Frontpage / Dreamweaver FTP

I know that this is not the most appropriate forum for this question, but after the excellent advice i have recieved from some members about various things I figured I would wrack your brains. The situation is this: The webserver in question is settled behind a firewall, and you can only get ftp access if your ip address is on a trusted list. A colleague of mine wants to access it from home but due to the fact that he has a dynamic ip address he is unable to be added to the trusted list.

I assumed that his access would be denied, and sure enough when i configured dreamweaver for the site it did indeed fail to connect. So far this makes sense, but then I discovered that if, when on the website in IE, if he clicks the edit with frontpage button frontpage will open and give him access to the site once he has logged in with the correct username/pass. He really needs to be able to access the site via dreamweaver so im wondering if anyone can explain how FrontPage is able to get access and if this information can be used to get dreamweaver connecting.

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Frontpage And ASP.NET

I would like to use Frontpage to design a website but use Visual Studio .Net
to do the coding( ASP.NET). I am new to Frontpage and was wondering what the
best way to do this.

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Iis With Frontpage And Asp

I am running windows XP, and hence IIS 5.1 with frontpage
2002. I am currently running IIS on my own machine.

As far as I am IIS 5.1 comes with native support for ASP,
however when I try to publish as ASP page from frontpage
I get the following message:

The following pages in your Web are Active Server Pages
(ASP). They will not work because the server you are
publishing to does not support ASP.

Can anybody tell me which server the above message is
referring to and how I can resolve the problem ?

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FrontPage 02

I have a form that submits results to my email box called TechSupport.htm (created in FrontPage 2002).It works fine.When I add a dropdown box with data from a legitimate Access .mdb (with a verified database connection),FP urges me to change the extension to .asp which I do: TechSupport.asp.Then the dropdown works fine, but the form stops working. I think the problem is because I change the name to .asp. Specifically, when I click Submit, it pauses as if it's processing, but then it returns to TechSupport.asp instead of redirecting to the form confirmation page.

I'm using Win2000 with IIS and FrontPage server extensions. I've tried it on my local machine (with a local inetpub) as well as on our corporate web server (IIS and FP extensions), but it fails in both places. Also,I have several other .asp pages that work just fine.

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Frontpage And Asp

I have developed a site in frontpage and am trying to attach a booking system in asp
I have the code and the database ready but it will not work.

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Trying to setup an ASP project and a FrontPage project under a personal server talking to an Access database all on my hard disk running Windows XP Pro. I have the components:

a web server under which I can run the FrontPage project a Visual Basic ASP.NET project which it insisted on installing under a different web server an Access database

..NET framework is installed (don't ask me where) Frontpage extensions are installed (don't ask me where) IIS is installed (don't ask me where) Are there instructions somewhere as to how to bring (or install) everything that is needed to make this work?

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CDO And Frontpage Extensions

I have written a asp code where i send an email to the person when he/she specified her email id before hitting submit.I catch that email id and check whether the 2 dates entered by the person has a difference of less than 30 days .I used the datediff function.

My server where we have hosted our site doesnt give IUSR permission to the pickup directory and i cannot run this code on the server.But the administrator is telling me to use the Front Page extensions to send email and i have never used FP extensions before to send an email.

Can anybody help me to know how i can do this without changing my code?

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Frontpage To Search

I did a very simple database in Access. It's for locating archived blueprints that we have here. We are scanning them into the computer then archiving the files. The database contains all relevant information pertaining to the drawing. Some examples are filename, job_number, title, drafter, etc. I would like to have a web browser as the searching interface so everyone can easily search from any machine if they need to find an old drawing. Now I have been messing with the DRW in FrontPage but have had various degrees of luck. I would prefer to have a search box with a pulldown menu to specify what field to search. Say if I wanted to search for a specific job number I would select job_number and enter 04001 and voila! In a perfect world at least...I took 1 database class in college and that has been some years ago now. A crash course seems neccesary at this point or if someone could just walk me through I know I will start remembering things.

