Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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Page 2 - ASP Pages Wont Work On Iis Xp Pro

1 - Yes, Norton Internet Security 2003
2 - NTFS
3 -
Radio button selected = "A directory located on this computer"

Checked = "read", "log visits", "Index this resource"

Execute permissions drop down = "Scripts only"

Application protection drop down = "Medium (Pooled)"

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Asp Page Wont Send Email If Form Fields Are Blank

I created a feedback form for my website that has only 2 required fields. When you submit the form it calls my asp page which puts the information in a database and then sends me n email with the information that was entered into the form. The problem is that the form only has two required fileds, and if the remaining non required fields are left empty when the asp page is called it does write to the data base, but does not send me any email. However if I go back in and put somethng in every field in the form then when I submit the form and my asp page is called it writes to the data base and sends me an email with the all the information I entered in the feedback form. Is there a way to tell my asp page that it is ok to send the email even if the non required fields are left empty? I really do not want to have to go back through the form and put default values in for each area of the form? Also is there a way to have an error displayed if the email is not sent? My asp code is below....

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If Else Statement Wont Work

i have this if endif condition but it doesn't seem to work

if date = "12-06-2007" then
response.write "its december 6"
response.write "its not december 6"
end if

and i try this also but its not working either

if day = "6" and month = "December" and year = "2007" then
response.write "its december 6"
response.write "its not december 6"
end if

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Wont Work On Server

i have made a script and it worls no the local host on my pc but does not work on the server.all of my other asp scripts on the server work any ideas y this would work on the local server and not on the internet?

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ASP Site Wont Work On Webserver

Ive build an asp website which works on my local machine and also works when i upload it to other web spaces, but when i upload to one web hosting space - it doesnt (which also happens to be where the client wants it to be).

There are other asp sites running from that location too - which just puzzles me. Would it be something to do with that i use dsn less connections and the other ones use dsn?

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Asp Pg Wont Work With My Javascript Code

I am trying to have multiple layers on a page that toggle on and off, it
works on a htm file but when I use it as an asp file it doesnt show
anything. Code:

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ASP.NET On Windows 2000

Our current websites are hosted on Win2K Servers using classic ASP and IIS
5.0. We will be acquiring a 3rd party website that is written in ASP.NET.
Hate to sound stupid, but is it possible to run ASP.NET on Win2K or does it
need to be run under Win2003?

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PWS On Windows 2000

Overnight my work PC has been upgraded - I'm re-installing all my software, and PWS does not work

It may be that it's a permissions thing (I need to get this sorted, as it is stopping me from installing a few things) However, I also suspect that PWS for NT is no longer any good for W2K Is there a new version for W2K?

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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IIS Windows 2000 Not Loading

I've searched several articles about this and cannot get any suggestions to work. My IIS on Windows 2000 Server won't run ASP pages like default.asp. I've tried reinstalling IIS, syncing the passwords for IUSR....etc.

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Windows Server 2000 Question...

Will CDO work under Windows Server 2000? I'm guessing it will. The problem is that I wrote a nice little ASP app under Windows Server 2003 which works REALLY well. Sends out the email with NO problem. 'Course, it uses an external SMTP server, but I'm assuming this shouldn't matter, right?.

Because when I port it over to Windows Server 2000, it blows right past it. Is there a particular setup procedure that needs to be done for Windows Server 2000 to enable CDO to work properly?

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Windows 2000 SP 4; Browser Hangs

I installed SP4 for Windows 2000.

Prior to the upgrade my system was at SP3 and I was able to run ASP
scripts from my browser just fine. For exmaple: Code:

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Mac To Windows 2000 File Uploads

I've recently installed an asp component called smartupload, it works very well. The problems start when a mac user uploads a jpg or gif, windows will not open the works fine with a windows user.

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Connecting To SQL 2000 Database In Windows 2003 X64

I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified

My ASP code is straight forward: Code:

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Setting Up MSDE 2000 Release A On Windows XP Professional

I recently downloaded and installed (hopefully correctly) MSDE 2000 Release
A. I previously, and still do, have the version of IIS that comes with XP
Professional installed on my computer. I wanted MSDE 2000 Release A so that
I could do database access using ASP from my websites, which are on my
computer. When I went to my first test website, I recieved the following

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied
/testDB.asp, line 26

The ASP code that I used on my web to connect to the database (which is
currently just an empty text file) is the following: Code:

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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JScript: Can't Programmatically Delete Cookies On Windows 2000 Professional

I persist the login info using cookies so that a user doesn't have to login every time they come to our website, unless they previously logged out. Everything works OK on W98 SE, and Windows XP Pro machines.

On a W2K machine, IE6.0.2800.1106 SP1, the following function won't delete cookies, or deletes them but they're mysterioulsy re-created when the web page is subsequently referenced. Therefore, a web user can't logout.

// ============================================
// remove login cookies
// ============================================
function KillLoginCookies ( )
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ).Expires = '01/01/1980';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ).Expires = '01/01/1980';

What am I missing here?

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.asp Page Wont Display In Browser

I created my .asp page in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 and when I right-click my page in there it displays perfectly. But when I try to view it in internet explorer I only get the html part to display.

