Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Avoiding A Duplicate Entry To An Access DB Field

As part of a data input script, I ask for a user name to be input into an Access DB field called surprisingly, "UserName". I would like to ensure that username is not duplicated. How do I do that before inserting the data. My example show in the incomplete script below doesn't work? Code:

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Field Entry Size Limit?

HOw can I prevent my users from entering more the a certain number of characters into a field? Could I get a similar example as I have a limitted knowdlege.

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Autofill Field Based On Entry In Another

have form on asp page with an email address field, when the user enters
their email address I want it to populate another field automatically on the
same page, some kind of OnBlur event. Have worked extensively with dropdown
OnChange events but cant get my head around this one.

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Return 2 Access Field Values To Form REQUEST

I have a request form that is used for requesting copies og an edition of a magazine. What I need to do is get back the information, from a MS Access table, for the issuedate and deadline.

Because the deadline is not always the same number of days (ie dependant on issue it could be 14 days before, or 21 days before etc), so as well as picking the issue date from the table, I need to be able to get the deadline date back, and write to a seperate Request "field" on the Form. Code:

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Access Database Entry

Does anyone know how I can use asp to access a specific entry in a microsoft access database table without having to run a search of the entire database? I figure this can be done with the primary key, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked for tutorials, but none seem to deal with this.

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Dependent Queries In Access And Entry Date

I have a created a cost reporting system which shows a level-breakdown
report. There are three levels in the report the lowest level holds the cost
items that are entered by the user these records also have an Entry Date.
The level above that is a Sum of the lowest level and the top level is the
Sum of the second level. I created the solution using three queries in
Access. I then use the queries in ASP to generate the report. But now I need
to use the Entry Date at the lowest level to re-generate the report with
values from the StartDate to the EntryDate (which is entered by the user).

Question is, can I do this using the construction I use, or do I have to
pull my queries to the ASP code and include the dynamic EntryDate? How do I
solve this?

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MSAccess Entry Form

I have successfully created a master detail page for this database, now I want to create an form to update the database.

When I created the form and tried to view it, I got this error

Error Type:
ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/dlrc_resources/book_list/book_entry.asp, line 113

Line 113 is : Code:

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Interface In Access For Data Entry Using Grid View

i often to make a user interface in access for data entry using Grid view. is there a possibility to make Data Entry user interface using Grid in ASP?

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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How Do You Create A Form With A Graphic Security Entry?

I don't know what they're called, but you know the form: The page
displays a "code", usually on a similar color background (dark gray),
and the text is all squiggly.

It's an attempt to foil the bots that go out and process forms. The
user has to type in the code they see, when the graphic itself should
be unreadable by character recognition engines.

So, how are the graphics generated, and how do you implement this?

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How To Stop An Error Form A Message Entry

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ''I think this experiment is about judging other people on the basis of one's first impression. I don't think it's fair to judge ohters based on first impressions. Most of the times first impressions are crucial in finding people's attitudes or personas, but '.

I am 99% sure that the problem is becase I have a text field box and people are typing in commas, apostropies, ect. How do I get around that? Code:

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Is It Possible To Insert All Checkbox Values Into 1 Field In The SQL Database?

Is it possible to insert more than 2 checkbox values into 1 field in the SQL database?

I have 5 checkboxes; I would like to insert them all into 1 column in the SQL DB.
If I insert more than 2, it gives an error.

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ASP Checkbox Default Checked From Access

I have a contact list in an Access database.

I have a table that contains contacts a table that contains categories and a third table that is a join table that assigns users to categories in a many-to-many relationship.

I have a script that creates a series of checkboxes from the categories table so when a new contact is added the user can select multiple checkboxes, categories, to place the user into.

I want to be able to edit a contact by clicking their name that takes them to a ContactUpdate.asp form that is already filled with all of the values for the contact. Their name, address, phone number etc. however I want the checkboxes,categories, that the contact is already in to be selected on the ContactUpdate.asp page.

I need the user to know what categories the contact is already in.

Here is the code I already have that creates the checkboxes. When a contact is added so I'm sure the contact update will be some variation: Code:

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SQL Statement For Creating A Checkbox In Access

Can anyone tell me the SQL statement for creating a Yes/No checkbox column in Access.

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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An ASP Checkbox Form

I have an asp page linked to a Microsoft Access database. On the first page I have a list with 10 or so names that belong to a group I simply get from the database with a sql code. The thing is I have a checkbox before every name of that list done with one simple code. Tell me if this can be done. Example.

The list is in html table.

Response.Write("<td align="left"><input id=rsnbap('id') type='checkbox' />")

It loops through the end of that group. I want to make this happen. Only the checked values (persons) from that list to appear listed in another page named userForm.asp .I'm sure it is all the asp basics.

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Dynamic Checkbox Form Processor

I have a form with dynamic checkboxes, and normal text boxes. If the user doesn't fill out the required items and submits the form they get returned back to the form with their checkbox selection gets lost.

How do i retrieve the values already checked and placed them back.

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INSERT Multiple Records From Checkbox Form With Unique Ids

I have an .asp page with a form to copy job responsibilites form one
job to another. It is a hotmail type interface with checkboxes
besides each responsibility. After submitting, it should copy the
selected resp's to a different job. After that it should renumber
that job's responsibilities.

