Form :: Make The Input Text Boxes Smaller Or Bigger

I am currently making a form in asp and when i make the text boxes they are all formatted to the same size, even if I use the width=*** to change the size? Is there another way to make the input text boxes smaller or bigger?

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Make Query From 3 Input Text

i made database with these fields :
id ,name , address ,favo ,email , phone
now i did every thing ok i can add data readdata search by on of any field.
but i do not know how can i search with 3 fields .
i mean i need page include 3 input text one for name
2nd for email , and 3rd for phone . also botton for search
but i want when the user do not input any name or email and click on search botton popup messege come tell you must input all fileds then back to search page . if he input all and click search i want new page read data from database.

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Dynamic Form Lists And Dependant Text Boxes?

I am having trouble with the ordering page. I would like a dynamic form list to look at a database and when the user selects a product code, the text boxes containing description and price change too to reflect the product code.

The user will be entering in their contact details, so I dont want the page to reload too because I will lose that info. Code:

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Handling Text Input In Form

how do i allow the user to add in a value that has a ' in it (e.g int'l) apperantly if i do that there will be an error... how do i go about this?

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Code To Make Dynamic Dropdown Boxes

I've been farting around with trying to make some dropdown boxes populate based on the value selected from the first drop down box..

I have 3 DropDowns..


the first one takes all the pump types from a database table called pumptypes and populates it

the second dropdown gets its values from an sql query to a second database table called pumpdata that puts all the manufacturers that have that have a pump that matches the type selected in the first dropdown.

the third box does essentially the same thing but looks for all the models based on the values of the first 2 dropdowns..

whats happening is when I select the pump type it goes to the next page without allowing me to select the other 2 boxes.

heres the code I have .....

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Input Boxes

I am in the process of writing a website which has an access database
and uses asp to access it. Part of the site is a search facility. I
have heard that it is possible for hackers to gain access to the
database by entering SQL in to the search box. First of all is this
possible? Secondly if it is possible, what sort of syntax should i be
checking for on the text entered in to the search field

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Two Select Input Boxes

I have a Stored Procedure with a Where clause for a date range, I would like to know is it possible to add onto my Classic ASP two select input boxes for filtering my date column?

For instance filtering January 15, 2008 thru February 14, 2008. If so would you be able to show me what that might look like?My where clause starts on 01-01-2005 and end on a future date, for example 12-01-2040

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Ignoring Blank Input Boxes

i have created a database system for work but when you input job details you have to fill in every box i want it to be able to process and add the data to the database without having to have every box filled in. Here is the code:

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Two Text Boxes


If request("bMarketTypes") <> "" AND request("bMarketArea") <> "" Then
Response.Write "types and area<br />"
Elseif request("bMarketArea") <> "" Then
Response.Write "area<br />"
Elseif request("bMarketTypes") <> "" Then
Response.Write "types<br />"
End If

I have two text boxes,so the possible combination both are checked,OR one is checked and the other isn't, or vice versa.Why won't this code work then?

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ASP Text Boxes

I have a text box that i need to check for illegal characters. I only want to have 2 numbers allowed in them, with no letters or ( . , ' ; / ? [ etc.

how could i read the input to a string and check each character entered one by one?

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Getting Text From Option Boxes

ok i need to get the text from an option box? i know you can do it with java script but it would make my life a lot easier if you can get it using asp. don't know if there is a method out there or what. any ideas?

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Forms And Text Boxes

I have a form and some of the text boxes are being filled in from a search from another form. Go to this link to see the code for the form page: Code:

I want the user to see the info in the first four text boxes that are populated by the database and I want this info. to be submitted with this form, but I don't want them to be able to change or edit the info. in these populated boxes. Just want them to fill out the rest of the unpopulated boxes.

This form submits to an asp page that processes the form data and sends it to an email. how can i do this?

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Dynamic Text Boxes

i have been asked to create text boxes dynamically on a web site, the user can click a button and a new set of text boxes will appear. The user can add as many boxes as many times as he wants, I have created the text boxes already using the following code.

function inserttextboxs() {
var tab = document.getElementById("Difference")

var tr = tab.insertRow()
var tc = tr.insertCell("") tc.innerHTML = '< input type=text id=text1 name=text1>';


The problem is I don't if this how I should be doing it when I submit the form all the elements have the same id, I need to create something with unique id's so I can retrieve the different values

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Dynamic Text Boxes

how do get dynamic content to a drop down text box from a db. For example:

There are two drop down boxes. First one continents Second one countries.

The user selects content from the first drop down box and using the onChange javascript function the data on the second drop down should show the countries related with that content.

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Filing Text Boxes

I have a select list which retrieves the values of a field from a database. I also have
some text fields which I would like to fill with data from other fields in the same
table which are associated with the selected item in the list. I can't seem to figure out
a way to fill the text boxes with the values from the DB in the OnChange procedure of
the select list. Does anyone know how I might go about this, or if it is even possible?

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Automatic Population Of Text Boxes

I need help on this ASAP. I have to deliver this in another 3 days. There is a ASP page that has 4 text boxes. In the 1st one, I will enter a value. based on this value I enter in the text box, the other 3 text boxes should be filled in automatically. These values for the other 3 text boxes should be retrieved from a SQL Server 200 database based on the value in the 1st text box.

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Locking All Text Boxes In Asp Page

I need advise as to how to do the following. In a asp page, the user can input
information via text boxes which goes to a database. If users click a check
box named final and submit the asp page, then next time they come, they will
not be able to change any information.

This means, I would like to grey out the text boxes so that users are unable to edit the values in the text boxes. The only way to allow edit is via adminstrator's intervention.

