Format A String To Stop Speech Mark Errors

I have a form which sends a link from a text field -

<input name=""wishList"" type="hidden" value="<a href='<%=url_link%>?ID=<%=sendID%>&myMonth=<%=sendMonth%>' class='link-onDarkGrey'><%=tripType%> in <%=country%> - <%=mStartDate%></a>">

I need to set a session variable to this value but I think the apostrophies are getting in the way.

session("choices") = request.Form("wishList")

what's the best way to format that lot?

later I want to concatenate several requests so I can display them.

session("choices") = session("choices")&"<br>"&request.Form("wishList")

will this work?

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Stop Returning Errors

I have just got back into ASP development after a years break and am playing catchup. I am developing a simple page with combo boxes on it, so that when it is processed it searches a database for all records between the chosen entries in the combo boxes.
However I am also trying to stop the page from returning errors when a user clicks submit without choosing any entries from the combo boxes. I am trying to get the page to just re-display itself with a simple error message on the page informing the user that they have to choose an option from both combo boxes.

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Connection String Errors

I am using DW8 to create a simple database-driven site using IIS and
ASP vbscript. I have created a virtual directory in IIS and I have
created the DSN, connection and appropriate recordsets. The problem is
I keep getting the following error:

Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error

The line the error refers to is always the connection string. And it
seems to be intermittent. Sometimes the page works fine, other times I
get this error - but I can't figure out why. I always make sure that I
save my files and put them to the server so I really can't work this

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Text To Speech Softwar

how to make a text to speech software embed in my website

i need some text in my website page to be coming out in an audio format for my site customers

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Wrapping Variables In Speech Marks

I am working on a date function, which takes a YYYY-MM-DD input and splits it into dd,mm,yyyy format. e.g:

string1 = "2006-10-20"

Function stripDate(str)
str_len = len(str)
if str_len = 10 then
str = replace(str, "-","")
str_yr = left(str,4)
str2 = right(str,4)
str_mo = left(str2,2)
str_dy = right(str2,2)
stripDate = str_dy & "," & str_mo & "," & str_yr
Exit Function
end if
End Function

test = stripDate(string1)
sample output: 20,10,2006

I then want to pass the sample output into another function, but in order to do that, the date variables must be split with speech marks as follows:


but I can't work out how to include that in the stripDate function so that it wraps the variables in speech marks. Whenever I try to include the speech marks the code returns the usual error about unterminated string constants e.g. if I replace the final line of the above function with this:

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Format String

How do I split 12345678 into 12 34 56 78?

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String Format

I have a form with the below code.Code:

<form action="<%= SCRIPT_NAME %>?action=editsave" method="post"><p><input type="hidden" name="id" value="&commitment=<%= rsSelectCommitment.Fields("Commitment").Value %>&id=<%= rstDBEdit.Fields("Id").Value %>" />

I would like the form to pass the url that looks like:


&commitment=<%= rsSelectCommitment.Fields("Commitment").Value %> =27281
<%= rstDBEdit.Fields("Id").Value %> = 39

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Format Of A String Or Number

How do I format a specific string and add dashes inside the string. The output I get from the recordset, for example, is 007275153. I want to format the output as 00-727-5153.

Also, if a string in a database is C-1411C1, how can I remove the "C-" at the beginning of the string?

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Format A String Into A Date

I have the following result from my database

Quote: 20020920

Now i get this onto my page with the following code


Now what do i need to do so that the date is formatted in the following way

Quote: 20/09/2007

I have tried this and various other ways but can't get it to work

FormatDateTime<%=objRs("order_date")(Date, 0)%>

This just gives me the following error

Quote: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: '[object]'

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Check Format Of String

How do i check the whether a string entered...matches a fixed format that i have created? suppose i have to checkk whether a string entered is of this format..
( where '#' is any digit)..

For example if the user enters F-02 ..Then the check would return TRUE..
If the user enters F02 ...Then the check would return false..
I would like to do this check on the server side...ASP ( not javascript)]

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Format A Number String

I have a 20 character string that I need to format in a certain way. For instance, here is the raw string:


And I need it to look like this:


It wouldn't bother me if the number was entered into a text box without any dashes, but then before I submit the number to the db I would need to enter the dashes in the correct spots. Can anyone give me an idea of how I can accomplish this?

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Convert String To Date-format

I try to convert a string in to date format, but I didn't succeed until now.

I get a specified date in this form:

date = "20060808"

In the first step I convert the date to a valid date-format:

convdate = right (z,2)&"-"& mid(z,5,2)& "-" & left(z,4)
'looks like this now: "08-08-2006"

Now I want to put this value in a date-format to adding and substracting a days much easier for me.

test = (date)convdate
test = test+15

The problem is that I don't know how to convert into date format.

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Response.Write String Format?

where I am going wrong with the format of this response.write string:-Code:

Response.Write (rs.Fields("height") & (" cm") & ("<br/>") & ")"

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Convert String To SHA-1 Base64 Format

I have 3 fields....Name, CC, and Number. I want to combine all 3 fields to become 1 string...example:


StringCombine: VRAO415244411258741125412002

With that StringCombine i want to convert it to SHA-1 Base 64 format. I not sure how to make the string become SHA-1.