This is the code I am using now to copy:

POSCODE,'" & dept & "' IDCODE1,'" & unit & "' IDCODE2, '999' RESP_NUM,
'" & sourceDept & "' AND IDCODE2 = '" & sourceUnit & "') AND RESP_NUM
IN (" & Request.Form("chk") & ")"

As you can see the value '999' is hardcoded in there as the new
Responsibility Number to go with the copied responsibility. I use
this because there are no jobs with that many responsibilities. This
works fine if I only select one resp. to copy over. But if I select
more than one that part still runs fine but I get an error with the
below. It says too many rows would be affected. Of course, this must
be because there are now at least 2 responsibilites with the same

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Dynamical Form - If Checkbox Exists, How Check If It Has Been Unchecked?

I have a web page that creates dynamical forms, depending of what kind of product it regards. When the user has chosen a product, data is collected from SQL Server and a form is created.

Some forms contains check boxes and some not. My questions is: How can I check if someone has UNCHECKED a check box? Because if that happens, I want to delete that entry from the database.

Since a form just posts the value of a check box if it is checked, this causes a dilemma.
Any ideas, I can't be the first one having this problem?

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Form Field Form Submit

I have a form that has approximately 7 text fields and 1 checkbox.
Generally when this form is submitted(to itself BTW) it works fine,
however, when the checkbox is only field that has been
modified/clicked the form doesn't always submit. When it does work, a
Stored procedure is passed form variables and updates to the db are
made. When it doesn't, its as if the form wasn't submitted, it
reloads and resets the page, but the stored procedure isn't triggered.

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Access Field

I am developing guestbook using ASP and access. problem is access fields holds max 255 characters. Is there anyway I can create 2 message fields so when first one is full it uses second field. Apart from above any other ideas will be useful. Do you think it's good idea to use notepad to store msgs.

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How To Insert Image To Access Database From Form When The User Submits The Form?

my form contains two text fields(name, address) and two file field control where user can insert image(photo1 and photo2), i want to insert this data in to ms access when the user submits the form?

this is my code for insert text fields to access data base.but i have no idea about the code for image fields. In my access data base i set photo1 and photo2 as herf (binary data). Code:

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Access Database Field Name

I have an access database with year designations for field names, such 2005 2004 2003 ... and data corresponding thereto. I can formulate a query in MSAccess and it works just fine. However, I am trying to create a web page that will create a database
connection and use SQL to create a recordset(s) which I can then manipulate in vbScript.

The problem seems to be structuring a query that will work in
vbScript. I have tried several combinations:

rs2.Open "SELECT 2005,2004,2003 FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs2.Open "SELECT '2005','2004','2003' FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs2.Open "SELECT "2005","2004","2003" FROM Table", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

but none of these will extract data.

I have also tried casting these numbers to strings in a string variable, but still no success.

Is there some naming convention I am violating by simply using year designations as field names or is there a problem with vbScript?

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Access Field Size

How can I figure out an database field maximum size with asp?

Currently the form I am using allows to write too long strings and it corrupts the database of mine. How can I set the limits to be calculated from the database structure?

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Uppdate A Access Field

I´m using a code reload a page. Can I use the following code Code:

strSQL = "UPDATE chattare SET dteOnLineTimer=#"& Now() &"# WHERE chattNamn='"& strUser &"';"

to update the field " dteOnlineTimer" with Now() each time the page is reloaded?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Can't Print An Access Memo Field

I can't print the contents of an Access memo field. Every other field type displays fine but this one.

I saw an old thread saying that you should first assign the memo field to a variable but that also doesn't seem to work (please see the attached bit of code). The memo field is "Message". Code:

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Date Field To MS Access Table

I have more than one date field on my ASP forms (and in the sister MS Access table) I can not write (created the record in Access table) to the table UNLESS there is date data in ALL the date fields on the ASP form.

I need to be able to have the user enter only one date, then do back at a later time and enter the other date.I am using the short date format in Access table (MM/DD/YYYY) When there is only one date field (on ASP form and in Access table) the date is written and the record is created.

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Display Related Access Field

I have a timesheet application I'm working on. The user fills in a form which sends data to an Access db. On the results page I need to display the values from 2 fields; i.e if the user selects "Report Writing" from a drop down list, I need the data contained in another column called 'Codes' to display as well.

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Formatting Date Field From Access Database

I am pulling legislation information and expiry dates from an access database and posting to the web. The expiry dates in access are formatted as Month Day, Year (EG.. January 1, 2006) But when they are pulled from the database to the web, they come out as 01/01/06. I know that the format we have in access is simply a mask, however we require that format be carried through.

This is likely a simple solution, however I am new to ASP and can't seem to locate any information on this. I have searched the forum for related info on this but can't find anything that relates to my specific situation.

Here's the code we are using so far...


Do While NOT Recordset.Eof 'i.e. carry on looping through while there are records
Response.write "<tr><td>"'open row and first cell
Response.write Recordset("Legislation")
Response.write "</td>"'close first cell
Response.write "<td>"'open second cell
Response.write Recordset("Repealed")
Response.write "&nbsp;"
Response.write Recordset("Expiry_Date")
Response.write "</td></tr>" 'close row
Recordset.MoveNext 'move on to the next record

I have also found and implemented the following code:



This lets me change the positions of the numbers, but I can't figure out how to make it display the full month name and full year.

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Display DateTime Field From Access In UK Format

I have a DateTime stamp in one of my Access database columns. Using now() as the default value, it enters records in the following format:

17/06/2005 14:28:40

This is perfect. UK format, just as I want.

However, when I pull this record into an ASP page it appears in a different format:

6/17/2005 14:28:40 AM

How can I stop it from re-writing the data into American format? I just need to display it exactly as it is in the database.

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Populate An Access Db 'ole Object' Field Through Asp Code

Looking to populate an access db table 'ole object' field through asp code.

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