Formatting Data Results...proper Case

I have a asp page pulling results from an Access DB. I have no control of
the data input to the db. All the information is entered in Upper case. It
contains fields like address, city, etc..

DB data:
AddressColumn: 123 BILL AVENUE format to 123 Bill Avenue

Is there a way to format the data on the webpage in proper case with a
fucntion or routine? I am not a programmer by trade but can follow logic.

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Proper Case Function

I saw the Proper Case function a long time ago and I can't seem to find it by search. Does anyone have the code?

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Need Info On Using Proper Data Type For Words With Apostrophe

What is the correct data type to use if the phrase I'm saving to my table contains an apostrophe such as in the phrase "yesterda's news". I've tried "text" data type, I've tried "varchar" and "char". They all give me bugs when I save to the database and if I remove the apostrophe from the phrase, then it saves correctly with any data type.

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Formatting Database Results

I have a query that i have been having trouble with for some weeks and i am desperate to get working.

What i want to do is construct a statement from the values i pull from the database.

for example, i have 2 rows in the database, one field, called dbValue that has the values "Value 1" and "Value 2"

I want to pull the values from the database and construct an if statement like the following

if testing = Value 1 OR Value 2 then
end if

Could someone please help me out, the values have to be pulled from the database as they will be dynamic.

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Formatting Time Display From DB Results

I've got a date/time field in the format "9/2/2007 8:00:00 PM" that I'm pulling from my db as part of a query.

My problem is every once in a while I get a time that is 00:00:00 AM (right at midnight) and then my results display only the date with the time blank because it was all 0's. Is there a way I can force it to show the time even when its midnight?

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Case Sensitive Data

When a read a field (string) in my script and checks whether it matches user input or not, the comparison is case sensitive. Eg Code:

If (x=User_Input_Variable) Then
End If

How do I drop the case sensitivity?

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Formatting Data From DB Using ASP

I'm trying to write a script using ASP that will take data from an Access database and generate the HTML table to hold the data and format the the data in the HTML table. I'm not having any problem retrieving the data, but I'm not very knowledgeable about generating the HTML using ASP.

I want to create one page with a list of links of different types of products and when you click on the link it will dynamically generate a page that will list the products for the category of the link.Can anyone point me to a tutorial that demonstrates how to do something similar?

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Dim Inside Select Case Executes In Any Case?

Code like this
Select case q
Case "a"
Dim arr(5)
Case "b"
Dim arr(2)
end select
returns an error saying variable arr redefined.
Should it be like that or an I using Select incorrectly? Perhaps something
similar to break needs to be used?

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Upper Case And Lower Case

I need to filter the records of a table where the records contain a searchin string with no case sensitive compare, and all with one only sql statement.

"SELECT * FROM Stuff WHERE LOWER(StuffName) LIKE '%" & lcase(StrSearch) & "%'"

but the error is in the function LOWER exist a similar function ?

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Cannot Insert Data And Email Results

I have a form that I created via DW that inserts data into a db. I also have code that I want to use which will email the results of the form. However, I have no idea how to combine the two functions (insert and email) into one page of code. Is there a way to merge the two? Where would I put teh email code? Code:

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Modify Data Results Linkbar Buttons

If anyone can guide me to change my basic data results link bar buttons (First, Next, Previous Last). I will like to use my custom arrow buttons but don't know how. The default buttons are generated by default with i create a query. Where do i go to modify these buttons, and what code do i use in the new buttons i will like to use....

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Proper Usage

What is the proper way of using html in asp

Response .write "<td>"& variable & "</td>"


<td><% Response.write (variable)%></td>

What difference does it make?I am building a table whose number of rows keep changing
When i use the second method the space above my table keeps increasing.I just want to know which method is better..I had posted a similiar question....I'm still trying to figure out.

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Proper Syntax

is this the proper syntax for an update statement in Access 2000:

Update [table] set table.column1=1, table.column2=2
where ((ID)=1)

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Proper Way To Logout?

I am currently using a script to logout which contains this code only...

Session.Abandon ()
Response.Redirect ("main.asp")

Please could you tell me if there is a way to actually delete the session from the users browser history? The above code works ok, as long as the browser is closed first, deleting the cookie info.

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Proper FTP Manager Required

I've created a web site system that a number of users use on their sites,
but I manage each individual site/system on my ISP's server.

Creating updates to this system was fine when I only had a few users, but
now its starting to become hard work uploading the required files to each
site (I use CuteFTP) so I wondered if you knew of an FTP app that would
allow me to automate the process.

I basically want to put a file or files in a local folder and then instruct
the app to auto-upload these files to the same places, but on each site. If
required, I can create the folder structure locally so that the app goes
through a set of folders locally and uploads them to the same places on the

Do you know of an app that can automate the process of uploading the same
files to certain directories across multiple FTP sites?