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Frontpage 2002 And ASP

Ive been using frontpage 2002 for my databse but would love to know more about ASP. Frontpage can generate asp codes but can anybody help how to use frontpage and at the same time create my own ASP codes for viewing database in ACCESS, add, edit, delete, update database. Also I tried using Frontpage for my database, but the problem is i cannt edit the codes for its so complicated.

what i wold like to perform is view the database in access in my browser, update on it, delete a record, edit it, and when adding new record, a new number for the applicant[its like auto number, i tired using ACCESS to auto number, its nice nice. =) i know there is a a way by using ASP.].

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Intro To ASP/Frontpage

I'm a web designer and developer with experience using nix, Apache, PHP, MySQL and so on. Within the space of a few days, however, I've been asked to overhaul two ASP sites, each with some databases, and one designed to interface with FrontPage. I know very little about ASP and have never used FrontPage.

learning to work with ASP and FrontPage? With one site, my intention is to somehow create an idiot-proof CMS to enforce template/appearance across a number of sub-sites. Easy in PHP -- just create a web-based admin interface -- but my client would very much like to have the content managers keep their FrontPage.

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Frontpage And Interdve

I installed IIS+Frontpage serverextension and I use frontpage.I use Interdev too but when I want to create file in my server directory(inetpub/wwwroot)it givs me a message that I can't create my Interdev file.Do you know what the problem is?

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Frontpage 2000

if is it possible to connect a database (access 2000) through frontpage? i try to do this and i got an error. in frontpage, there is a option to connect database. then we have to publish a web and after you can store your data through form. all these steps i have already clear. but i can't.

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Frontpage/ASP IIS Connection

My background is primarily the Linux/PHP route, so I am encountering some IIS problems with our school's course instructional server. We have a Linux server and an IIS server, and for a specific project, they requested it to be in ASP, and the server admin would prefer us to use the IIS server, rather than Chilisoft, so its all good there.

However, I don't know how IIS works, so I don't know why this is: but I have to connect with Frontpage, and I can't use FTP or SSH. Is there a way around this? I dread using Frontpage. I've asked him to install some type of FTP service on the server, but he said that he can't yet because then he would have to go through the politics of having the school's network admin running more tests on it to make sure it doesn't compromise anything.

So it seems I am either going to have to use Frontpage or find a way around this on my own. And I would prefer the latter foremost.

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Asp In Frontpage Frame

i am trying to make user login and password then when it log in it is go to diffrent page in the website this page is frame page whitch contain three frame

when i put the index page " the main page " in the
server.execute("index.asp") it is dispaly nothing

how can i make it dispale the frame

but when i put single page to the
server.execute("student.asp")' go to student page

it exucute right.

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FrontPage Error

Does anyone have any idea what secret location I would look in to eliminate this error. I received the error when trying to publish the website from one server to another.

Server error: The folder that would hold URL
'agency/rgn/r2/_overlay/region2.htm_nav_sumipntg010_hbtn.gif' does not exist
on the server.

Since the 'agency/rgn/r2/' folder does not exist on either of the servers anymore, I don't have any idea where the error is coming from.

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Converting Frontpage Web Pages

if there is anything that needs to be done to convert my intranet web pages (html & asp) created in frontpage to say... InterDev, Web matrix, Octane8, or Dreamweaver. I notice some header information that looks specific to frontpage.

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Reset A Database In Frontpage

I created a new database using the Frontpage 2003 wizard. Everything works Fine but I would like to have the option to Delete the database (What I mean is anything that was puyt in to get rid of it.) after they are done putting in what they have to put in. Is there a way to do this I can't find one.

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Webbots In FrontPage 2002

I'm having trouble with webbots in FrontPage 2002. How do I edit the Nav in FP 2002? I can only see the properties when I Right Click. The Nav was auto generated when I ran the Wizard to create a site. But how do I rename them or add to the Nav?

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Visual Interdev And Frontpage

does a version of visual interdev come with frontpage? also has anyone used visual interdev, how cool, easy is it? Is it worth the $1,000? or only for large compaines.

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Microsoft FrontPageŽ Extensions 2002

I want to run an asp content management system. I was just wondering, does asp run ok on a linux based server with Microsoft FrontPageŽ extensions 2002?

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ASP / Access In Frontpage - Simple Select

I am using asp within frontpage in this situation.