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Text Boxes Change Colours

In a form I'm creating several asp text boxes for user input. When I look at these in IE or Firefox one or two are coloured yellow with a border, whereas the rest are the normal white with a thin blue border.

There is nothing I can see in the code that does this, and with a bit of testing I can force this condition by adding text outside the text box. Very weird. Has anybody seen this behaviour before. I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004, but I'm feeling it's not DW at fault here.

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To Transfer The Data From Database To The Text Boxes In ASP

I need some ideas in this if you can please help me.The folllowing is the scenerio:

I have a form which is the normal html with some validations and scripting done in javascript and i have a text box by name ticket no when the user enters a ticket no which exists in my database I need to update all my other form textboxes and textboxes with the data in the database else I need to show a alert that this doent exist in the database.

usually the event handling is done in javascript but now i have to call server side connection I have no clue how to do this.

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Searching Database With Multiple Text Boxes?

The user can search the database when they put in a date, that works fine, but when i put in another text box to search the database for a certain date range Code:

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Validation Of Dynamically Created Text Boxes

I'm using ASP 3.0,IIS and Java script.I have created some text boxes Dynamically using java script.So the text boxes has got the same name. This is the code i'm using for that..

aRow1 = aTable1.insertRow(aTable1.rows.length);
aRow =aRow1
aCell = aRow.insertCell(0);
aCell.align = "Left";
aCell.width = "5%";
aCell.innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='Course' size='20'>";

Problem is that when i'm doing client side validation using javascript its not taking values..Here 2 or 3 or 4 text boxes with the course will be created when i use
this code:

if (document.Qualificationdetails.Course.value == "") {
window.alert ("Enter Course !");
return false;

it does not give any validation...

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How To Make A Rich Text Box?

I would like to know how can I make a rich text box as that is here at or the one at Yahoo.

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Combo Box With Bigger Width

I am using a combo box to fill it with some price value which does not require much space in a table. but to select this value the user require to see the relation of this price with other fields e.g

2.00usd - orange - spain
1.50usd - orange - brazil
2.50usd - apple - italy
2.25usd - apple - france

does anyone give a hint how to show above three fields without changing the width of combo box ?

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Parsing Input Text

What I need to do is parse a string, then create variables for each word. Example:

- someone enters "cats and dogs" in the text field

- I need to end up with:
firstWord = "cats"
secondWord ="and"
thirdWord ="dogs"

Then I will use the variables firstWord, secondWord, thirdWord later in my app.

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Strange Text Input

Have an ASP page on internet, where I let the user write his email address. Today I see that this text input field has got a yellow background instead of the normal white as the other input fields. The code is quite normal. Using IE 6.0.2900. It has not appeared before. Then I rebooted the computer,but got the same result.When I try another computer, also with XP pro and the same IE, the text input is white as it should.

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How To Show A Full Width Of A Picture But Only When It's Smaller Than 150 Pixels ?

I need to show two pictures in a table with two TDs

The pictures R dynamic and I don't want to enlarge the table...

How can I load the picture with IMG tag so that it's width will remain smaller than 150 pixels (or set it to 150 pixels if it's longer than 150...)

Must I check the picture file width or is there a faster workaround ?

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Split () Then Replace () Text Box Input

I have a form with an text box called keywords. I want to get the text typed in by the user from this box (which will pobably be built up of several words).

I have declared arrsplitkeywords to assign these words to. But first i have split the input from the text box where there is a space. See the line of code below:

arrsplitkeywords = Split(Request.Form("Keywords"),",")

I now need to replace this so that the words are split up to be split like "','" I have the following line of code to do this:

Replace(arrsplitkeywords,",", "','")

This doesn't appear to work, and on the replace line i get the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement

Any help please as to why this isn't working?

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Error In ASP Input Text Statement

I want to capture the value of variable into a hidden input test field, using the following code.Code:

<input type="hidden" name="selectedby" size="20" value="<%'strNTUser'%>">

When i run the code the variable value is not captured in the field "selectedby". strNTUser is the variable.

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Text Input Word Count ?

I am trying to build an asp page the displays 100 characters from text inputed into a text area. The page keeps breaking because it counts any HTML code the text might have. I would like to have it count the words instead and when I write out the words it includes any underlying html.

For example, here is a sentence: "The fox jumps over the lazy dog" and I could cut this sentence in half by counting out the first 18 character and only outputing those respectively. Everything would work just fine. But if the sentence is like this "The fox jumps <a href='' target='_blank'>over</a> the lazy dog." a simple letter count no longer works for me. If I printed out the first 18 characters then it will break my "href" tag and therefore would mess up the formatting of my page. Can someone point me to an article or component that will assist me in correcting this?

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Size Of A Text Input Field

I want to create some text input fields which they should all have the same size regardless the browser version or type. Because my text input field looks different in size if I view them from a different computer. Is the following coding should solve the problem?

<input type="text" name="field" value="" size="30" style="width:300px;">

Is the best way to use CSS to control the size of a text input field?

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Handling Text Input To Database

how do i allow the user to add in a value that has a ' in it (e.g int'l) in the form. apperantly if i do that there will be an error... how do i go about this?

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Make A Form

Hi does anybody know if you can make a form
have two actions and how?

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Asp Email Form With Tick Boxes To Different Address's?

I am trying to set up a contact page using Matt's FormMail ASP script (because my hosting is on a Windows server I am unable to use the easier Natemail PHP script)

It is simple enough to send an email to a single email address but I want to have a form with a choice of 4 email address's to send to that are chosen by way of a tickbox (it doesn't have to be a tickbox but that is what I prefer at the moment)

Does anybody know of a method to do this?

(I am using Adobe Golive CS2)

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