand new record using the passed data.

I use hidden inputs into the new record so that the user does not have to re-enter it but when they hit submit Front Page posts a confirmation page with a link to return to the same form. I need to change that link but cannot figure out where the confirmation page is generated.

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How Do I Link An Asp Page To A Pdf Document And Render It In A Web Browser

how do i link an asp page to a pdf document and render it (the pdf document)in a web browser without it downloading to the client computer viewing it?

i have tried the response.contenttype="application/pdf"

now the main problem is how to embed the pdf doc in that asp page!

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Problem On Querying Access Link Table In ASP Page

I connected MS Exchange Server to MS Access database using Access link
table function. I can open the database table and see the fields and
data inside the link table. However, the table seems cannot be queried
by SQL statement.

My situation is:

I'm building an intranet. I have a ASP login page for all staff in the
company to login. Other people can't register or login the intranet.
That's the reason I use the company email address to verify username
login name.

After I made the link to the Global Address List (rename to
StaffList), I can see the Alias field. I wrote ASP code to use Alias
field to verify user login name. But, the ASP page seems experiencing
difficulties. I always got the "Connection Timeout" Error. Code:

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When User Clilck On Link Then Registration Page Open

user clicks the link which brings him/her to a secure page (let's call it page "X") which requires login session. If user is not logged in, he/she is redirected to a login page. how can I make user get redirected back to that original page (names "X") which threw him/her to login form?

I tried something like getting url name of page X and redirect to login with that name variable. After login, it gets redirected back to the page that sent variable. But it did not always work.

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Howto Define Height And Width Of A Page In The Link?

Is possible to define height and width of a page that I want to open with an HREF link on a blank page?

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Finding Age

I have a database with date of births stored dd/mm/yyyy (english dating
system) and =date() returns a date in the same format in my server.
how do i find the persons age using these two pieces of date.

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Finding Word

i want to make a program to find out and highlight a particular word on the browser using ASP and javascript.

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Finding A Path

Is there something similar to PHP's php_info command to tell me all about the server? I need to find the actual path where the site resides.

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Finding The Webserver Name

I need to create a new application in our test server. I am using VID for
that purpose. In order to set up the project in VID, it asks me 'which server
you want to use'. However, I do not have the name of the test server. Is
there any way to configure the name of the server here? I have full rights to
the server directory and is mapped on my machine as G drive.

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