Form Creation Using Loop

I am trying to build a dynamic form based on user input.

Here is the story i want a user to select how many times he/she wants to add a product and then depending on the number selected draw x number of input boxes for product name,price etc.

Then pass this to another page, store in an array and add all this to a database!

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Question On Form Creation

Anyone know of a good tool to enable regular (non developers) to build simple forms which when built provide functionality to save the data from the form to a database and email user(s) with the results.

I'm looking for something flexible enough to allow users to build these forms without knowing anything about the underlying database being used.

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Dynamic Form Object Creation

I have the following code (part of a larger asp page) to create the user input form for creating user accounts in AD.

What would be nice is to have the radio control (in red) to be created as the result of interrogating AD to retrieve a list of containers (we have a container per office location) so that only relevant controls are available, and if a new office is opened or they shut one down, the form can stay the same. Is there a way to do this? Code:

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Loop Form - Extract Display 'value' As Well As Form Value?

While I can extract the option value from the following:

<Select name='Keystring' MULTIPLE>
<option value='1' name='status'>Pending</option>

I cannot seem to extract the corresponding 'display' value when I do a
For...Next Loop:

for each keystring in Request.Form("Keystring")



How do I aslo get hold of that 'display' value eg 'Pending' it

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How To Reference A Form Name In A For Loop

I've been struggleing with this chunk of code:

for j = 1 to totalManagers2
Response.Write("# in J loop:" & j & "<br/>")
If Request.Form("j") = "on" Then
myToField = myToField + recipiant(j)
Response.Write("recipiant's email is :" & recipiant(j) & "<br/>")
validRecipiant = true
End if

My problem lies with line ' "If Request.Form("j") = "on" Then '...

Now on the first page, I have a form, which I dynamically populate a table, and for each row, I output an HTML checkbox. I assign the name of that check box to a # that is incremented within the for-loop that is outputting all the HTML table rows.

So I have check boxes with name attributes such as "1", "2", "3", "4" and so on.

My question is, on the next page, how do I tell if those check boxes are checked? I use the Request.Form("1"), Request.Form("2"), Request.Form("3"), Request.Form("4") and so on.

But as you can see, in my For-Loop, I'm just checking this...
Request.Form(1), Request.Form(2)...and so on ....

So I am ignoring the quotation can I include them so the code knows to look at the form for the name attribute of "1" and not just 1?

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How To Loop Through More Form Fields?

I have about 30 worker names (and their IDs in hidden fields) in one form, beside each worker I have a dropdown list with same items. When I select an item from dropdown list its ID is written in another hidden field. I want to submit values from hidden fields into another .asp page and sql db. If I use :

FOR EACH name IN Request.Form

I get only values from dropdown lists IDs. how to loop through all fields and get IDs of workers, too.

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Loop Form Variables

I have a form that loops through a recordst for the following Code:

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Loop Through Form Fields To Set Cookies

I have a table in which I count the rows, and for each record it finds it uses that number to dynamically name the form field. i.e.

<input type=text name="FirstName<%=i%>">

I got that to work just fine. What I'm trying to do now, is post the form, and on the new page dynamically create cookies based on the number of form fields there are. For example, my desired end result would look something like this..


and so on. Is there a way to do this by looping, instead of hardcoding? I have my feeble attempt below....

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Iterate Through Numbers And Form A Loop

i have an sms phone book that allows users to send multiple sms from the internet to a cell phone.

However when a users chooses to send bulk, it inserts the numbers into a textfield box seperated by commas. Which are in turn passed to the server side to be sent.

Now i would want to seperate each number and loop through them e.g

numbers could be : Note they are seperated by comma


1. on the server side i would like to loop though each number and assign to a variable

2. Count the number of phone numbers and assign a variable total_numbers to it.

e.g. something like this

for each
a = phone_variable

HOw do i achieve this ?

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Dynamically Loop Through All Request.Form Values

How at the start of script can I dynamically loop through all Request.form variables and use them ? either name or the value, both is the ideal though.


have a form:

2 textfields. named "text1" and "text2"

In asp I need to dynamically grab this data not knowing that this form had the textfields "text1" and "text2".

ideal print:

name "text1"
value of text 1

name "text2"
value of text2

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Build DB Insert Statement Dynamically - Loop Form Elements

When you submit the form you can see I am trying to get the each row of the form elements into a format such that I can build multiple insert statements. Here is what I am working with:

Dim x
For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count
Response.Write Request.Form.Item(x)

Would I use some type of Mod operator on the value of x to determine my line breaks?

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Parameter Not Passed From For Loop To While Loop

I'm trying to pass a parameter from a for loop to the nested while loop
but only the first counter is passed. Here is the code:

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Nesting One Loop Within Another, Using 1st Loop As Criteria For 2nd

I have a recordset that I loop through all of the data within a table, within the same loop, I am trying to add another loops that pulls information from the first recordset to base the second recordset off of: Code:

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ASP RSS Creation

im new to the rss "movement" and would like to implement it on
one of my companies internal sites. we have a site that allows users to
leave messages for other users based on email address. so for example i can
visit the site and type in my email address and if any messages are waiting
they will be displayed. the page uses a GET to fetch the messages based on
email address so the URL looks like this:

since the address is passed in the URL i imagine ill need an rss feed that
does the same kind of thing... can anyone point me in the right direction or
get me started with an example? im ot even sure if this is something that
can be done simply with some ASP object, or if ill have to actually write
out some XML at some point.

