Future Of Classic ASP

What do y'all see for the future of ASP in light of MS decision to replace
FrontPage with a new series of development tools? All of them mention ASP.NET,
but no mention of the ASP I love. Code:

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Date Of Future

I'm trying to select certain records based on a "Display Until" date.
I receive all records no matter what the date is. I should only receive records that are greater than today.Code:

<% Dim vardate
vardate = date()
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sqlstmt = "SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE Openings = yes and webonly = 1 and displayuntil > " & varDate & " ORDER BY JobNumber"
myDSN = "DSN=test"
rs.open sqlstmt, myDSN

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How To Hide Future's Records (id=?)

I have a site, constructed with dreamweaver, that contains a master-detail page set.
I have make some changes to the code (although I 'm not a programmer, I am beginner), so that I can insert records that will

be displayed when the date of the record is equal to the current date(server's date).

The detail page is something like http://localhost/1.asp?id=495

My problem: I discovered that anyone that hits to the browser any other id number by hand(example

http://localhost/1.asp?id=496), can view the records I wanted to be displayed when the appropriate date come!

So, I have not any way to protect my records from these people?

What can I do, so that nobody can see the future's records above the current date?

The master page already has a 'where' statement, and displays only the records with date=< current date.

My problem is at the detail page.

Suppose someone hit in the browser, just because he wants to cheat me, write another id in address bar, replacing the one the browser currently displays.

Thenhe has discover a brand new page which should be online in the future.

That's my problem.

It would be nice if I could hide the real address from browser address bar.

Or if I could somehow change it in order not to reveal the real address and this could make it more difficult for someone to reveal future's pages.

I know the use of frames hides such information(exact address) but as far as I know this solution has many disadvantages.

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Make A Future SQL Statement

I have a form (dropdown box). I want to write a SQL statement with the help of this form.


RS.Open "SELECT * FROM products WHERE category=' ... Request.Form("name") ... '; objConn

I hope you understand what I'm trying to do. This isn't the right way I think. Do you know a way for this task to be achieved?

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ASP Support In Future Versions Of IIS

I did a search for any posts on the topic of ASP and the future support model
for it within IIS. I see a lot of speculation based on current use, etc.,
but let's not forget that Visual Basic 6.0 is a dead product - regardless of
how many people are still using it. Let us also not forget that Microsoft
changed some core syntax of C++ (actually C) that had been in place for 30+

Anyway, can anyone point me to any official Microsoft documentation that
outlines the lifecycle for ASP or a good roadmap for IIS? I tried
http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/search/, but it is not there since ASP
is not technically a product.

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Past And Future Dates

what is the most efficient way of finding the following with asp.

1) disovering what day of the week was the first of the current month. (eg. this month 1 December fell on a Wednesday) From there I would like to get the same for the following month and the following month after that and so on.

2) a way of finding the last day (numerically) of the current month and the next month after that and so on. (eg. this month it's 31, next month its 31 then it's 28 and so on.)

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Weekday Function - Getting Days From Future Dates??

I know I can use the weekday function in order to get the current day displayed to me, but is it possible to pass an inputed date in the format of 12/31/2005 or whatever to the weekday function so that it can evaluate it and say what day it will be on that date.

The reason for this is that I want to find a way of taking a range of dates from my database, basically a start date and an end date, and to identify all weekends that fall inside the range, so that they can be excluded from a count.

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Extract 'days' From Now Till Future Fixed Date

How would one extract the number of (days) from (today) and a (future fixed
date)- eg: February 12, 2003. ....where today will always be Date().


02/12/04 - Date(now) = 27 days.

Can anyone help me here?

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ASP Classic

I have just moved an ASP Classic website to a new hosting company that has a
number of .NET components available. The website works fine after the move
with one exception. We were creating PDFs using ASPPDF for ASP but now it
looks like only ABCPDF.NET is available.
My knowledge of ASP.NET is very limited at this time and I am planning on
converting the site to ASP.NET soon but I really need to get the PDF working
as soon as I can.

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Classic ASP And VSS

I am trying to add a Visual InterDev project to Visual Source Safe 6d.

Normally I just go up under Project | Source Control | Add to Source Control
and I can load the project to VSS but now when I try to add the project to
VSS I get the error:

"Cannot establish source control for the Web Application. The server does
not have a source control system installed on it, or the user name is not

I am on a workstation which has VSS installed. VSS is also installed on the
web server istself. I atttached to the VSS database as "admin" and under
my own user name but I continue to get the same error.

