Function/class Like As Recordset Object

i need a object/class/function that return me a array/object like this:

set oDataFromSQLServer = function_or_class(sql)

while oDataFromSQLServer.eof
value = oDataFromSQLServer("colum_name")


ps: I donīt want to use a Recordset in this case.
ps2: I don't want to use GetRows in this case, because it doesn't pertmit "string index" like array("columName")

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Can I Get To The Application Object In A Class

I am trying to get to the application object from a seperate class in my ASP
application and I dont want to pass the object in as the class is inherited
to lots of other classes. So i can have something like the following:

Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid

Namespace Classes.Inheritable
Public MustInherit Class EntityCollection

Implements IDisposable

Private mobjDataConnection As Classes.Databases.DBConnection

Public Sub New(ByVal strSQL As String)
mobjDataConnection = Application("DataConnection")
End sub

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BBCode Function Or Class

I'm getting ready to implement something like BBCode for my Web Control Panel so that clients can use BBcode instead of HTML to enter data into webpages.

I haven't really laid out anything for this, but I was wondering if any of you all have any type of function or class written allready? Depending on how it's written I will want to probably add to it.

My goal is to be able to add a line of code just above the <textarea> on the input form. That code will generate the HTML and javascript nessesary to display the buttons to implement the BBcode (just like on forums).

Then upon submission it will run the form object through a function to convert all bbcode to HTML. And upon editing the content it would convert the HTML to the proper bbcode for display in the <textarea>

The other goal is to make this completely modular for any form. You just include the correct file and the functions/classes are all there.

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Object Remote Java Class

Is there a way to access to a remote java class from an HTA Application?

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Recordset Object Vs Command Object

I want to open a recordset object on an .asp page. When I open the recordset I would like to use a stored procedure that expects a parameter to be passed for the stored procedure. I will then use the recordset to loop thru the recordset, update values from the recordset and then update the database by passing parmeters to another stored procedure.

I would like to use the recordset object but can it be used to pass a parameter to a stored procedure? Do I need to use a command object to open the records instead in
order to pass the parameter to a stored procedure?

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Server.CreateObject Error: Server Object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3), Invalid Class String

What do I need to do to enable CDONTS om my macine to make it working

I'm testing the code:

Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.To = ""
objCDO.From = ""
Set objCDO = Nothing

It gives me an error after Set objCDO =
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string

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Using Recordset Object

i am using ASP 3.0 to create web pages for a college project and i am
having problems in using recordset object through session object to
pass data to all web pages.Anyone tell me how to make recordset and
connection objects sessional.please i have a project to finish.

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RecordSet Object

Does the recordset contain any information about the table itself, such as the table(s) name?

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Object Recordset Variable

Im having a few prblems with object recordset and
variables. I can print data into a table using

But when i try to assign the value
to a variable, ex. variable1=objrecordset("Type") i get
an invalid use of null error. If i take out the code to assign
it to a variable it works fine. So my question is how can i
assign the value of objrecordset("type") to variable1.

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Disconnected Recordset In Function Not 'SET'ing

I'm trying to encapsulate a disconnected recordset in a function, but I'm unable to shift the recordset object to the Function variable. I close the Function's recordset and database connection, and in my main page, I lose the data. Here's the function: Code:

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Returning A Recordset In A Function

I am having some troubles returning a recordset in a function. function: Code:

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Recordset Object When I Fetch The Value I Skip The Last 0

whenever i fetch any numeric value, having a zero at the end, e.g. 32080, from a database with a recordset object, i find that the value becomes stripped of the last zero, i.e. it becomes 3208.

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Invalid Object Name For Dreamweaver Recordset...

I just purchased a domain package from and am setting up my SQL database connection on there server.

I am able to connect to the database fine, however when I am creating a recordset it shows my main menu table (and other tables) like this.

(the system "default" tables have "dbo" as a prefix)

It doesn't show any columns in that table and when I test the connection from there it gives me an Invalid Object Name Error.

On SQL Server it shows "" is the owner of the I am kinda confused

If I go to the advanced tab and delete the and just leave mainMenu, then I can test and see my results.. however this will be a very inefficient way to start the work on my new site.

Has anyone run accross this problem before, or does anyone know how to make Dreamweaver cut the off of of my tables? ...

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Sending ASP ADO Recordset Value To Javascript Function

I am working on an ASP (3.0) page that displays hotel data from a recordset in a table. In the last column of each row, I want to include a button that will send the address information of this hotel to mapquest to display the map. I have tried several methods for sending this info, but nothing seems to work.

Here is my code for the javascript function I am calling: Code:

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ADODB.RecordSet Object To Temporarily Store

I would like to use an ADODB.RecordSet object to temporarily store some data and then iterate through it. Actually it needs to be a RecordSet only because it is a perfect choice as data structure for what I want to do, I don't want to actually run queries or update tables with it. It seems to me, however, that the RecordSet works only if there's a query behind it. ADO complains about the RecordSet not being open when I try to add rows by the AddNew function, or try to add fields to it.

