Form Calculation

I've created a form where the form field integer values are added to create and display a total once submitted, but my form is displaying a Mismatch error. Do anyone have any suggestions?

<% dim field1, field2, field3
field1 = request.form("field1")
field2 = request.form("field2")
field3 = request.form("field3")
total = field1*1 + field2*1 + field3*1

<form action="untitled2.asp" method="post">
Field 1:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="field1"><BR><BR>
Field 2:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="field2"><BR><BR>
Field 3:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="field3"><BR><BR>
<input type="Submit" value="Submit">

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SQL Calculation

select distinct c.execno, c.month, c.year, ISNULL((s.shift* 7.17 * l.mainuph),0) AS Capacity, s.shiftdate
from mainline m left outer join custorder c on m.execno = c.execno
left outer join execmaster e on e.execno = c.execno
left outer join model l on e.model = l.model
left outer join mainshift s on s.line = e.line
where l.model = 'gbm 10' and Month(s.shiftdate) = c.month
order by s.shiftdate, c.year, c.month

after i have a join table. the higlighted part, when i put it in my asp page.can i just call out to do some other calculation. maybe that capacity i take it out to do some other calculation? is that possible?

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ASP Calculation

I have got 3 columns in a database table:

S1_Percentage | S2_Percentage | S3_Percentage

Depending on the percentage given, each section gets a pass or fail and there is then a final pass or fail calculated within the page I want to display the information. What I would like to do now is show a sort of traffic light image, green, amber or red depending on which sections are passed:

Green if all sections passed, Amber if any section failed but still achieved a pass mark and Red if the student failed to achieve the overall pass mark. Code:

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Field Calculation SQL

would like to calculate field based on the entry in another i.e.;

field3 = field2 X field1

field1 field2 field3
10 2.5 25.00( =sum(field1*field2))

How do I go about this in the SQL DB itself, can it be done within field3?

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Automate Calculation

I used ASP and wrote a login / logout program. This is to capture people who comes into my lab from 0800 to 1700.

The data collected are stored in a table

Userid Date_in Time_in Date_out Time_out
123 4/3/2005 0900 4/3/2005 1000
121 4/3/2005 0925 4/3/2005 1100
122 4/3/2005 1200 4/3/2005 1400
127 4/3/2005 1500 4/3/2005 1600
125 4/3/2005 1503 4/3/2005 1630
122 5/3/2005 0800 5/3/2005 0845

The manual way of calculating utilization on 4/3/2005 will be [(Time between 0900 to 1100) + (Time between 1200 to 1400) + (Time between 1500 to 1630)] / (Time between 0800 to 1700) X 100%

The problem is that depending on what time the next person arrives, there might be an overlap in time. For example, A comes at 9am and leaves at 11am. B comes at 9.30am and leaves at 12pm. The total duration will be from 9.00am to 12 pm that is 3 hours instead of (rs("time_out")-rs("time_in")) = (11-9) + (12-9.5) = 4.5 hours

Is there a formula or way to automate this process?

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Calculation Result

Does anyone know how i can make

Dim excl

excl = rs("price") / 1.175

return only a 2 decimal place number

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Date Calculation

Can i calculate the next month starting day and next month ending date.For example if this is january then i need the next month that is february starting day and february
ending day. I need to calculate the date in that way given below, I
mean without query. Below method is i use it to calculate the todays
date and the end of the day.

MonthLastDay = Empty
dFirstDayNextMonth = DateSerial(CInt(Format(dCurrDate, "yyyy")),
CInt(Format(dCurrDate, "mm")) + 1, 1)
MonthLastDay = DateAdd("d", -1, dFirstDayNextMonth)

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Date Calculation??

i had to calculate the date of birth and current balance of car payments.. tried some calculations but it seems more error msgs i got.

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WHERE Clause Calculation

I am using the DateDiff function to compare two dates in a query on a page. I then need to use the "Expression" created from that DateDiff function in a WHERE clause calculation, but it is not working correctly.

The page loads successfully with thre recordset populated, but the WHERE clause has no effect on the data. I'm guessing that I am doing something very wrong, but I have been staring at this for hours with no avail!


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Percentage Calculation Formula

I have to calculate the percentage of an X amount depending on the Quarter of the year. It's driving me crazy, I can't figure out how to do it. Am I missing something. If someone registers the 1st quarter then the price is the full 1200. f the registration occurs the 2nd Quarter, then it is 25% less that rthe full amount. The 3rd is 50% less and the 4th is 75% less.

the amount is 1200
the Quarters of the year = 4
The regristrant is 1

(1200/4)*100 ?????

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Calculation Of Multiple Records

This is the page where I collect the data in drop-down boxes with values of 1-10 and send it to a submitted page to do calculations.