I've tried regestering iis in the cmd, it didnt solve it. Here is the code if it could be to any interest:

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Flash Movie Wont Play On A Secure Page

I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play.

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Windows Is Shutting Down In 60mins. Pleases Save Your Work. And Shows A Path To C:w

I have a win2k server. I just installed running service pack 3, am just updating to service pack 4 now.

i normally get the error, windows is shutting down in 60mins. pleases save your work. and shows a path to c:winntsystem32lssas.exe

I am wondering if this is a lasser worm or what ? cos i have had to format a couple of times, but still get the error.

what do i do ? Any Advice ?

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Email Problem, Win Svr 2000

I have written some code that tries to send out an email, using CDONTS, in ASP. My problem is that the email just sits in the "Queue" folder in the Ipubnetmailroot directory. The server is Windows 2000.

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Sending Email Doesn't Work!

Well im trying to send an automatic email when a user click on a link or submit a form...ive tried the CDO and the CDONTS method but both do not seem to work
In fact its on an intranet where a user will request for a particular document and as the user clicks on the document an email is sent to a person who will receive the there any configuration before using these codes...or is there any specific things i need to ask the system administrator for that code to run.. Code:

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Access SQL SERVER 2000 DB From An Asp Page

I'm using sql server 2000 database and trying to access it using asp. when i installed sql server, i selected the mixed mode of authentication(windows and sql server). Code:

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Office 2000 SP3 Excel Page Break

Since I updated Office 2000 to SP3, my ASP code has failed when executing this function:

(the HPageBreaks.Add line fails)
function insertPageBreak ( xlsObject, strLocation )
with xlsObject
.Range( strLocation ).Select
.ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add .Range( strLocation )
end with
end function

xlsObject is a valid object of excel created with:
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

strLocation is a string in the form "Axx" where xx is the current row number, e.g. "A54"

I had to uninstall and reinstall Office 2000 without service pack 3 in order for it to work....

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Asp/access Sql Page Works In Xp But Not In Server 2000?

I have a page which works fine testing locally on my win XP PC, using an access database file. When I place it on the server (all code and database file being the same)... it gives an SQL error :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2

The SQL statement is as follows: Code:

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Uploading Test Asp Page With Sql Server 2000 Onto Webserver

I've been trying to create a test site - The site uses ASP with VBscript and talks to SQL Server 2000. I was able to complete and test it on my locally on my computer using Microsoft’s IIS 5.1. The website communicated fine with the database on the webserver/network server

However, when I tried to save the site from my local computer to the wwwroot folder in the server’s IIS hoping to make the internal site available to everyone here the resulting error comes up when we try to open a page with a recordset connected to the database: -

Our Error: -
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'AUMBSDDSSIUSR_AUMBCOMP'.
/mysite/htm/test2.asp, line 8

The page calls on an include file

Code: ....

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Send Page Script Breaks W/Win 2000 & Outlook XP

The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:

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Blank Page Running ASP Page On Windows Vista

I've a strange problem with Windows Vista, running an ASP page on local
machine (http://localhost/test.asp), the page does not give me any error but
the asp code is not executed (simple code : <% response.write("hello") %),
it show me a blank page, I think I've put all the setttings correctly, but
maybe I must do something obvious to fix that.

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ASP Page To Work With Mysql

I need help bad. I have an ASP page that is used by a program in our office to upload clients information to an access database. I'm trying to convert this whole process ti MYSQL but the program does not recognize PHP files to upload data and their is no way to change that. I have contacted the vendor and they said they only support access and not mysql.

If you click on the link it will download a zip file of the page i need help with. What i am trying to do is leave the asp format as is so that the data can upload to a mysql database instead of a access DB. I know there is a way to connect ASP to mysql, but he methods i have tried have been unsuccessful.

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Page Break Not Work For Excel By Asp

I have tried
<p style="page-break-before: always;"></p>


<style type="text/css">
.break{page-break-before: always;}

But it seems no work. I really take a page break for a particular row. How can I do it?

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Email Program Won't Send In Windows 2003 - Queue_Manager

I have a client that just switched to Windows 2003 server. Their website
has always run fine under Windows 2000, using an email program
queue_manager.exe to send order and support emails (sending a receipt to the
sender). This seems to work under Windows 2003, but won't send the email.
I suspect it's a security configuration issue, but can't seem to pin point
it (since I am a novice with 2003 server). The server also has Exchange
Server installed.

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ASP - Form Redirect To Same Page - BACK Button Does Not Work ???

I have created 2 asp pages called testa.asp and testb.asp

testa.asp has a link to go to next page testb.asp

testb.asp has a form that ask you for a reference number and post it
to the same page testb.asp

If the reference number is not blank, it will just write out what the
reference number is.

Now my problem....

If you go to testa.asp and click on the link to go to testb.asp you
will see the form. At this point, if you click the back button, it
till take you back to testa.asp ALL FINE SO FAR.

If you go to testb.asp again and see the form, enter a number say 33
and click on search. This will now show you the number you have just
entered. NOW - click on the BACK BUTTON, it will just show you exactly
the same page ! WHY does it not go back to the FORM in order to refill
in a different number. Code:

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