Funny Characters Suddenly Appearing

What is this:Code:

and why has it suddenly started appearing in emails from an asp page using CDONTS to send an email?

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Special Characters Appearing Correctly In Email

I have a form that is being sent using CDONTS. The problem is the form I'm sending has a lot of special characters (it's in Spanish) and while I know how to get the chars to display correctly on the page, they're not showing up correctly in the email.

They either show up like this:
Country : Canad�;

or if I encode them, like this:
Country : Canadá

How can I get the email to display the correct character
Country : Canadá

I'm fairly new to ASP (I'm a PHP programmer) and have no clue how to do it.

I've noticed that the email is not set to encode in any special way like the equivalent for PHP......

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While Sending Chinese Characters Through A Mail It Is Appearing As Garbage.

we have the following code :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
<form name="frm" action="" method="POST" enctype="text/plain">
<input name="name1" value="">
<input type=submit>

which is used to send mails.while we put some chinese characters inside the text box and then click on submit button in the mail,chinese characters are appearing as garbage.

could anyone please help to resolve this issue so that it doesnt come as garbage?

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Funny Results With ADODB.Stream

I am using the code below to ensure that a download will be sent to the user as a save/open dialog box and not open up in the browser. However I get one of a few different issues.

1. Sometimes the when you click save the box just dissapears and you never get to choose where to save it. And then don't get the file!

2. If you get past the first problem (seems to be unique to pdf's) and can select where you want to save the file, it then doens't actually download the file and the box just dissapears again!

3. If you get past both of these, documents are often corrupt!

Any idea what could be causing these? The server has MDAC 2.8 installed, and it works slightly better on our local testing server Win2k than it does on the live Win2k server! All very odd! Code:

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Funny Session Time Outs

we are having this funny problem on one of our win2003 hosting accounts. When a user logs in. The session times out almost immediately. We set the session with this script.

user_login = request.form("username")
session("user") = user_login

but as you navigate the pages, it times out almost immediately (less than 1min). We are not using cookies at present, and not launched this particular site to the public, so it cant be a case of heavy traffic. I also checked the <%=session.timeout %> property, and its set to 30minutes. The funny thing, is that we have multiple accounts running on that server. We are talking with our provider, but no avail yet.

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Type Mismatches Suddenly Arrive

I'm working on a system which has been running for a while now, and all of a sudden pages that did work are giving me .

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch


Specifically when trying to compare recordset results to integers. e.g. if (session("opp_cont")=2 and rstCont("cont_ownr")=session("user_id")) then ... These values are coming from SQL server, and the only recent change is that they have been changed from int data type to bigint. I can use strcomp to eveluate them ... but that would mean a lot of code changes.

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My ASP-access Site Suddenly Very Slow To Respond With Queries

I have an application, which simply consists of an Access database being queried by ASP code in a website, running on a Dell PowerEdge 1650 rack mount server (Pentium III 1.4 GHz) with 1024 MB ram. The server runs Windows 2000 5.00.2195 with Service Pack 4.

The application presents HTML tables to users, based on queries made by the user on the website.

Problem is: recently the construction of these tables has been very slow and the scripts time-out. The script timeout is set to about 3 minutes.

The application has been running for 2 years without any problems, well one. About 6 months ago the same thing was happening. I compacted and repaired the database - did not fix it. However on restarting the server it was back to normal, producing the tables immediately.

Now that the same problem is occuring again, neither a restart or a shutdown-restart fix the problem. The straight HTML part is served immediately, but it is evident that it chokes on the tables.

There are two other applications on the same server written in the same style, but much more simple. They are working fine. Code:

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IE 6 Appearing As NS 4 To BrowserHawk

I'm using Microsoft's flavor of BrowserHawk (Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")) but when I look at my own stats through a simple test page, it says that my IE 6 is really NS 4.00. What's going on?

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Quotation Marks Not Appearing

Just like my other post about quotation marks not appearing,I am having trouble with foot marks (').

They are going in as ' but are appearing on the user's end of the database as ` Minor.

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Appearing In HTML Email Set

I support a website. When we send HTML emails from out system, we generate a variable called "str". We set that str variable to the objMail.htmlbody property of the mail object. Frequently, random spaces appear in the email when it is received by the recipient, however those spaces do not always appear in the same place (yet frequently they do). additionally, we'll sometimes see some actual HTML code in the final email, and usually shows up as a complete tab, such as "<br>", or "< TD BGCOLOR='#FFFBF0'>".

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Pages Not Appearing In Localhost

I have installed iis and setup a new virtual directory, I then try to view it with the correct address but IE just hangs, nothing appears except the title on the titlebar and busy cursor. Going to view>source shows the source (which is correct).

This was a previously working website, I just moved the files onto a new computer. And wanted to use that instead. More info can be supplied if required. Alternatively, a good website showing how to setup iis again for asp including db's.

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Text Value Appearing As Integer

I have a form, that has a drop down menu with number of options eb. home, work, mobile etc. However when the choice is added to the database table it appears as a number inside the table, even though the field in the table is set to a text value (it is an MS Access DB) Why is this?

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Object Drop Downs Not Appearing

I have an existing ASP file in a virtual directory. When I type server. or request. in this text file using Microsoft Script Editor I get a dropdown showing the properties available for the object.

However, if I change the extension to ASP on an existing html file, or create a new asp file I'm not getting the dropdown. I suppose this indicates the objects are not available in these new files, and they would not run properly if I tried to open them. What am I missing in setting up these new ASP files?

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</Message> Appearing At The End When Buffering Off (IIS6)

I have an issue where I am sending back xml content using ASP. When I flush the buffer or turn the buffering off their seems to be a end tag that gets appended to the end of this response. Code:

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Stopping Secure Pages Appearing In History

I know this probably sounds like a newbie question, but I was under the impression that secure pages (https) don't appear in the history/address bar history list - this appears to be incorrect?

