Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and times in the format of:
"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003" However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as: "Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46" using the script: "<%Session.LCID = 1033%> <%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%> <%Session.LCID = 2057%> <%=time()%>"
Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003" Code:
Which is fine, except it gives me time in UCT, when I need it in Eastern (-5 GMT) time. XML actually has the correct data and it shows -5, but XSLT will only display UCT. How can I fix that?
Working in VBScript ASP page with MSAccess Db. Well I'm darn embarrased for this to be my first post on here - you know when you've solved all the big stuff and then some tiny stupid little thing sends you flat opn your face ?
I want to put a time into my sql statement, like this :
INSERT INTO hoursTbl (opening,closing) VALUES ('09:15','17:35')
etc etc....
nearly all of them work if I run them in Access itself, but none are working in my ASP page. I get the standard 'syntax error in INSERT statement' error message
I'm using an Access db and have a field which holds the time of an event. The field is a text type as when I chose date/time format when displaying it on my ASP I couldn't format it. So anyway, I display my date like so
I've made my own guestbook in asp and everythink is working fine. The page is hosted on a server located at USA and the record time is displayed with AM and PM... How can I put it like 16:00 for example?
i am using ms access for my database.there is a table named Reservation and of the field inside this table is resDate which is the format is Date/ my asp page (use vbscript), there is a variable where i coded it like this, res_Date = Date().the save data process is just fine but when i look into the data database, my resDate stored data just like this 12:00:00 AM.but when i try display res_Date at asp page, it shows the current data like 12/7/ there any wrong with my code or i just left something?
I am using the query bellow to display some fielsd on my page and am having some problema displaying the data from calltime. I have the field setup in access as short time but when it is displayed on the page it displays as 12:15 AM. How can I remove the AM/PM from the display?
<% notesSQL = "Select * From notes where callID =" &RSupdate("callID") Set RScalls = dbConnection.Execute(notesSQL) Do While Not RScalls.EOF callscounter=callscounter+1 %> <%=rscalls("notes")%> Added by: <%=rscalls("employee")%> on <%=rscalls("notesdate")%> Time Spent: <%= rscalls("calltime") %><br>
I'm trying to format 5/23/2005 9:00:00 AM to look like 20050523T140000. How can this be done with ASP? I have a VB version, but ASP uses FormatDateTime and I saw no equivilent switches.
I have a simple calendar scipt that ask for time of event input. While I like the time feature I do not like the fact that it displays with seconds included.
Ex. Displays HR:MIN:SEC 5:05:30 PM
Desired display 5:05 PM
How do I get rid of the display showing seconds? I have changed the database format, but this does not seem to effect the disply on the asp page.
I am using MS access and for a field in my table I have a column of type date/time and I specified a medium time format. In Access it shows as 1:00 PM but when I display on the page it shows as 1:00:00 PM Why is this?
I want date inputs to be in the form "d-m-yyy h:m:s". On submitting a form. I want any date input not i this format to be alerted for the correct format.
I have a variable that contains a time value in the format HH:MM:SS that indicates a duration rather than a clock time, and I need to convert it to plain seconds so an input of "00:07:01" would output "421". I'm not too good with time/date conversions, and I can't seem to get this one working right. Is there anyone out there that already has a script that does this or someone who could point me in the right direction?
It shows the data but not like in the data table (Access). I would like that the numbers have a 2 digit decimal behind the comma i.e.123.456,30 and negative numbers should be in red and in brackets i.e. (123.456,30) So, the format should be: $#.##0,00;($#.##0,00)[Red] as I have done it in the table - but not in ASP
Where do I have to enter the format in the ASP code? - or - Where do I have to enter the format in the Html code? Is someone able to write me the coding line?
I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?
I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.
I try to display the time from an access db in 12hr clock format. Am I missing something simple? The time is held in the medium date format ie 07.30pm and I'm using:
FormatDateTime(rs("StartTime"), vbshorttime)
but this displays 19:30 instead of 7:30. If I change to vblongtime I get 19:30:00 and if I change the time field format to short time I still get 19:30. What am I doing wrong??!
I cannot get the date format correctly in dynamic sql statement, after trying various ways of handling it. I need some help with the date format in the following dynamic sql statement. Any help is appreciated in advance. While running the asp page, I still get an error as Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'Format'
In my db, I have a date field wich as the format yyyy-mm-dd but when I receive the value from the DB, I'd like to change it to dd-mm-yyyy... How can I do this?
I have a time field that starts at 00:00 through to 23:59 problem is the list is too long. I would like to have 2 dropdown fields HOURS & MINUTES that join together when the form is submitted and enters the time into the SQL db.
I have a few date fields on my form. The backend is SQL and the fields are set to smalldatetime. Adding records into these fields is not a problem. This is my code:
if Request.form("ScheduledTrainingDates") = "" then else objRS("ScheduledTrainingDates")=Request.form("ScheduledTrainingDates") end if
The problem is updating the records when I got to edit them. Let's say I have a value in for ScheduledTrainingDates textbox, and I want to clear the value and leave it blank and save it to the database. How do I do this?
suggest the correct way to store the date & time in SQL Server? I want to store the date and time a record was created. What should the field type be in SQL Server? How can I insert the current date/time into the table using SQL? I used to have date/time field type in access and use the following code