Forms Coming Back Blank

I run a site and one of our services is a "free online quote" .I've made the whole form, including the .asp backbone to send it off (the file itself is .asp, but im pretty sure the language is in VB). It was working fine, but now the forms will come back blank most of the time. I know they cannot be submitted blank, because I have required feilds there.

The weird thing is, it was working flawlessly, then it started to crap out once or twice, now it rarely submits a real one.It might not be my coding, but I am really lost at this point.I'm using godaddy for a host btw.

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Blank Info From Forms

I built my form using .asp and Javascript. To retrieve the info from these forms, I use the .asp method, ie. request.form.

I have put validators, which work BUT I am still getting one of each form being sent to my email everyday that is BLANK.

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Back + Variable Change; Blank Check; & Open Popup

I have an ASP page that goes from part to part based off of a session variable. Is there any way to check for when the user clicks back so that I can change the variable. If not I will have to separate all of the pages out and that is just not fun.

So, when the user clicks back, the session variable gets changed. That is what I am looking for.

P.S. Is there a faster way to check if a variable is blank other than an
If Bleh="" Then
<some code>
End If

P.P.S. When a submit button is clicked, I want to open a new window with a message like "Be sure to fill out this on page X"

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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Error Keeps Coming Up

i have not really altered anything in my web page but no everytime i try to load it it says

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/Student/StudentLogon.asp, line 48

Sub DisplayStudentLogin

even if i remove this function it then says there is an error with the next one please help

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Option Value Not Coming In Form

I have seen a code to populate a list box from a data base table. Earlier I gave my own values using HTML coding like :

<Option Value="P-159">P-159</Select>. It was working fine but not after using code to build a list box, it is not coming in form value as input and next redirecting page retutns with error:

two codes pages are attached : profile page and search page. Profile page sends input to search page and search pages returns the output.

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Global.asa Values Not Coming Through

i created a global.asa file with notepad and put it in the root directory

Sub Session_onStart()
session("mary") = "mary"
End Sub

now in my asp code i put <%=session("mary")%>

and restarted my machine, and check the value of mary and there was none whats wrong here?
I didnt put a reference in my asp page to the global.asa file. I assume asp looks for it itself ?

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DateDiff Coming Up Negative

I was going to use the DateDiff function for something, so I looked up the syntax real quick at w3schools. Here's what they have:

document.write(Date & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("m",Date,"12/31/2002") & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("d",Date,"12/31/2002") & "<br />")


I put the same code into a simple test document to verify, except for mine has Response.Write. All my numbers came out negative. If I reverse their positions, I get positive numbers. Is the example above wrong or is there something going on with my PC?

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My Link Isnt Coming Our Right

I want the link to come out as


but instead its coming out as

search_results.asp?s1= &s1t=Cancelled

I can't figure out why all of a sudden my variable s1 doesnt have a value once I hit the submit button. Here's my long extensive code. The important bits are the part where I response.write the s1 and s2 and s3 values, they show up on the first page but when I hit the submit button for some reason, they have no value anymore.

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How To Execute ASP Code Coming From Database ?

I'm showing page contents text coming from database, normally the contents are plain text or in html formatting... it works fine.. but I want to add ASP code within page contents, as well... i did try but it dispalys ASP code as it is in the output...

is there any way to execute those asp code lines coming from database...?

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Request.ServerVariables Coming Up Empty?

A few days ago all my Request.ServerVariables began coming up empty. I was using Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") for basic authentication but now its useless. Our server administrator tells me he installed some "patches" last week but doesn't think he caused the problem. All I can say is that before the patch they worked fine. Anyone have any ideas on where to look for a solution?

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Xml File Read But Html Values Not Coming

My xml file format is below:

<content> node have HTML format data i read xml file i got values but not in html format i also post asp code for reading xml file Code:

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Change Display Date Format Coming From DB

I have this is my code:

<%= linkRec("datein")%>

It displays the date like this: 12/14/2004

But I need it to display like: Dec 14, 2004 or something similar (not just numbers)

Is this possible?

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ASP Form - Order Amount Not Coming Through On Email

This is my first asp form so please be gentle with me It's a publications ordering form. I've got the form and the asp code setup, when the form is sent the name of the publication comes through but not the amount ordered - i'm sure i've made a simple mistake somewhere - can anyone spot why the order amount isn't coming through. Code:

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Append The Coming Month Value In My Current Month

I need a date simple date function that would append the coming month value in my current month ...

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Blank Form

What I need to know is how to click on a button that is labeled NEW, as in new record, and have the current form open to data input. That is a blank record. After the user then inputs the data to all the fields on the screen and hits the SAVE button the record will then be placed into the database table.

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Auth_User Blank

I am trying to use AUTH_USER from request.servervariables but the field is
blank. I am using Windoze server 2003 with IIS5. I know there is a fix
because I did it a long time ago with our old NT server running IIS4 but I
cant remember how I got it to work. We are all authenticated users on our
Domain so this is available, I am able to get IP info and such. I seem to
remember some kind of ASP code that did the fix by altering the way the web
server displays info.