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String Manipulation To Currency Format

I have a client with a database whose author didn't do any type of form verification. Hence, in the "price" field, there are values such as 213000, $32,400, 5000 USD, etc.

What I am hoping is that some might tell me how to take a string, cut out all white space first, then go character by character to test for INT. Once done, count the characters, insert a "," where appropriate, and display on a page? Can this be done?

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£ Sign Not ? Mark

I am using ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") to grab content from a site and display it
on my site, the issue I have and have had for weeks now is that on the
original page the sign "£" exists and when I get it to my site it is
displayed as a "?".

If I find the ASC code for the ? and replace on that it still does not work

I have tryed all the usual method of fixing this with no success...

anybody had this issue or know where I might start to look to fix it ???

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Check Box To Mark Yes/no

I've created a form where people can request samples of our product to be sent to them. I've created a list page where it lists out all of the current requests that still need shipped. In my database I have a field called shipped with data type yes/no.

I made another page which lists all requests that need shipped based off that shipped field (yes/no.) From this list there's a link to view the details of each record. On that details page I'd like to include a check box that we can simply click to mark the shipped field to yes so that it won't show up on the list of stuff that needs shipped anymore.

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Getting Question Mark

I am trying to retrieve arabic fields from sql server 2000 database , the collation for the database is arabic and the content of the column are in arabic but am getting question marks displayed in my ASP web pages when am tring to retrieve the contents of this columns

i have added the following line to my asp page

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">

but still getting the question marks and not arabic content as they are displayed in the database .

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Javascript Quote Mark

I am having trouble getting the 's and +s on this statement correct. The first select line works as it is supposed to but the 2nd one does not. Can anyone correct this and perhaps tell me/point me in the direction of the rule of thumb for stuff like this?


<SELECT size="1" name="waste" onChange="window.location='drumsnew.asp?waste='+this.value+' &c_type=<%=Selected_Container_Type%>'+'&c_size=<%=Selected_Container_Size%>';">

<SELECT size="1" name="ctype" onChange="window.location='drumsnew.asp?waste='<%Selected_Waste_Type%>'+'&c_type='+this.value+'&c_size=<%

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Using Cdo.message And Getting Question Mark

I am using cdo.message for sending mails I get the data I Hebrew and I send it to the mail the problem is that I get the mail with: question mark "?????????"


all in question mark

what can i do to see it all in the language Hebrew?

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Decline A Quotation Mark In Asp

how can i decline a ' character in asp?

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Punctuation Mark Problem XML

I created a form that puts a text in a sql db just like it is typed in the text field. So when I type: Het potentiëel is dat er .... puts this exact in the database.

An other page takes the value from the db to create a VML/XML based page. but this goes wrong on the words with punctuation marks like ë.

If I look at the source it shows exact what is placed in de db: Code:

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Quotation Mark Rules

One thing I've started to notice lately is that asp seems to be very sensitive to how quotation marks are layered. Does anyone know where I can find out when to use double quotes and when to use single quotes? Code:

SelectSQLB = "SELECT * FROM TeamRosters WHERE IDNumber = Session(' 'TeamMember' & LoopCounter')"

Is the line that's giving me trouble and I'm not really sure how to layer it. Every logical combination I've tried has produced a different sort of error. Note that TeamMember# is a session variable and loopcounter is a local variable used to select which TeamMember# session variable to use. Before I've noticed that pretty much it works like this: " ' ' " but that was for two layers deep. What's the syntax for going three layers in?

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Trapping Single Quotation Mark

I am looking for a way that I can trap the single quotation mark. If an
encoder uses single quotation mark on a textbox field, it always give me an
error because I use single quotes on the SQL statement.

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Mark Alexander's Search Engine

I get this error messege :

<LI>Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/test/searchlibrary.asp, line 273
line 273 : objRS.Open strSQL, objConn, , , adCmdText

I think my library.mdb has a problem .

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Script To Format Existing Access Table Into Wall Calendar Format?

I have the tables set up in Access, viewing in column format on ASP pages but now the company wants the schedule reports to be in a wall-calendar type format. I've searched and found calendar scripts but I need one that's creates a table resizable to a report size format. Using the existing MS Access db I've written is also a plus.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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Convert Any Audio Format Files To Vox Format

if there any asp or vb functions that can convert any audio format files to vox format.

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How To Format Date In MM/DD/YYYY Format

how to format date in MM/DD/YYYY format in ASP?

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Stop Errros

How can i detect if a database already has a primary key value that i want to insert. ie. i want to insert 5 into a database that already has a primary key set to 5.

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How To Stop Spam

We have many forms on our site that users can fill out and ask questions, request information etc. but somehow, we receive a lot of junk mails (more than two hundreds) within two weeks through these forms. I don't know hot to stop these junk emails.

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Running Net Stop

I want to make a simple simple asp page. All I want is when the page loads
it does "net stop <service>". The code is below, it is not running as
IUSR_<machine>, I am authenticating as Administrator yet the service does
not stop.

The blank page just loads with no errors and the service remains
running, what am I missing? I am completely new to ASP, I just want one
simple page for this purpose. Code:

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Stop Session

I dont want to start the sessions when my asp page is do I do that...can I add something at the start of the page which will not enable the session

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Stop The Loop

I´m programming in ASP. How can I stopp the loop?

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