Should I really be putting some form of expiry command at the head of each of these pages if I don't want casual users to see them? I use Classic ASP so is it better to use a command via this lang or the old META methods?

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IIS "suddenly" Not Working?

I can't get my browser to find my testing directory on my IIS enabled machine???

My "index.asp" page calls the following header file "header.html" and I get the following error...

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0126 (0x80004005)
The include file 'includes/header.html' was not found.

My code that calls the include file is...

<!--#include virtual="includes/header.html"-->

Am I putting something in an incorrect directory?

I've checked my path over and over and it's not working. It worked EARLIER!!!

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Why Are "bookmarks" Appearing In My Querystrings?

I started noticing some page errors in my web application. All
of the erroring clients where using Windows XP - MSIE 6.0. It seems these
clients were passing the bookmark (fragment identifier) portion of the URL
to the server.

For example, with the following URL:

The browser *should* send a request for:

However, these clients were sending the entire URL as the request. Thus, my
querystring parameter "myquery" had the unexpected value of "test#bookmark".

Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Perhaps it is related to the
download.ject patch (released July 2). I have yet to recieve a response to
this message, which was posted one week ago in two other newsgroups.

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Get First 50 Characters

Anyone in here got an idea how i could limit the display on on a paragraph to 50 characters? because everytime I access the database it would show up the entire paragraph.

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I have the character & (username is a&d) in a username in one of my database fields and it won't read it properly. Do you have to do something special with characters like that?

sqlString = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserID=" & "'" & userid & "'"

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Returning Only 255 Characters

I have a MS SQL 7.0 table with a large field (> 500 characters). My select statement embedded in my ASP file in an intranet web interface only returns 255 characters. If I run the select statement in Query Analyzer, I can easily change the "Maximum Characters per Column" setting to return the entire field, but that doesn't help me in my ASP web interface. How do I return the entire field through ASP?

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Count Characters

Is is possible to accurately count the number of characters in a Word document using ASP?

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Characters From DB Record

What I am trying to do could be simple but I have no idea how to it. I am trying
to display only a part of the record retrieved from database.
I have retrieve data from database and I show it in normal way <% = oRs(0)%>, the problem is that I want to show only 100 first characters and then make some thing like this … after 100 first character. In this way all the data retrieved would look the same in the page.

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ASP Trims Characters

One of our offices in AD is called "Albert St", the OU is called "Albert St", but when I retrieve the value out of the list box it becomes "Albert" and throws errors as it cant find the "Albert" OU. Not surprising, really. I am going to try type casting, but beyond that

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Nwanted Characters

I have a wee lil problem when I am inserting data into my db from my asp page.
The problem is that it is inserting unwanted characters with the values.
I have used the following to try and remove the unwanted characters but to no avail:

varRootCause = CStr(Replace(Request.form("txtRootCause"), "'", ""))
rsUsers.Fields("RootCause") = trim(varRootCause)

The above gives me this: Quality of service,
The comma at the end should not be there.

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Numeric Characters

I have a variable I'm pulling from a database that's a phone number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format. What I'm looking for is a way to strip out all non-numeric characters from the variable (XXXXXXXXXX). I don't want it to look only for "-", since sometimes, there are also alpha characters entered as well.

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Escaping Characters

I need to put the following code within a <% %> block :

response.write "<tr>" &_
"<td bgcolor=eeeeee><a href=""company.asp?company=rs("companyKey")" &

How do I escape the characters " etc?

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Inserting Characters

Im doing a update page and noticed this error, whenever you want to write for example "can't, i've" it errors on submit, but characters like "." are okay. Why doesn't it like these characters and how can i make it like them? I need some extra code?

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Retrieving 200 Characters

I have a SQL statement to retreive results based on keywords entered
I only want to show the first 200 characters of the field though, how would I modify this code to do just that?

SQL = SQL + " instr( 1, lcase( description ), lcase( '" + aKeywords(i) + "' ), 1 ) > 0"

I thought it would have been something like:

SQL = SQL + " (left(instr( 1, lcase( description ), lcase( '" + aKeywords(i) + "' ), 1 ), 200) > 0"

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Characters Invisible

I am currently building a website and in one of the pages, it is to return Immediate, Extended, Standdown instead of 1.Immediate, 2.Extended, 3.Standdown(in the Ms Access). I am wondering if there is any quote to help me not display the first 2 characters(eg 1.) but just the 3rd character onwards.
# I need the numbering there for future usage thus i cannot remove it from the Access database

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Allowing Different Characters

I have created a form in which people insert there fax number, at the moment it returns an error if a space is inserted in the fax number ie: 0234 76893.
How do I correct this?

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Characters In A Querystring

How many characters can be passed from one page to the next in the querystring

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Use Special Characters

The website that I am developing is having a search option. The search is according to the type of Industries, like IT-Software, IT-Hardware etc. I am using procedure to search through the database. Now whenever I Select an Industry name like IT - Software, FMCG/Foods/Beverages(i.e with special characters) etc. i get an error message Code:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.
here is the code where I am getting the error

strSQL = "sp_getsearchvacancy " & sind & "," & sexper & "," & currentPage & "," & iRecordsPerPage
objRS.Open strSQL, objConn

this is same for every keyword having special characters like / , - and even space
But when I use keywords without any special character its works fine.

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Limit The # Of Characters

I'm pulling product descriptions from the database and would like to limit the number of charcters that is displayed. Also, I'd like to add ... at the end.

Something like:
This long text is boring blah blah blah

would dispaly as:
This long text is bor

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