Form To Submit Data To Email Address

I'm really new to this and want to submit the data entered in a form to my email address. My problem is that I get the email but none of the data is being "grabbed" so although I get the headers I don't actually receive any of the information I really need.

What am I dong wrong? - this is my code:.....

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Send Form Data To An Email Address?

What I am trying to do is create a page on my company's internet site so that our customers can fill out a form, click a submit button and then have the data they entered be emailed to me. I have already created the form within Dreamweaver MX. How do I setup the Submit button to automatically email the information to me?

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Passing Data To An Email Address From Form

I have a resume form with four separate pages,and on the last page when you submit the form I need it to gather all the information inputed to be sent to an email address.

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Email Form - Verify Email Address

Just starting to play with scripts, and need a little guidance. I want to check to make sure that the email addresses users enter in a form are identical before it will allow them to submit. here's what i have:

the variable for the second email address is EmailFrom2

Dim validationOK
If (Trim(EmailFrom)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("emailerror.htm?" & EmailFrom)
If (Trim(Name)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("nameerror.htm?")
If (Trim(CityState)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("citystateerror.htm?")
If (Trim(SchoolName)="") Then validationOK=false
If (validationOK=false) Then Response.Redirect("schoolnameerror.htm?")

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ASP Form- How To Block An Email Address?

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on how to blacklist certain email addresses or domains form posting in my form. I have client side validation to ensure fields are entered correctly and contain the correct values.

I need to adapt my script (below) to block email from "@mail". I am getting losts of spam from this email address filling in my form. Code:

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Create Email Form With Attachment With Cc And Bcc Address?

I want to create form in which user specify his details. But that mail should be take cc address from database and also that form have one attachment field.

Mail body must be in html format. Attachment and "from" his email field compulsory....

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Block Email Address Form Registering

I want to prevent people with yahoo, hotmail, gmail accounts from registering to my site. Here is where I do Email Insert Confirm. How do I block these email Address:

Code: .....

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Asp Email Form With Tick Boxes To Different Address's?

I am trying to set up a contact page using Matt's FormMail ASP script (because my hosting is on a Windows server I am unable to use the easier Natemail PHP script)

It is simple enough to send an email to a single email address but I want to have a form with a choice of 4 email address's to send to that are chosen by way of a tickbox (it doesn't have to be a tickbox but that is what I prefer at the moment)

Does anybody know of a method to do this?

(I am using Adobe Golive CS2)

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Mailto: Get Email Address Form Field?

In my page, i have 6 textbox field:

name, id, email address, age and bookingStatus, bookingMessage.

when i click a button in the page(mailto), the ms outlook will opened, and all the information in the field(name, id, email address, bookingStatus, and bookingMessage) will be displayed in the ms outlook in the message part before i send the email.

I want to use the "mailto" code!

The form will be emailed to the user according to the email field, that means, the "mailto" address will come from the form "email address field" in the form

The subject of the email will be: fixed as "BOOKING STATUS"

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Submit Email Signup Form With ASP?

I have an "Email Club" signup form, where I need the user to enter their name, email and zip code. The form is submitted to a script, the script looks up their zip in a database and returns some data, then passes that data and their email, name etc, to a third-party email marketing server.

Is there a way to submit a form to another server using just ASP? I'd rather not load a dummy form, then auto-submit it with JS or create another form for the user to submit manually...

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Form Submit From An HTML Email

I'm working on an email message sent in HTML format. As the email reach
the adressee the HTML is correctly visualizaed (I made sever tests with
Outlook 2003).

The fact is that the code contains a <formthat should be submitted to
an external ASP page. The <formtag naturally cointains a
target=_blank and a proper action.

Anyway it semms to be impossible to make the form work. The submit does
not work; it is evidently an Outlook permission matter...

I verified that sever other things such as <iframes and Javascript code
do not work at all when an HTML is visualized in Outlook.