Employee1 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee2 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee3 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee4 TeamScore(1-10)

Then I submit this page with all the values in TeamScore for every employee and I want to perform a calculation based on the values in the drop-down and a weighted score from another database table. An example of a weighted score is 0.11 and I need to multiply the value(from 1 to 10) times the weighted score of 0.11 for each employee.

I have several records to update all at once from the previous screen of drop-down boxes containing numbers 1 - 10 and I want to take each individual drop-down value and multiply it by a weighted score (i.e. 0.11 etc.) Code:

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Freight Calculation For UPS And FedEx

I would like to calculate freight online for UPS and Fedex. However I have already calculate freight for ABF, Roadway and MyYellow, because they have provided sufficient documentation of Input/Output parameters. I try to find out Documentation on Fedex and UPS, but did not find any documentation or any sample code for this.

I hope some of the guys already did this excercise, can anyone tell regarding this?

FYI, I have created UPS account and FedEx and same Information I hv asked from them but did not get any reply for them also. Code:

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Specific Date Calculation

I have the following code:

If ad_expiration_date (date() + 90) then
ad_expiration_date = (date() + 90)
end if

What I want to happen is if the ad_expiration_date entered by the user is beyond 90 days from today's date, the Expiration Date should be today's date plus 90 days. If the entered date is less than 90 days from today's date, leave it as entered. The code isn't working correctly, all dates entered are getting converted to today's date plus 90 days.

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Date Validation And Calculation Of Months

I have this form where in i calculate the number of months
between 2 dates.It calculates only if both the textboxes have values.
And then i display this in another text box.
The user has to enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format. user can select
date from calender popup. Apart from selecting the user can also type in
the date.
I am using a function which splits the date entered by the user
into DD MM YYYY and then compares each of these values to see
if its in the valid range like day is between 1-31, month between 1-12
But i m having a problem. If the user enters characters instead of digits,
my system accepts it in the first box without giving error and then when
the user selects a proper date in 2 textbox its gives an error: 1 is null
or not an object. this error comes at the place where mt function splits
the entire date string into DD MM YYYY.
Could someone please give ne a solution, a way to format the date so that
i let the user enter first 2 digits and then a "/" and then 2 digits and then a
"/" and then 4 digits only.

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Time And Date Calculation Error

i need to calculate the time and date difference between two times and dates.

Example 1 works fine:
Difference between 27/09/04 10:00 and 28/09/04 12:00 gives a correct answer of 1 day and 2 hours.

Example 2 gives an error:
Difference between 9/16/04 1:50 PM and 9/28/04 11:54 AM gives an incorrect answer of 12 days -56 minute(s) .

How do i fix this?

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Time Calculation :: Difference Between Login And Current Time

I would like to display the difference between the logging time
[Session("start"] and the current time [now]. In hours minutes and seconds,
I have tried a couple of things but all I see is gobbledy gook.

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ASP "Control Stock Level" Calculation

I am developing a simple ASP-Access system for invoicing purpose, and the system is in 98% progress. What I want to do now is to add some sort of "control stock levels".

Let say I have set the quantity of an item/product (eg, pencil=100) in my database (in my database it refer to the table tblProducts with the field called PStockLevel) When one customer want to buy 10 pencil, the system will automatically set the PStockLevel to 90. All the calculation will be done in the page called tasks.asp.

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Time Calculation :: Between Two Dates And Time

i want to calculate the total time between to dates and time.

Example: Total time elapsed from date 1 time 1 to date 2 time 2.

27/09/2004 11:00 - 28/09/2004 10:30

The user enters a record and then later comes back and closes it. I need to know the time it took from when they entered the record until the time it was closed.

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Request.form :: Can´t Upload But The INSERT INTO Form Works Propertly

I´m having a problem using ASP Upload with an insert form..

If I use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" the all the parametres i might get with request.form don´t appear.. but i can upload the files.. Besides if I take away the ENCTYPE tag, i can´t upload but the INSERT INTO form works propertly

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How To Insert Image To Access Database From Form When The User Submits The Form?

my form contains two text fields(name, address) and two file field control where user can insert image(photo1 and photo2), i want to insert this data in to ms access when the user submits the form?

this is my code for insert text fields to access data base.but i have no idea about the code for image fields. In my access data base i set photo1 and photo2 as herf (binary data). Code:

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How To Retrieve Form Values, When Form Elements' Names Are (almost) Unknown?

I have a form that is dynamically generated since it is populated with values retrieved from a database. The form can of course also be submitted, which is where I run into some problems.

Since I never know in advance what the length of the form (or for that matter what the different elements' names and values) will be I don't know how to write the code in "receive.asp" to retrieve all values from the form correctly without excess use of "request.....".

I shouldn't have to write requests for every single potential element name that is stored in the DB. Please note that the form can sometimes also contain radio buttons and check boxes, even though they are not present in this short example Code:

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File Form Type And Request.Form Problem

I have a form as follows:

<form action="dropboxsubmit.asp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input type="file" name="FILE1" size="30">

<input type="text" name="def" value="0" size="10">


and can't get my asp to recognize data in other form input boxes using Request.Form

Any thoughts?