Is there a way to use the RecordSet without actual database date behind it? Or is there maybe some object in VBScript that provides the same or at least similar functionality? (Apart from Scripting.Dictionary, which is great, but I would like to use something more similar.

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78) Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed

I have a problem with my programm and get the error above. In the file I've commented the relevant lines with **** and normaly the SQL-statement are in one row but there is a better overview when it looks like this.

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XML To Class

how can i generate a asp class from xml schema. (not .net)

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FTP Class In .NET 1.1

I am trying to validate a persons FTP access (username and password) but I cannot find a way, in .net 1.1, to logon to an FTP server. In 2.0 there is a class for it but how do I do this in 1.1?

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Matrix Class

I'm looking for a class or a library of functions for classic ASP 3.0 (no .NET) to manage matrix (bi-dimensional arrays) with simple math functions such as sum on the row/column, shift of row, shift of columns and so on...

Does anybody know if there's something available on the net?

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Session Class

In trying to reduce database calls, I've created a class (we'll call it
MyClass) which is created in the login page. I'm trying to store it in a
session variable, and when I call the code:

Class Security
End Class

SET objSecurty = new Security
Session("Security") = objSecurity

On the session() = line, I get the error:

Session object error 'ASP 0185 : 80020003'
Missing Default Property
/login.asp, line 123
A default property was not found for the object.

Anyone got any ideas?

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Using Java Class From ASP

I would like to know how to using java class file inside ASP page

I have placed the class file to C:WINNTjava rustlib
also, I have compiled it to 1.1 version

but it always prompt
error '800401e5'
No object for moniker

How can I solve this problems?

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How To Use Class Instance In

I have a Class and i want to be able to use its instance
public class Enrolltest : System.Web.UI.Page
MyClass mc = new MyClass();



when i do this i get an error telling me there is no name space what should i do .,,.
i dont want to create a dll and add it to assembly and all that stuff.

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Class Does't Exist

internet information server does not work. when i try to open any website
from iis it gives error :"Class does not exist"

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Detect If A Class

I am working with a bunch of old code so I can really restructure the includes, otherwise I guess I could change all the #include statements to #include-once. Anyway, If I have a file with a class like this:

Class myClass
end class

I get a "name redefined" error. I've been seeing these and indeed from goolge searches, it's because the file is somehow included more than once. This problem doesn't occur for functions and the old code bases just used functions whereas I would like to add some classes. In C you used to be able to detect that at the top of the file and not included the rest of the file if it is allready included. I just want to at least detect it so I don't redeclare the class.

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Class Assignment

I'm having problems with getting numbers to add in asp. I cannot find anything in my book on adding numbers together. All it says "you cannot add values from a textbox". I guess I'm having a brain-fart in a major way.

I working on a program to calculate the totals of rainfall for a year. Give the month that has the max and min and show amount, and show average for the year. Can some please tell me where to start or a code snippet to get me back on track. Code:

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JAVA Class

I have written a JAVA have compiled with -target 1.1 arguement and I just can instant it twice time.I can instant it at the first time and second time.When I try to instant it anymore,it prompt me "The remote procedure call failed and did not execute." message.What does it mean?

After,I need restart my web server.My java is used to create new socket and connect to other server.I am using getObject("java:classNameHere") method

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Class Does Not Exist

I am running WinXP Pro and have IIS 5.1. I am developing a web site locally - everything was fine until today when I tried to preview the site I got a 'class does not exist' error (in case you ask I have turned off friendly http errors and this is the message I get). This message is also displayed when I try to access my local host.

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MySQL Class

Are there any good free vbscript classes for handling mySQL databases? Or even a good tutorial on how to write a class for mySQL database (in vbscript).

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Template Class?

Does anyone know of a good template class/system, which I can use in my ASP pages to seperate HTML from ASP?

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Class Definition

Can we define events in a class when coding using VBScript in ASP? I still have the second question, even if the answer is positive. That is whether the two standard events of a calss module in VB, "Class_Initialize" and "Class_Terminate", is still availabe in VBScript? If not, then how to initialize an instance of a class automatically when it
is created?

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Class Does Not Exist.

I'm getting the following error on my locahost at work when I browse in IIS. "Class does not exist. " I created a web site in classic asp but I get this error. When I check IIS for the web logs it gives me 18:52:07 GET /PatientPortal/blank.asp 500

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ASP Vbscript Class Includes

I'm running into a problem with VBSCRIPT classes in ASP. I use a seperate file for each class I use. Some of these class files are included in multiple ASP scripts, but are also included in other include files. So if you can't see the problem already, it is that occasionally the class file will be included twice in the same script, relsulting in the following error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0411'

Name redefined

/includes/classes/closableobjectlist.asp, line 2

Class ClosableObjectList

Does anyone know a clean solution for this problem?

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Removing The Class Out Of A Link.

I have a link that looks like this class="someclassname"

It looks exactly like the above link (minus the fact that anysite and someclassname are variables)

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