Generate Excel File Using ASP

With response.contenttype = "application/", I can easily export my data to Excel which is embeded and shown within a browser. If I'm going to save the Excel file through ASP programming, which method can I use? I need to save the data to Excel file with dynamic name (the file name should contain key values and appended with system datetime).

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Generate Excel From ASP

I want to create an Excel object from an ASP page. Basically, the input parameters to the Excel would be from the ASP. I know ASP and I know VBA, but I haven't used both of them together. Here's what I would like to do -

The ASP should generate an Excel report by passing 2 parameters to the Excel application (I have done this independently; without interfacing with ASP).

I know that I can create an excel handle from the ASP as -

Set MyExcel = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")

I dont know where the VBA code has to go? DO I have to include it in the ASP?

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Generate Excel

I am using the code below to create an excel document from data that is returned from an sql query. The formatting of the excel document is pretty and all is good unless I hit the back button and run my query a second time, or a third time (I haven't made it past 3
times). Basically what happens is every time I do this, excel does not close once I hit my back button. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Another problem is that when I run the query it just opens excel within my browser, is there any way to make it ask if you want to save or open the file?

I basically throw this code at the top of the html doc: .....

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Using ASP To Generate Excel From SQL Data

I am using a SQL database, and Classic ASP and trying to generate an Excel file with my results, but the table is displaying as HTML in the browser instead of prompting the user to download/open the file. below is my code (edited data table for length). Anyone know why I am not being prompted, but shown the data via the webpage?

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Generate Multiple Excel Worksheets

I am exporting data from a web application to Excel to allow users to manipulate their data. I can open up the data in Excel. If the user wants to view information about 3 separate clients, how can I put that information on 3 separate worksheets.

I can display the 3 clients on one worksheet, but I need it to be on 3 separate worksheets.

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Generate Charts In Serverside Excel Dynamically, Advisable?

I have a new approach to saving charts from server-side Excel when ASP pages are processed. The charts show weather data that is updated every 15 minutes in a database, and instead of just automating the chart production so that every chart is generated every 15 minutes, 24 hrs/day, it seems smarter to generate up to date charts when people want to look at them. But I'm not sure if this is the best approach.

This is what I can do from an ASP page to dynamically chart data:

- run Excel on the server
- open a Worksheet that has a customized chart for a range of cells.
- insert new data in the charted range of cells (chart auto-updates).
- save the chart to a gif file.
- insert the gif into the html page viewed by the client.

Using this approach is convenient because I can customize charts to look exactly as I want without having to find the documentation to automate the chart formatting.

Is it possible to run Excel once on the server, and let all requests for charts use this one running instance of Excel? The alternative is that Excel will run once for each chart request, this seems like it could get out of hand pretty quickly if a lot of people are trying to look at charts at the same time.

Are there better ways to generate charts dynamically on the server?

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Generate RTF File From ASP

currently, i export data from ASP to Excel. but i want to change it to RTF. i have looked at microsoft website and tried whay i have studied but failed to make it. at microsoft website, the table is created using rtf script but in my case, i just want to create it using html script.

and then, when user click PRINT button, i want my system shows the detail contents of rtf file and then open the Print window later. so user does not need to click File->Print and so on. is there any example script i can study?

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Generate File

how to generate a text file with data from the db in asp and save that file in clients system.

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Generate Xml Without Need To Persist It In A File?

i get data with ado i need to get a xml string from the recordset how can i get it without having to persist the recordset in a (xml) text file is there a simple way ?

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Using Asp To Generate Xml File On Server

Is it possible in a global.asa file (or some other way) to have an xml file generated by an asp script and saved to the server some how?

Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p'Create an XML document
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")'Create a root element and append it to the document
Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root")
xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl'Create and append child elements
Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1")
Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2")
rootEl.appendChild child1
rootEl.appendChild child2'Add an XML processing instruction
'and insert it before the root element
Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)'Save the XML file to the c directory
xmlDoc.Save "c: est.xml"

THis seems to be what i am after but when I try to modify the xmlDoc.Save line to either "/images/listings/test.xml" or imageslistings est.xml" and it comes back saying it can't find the path. If I just leave "text.xml" it comes back saying permission denied. If I can solve this path issue so as to be able to save the file to a directory I think I will have it solved.

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Generate Unique File Name

I have an application form that when filled out is being written to a singular HTML file. I want to convert it to generate a unique file name each time a user fills it out.

Secondarily, I want to be able to attach the unique file to the email that is sent to us when it is submitted.

Here are the current snippets of code:

set ObjFS = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objTheFile = objFS.OpenTextFile("e:credapp2.html",2,-1)


objMail2.AttachFile "e:credapp2.html"

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Generate Html File

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way I could generate .html files? The thing is that I have to retrieve info from database and the generate .html file.

I know I could have it as .asp, but this woudl my index page and I would like to use it for search engine, which are not very happy with other extensions than .html.

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How To Generate .html File With Asp?

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way to do it?

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Generate Unicode Text File

Is it possible to get information from a database and generate it to
unicode text files using ASP?
Is there any product/COM out there that can do this? If not, is there
any other solutions? It doesn't have to be ASP, but it would be nice.

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Generate An Ms Word File For An Asp Output?

generate an ms word file for an asp output?


- is it possible for the date (code above) to be displayed on ms word?

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Dynamically Generate Global.ASA File?