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Javascript Form Validation - Form Action To Another Page

In my prototype asp page (with no javascript and no password validation, I have a registration form with the following action:

<form name="form" method="post" action="RegDetails.asp">

This works fine, the form details are collected by RegDetails.asp

I am attempting to include javascript server side validation for the pasword, which obviously requires password and password2 fields (to be verified). I have used the script available at:

It works fine in a new blank page with the form action:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

The final stage in this javascript demo form displays an alert box:

else {
alert('Nice job.');
return true;

When I change the first line of my original form to:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

how do I get my original action of - action="RegDetails.asp" instead of this alert box?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Request.Form Doesn't Return Form Data

I have some ASP server-side code that works perfectly when the client is running on Windows (IE, Netscape, Firefox, etc.) but doesn't work at all when the client is running on Macintosh (IE, Omniweb, Safari, etc.) This is the client-side Javascript code:

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Merging Upload Form And Email Form

Im having problems with my form, separately both forms work perfectly, but having problem sending the email once submitted, however the upload fuction is working fine. The message im getting is,

Request object error 'ASP 0207 : 80004005'

Cannot use Request.Form

/forminfo.asp, line 42

Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.

Heres the script Code:

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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Sending Email With Values Form A Form

<%@Language=VBScript %>
<%option explicit%>
MESSAGE = (Request.Form("type"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & "Name" & (Request.Form("name"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("address"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("handphone"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("phonenumber"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & (Request.Form("comments"))
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
MESSAGE=MESSAGE & "____________________________________________"

Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

objMail.From =Request.Form(email)
objMail.To = ""
objMail.Subject = "Business/Career Enquiries"
objMail.Body = ""&MESSAGE&""
Set objMail = Nothing

but somehow i'm not able to send the mail....

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Submit Form Data And Refresh Form

I have a series a forms that submit data to different tables in a database. As it stands, when a user completes FORM 1 and clicks the SUBMIT button, the FORM 1 data is submitted (action = form2.asp, method = post) to ASP code at the top of FORM 2 (request.form("form1 field name") etc...), and submitted to the database with SQL code, also at the top of FORM 2(INSERT into...). Hence the submit button on FORM 1 directs the user to FORM 2, and submits the data which is exaclty what I wanted. However, I now need the users to submit multiple sets of data with FORM 1, and direct them to FORM 2 once they have finished using FORM 1. Most importantly, I need to pass a few parameters from FORM 1 to FORM 2, and have these parameters submitted to the database.

My main problem is getting a fresh form1 after submiting the same form1, in preparation for anoter set of data using the same form. Basically, the database has 'one to many' relationship tables. Form1 and form2 are both populating the 'many' tables, so that each form needs to be filled-in several times while retaining the key field of the 'one' table. At the moment submiting form1 takes me to form2. Is is possible to submit the data to the database, get form1 back again to submit more data, as many times as required, then click another button to load form2 when the user is finished with form1?

Can anyone please give me some pointers? or at least explain the concept of what I need to do. I am a novice and it's taking me a while to get to this stage. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is it possible to post FORM1 to itself and insert the data (i.e. place the request.form at the top of FORM 1) If so, how do I direct users to FORM 2 while retaining my parameters?

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Loop Form - Extract Display 'value' As Well As Form Value?

While I can extract the option value from the following:

<Select name='Keystring' MULTIPLE>
<option value='1' name='status'>Pending</option>

I cannot seem to extract the corresponding 'display' value when I do a
For...Next Loop:

for each keystring in Request.Form("Keystring")



How do I aslo get hold of that 'display' value eg 'Pending' it

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Form And The Form Validation In The Same Page

I have a simple form to accept two form fields and display the values
entered on pressing the submit button. The following is the form I have
created to accept the two entries and display the form fields on
pressing the submit form. It does not work can somebody please correct
the code or provide a simple equivalent code where I can have the form
and the validation and usage of the form values in the same ASP page.


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Form To Form Data Transfer

I am a new programmer seeking a right way for transferring data between forum to forum, as i am creating a site wich have a page keeping 20's of server controls like drop down list and text boxes the value of ddl2 changging on change of ddl1 and displaying its corresponding value in text box and i have 10 rows in this way and i wanna display all selected values of server controls in next page as report.

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Form Field Form Submit

I have a form that has approximately 7 text fields and 1 checkbox.
Generally when this form is submitted(to itself BTW) it works fine,
however, when the checkbox is only field that has been
modified/clicked the form doesn't always submit. When it does work, a
Stored procedure is passed form variables and updates to the db are
made. When it doesn't, its as if the form wasn't submitted, it
reloads and resets the page, but the stored procedure isn't triggered.

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