Form Command Buttons

how to assign different actions to command buttons within a form? You usually see the "Submit" and "Reset" command buttons on a form, but what if I wanted to add a "Save" button and once that is clicked have the user directed to a page that posts their answers to a database that can later be updated?

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Command Buttons

I received the following code earlier, but for some reason,my page is just hanging there and will not submit to the redirected URL:

<input type="button" value="Save" onClick="document.form1.action='yourpage.asp';document.form 1.submit();">

My Code:
<input type="button" value="Save" onClick="document.form1.action= http://clam/APP/Director_Appraisal_....form1.submi t();">

I've tried it both with the full URL as well as just the page name.Does anyone see anything that I'm doing wrong that i may be missing?

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How Can I Have Two Buttons In The Same Form?

I have an edit and delete button. The delete button is using the form action to indelete.asp. I also want to use the edit button which needs to use the form action.

I tried putting the edit button under a different form name but then I could not get the values to pass. Do I need to do this through a javascript function? Or maybe a different method?

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Two Buttons, One Form

I've one form, but two buttons that when they're clicked, call a javascript function that validates all the fields and then, submits all the information. The problem is that one of those two buttons has some more actions that are defined in ASP, but I don't know how to do that.

I mean, how to run some part of the code if one button is clicked, and how to run another part of the code if the other button is clicked, using in both cases the same information submited in the form.Do I've to define which button is clicked with javascript or it can be defined with ASP?

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Two Buttons On The Same Form

I have an edit and delete button. The delete button is using the form action to indelete.asp. I also want to use the edit button which also needs to use the form action. I tried putting the edit button under a different form name but then I could not get the values to pass. Do I need to do this through a javascript function? Or maybe a different method?

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1 Form, 3 Buttons

If I have multiple buttons on the same form, how can I determine which one was pressed? Is it even possible? I dont want to use Java.

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Having 2 Buttons In 1 Form Tag

is it possible to have two submit button pointing to two different .asp (action=---.asp) within one form tag element?

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Multiple Buttons On Form

How can I implement multiple buttons for a form like - submit, cancel, logout etc.

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2 Submit Buttons On One Form

i have create a form i would like the user to be able to have 2 choices, one just submitting the form the other submitting the form and displaying the same blank form.

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Multiple Form Buttons, How Can I Bind Image With Them

Well i have pictures in database and i display them all on the page. While i display them i put a button with them each. So that they can be deleted.

But the problem is that. as i put the button in a loop while displaying images. The name of the button is same and when i click the button to post the values to the next page where i should have the script to delete image. All the values of all the images go to the next page.

I want to bind that particular image with that button, so that when one specific button is clicked only the id of the picture binded with that will go to next page.

I can do the job by having a delete link with each image and posting the value to other page. But i have to use the BUTTON to do that. But dont know how to use it.

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Using Radio Buttons To Determine The Value Of A Field In A Form

not sure the best way to achieve this but basically i would like to have two sets of radio buttons. The first set determines whether the field DateFrom is todays date or a date entered

and the second set determines whether the field DateTo is todays date or an entered date
So far this is what i have got and its not working Code:

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Using The Form Command To Get Info

how do i use the method=get command under the form string in html. How do I get it to display info? Sorry if i sound like an absolute noob its just something I've never used before.

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Error - 2147217908 Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I am getting the above error when trying to execute the following code:

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Command Text Not Set Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c' Command Text was not set for the command object. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For The Command Object

I have an online application. I get the following error when a user selects an option from one drop down list but doesn't select an option from another drop down list. Here is the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e0c'
Command Text was not set for the command object.

Line 87
Line 87 = rs1 = conn.execute(finalSQL)

Here is the page causing the error. Code:

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Command Text Was Not Set For Command Object

I keep getting this error. I searched the forums, and found one. It said to basically replace elseif with else. It worked for that person.

I tried it and it didn't work. So what i decided to do was, remove all of the if statements and keep one. Even with just one if statement i get the same problem. Does anybody know what is wrong? It worked fine, up until i added the if statement. I need them there though for a reason.

Personally i think, it;s not getting the value from the request form, and hense it isn't picking anything up. What do you lot reckon? Code:

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Error In Asp Text: Command Text Not Set For The Command

I am getting the above error in an asp page. Not sure why? The error details is given below. Code:

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ASP Buttons

Can someone tell me how to write the code for a button that when pressed, it will write code to the page and execute it. Like a button that will grey out and display text.