I am doing a simple select from one table, the table has a date field, the select should basically show the next 5 upcoming events based on date. I want to use a "current date" variable in there so the events that show are not in the past (i.e. upcoming events, not past).

I created a query in access and used the now() function for the date, but when I do, that the query does not work within the asp page (it does work within access itself).

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Dreamweaver Mx

using dreamweaver mx,i created a 'jump menu' trying to do this below:

<option value="Settings/CT2004S1/setCT2004S1.asp?paper=Common Test 2004 Semester 1" selected>Common

but seem not possible..
<%response.write Request.QueryString("Paper")%>

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Dreamweaver MX

Dreamweaver MX has a behavior called Restrict Access To Page. It is not working for me. I have Access 2000 db set up and working. The registration and login pages work based on the database info. It is only this behavior I can not get to work. My db has a field AccessLevel. There I made sure I had admin entered to match to the Behavior condition. I still do not get access to the page even though the admin is the AccessLevel condition.

Here is the code.....

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ASP - Dreamweaver

I keep my church's website updated. Recently they got someone to do a new design. This guy used asp for all the pages and I know nothing about it. When I try to make updates I try to view the page with DreamweaverMX 2004, but it all comes out funky looking.

The footer is at the top of the page, the text is all on one side. Graphics are just wherever. Believe it or not I can update this, but I frequently have to do pages from scratch and I would like to know what it will look like before I download to the server. Is there some setting I can change on Dreamweaver to make things look right.

Our designer doesn't have a clue. He just says to learn to write code. I can learn the code if I have to but we have other volunteers who aren't as computer savvy.

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Dreamweaver MX Extensions CMS?

I'm just about to embark on building a custom cms with Dreamweaver MX with ASP. I've done something on a very mico level, but i'm gonna go bigger this time.

Something along the lines of Interactive Tools Page Publisher.

Can someone recomend some invaluable (and free) Dreaweaver extensions that can help in this process. Also, if there are any good DWMX tutorials and open source stuff that can help in this process.

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Dreamweaver Login And MD5

I'm using the out of the box Dreamweaver login script (I'm a super noob developer) and I'm interfacing with a database that uses MD5 to protect passwords. I need help modifying the DW code to work with this. Code:

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Dreamweaver Or Studio?

I've tried (during a trial period) Dreamweaver quite extensively for HTML coding. I thought it did a good job of that. I'm just dipping my toes into ASP, and I was wondering if people found it as good for ASP programming as they did for HTML.

I'm seriously thinking about purchasing either Dreamweaver or, may be Studio.

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Dreamweaver Security

I see that Dreamweaver MX has a pre-written ASP login script that you can just drop in, as well as a drop-in for every page to ensure users are logged in before they can view the page.

Can any security-types out there tell me if this is any good? We're setting up one site where the database is above root level, so I'm hoping that the DW system will provide adequate security (since its SOOO easy to use). Will it?

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Connecting With Dreamweaver

Im using dream weaver to connect to my database. I hav e made my connection successfully,
added my recordset succesfully....however when i insert my dynamic text.....

I get this: Code:

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Jscript Dreamweaver

Can someone tell me , how to apply jscript in dreamweaver, as well as the example, because I am trying to run jscript script with an include file ....

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Is Dreamweaver Good?

I've been doing ASP by hand-coding in either Homesite or Interdev for years. I have been using Dreamwever for static sites that I make on the side. I recently was asked to make a form which will store info in an Access database, and thought it would be a good chance to learn how to use Dreamweaver MX's ASP capabilities.

Haven't tried it yet, but reading up on it, it seems that it forces you to use Session variables. I'm not a big fan of session variables, and want to avoid them. Anyone here use DW MX for ASP?

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Dreamweaver Results

i have a site where i am showing staff from an office using a repeater in dreamweaver (link :

i want to put a button that says more info under each staff, and i guess i need to make a page names managerprofile.aspx, but how do i add that link from the managers.aspx page to the managerprofile.aspx page and have the ?&id=something. how do i make this work?

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Dreamweaver Form

I am trying to create a form which emails the user with details of the

My problem is that when i hover over the sumit button, it shows up as
test.asp and i want it to go to a specific email address.

I did have the action = test.asp but i then installed the FP extensions
and now it holds that value for some reason?! Code:

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