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Blank Asp Pages?

The host Im useing is useing plesk as its control panel if anyone has ever heard of that...I hadnt until this site.

when I try to load a asp page on my site it just loads a blank page.

The page is a data base editor page that I had built useing fp 2002

all my other asp pages load fine.

But this one just loads a blank white page

No errors no nothing. Code:

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Blank Data

I had a problem for a while where data was added on its own, and BLANK data. I found out it was because i was opening the processPage.asp to see if it was working, so that was inputting data out of the form that wasnt there. So i get blank data. Is there anyway i can make the process work ONLY if there is data in the form?? Code:

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Blank Lines

I am creating a directory of suppliers.I have a form that collects data - business name, address1, address2, town, city, county, country, postcode.
The data is stored in separate fields in an Access database. Another page is used to display the data, one field per line. However, if some of the fields are blank, I want to suppress the blank liens as at the moment I am getting:

My Business Name
1 High Street

Any Town

Any County
United Kingdom

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Blank Drop Down

I have a drop down list, values coming from a db, when I come into the form I want it to have no value - how do I do this? Also, if I want to capture the value that a person selects from the drop down list do I need to use a session variable if I want to print it to the screen after they select it?

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Blank Date

I want to clear the date in a field in an access table by entering a blank. Does anyone know the syntax for that in the select statement? This is via an asp page

The select statement I am trying to use
strQ ="Update Inquiries set ShutOffDate= 00/00/0000 WHERE CustomerID = "&CustomerID&""

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Blank 500 Error

I'm getting some errors in my .asp code somewhere but I can't seem to figure them out because all I get is a blank 500 error screen. I don't get any description of the error, just a blank screen so I don't know what the problem is.

Just wondering if there's a way to get the results easily because I do not have admin rights to the server so I can't make a custom 500 error page or i would.

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Blank Pages

We use Vignette V5.6 to display our site. In our CMA site, we have a page which has FRAMESET and in one of the frames we call a ASP page. There seems to be some problem that the frame shows the ASP page is blank. When we restart the IIS it works fine. But after some time it again shows the blank.

If we get one blank page, all the asp pages under the same virtual directory, called in the Frame shows blank. FYI. The Vignette template which contains the frame is marked for NO caching & For itnernal use only.

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Blank Fields

All my fields give that error when I try to leave it blank when inserting a new record. The field is not required in the database, so what do I have to do to insert it as blank?



[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Field 'Tablename.NOTREQUIRED' cannot be a zero-length string.

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Blank Querystrings

I want to know how I can check if a querystring exists, whether it has a value or not.

Basically I would like to use test.asp?login without having to use ?Login=blah.

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ASP Pages Blank Until Refreshed

I have an online application made up of ASP pages (IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000 Server) drawing data from a SQL Server database. Most of the time, everything works exactly as it should. Connections are opened to the database, queries are run and data is returned and writen out, connections are closed, etc.

However, every so often a page simply won't load. It isn't trying to load and then timing out or anything, it's like it's ignoring the page entirely. It shows the correct URL in the address bar of IE, but there's nothing but a blank white page displayed. Viewing the source of the blank page reveals that instead of the correct code for the page, we get this: Code:

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Detecting Blank Fields

I am writing an application which when the code first loads there is a form which all the fields are blank. I then need to test some date fields to check if the end date is before the start date etc. The form fails to work. So I then wrote a test asp page which has a single box I then use an If...

Else statement if it is Blank then do nothing if it has data in the text box then display a message. The form works ok until I input text and then it does not detect any input text in it and therefore does not display the message. This is totally the oppoisite of the original application which does not detect the form is empty. Code:

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The code referer = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") used to return a
requesting URL. It now returns blank. Anyone any idea what is happening?

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Words After Blank Space

I retrieved some data from the database and put it in a textbox but the words after the blank sapace cannot be shown, why is that?
Name = rs("requestor") 'where the name is "Sam Siew"

<TD><INPUT TYPE=TEXT Name=requestor size=12 Value=<%=Name%>></TD>

In the text box, it only show "Sam".

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Excel Document Blank

Ok, I have two pages. One that displays the table (page a), and one that exports the table to Excel (page b). When you click the "Export to Excel" link on page a, page b automatically opens up the save/open dialogue box for the Excel document.

Everything works fine on my computer (whether you choose to open or save), however on MOST computers it seems, the Excel document is blank with the exception of the column headers. Here is the code for page b which does all the exporting. Code:

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Blank Data Is Inserting In Db

i am creating a dynamic protofolio page in asp. in that page admin will fill up all the fields . i am giving u the html code here Code:

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ASP If Database Field Blank - Do Nothing!

what i am trying to do is when the database field is empty to not display the box (table) that is in my css file, whereas when there's something in the field i would like the box to display!!! So i'm basically trying to get a 'when field empy, do nothing!!! my code at present generates the box no matter whether the field is full or not!!! Code:

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