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Is it possible to make command buttons in asp that send a single variable to a new page without using forms? I've got a page long form but on each entry in the form I want to place a command button that opens up a page.

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Using Buttons

I'm trying to just click a button and make that button take you to another page, this should work, but my syntax must be off.

<input type="button" name="go_button" value="push me" onClick="pageTwo.asp?id=<%=var1%>">

I think there is something wrong with using "onClick" I realize this is an event and you can't have events in ASP but I thought this was easy. I must be missing something.

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i want that besides every word i am printing from the database, will be a nice botton that will do some operation inside the database. imagen list of names and image button and when you click this button it updating some column field.

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1. is it possible for me to put two buttons in one asp form?
2. if possible, how can i separate the functions or use of the

two buttons, like:

the first button will display total no. of students
the second one will display the total no. of teachers.

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3 Radio Buttons

i have 3 radio buttons on the form plain simple form

<input type="radio" name="Cars" id="Cars" value="vehicles_Cars">Cars
<input type="radio" name="Trucks" id="Trucks" value="vehicles_Trucks">Trucks
<input type="radio" name="Bicyles" id="Bicyles" value="vehicles_Bicyles">Bicyles

what i want to do is when the user clicks on one of them show a different form
if the user selects cars show cars forms this form will have different fields and different validation
if the user clicks on trucks show trucks form and that will have different fields and so on

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Css Buttons With Asp And Frames

on a single webpage i know howto highlight the current button in a css menu with something like an ID in the body or in the li of that page.

I create a website with frames.

how can i highlight the current button the left frame when it shows the page in the rightframe Code:

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Alternative Buttons

Looking for a way to switch between submit buttons. The default will be "start" and when the tech clicks on that, the button will start a timer, which I have already set.

The button then will switch to "stop" and when a tech has completed a job and clicks "stop" the timer will also stop and switch the button back to start.

I know how to track the time for each tech that starts and stops a job. I need a jumpstart on how to switch onclicks for two buttons.

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Next / Previous Buttons

I'm extremly new to asp and web development. Ive created a basic online phone book for our intranet which works lovely talking an sql database. only thing is i cant get next and previous buttons to work. I think its because it forgets the search the user requested?

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Posting From Two Different Buttons

I have a table showing a list of records.On each row is a check box and a details button'.In the table header is a button to post back the checked items for deletion.
The 'detailsbutton' posts to another page to show THAT row's details and needs to post THAT row's uniqueID.

How do i go about this?I have tried jS functions that change values in hidden fields, nested forms etc and all I can get is one button working and not the other.The main problem is the looped recordID which I can't seem to refer to in JS.

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Back Buttons

I want to prevent users from using to back button to go back to previous visited pages after loggin out.

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2 Radio Buttons

i have 2 radio buttons i want to fire a alert if the first one is selected here is my code

<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Cars"/>Cars
<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Bikes"/>Bikes

and here is the javascript

alert("Cars was selected");
return false;

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Images And Buttons HTML

1. I have image I want to display that to a button how can I do that. I want to fire the on click event too 2. if 1 is not possible then how can I set image to have oncclick event, currently I get object nbot found error:

code is like this:

<button ID ="Sel" name="Sel" OnClick="moveOptions(this.form.AvailableInd,
this.form.SelectedInd);" ><img src = "/images/movedown.gif" alt="Remove"

<button ID ="Del" name="Del" OnClick="moveOptions(this.form.SelectedInd,
this.form.AvailableInd);" ><img src= "/images/moveup.gif" alt="Add"

above code shows me the button which I dont want and just want to display
image when I tried following code, moveoptions doesnt work

<img src = "/images/movedown.gif" alt="Remove" title="Remove"
OnClick="moveOptions(this.form.AvailableInd, this.form.SelectedInd);">

<img src= "/images/moveup.gif" alt="Add" title="Add"
OnClick="moveOptions(this.form.SelectedInd, this.form.AvailableInd);" >

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Internet Explorer's Buttons

How to disable Internet Explorer's minimize, maximize, close buttons

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Validateing Raido Buttons

I am generating a set of radio groups accourding to the seleciton the user makes how can i validate the groups of radio buttons before the user submits the form. the buttons are generated by the same page once its called by the main page. Code:

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How To Repopulate My Radio Buttons

I have a form for editing data and it has a set of radio buttons, what I need to know is how I make the correct radio button be ticked when I load the form. Code:

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