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How To Convert Days To Proper Format

i use to get the difference between two dates i.e user's signup date and todays date in order to check that user has atleast logged into his/her account within 45 days otherwise i ll delete the account.

i calculate the difference by using datediff function for days upon current date and account created date. it displays the results in no of days say 32 days or 134 days

but i want to have it properly formatted in format like:

in case of 32 days
1 month and 2 days
that i can do by myself

but how to handle following situations:

if there are 30 days in month
if there are 31 days in month
if there are 28 days in month
if there are 29 days in month

how to handle these situations.

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Case ASP

I have this below. If there are 0 records, I want to do nothing, which it
does. I need to perform a task if there is more than one. Case > 1 doesn't
work. The most records I would have are 5.


Select Case mycount

Case 0

Response.write ("No Records")

Case 1

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Case Sensitive

i have this on my signup page
Set rs = Conn.Execute("SELECT * from rounds")


IF request.form("username") = rs.fields.item("username").value THEN




the problem is.. some who signed up as say Jeff can still sign up as jeff
or jeFF how can i fix this??

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My problem is like this:

But I use ASP + Access (Jet SQL 4)

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How To Use Select Case

I was trying to colorize my Events from my eventtable.
Past = Grey
Today = Yellow
Future = Blue

Now my question:

How can i specify a statement not when its EQUAL to a number but greater or less than zero for example

I tried this thing and some else but it didn't really work...

Case Else
End Select

Probably its a simple solution and don't see the forest because there are so many trees

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I am having a hard time understanding how to use a SELECT CASE in ASP. I
have used it in VB but never in ASP scripting.


I have 2 textboxes on a form that I have to allow entry to one or the other
or Both at the same time. Now I tried to use an If ElseIf but it got too
hard to track, so now I am using a SELECT CASE Statement.

TEXBOX1 named strEnglish
TEXBOX2 named strFrench

My code:

Select Case

Then I have no idea how to go from here, because I have 2 input textboxes to
follow. Code:

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Case Problem

i have a name in the variable like this

std="bill stevens"

I want to display it like this

Bill Stevens

i want to make the first letter as capital

here is my code


stdnamedisplay=Ucase(Mid(std,1,1)) & Mid(std,2)

its not working it still displays as bill stevens

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Case Statement

I am getting a syntax error on

Select Case Now
Case > "2/2/2004 12:30:00 AM"
response.redirect "votingover.asp"
case else
End Select

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Replace() Case

Is replace case sensitive?

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Select Case Between Value

"Stock Value" Could be anything from 0 to a million or so, and might include a decimal (12345.67) . I can't find how to do this:

Select Case StockValue
Case 0 To 30000
response.Write("Less than 30000")
Case 30000 To 80000
response.Write("30000 to 80000")
Case 80000 To 180000
response.Write("80000 to 180000")
Case Else ' > 180000
response.Write("Greater than 180000")
End Select

I also tried Case > 0 And <30000 .... and so on

how to write this select script please?

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Case Statmemt

I have one very simple question. I an just going blank on this. I writing a select case statment and want to know if I can have one of the case equile 2 values.

IE :

select case animal
case "dog" or "cat" /// this only works if i remove the or half
'write form here
case "mouse"
'do something
end select

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Case Sensitivity

i am working on a login page in asp classic with microsoft access at the back, in current scenerio the username and passwords are not case sensitive and i have to make them C.Sensitive. can any one help me in this regard?

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Case Change

right now i am developing a web site. i want to know how to write the code to change the case for the text which we entered in the text box control? for example: if user enter his name as john elan, then we should automatically convert that text into proper case. i mean the name should become John Elan.

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Case Statement Redirect With Pop

I'm trying to build a case statement that when a person logs in, the login page sends them to a redirect script based on the query string redirect.asp?id=1.

So far i can make myself a basic case statement, but i'm confused on how to get the window to pop up in a 400 x 600 window with no tool bars and such. any ideas?

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Not A Case Sensitive Search?

Below is my sql search code in my asp page. But my search seems to be case sensitive. How can i modify it to make it not case sensitive?

sqlString = "SELECT product_image, product_name, product_description, product_price " &_
"FROM Products " &_
"WHERE product_status = 1 " &_
"AND ( product_name LIKE '%" & searchFor & "%' " &_
"OR product_description LIKE '%" & searchFor & "%') " &_
"ORDER BY product_name "

SET RS = Conn.Execute( sqlString )
IF NOT RS.EOF AND searchFor <> "" THEN

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Case Sensitive Password

I have tried searching various sites including this one and I cant find a straight forward answer.


strSQL = "SELECT user.username FROM user WHERE username = '" & myUsername & "' AND password = '" & myPassword & "';"

How do I check for case sensitivity?

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First Letter In Upper Case

How to make first letter of word in upper case?
i.e. hello should return Hello
Is there any inbuilt function?

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Upper-, Or Lowe-case

Since my website uses a font for headlines that doesn't exist on default in windows I want to dynamicly create my headlines with images(of characters)
For this to work nicely I have to detect if a character is upper or lower case.

Like the string


Here I want to replace the "W" with a upperw.png and then replace "elcome" with lowere.png, lowerl.png, lowerc.png...and so on, you get the picture.

Is this possible in asp (vbscript) ? or java if It's possible to integrate into my vbscript page.

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