On each site there is a global.asa file that ties into an Access database. The fields from the Access database instantiate the values of session variables used in the site. I am trying to do away with the need for a database and was wondering if when I set up a site I also set the .asa file for that site.

Then if a shop wants to change something like an address, phone, number, directions, etc., they would go a toolbox area of the site and there would be a form whose field values would be populated by the session variables from the global.asa file.

When the form was submitted I was thinking I could somehow use asp to write a new global.asa file and store it in the server. Is this feasible? Also, what would this mean insofar as permissions on the root directory of the site? I'd imagine they'd have to have write permissions no? Code:

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Generate PDF Reporting File With ASP From SQL Server Datas

I'm looking fo a solution to generate automaticaly a PDF file.

My aim is to use a template define by a user and to insert dynamicly
datas form SQL server in this document.

Can you tell me if it exist PDF template like .dot for word ?
If such file exist is it possible to generate list of information like
aacount report with datas coming for Database like Sql server.

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How To Find Excel File Width And File Version

It works if the file in on the server side, how to use the component (DSOleFile) with the file on the client side? Also how can I calculate the width of the file. (Page set up - Landscape or porrait). Code:

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Convert Excel File To Css File

I want to Convert Excel Files to CSV files using ASP code CanAny body help me out in this.

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The title looks a bit odd, but it is what I really need
I have different users, which I get the information from them in an ASP page, the data is stored in a SQL database, one of these users is authorized to check and close the data entry.
Once the data entry is closed, an ‘Excel’ file should be generated according the entered data and be placed in a directory for use of other users.
My problem is how I can generate the mentioned ‘Excel’ file by clicking a button in an ASP page and transfer the recorded data in it.

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Get A Excel File

I have to add a feature, on click of button file open as dialog box will open and user can attach a excel file. Then we can able to validate, actually file attached or not, it is excel file or not etc.. if everything is ok app will will do further processing on the file.. Can anybody suggest me the easy way out without licencing issues.. Since vbscript and jscript is used any fee tool available...I tried to do it through MSComDlg.CommonDialog but it is a licenced version. Also I tried to do it through <input type=file>
but here one text box and browse button gets added..

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Excel File

I am trying to create an excel file consisting of data from a SQL database using asp. I dont want the file to open up in the browser. I want the file to be opened in Microsoft excel. I have seen similar questions out here but no answers.

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Excel File And Javascript

One of the pages of my application opens an Excel 2000 workbook in a
new window using Javascript. The workbook is read only and I use a command to open the workbook. On the workbook's
BeforeClose event I have a code to avoid the 'Save' dialog: Me.Saved =

If I open the page locally, change some content and close the
workbook, the 'Save' dialog does not appear, as expected. As soon as I
open the workbook on the web, the 'Save' dialog still appears when I
close the window. I need to allow my users to change the contents of
the workbook but they cannot save the workbook. Is my approach wrong?
How can I avoid the 'Save' dialog?

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Using ASP To Open Excel File

Can anyone help with this? Here is the code I am using. The problem
is, where it checks if a file exists, it always goes to else. Even if
the file is there, it won't open the file, goes straight to else part
of statement.

If Session("strLogID") = "" Then

strfile = Request.Form("month") & Request.Form("day") & " Misses" &

Set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.FileExists("http://website/webreports/Misses/" & strfile) THEN

Response.Redirect("http://website/webreports/Misses/" & strfile)


End If
End If

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Open Excel File

I am creating a webpage and have a form where a visitor will choose a
day, month, and year. I want to pass the data from the form into an
asp page which will process it and put it into a string and open the
excel file requested. The excel file to open will depend on the day,
month, and year chosen in the form.

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ASP Output To A Excel File

I have a asp page which will get the data from multiple tables (with
functions and procedures)and display data in HTML tables <TABLE> on ASP
page.Is there any way we can create a excel file from the output of this ASP
file.I know how to export if this information on ASP page is coming from single
query from a database table.

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Open Excel File In Asp

Is there a way to insure the user can't save the excel file that has been opened?

I have a link that goes to XLS files for users but I don't want to users to be able to save the XLS files to there local drive.

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Seach An Excel File

I need to give users the option to enter a zip-code in a html form, and then search through an excel-file for that zip-code. If any entries are found, then I have to output these as html.

How should i start? And what if several users tries to search the excel-file at once?

Basically I need to search the excel-file as I would search a db.

I've done a few searches on google, but haven't really found any relevant info.

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Excel File Using Macro

How to import a text file into Excel file using macro? Can this process run on the form menu button? I have attached a text file for your reference.
Please give me some ideas of doing it

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Import Excel File

I' m trying to import an Excel file in a SQLServer db. If I specify the spreadsheet name it works correctly. Now I'd like to import the spreadsheet without specify its name. Is there a way to retrieve the spreadsheet names of my Excel file in ASP?

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Save As Excel File

After a user make the search, it returns 100 rows of record on the display page. I want to give an option for the user to save the records as Excel spreadsheet. Like a small icon on the corner, it prompts to save if click.Can anyone teach me how to do it? or have a simple tutorial or code that i can see?

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Create A Excel File

I'm trying to create a excel file from set of data. actually I'm using ASP + JScript.
I'm glad to hear your oppinion.

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SQL Result To Excel File.

I have a SQL query to generate the report for me in SQL Query Analyzer. I would like to create an ASP page that has a link, and when people click on that link, it will prompt a download message (open or save) in Excel format. Is there any codes can do this?

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