Is there a way, in your knowledge to go round the problem?

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Form Setup To Send The Results To An Email Address

I have a webpage with ASP that is a form. I have the form setup to send the results to an email address (using the Frontpage feature). We have published the page to the web, but it will not send email. It simply does nothing. This is the code:

<form name="Datasheet" method="POST" action="DataSheet.asp" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE"
S-Email-Address="" B-Email-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Builtin-Fields startspan -->

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Submit Form Data And Refresh Form

I have a series a forms that submit data to different tables in a database. As it stands, when a user completes FORM 1 and clicks the SUBMIT button, the FORM 1 data is submitted (action = form2.asp, method = post) to ASP code at the top of FORM 2 (request.form("form1 field name") etc...), and submitted to the database with SQL code, also at the top of FORM 2(INSERT into...). Hence the submit button on FORM 1 directs the user to FORM 2, and submits the data which is exaclty what I wanted. However, I now need the users to submit multiple sets of data with FORM 1, and direct them to FORM 2 once they have finished using FORM 1. Most importantly, I need to pass a few parameters from FORM 1 to FORM 2, and have these parameters submitted to the database.

My main problem is getting a fresh form1 after submiting the same form1, in preparation for anoter set of data using the same form. Basically, the database has 'one to many' relationship tables. Form1 and form2 are both populating the 'many' tables, so that each form needs to be filled-in several times while retaining the key field of the 'one' table. At the moment submiting form1 takes me to form2. Is is possible to submit the data to the database, get form1 back again to submit more data, as many times as required, then click another button to load form2 when the user is finished with form1?

Can anyone please give me some pointers? or at least explain the concept of what I need to do. I am a novice and it's taking me a while to get to this stage. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is it possible to post FORM1 to itself and insert the data (i.e. place the request.form at the top of FORM 1) If so, how do I direct users to FORM 2 while retaining my parameters?

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Submit Form Data

The following will both post the form data using HTTP POST method to theserver2, and then open page2.asp, right? It is not posting form data to server1. The only difference is that #1 will just replace page1.asp with page2.asp. But in #2, it will open a new window for page2.asp, and page1.asp also there.

So that means post the form data and open a new page is not necessary
replace the existing page, case 2 is a good example. That's my confusions.

1. In page1.asp in server1, it has <form action="http://server2/page2.asp"
2. In page1.asp in server1, it has <form action="http://server2/page2.asp"
method="post" target="_blank">

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Submit Form Data Concept

When people say submit the form data, does it mean the form data are submitted to web browser using either HTTP GET or POST method, and then it will redirect to another page.

For example, this is page1.aspx

<form action="page2.aspx" method="post">

means it will submit the page1.aspx form data to the web server, and then redirect from page1.aspxto page2.aspx?

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Submit Form Data To 2 Different Places

I'm not very familiar with classic ASP, but I need to modify an existing form on an ASP site to make the form data get posted to 2 different locations. Any suggestions on options to accomplish this?

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Looping Through Table Data On Form.submit

I have this form..which has a table (created from stored procedure
values)..once the table is populated..i have some radio buttons (for
each row of the table) and a main submit button.

On clicking submit..i want to loop through the table..pick up the
first <TDbeing the user ID and the value of the radio button clicked
(currently I have my radio button ID set as UserID_0, UserID_1 ..
etc). And pass those into a stored procedure..

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How Do I Submit Form Data And Change To A Different Page?

I have a classic ASP page with a number of text boxes which are updatable.

For convenience I want to add 'tabs' at the top of the page (like a card
index) as the data to be displayed is split into specific groups (client,
company, preferences, events).

How do I update any changes to the data and switch to a different page - at
the same time? i.e. the user doesn't have to click 'update' (submit button)
before changing pages Code:

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Form Submit Data Into Access Database With Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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Remove Email Address/ Pseudo Email Address

has anyone got a function or subroutine which will remove blank out or remove email addresses.

i've wrote a function which will remove valid email addresses, it's pseudo addresses such as "blah @" or "blah_at_blah_dot_com" or "blah_at_blah_._com"

the function is basically to stop users posting an email address in a message.

