Formmail Referrer Blocked

I am running into the same problem. Has a fix been found for this yet? I guess I will just comment out the referrer check until this is addressed. I can't run the risk of turning customers away because the forms don't work.

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IIS Has Been Blocked?

I think my IIS is disabled or blocked somehow. Can anyone here tell me how
to reactivate it again. The OS is WinXP.

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I have a basic script that allows broadband to be turned on/off from anypage on a site. What I have done is used HTTP_REFERER to redirect the user back to page they were on once the needed server variable is set.

But since Firewalls such as Norton block HTTP_REFERER variable the script is falling on its face. Currently I just redirect them to the home page is HTTP_REFERER returns blank but I'm wondering if anyone can think of a workaround or have read anywhere about one.

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Blocked Session Objects

I have a password system on my site using session("login") = "" to assign a username that sticks with them once their password, etc. has been verified.

This session object then disappears as soon as they change page, I think because the lengthy free host's url is masked by a swish paid for one.

IE displays a privacy report icon at this point, presumably objecting to the fact that a cookie is being placed from a site who's url is not in the address bar.

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Referrer Id

How can I learn where my visitor came from? I mean which site reffered
to my site? (Something called referrer id/ip)

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HTTP Referrer

I'd like to limit access to an ASP script by checking that they came through the correct path. I believe that I can do this by checking that the scriptname that they came from was myscript.asp

How do I go about doing this though? Are there any problems with relying on Referrer? I heard something about Norton Firewall screwing it up

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is it possible to get the url to the refferer to a page as a asp value (vbscript) ? I know the document.write(document.refferer) but don't how to use it in an asp script.

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HTTP Referrer Questions

A week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment
variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if

I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or ..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx , or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.

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Referrer In Session Cookie

how I could store the referrer id in this URL into a session cookie. I've been given this code by someone else but my knowledge of ASP is virutally non-existent and they need this feature in the site as soon as possible.

<%dim vntRef
if request.querystring("referrer") <> "" then
vntRef = request.querystring("referrer")
session("svRef") = vntRef
end if
if session("svRef") = "" then
session("svRef") = vntRef
end if

where this code goes and how I reference it(if I need to) that would be fantastic. Basically I wasn't told about this until after the site went live and they're now telling me to get it done quick smart so the quicker the better.

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Webpage Only From HTTP-REFERRER

I have seen a post on how to just receive the domain name when using HTTP-REFERRER. But, I need just the webpage. I have tried modifying the code I saw, to no avail. Can anyone help please?

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Syntax For Referrer Statement

I think I know what I want to say, but don't know the proper syntax. I want to redirect the user to a new page if the referrer is ANYTHING but one particular page (/index.asp)


If instr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"), IS NOT EQUAL TO /= "") Then
End If
%> .

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Redirect Back To Referrer Page

I've got several pages with links. When the links are clicked, a value is posted to 'processing.asp' which does a database update then needs to redirect back to the page from which the link was clicked. Is it possible to obtain the full URL of the referring page using asp? I need it potentially to be able to redirect back to something as complex as:


If that was the URL of the page from which it was linked.

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I found what looks like a great ASP alternative to Matt's Script I downloaded the code from There are only four variables that must be set to make the code work: referersmailCompsmtpServerfromAddr
I did what the code instructed me to do but the code won't work. I'm getting an error message on submission that says:

"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument

/scripts/formmail.asp, line 408"

I have attached both the .ASP code that I am using and the html code so hopefully a wonderfully smart programmer can give me some assistance. Code:

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Some people have been reporting to me that they can't submit info using FormMail.asp when they have a personal firewall enabled. They're getting "No referer" errors. I believe the firewall programs are blocking the header info. How can I fix/work around this?

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Formmail Query

At the moment i has a quote form and it sends the details back to me. using frommail.

I was wondering how i could then send an e-amail to the person that filled in the quote thanking them....

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ASP Formmail / Autorespond

I'm trying to use a form where a site visitor can chosse several items and submit their e-mail address. The form should then send the visitor the items they selected as e-mail attachements and mail the form's contents to the website owner's e-mail.

Can anyone recommend a way to do this using ASP.

I have access to aspFusion's advSMTP component on my hosting service, but neither they nor aspfusion provide any documentation with examples of how to use it.

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FormMail Not Working

I've used this script many times before, but for some reason it isn't working. I need another set of eyes to look over it. What's happening is, the page will submit and attempt to goto the thankyou page, but it never makes it through the form process.Files are attached. You'll probably have to replace some lines with your own server info.

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FormMail.asp Results

My formmail.asp results get mailed to me, with a bunch of extra characters like +'s and %'s in that I can hardly read the results. I know absolutely zero about ASP but I really need this fixed.

If anyone is feeling bored..maybe you could help me out..I dont know what the problem is, but I'd just like to send the script to someone for fixing.

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Asp FormMail Filtered As JUNK

How can I send asp formmail (im using ASP form mail BETA) without it being filtered as junk?

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Formmail :: The SendUsing Configuration Value Is Invalid

Can someone please help with this, I am receiving this error from my simple form:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040220'
The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid

/scripts/formmail.asp, line 19

Here is the asp script I'm using:......

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Formmail.asp And 500 Internal Server Error

I've just tranferred a clients website to differnet windows hosting server and his formmail.asp no longer works. When the submit button is pressed it creates a 500 internal server error.

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ASP Formmail W/ Courtesy Reply Back?

Can anyone help me with asp code for my form that enables sending a confirmation/courtesy e-mail back to the form submitter?

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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