What could be wrong? Perthaps I am using the wrong version of VSS. Is
version 6d compataible with Visual InterDev? Or do I need an earlier

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Classic ASP

I am developing on WXP SP1 with VS.Net 2003 and VS6 installed. I cannot get
my localhost webserver to render any classic ASP pages. ASP.Net and standard
HTML works.
If I request an ASP page from localhost the browser hangs for several
minutes before just doing nothing. The status bar says the website is found
but nothing is ever downloaded.
I have verified the mappings in the IIS manager and I have re-registered the
ASP.DLL. I am now at a complete loss.

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Classic ASP And IIS 6.0

The following code works on IIS 5.0 on a Windows 2000 server.

Response.Clear Response.ContentType = "application/rtf" Response.AddHeader
"content-disposition", "inline;filename=letter.rtf" response.write l_strBuffer

But on IIS 6.0 running on Windows 2003 server we get an error.

"Internet Explorer cannot download <file name>.
Interner Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The site is
either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."

After increasing the AspBufferLimit attribute in the metabase.xml, we were able to resolve the issue.

Is there any other way to resolve this without modifying the metabase.xml?

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Classic ASP In VS.net

Can you develop Classic ASP pages using VS.net?

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ASP Classic

I want to rename the file which i just uploaded it on the server.I want the code that do this.

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Classic ASP And IIS 7

I'm migrating a classic ASP site from IIS 6 to IIS 7 and I'm finding some minor problems that I'm assuming are IIS 7 config related. The problem I'm concerned with right now is that when I run the asp pages, they have lost all their image and CSS links. Functionality is fine (that is I can query the DB, update records, etc) but all graphic features have been lost. how to solve this issue?

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Classic ASP On Longhorn?

Does anyone know for sure whether classic ASP (ASP3 ?) will run on Longhorn?

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Classic ASP Classes

I've been working in .NET for some time now and I don't remember specifically
how asp classes are cleaned up in classic asp. I've been put on a Classic
ASP project(ugh) and we're having some serious stability problems. Once we
reach a point of sustained CPU useage of over 80% IIS 6 restarts the w3wp.exe
process which of course terminates all sessions and resets the website.

noticed that the previous developer has an include which creates a couple of
class objects in ASP. Not third party or "CreateObject" objects, but ASP
classes. This include is in A LOT of files and the classes not being
destroyed in any of them.

My question is could this be the problem? I seem to remember a problem with
ASP classes and not destroying them causing leaks of some sort. I need to
mention that the memory doesn't seem to be leaking but the CPU utilization
goes wacko as if ASP/IIS is corrupt. My environment is Windows 2k3 and IIS
6. The previous environment was Windows 2K and IIS5. Both environments had
the problem.

Before I go through these hundreds of files I was wondering if anyone
remember what the problem was with ASP classes not being destroyed.

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Geotarget With ASP Classic

I am using ASP, and I would like to read the country of origin from the HTTP header information of my visitors. I would use this to geotarget different ads to visitors from outside the US.

For other reasons, I don't want to use a solution like GeoIP - I want to do it through ASP code if possible. Has anybody had any experience with this?

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Classic ASP Talk To C/C

I have a system written in classic asp and a lot of Javascript. Due to
its performance and security issue, we decided to re-write this big
module. I heard that C/C++ has a better support in performance and
security (relatively) but here comes my questions:
1. Can ASP talk to C/C++? Because from my experience I use C/C++
mainly for application console.
2. If I want to exclude most of the Javascript and use other
programming language instead, can ASP.NET do it? Is there any
compatibility issue between Classic ASP/ASP.NET/Javascript?

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Web Service W/ Classic ASP

Does anybody out there consume a web service using classic ASP?If anyone has any useful resources for doing this, I'd love to see them. I haven't found much online at all. Long story but I'd rather not have to learn .net or switch to php for this one project

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ASP Classic Performance

I'm maintaining an ASP Classic file that has HTML withing
Response.Write methods such as
Response.Write "<table><tr><td>"
Response.Write testVariable
Response.Write "</td></tr></table>"

Would their be a performance hit if I were to write this instead?


I need some confirmation.

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Classic ASP In VS 2003

Has anyone had any success in editing/debuggin classic ASP in Visual Studio 2003?

We have recently received a new project from an outside contractor done in .Net 1.1 and now have VS 2003 installed. We have tried to use it to work with our legacy ASP applications but we are stumped on how to get the debugger to work. It keeps trying to "build" and errors out because it cannot find a sub main().

If you have had any luck with this please either point to a resource that will get us started or share the steps to get this going.

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ASP Classic On LAN IIS Install

Trying to create a mini-ASP web dev with a couple of PCs at school. When the teachers are happy with the site on the LAN then going to upload it to the school site. Problem is having real problems with the ASP side of things.