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Simple Way To Email Form Data

i am creating a survey type page in Visual Studio it has 2 textboxes and 2 dropdowns and a submit button.

all i need it to do is when i click the submit send this data to an email address. The email address will never change so...

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Receive Form Data In Email?

I'm looking for a simple e-mail form processing for my website. I want users to be able to add their e-mail in a simple text field with a submit button so I can receive it by e-mail. I've looked on the Internet and it seems so complicated.

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Email Validation Of Email Address Within An Access Database

Im running a simple mail system program which emails newsletters to a database list of 3000+ users.

The program loops through a database containing the emails and sends them out using ASPEmail.

My question is, is there some way i can validate each email address so that if there are invalid characters e.g. the space in "blah"
it will skip the record and continue the loop.

At the moment i have a working program however, whenever the program comes across an invalid email address it stops at that record and prevents the program from emailing any further.

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Generating Email Address And Textarea To Be Inlcluded On Email

1. I want users to type in their email address on a textfield, and after users press the "Submit" button. The info will automatically go to another person's email to receive a compliment, suggestion, etcetera.

2. Another is how to include the message written on a textarea of a form with the ASP code supplied below: Code:

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Passing Email Address To Sql Db

I have a webform that I would like for customers to fill out. Their information is written to a sql db and in the background, an email is sent back to the customer and also proving a url for them to fill out a questionare. Ok, that part is done without any problems.

The url that I am providing to the customer to return back to the site, is also passing their email address in the url for validation. which is http://www.url?email=email

Here is the query that I am trying to run in displaying their company information:
SQL = "SELECT * FROM CONTACT where email = " & request.QueryString("email")"

If i do a basic select * from contact, that works, so it has to be w/ the ending part of passing the email address.

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Email Address From Textfield

I would like to provide the text field to let the user key in the email address. How to ensure that they at least will key in the ""?

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Extract Email Address And Name From XML

Can anyone help me to write a scrip to extract an email address, name and address from an xml file.

A sample file looks like this:

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Validation Of Email Address

I have a form that registers users and adds their details to a database.

I am looking for a validation msg that chaecks that a users email address has not being used to register before.

Any ideas of where I can find one like this?

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Email Address Validation

Is there a way where I can confirm that the email address in the DB is a valid one?

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Disguising Email Address

I have a website where users can enter their email address and submit a form. This form inserts that email address into an access database and reloads the page showing the added email address. The site is entirely in asp.

The problem is that I am afraid that spam bots will find the "mailto:" links and the "@" sign in the asp code and use that to add the email addresses to a spam list. I am aware of javascript methods to work around this, but I cant do it because it would require a client-side function call, which cant be done in asp. Also, I am aware of the code in which each letter is replaced with some symbols, but I have heard that spambots can find this too.

Does anyone know of a solution to this problem? I have searched the web and havent found much help. Any info. would be appreciated. If this can be done in another programming language, i will be willing to switch from asp.

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Emails Sent To An Email Address

Basically one of our clients has asked us to save all emails sent to a particular email address. eg.'' to a database.
I don't even have the slightest idea as to how this could be done via ASP on a web server.

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Email Address From A Database

I trying to send an email using CDO Mail compontent with ASP.I would like to pull the email address from a database. I have created recordset, and I can get the first address to work, but I can not figure out a way to make it loop so it pulls all the email address from the database and sents the email to all of them.

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Validate Email Address

I have about 10 text boxes and "Email_Address" is one of the first boxes. I would like it so when they exit the Email_Address box it checks to see if it is in the right format before they continue.

I have scripts that check at submit, but the form already goes through another complicated Perl script then and I did not write the script so I would rather not mess with that.

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