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PDF Creation

I would like to know how to create PDF file using ASP. Can someone help me for the same

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Object Creation

The problem is that I cannot create an object at the Application level
However, the aftfam object works perfectly well when created on an ASP page
using Server.createobject. It outputs "true556" which is expected.
The problems does not seem to be syntax since the reference to the
AUtils object seems to work just fine.
Is there some magic difference in my VB code that differs depending on how
I create the object?

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Folder Creation

I'm creating a problem there:

dim fso
set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CreateFolder Server.mapPath("pictureskickoff") do I check if there allready is a folder there with the same name before creating one?

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Excel Creation

Looking for code that can help me to create excel sheet in client side (java script)

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Automate Pdf Creation

if it is possible to have a web page that can be created into a pdf via a click of a button, similar to the save as pdf option. Is this possible?

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Subdomain Creation

Is it possible for an ASP script to create a subdomain or does the hosting server the only privilege in creating one?

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Component Creation

I've been developing a dynamic content management system that you can hook up to any database (with minimal changes) and manage any of it's data. Ultimately, I'm looking to compile the scripts then sell them compiled so nobody can take the source code. Anyway, I'm not sure how to go about making a component out of these scripts and if anybody is willing to do this for me, I can either compensate you with money or a free copy of the software. A link to a working version of it can be found at Use the demo login (demo/demo).

If nobody knows how to actually compile the scripts, I guess the next best thing would be to point me in a direction of a company or whatever that can get it done for me. I've tried using ASP2DLL and various other articles with little luck. All of the VB code is in a single include file.

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Object Creation Error

I have an application I am working on that uses "compiled" asp pages. Once the asp pages are done, they are moved into a VB6 dll to be Response.Written from there. This work great, and results in keeping our code safe at client sites. Currently this works great here and at most client sites. I have one client who is having intermittent problems with this setup Code:

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Generic Xls Creation Page?

i want to create a page that will accept any rs of data and create a standard excell page. So i can have a bunch of report pages that any number of columns and and number of rows and submit that rs to my xls creation page? I hope i'm explaining this right.

my first question is how do i pass over an entire rs to my xls page? second how do i create a xls creation page that is open ended on the formatting side of it.

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Dynamic Creation Of ASP Code

I am trying to generate ASP code on the fly as I want to be able to control the code from the database and am running a problem.

When I try this (simplified example of what I have but it conveys the problem):

replacetext = "response.write ""blah"""
response.write "<%" & replacetext & "%>"

I get an empty page with <%response.write "blah"%> in the source instead
of what I want: a page that has 'blah' on it.

Is there any trick behind this?

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Poll Interface Creation

i'm getting a bit cought up with the ASP for a poll creation page i am trying to do.

i am trying to get it so that it will display a varying number of boxes depending on how many options there will be - have it so that it displays the first 2 (the minimum options) and then the other input form elements will be added as needed i'm also having a bit of trouble trying to get the numbers to update with the onchange but that part doesnt feel like its the most challenging - heres what i have so far: Code:

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Dynamic Image Creation

Can ASP VB create dynamic images of text? (ie. an image of a line of text)
If so does anyone have any examples I could take a look at please.

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File Creation Time

I need to find a way to pull the file creation time from a file. I have a webcam FTP a file every 5 min. That pic does not have the time and date. I would like to find out how to pull the creation time from the file.

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Reverse Date Creation

I have 3 fields on a form, date, month, year. I need to add all these values into one full date field but reversed (20051031) - notice UK format.I've just got off the phone to a programmer friend who does not use ASP. He described possible using something like this:

substr(dbsearchdate,1,4 = Request.Form("txtsearchYear"))
substr(dbsearchdate,5,2 = Request.Form("txtsearchMonth"))
substr(dbsearchdate,7,2 = Request.Form("txtsearchDate"))

However this doesn't work.

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Access Table Creation

I would like to know what the comands/syntax is for creating a table with fields in an Access database using ASP? I've done this a few years ago with visual basic, but haven't been able to find anything for ASP on the internet.

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Table Creation, Name Specified By User

how to create tables when the user submits the tablename in a form i know the create command.

but how to execute it in asp when the tablename is stored in a string using the string while creating tables is not happening for me.

also can i use the same way of using the string to add or drop column( drop column only after specifying all values in the column to be null ).

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WSH / Automated Site Creation

I am developing a automated website creation process for our members. They are being walked through a series of pages that gather input and make template selections etc... The problem I have is when the scripts execute I get permission denied on the section of code that connects to IIS and creates the new site.

The only way around this so far is to set IIS directory security (on the folder that has the scripts) to log in automatically with a domain admin account. I of course do not want that to be the case. Here is the line of code that bombs out.

set objservice = getobject("IIS://venus/w3svc")

The script pages are located on the same server. I have tried using a local admin account (not good either) with no luck.

By the time this line is run the directory has been created the appropriate files copied over and database has been filled with appropriate info. This seems to be my last issue to overcome.

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Dynamic Input Box Creation And Usage

Can anyone point me in the right direction for dealing with a dynamically created table of shopping cart items? Each row (or Item) has a column where the user can change the quantity. Is there an easy way to grab and use these changed values when they hit the form submit button?

Or, do I need to bite the bullet and write code that filters through the form fields named "quantity1," "quantity2," "quantity3," etc... And then determine which one goes with which cart item?

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Access Data Retrieval And Creation

Already have an asp page showing results from an access database table (supplies)
Need to know way select items from this list w/o the need of retyping to another form.
Also would like to be able to insert order_date automatically to another access table (orders).

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