Timeline of events is as follows:

1) Added IIS (via Add/Remove Windows Components) on WinXP Pro machine (6 month old Acer to be exact). No problem.

2) Created a folder called asp in the inetpub folder and made it web shareable by right-clicking on it and setting the Web Sharing bit. I usually have read, execute and directory browsing. No problem.

3) Put a text file (with an ext of .asp) in this new asp folder, typed the usual text of <%=now()%and saved it. No problem.

4) Went to http://itpc1/asp and clicked on the new 'test.asp' file. Date and time appears. No problem.

5) Went to my colleague's little office (showing him how to do asp) to make sure his PC can see the web page working OK (both machines are on the same network) and the page displays fine. No problem.

6) Now the reason for this setup is that the PC in his little office is only WinXP Home and the PCs with WinXP pro on are the children's suite, which he can't have sitdown access to all the time. My plan was that I would web share the asp folder AND network share the folder so that he can be dropping files in and doing edits on the asp folder via the network share and then view the results via the http://itpc1/asp web share.

Proceeded to network share (all are setup for simple sharing) the asp folder. No problem.

7) Went into network places on his WinXP Home PC, found the folder no problem, created a shortcut to this folder no problem, he can open up, edit and save changes no problem.

HOWEVER, as soon as he goes back to the http://itpc1/asp page all of the asp files generate an ASP error saying the Invalid Default Script Language.

I go back downstairs and try and get the pages via the main WinXP Pro machine and this now generates the exact same problem.

The long and short of it is, I have to uninstall and then reinstall IIS to fix the problem. Nothing in the IIS settings has been changed. I never touch the default scripting lang setting, which is in fact the right setting of vbscript.

Could somebody please let me know what is happening. Why is the XP Home PC screwing things up when the files are network shared on the WinXP Promachine?

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Classic VBscript And XML

I'm using classic ASP with VBscript and I would like to have a facility for XML object serialization, just like the Serializer object that is available in ASP.NET. Is there such a thing for classic VBscript.

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Doubt ASP.net Vs Classic ASP

I have tryed my best to understand the asp.net, but the visual of asp.net pages are the most complicated, because on asp we have total control over the layout the page, on the asp.net for example we have a lot of components, like tables wich already have paging, etc.. a lot of code must be rewritten.I am having a lot of dificulties to try converting my asp projects to asp.net... what do you think about this?

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Objects Vs. Classic

I have scripts on a server that awhile back had new option/server packs installed (to accomodate security and net framework issues) and my classic asp date references
"Date()" and "Now" will sometimes flip flop the formatting of the date from 10/3/2003 to 3/10/2003 (european mode).

What would be a good way to use an include file to perhaps an asp.net date object, or where would I find a good reference to using an aspx file to calculate and display the date properly so that I can avoid this flip flop snafu of the date formatting.

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Classic ASP Books

I am looking to learn Classic ASP and was wondering if anybody could recommend any good books for learning Classic ASP from scatch.

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Classic ASP With Vista

Has anyone used the traditional Classic ASP / Access DB / IIS configuration on Vista yet?
I haven't, but before I upgrade to Vista I would like to ensure all my websites will work once I do. What version of Vista is best to use (and includes IIS) ? What problems did you have with database connectivity ?

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Open An App From Classic ASP

is there a way to open an app from Classic ASP? For example, I want to open the file "calc5.xls" on the server when a particular webpage is opened.

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Classic And SQL Reporting

i am working on a project and client just decided to use SQL Reporting Services 2000 for reporting but his application is developed in Classic ASP and SQL Server 2000.

how to view parametrized report in classic asp page and i want these paramters to be sent by URL not in report manually.

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Using .NET Classes In An ASP Classic App?

Is there a way to use classes written in .NET in an ASP classic application? Maybe similair to using DLLs with Server.CreateObject? I want to write all our new classes using .NET with the intent of eventually changing the web application to ASP.NET.

I've tried Googling for the answer but I only get ASP.NET literature. Any suggestions for that problem?

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Postback In Classic ASP?

Want to check the value of an inputbox against a SQL Server database to prevent a duplicate record being entered.

This is an existing project, and the way they implemented it before was to post to a 2nd ASP page, run the ASP code to check the value, then redirect back to the 1st page if the value was found to be "already used".

There has to be a better way. Is it to use "Postback"?

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NOT Like Search Using Classic ASP ADO?

if you are able to perform a NOT Like search using Classic ASP ADO?

i.e. myData.Filter = "Ref NOT LIKE '*1234*'"

by the way this doesn't work!! and neither does myData.Filter = "Ref <> LIKE

or myData.Filter = "NOT Ref LIKE '*1234*'"

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