Folder Full Of Images Write Link To Table

I'm trying to figure out if this is possible before i have someone start scanning a bunch of images.

If i scan a bunch of images and give them specific names can i then look at that dir and read the name of the file and write a link in a field of a table?

TABLE record example
epn =123254
name = Bob
Picture = 123254.jpg

i want the name of the file to be written if there's one in the folder for that epn.

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Create A Link To Each Item In The Folder

I have 1 asp page.I throw x amount of items into a folder.The asp page automatically creates a link to each item in the folder.

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Displaying Images From Outside Of Web Folder

Have two folders on my web server, data and public. Public is the www root and is read only, data has my database and is read/write.

I've got an asp upload script sending image files to data/images which works fine. I've also got a file listbox which picks out the file names on an asp script to add the names of the files to a database table.

However...I'm having real problem pulling the images out on the gallery page, I reference them with a virtual path '../data/images/imagename.jpg' etc, but they will not show.

Anybody know a way round this? Sorry if you need more info just say.

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Check Folder For Images

I dunno if this is possible or not being an ASP novice but... I have a db of products each of which has a code and is categorised by a range name. I've displayed all of the ranges and when you click on one you get the relevant images.

As I haven't finished all of the image work I need to do and it's holding up the site going live, I was wondering is there any way I could only display the range only if there are images in the relevant range folder? Is there some sort of script that can check for the presence of a jpeg first and if present write out the range name, if not don't bother?

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Displaying Images From A Folder

Everything works but the image that is called from the database does not dispay? no error messages are displayed, have double and tripple check paths and image name to no success, thought it could be the code:

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Height From Images In Folder

how can ASP automatically find out the width & height of an image? I want to create a Web page which automatically shows images from a folder and I want it to have a fixed size for the <IMG> tags, as well as listing the width & height below each image. Does it make any difference if I have both JPEG and GIF images?

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Listing Images From A Folder.

where i can find a guild for this? Iv been looking around but cant find it. Im going to list some pictures in thumbnail form from a folder.

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Broken Link For Images

Not sure if this is the right forum? however

Using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and HTML pages graphics show fine. Just trying some ASP pages (a template) and graphics always show as the broken link red square.

Pages are inserted relative to document ../ and the properties of the broken link gives:


which is correct and the image is there.

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Not Displaying 'Next' Link If 10 Or More Images

I have a database that I am storing image URLs in. On the website, when you go to a project my work has done, if there is more than one image, it displays a next (and previous link) link where necessary. However, if I have 10 or more images, it does not display at all.

I think I've realized this is not the best way to do this, but this is how the database is set up: name, description, image01, image02, ... , image11. Each one is its own column.

Thanks to photoshop_god I have a code that does the next and previous links. But it is not displaying any images but the first one if there are 10 or more. Here is my code:

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Response.Write Link W/QueryString

It doesn't seem to want to pass the value. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong here? Here is my code (I have tried it with and without the javascript): Code:

Response.Write("<td nowrap><a href=javascript:pop('event_info.asp?which_event = " & sSomeValue & "', 800, 200)>" & sAnotherValue & "</a></td>")

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How To Write Form Uploading Image Directly Into The Folder In Server, Not DB?

I need code please..

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Wrapping Text Around Images Using Response.write

I cannot find any information on how to insert an image into a block of text
and have the text wrap around the image. All if the text and graphics in
the client's site are being pulled from the database using response.write.
When I write straight HTML, it is easy to place an image into a block of
text and align the image right or left, having the text wrap around the

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Dynamic Table URL Link

I have a dynamic table, with a column named "player" in this column is NBA player names - generated from a statistic database. I am hoping to be able to create a link on the players name that will direct the webuser to a profile page like the following:

I am having trouble becasue the stat page is not by the player name but a numbered ID.

I tried using a player search like follows:
<a href=<%=(Blair.Fields.Item("IDPlayer").Value)%>&Submit=GO ><%=(Blair.Fields.Item("IDPlayer").Value)%></a></td>

When I do this it only seems to search for the first name.

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Write A Sequence To A Table

looking for code to write a seuqence of numbers to a table in access. user selects quantity to populate, lets say 50 . so the table would need to be populated with the first number of trackid0001 up to trackid0050 through the script

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Response.write A Table

what would be the best way to response.write a table in asp? mutilple response.writes?

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Problem On Querying Access Link Table In ASP Page

I connected MS Exchange Server to MS Access database using Access link
table function. I can open the database table and see the fields and
data inside the link table. However, the table seems cannot be queried
by SQL statement.

My situation is:

I'm building an intranet. I have a ASP login page for all staff in the
company to login. Other people can't register or login the intranet.
That's the reason I use the company email address to verify username
login name.

After I made the link to the Global Address List (rename to
StaffList), I can see the Alias field. I wrote ASP code to use Alias
field to verify user login name. But, the ASP page seems experiencing
difficulties. I always got the "Connection Timeout" Error. Code:

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Create Table With Username And Write To It With Results From Form

I have an asp page that gives results for a search from a previous page from streetguide.streets in MySql. The page displays the UserName of the person logged in.

I have the results of this query displayed inside a form with hidden variables. When the user clicks "save to my folder" I want it to create a table in the mysql db with the same name as the user name, and then write to this table.

I have it working if I created the table beforehand, but I want the table to be created dynamically upon form submission with the table name to match the persons user name.

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Return Recordset Of Images In Specific Cells In A Table

I have an interesting problem and am looking for some advice. I am
hoping to build an asp whereby records are pulled from SQL Server. These
records will be merely file locations for thumbnail images I hope to display
in a grid.

Rather than having a grid be constructed row-to-row, I was
wondering if it is at all possible to dynamically construct this grid as a
table of thumbnails whereby each cell (perhaps 5-6 columns across)
represents one record? I have no idea how one would construct this loop that
spans columns AND rows rather than just rows.

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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Getting The Full URL

I need to get the full URL of the current page in ASP. When using Request.ServerVariables("URL") anything after the filename (such as a #section1 to jump to an area on the page or data submitted from a form using the GET method) is automatically removed. I do not know of any keys for the Request.ServerVariables collection that do this, but cannot find any other objects/properties that would be appropriate.

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Show Full Value

I have a query that displays values from a db.
The problem is that the value displays like this:
R 6.5
instead of like this:
R 6.50
How would I get it to show the full value?

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Force Full URL

Just curious: is there a bit of ASP code you can place in the top of a document that will force all root relative image and file paths in the HTML of this doc to expand to include the full URL?

I doubt it, but before I did it manually, I thought I'd ask. We use a template of sorts, but need one document to use the full URL, and it would better to just have it that way in the one document and not the entire template.

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Full Domain Name In Logon_User

I'm using Windows Integrated Authentication on my company intranet ASP web
site (IIS6 W2K3).

I would like to know how could I get the full Active Directory domain name
from the Logon_User variable.

I always get the netbios name of the domain, but I need the full domain name
to be able to distinguish users (because actually there is two companies on
the intranet having their AD forest linked, but also having some subdomains
with identical netbios name !).

I mean, for instance for a user login "theuser" coming from the domain is
"", I need to get in Logon_User environement variable
the following content: " heuser"
At the moment I only get "thedomain heuser", excepted if I switch to basic
authentication, that I don't want.

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Full Screen Image From DB

I am not sure that asp is a right place for that question, so gurus will move it to proper section. But as soon as I display images using aspupload the solution probably will be also in asp. I do not have problem to show them on asp page, so it is not a problem of aspupload. Its just a general asp question:

Do you know any techniques how to display full screen images without using popup window?

I would like image to take all the full screen without any browser menues or explorer menu bars. Something like you see when screensaver turn on.

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Search A Full Stop

i have a string and i would like to run through this string to find a "."(fullstop), and once found put a break in so that i could continue the rest of the string on the next line.

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Full Text Search...

if there is a way to do a text search through pdf documents?

If there is, can someone show me how, or at least point me in the direction of a good tutorial?

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Commas Not Full Stops

I have a price field in a cms,it can deal with full stops fine, but i cant understand why it wont accept commas.

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Text File Is Full

I have a text file that is called up in an ASP page. The text file is the content of a table that is built into the ASP page. My question is if the text file does not have anything in it or is equal to a certain value like "No Updates Available" how can I tell the ASP page not to display the table at all?

I figure it will be using some form of FileSystemObject. I just don't know how to do it.

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A Full Text Search

I have developed a website with ASP.NET Jscript. Im fairly new to development so i used DreamweaverMX and Webmatrix which was very useful. Now I want to enhance it further by adding a search facility into my website and thus providing users to actually find contents within my webpages and display the same.

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ASP And MySQL Full-text Search

i want to know how to use the MySQL full-text search feature using ASP.
Also, how do i index my web pages using MySQL full-text search.

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Full Text Indexing Website

I have an Access database driven website using ASP in IIS 6. On my website, I have a discussion forum, I wonder how can I add a full text indexing feature into my forum. So for example, when someone wants to search the word "fish" in the forum. All threads that contains the word "fish" should popup as the search result.

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Print The Full Path Of A Script

help me with a simple asp code snippet, since I have no idea how to implement it (in asp anyway...) I wish my script to print the full path from which it is running on the server. How can I do this ?

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Excel Full Stop Removal

I have just got a datafeed and i'm trying to put it in an actinic website for a customer. I match every record eccept price feed Actinic says imported fields must not contain any decimal points i.e £1000.00 should be 100000 how do i do this in excel ? I can't see anyway of formatting it to match the requirements.

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