Generate Random String

I need to be able to create some license keys for an application. Ideally
these wouldn't be too long in length (ie, easier to remember/type in), but I
would like them to be auto generated and a check made to see whether or not
that key has already been used, something which could generate up to about
10000 keys (or more if the string doesnt have to be too long) would be very

A combination of letters, numbers, upper and lower case is needed.

I could sit here and start plugging away at this, an array for numbers, an
array for letters, a random test for uppercase/lowercase etc, but it occured
to me that I'm probably just reinventing the wheel a bit here, someone must
have done this before!

Has anyone produced anything similar to this in the past?

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Generate Three Random DIFFERENT #s

I'm trying to generate three random different numbers to display three images on a page without repeating them. I can't seem to be able to get them to always be different. There's probably some simple solution, but I can't figure it out.

Here's my current code: ....

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Generate Random Number Between 1 & 5

I want to display a random banner from a selection of 5 banners. So if number = 1 then display baner 1 etc. My code is as follows:

bannerCount = bannerRecordSet.RecordCount
Dim bannerSelected
bannerSelected = Int(Rnd * bannerCount)

The above code works although it never seems to generate the value 1, ie 2-5. Also when I refresh the page sometimes a random banner is displayed and other times I get an error. Is this because I am generating a value outside 1-5? Code:

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Generate Random Numbers Between 10 And 1,000,000

I am trying to create a random value between 10 and 1,000,000. I am using the following code but it is creating numbers between 10,000 and 999,999. How can I fix it.


The code never gives small numbers like 10, 15 500, 250, 257 etc.

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Generate Random Number

I know this is not a php forum, but i've been given a task to create a form that requires a unique number every time the form is loaded. The form has been created but they have php on their site. windows would be in 3 weeks time but they want the form asap. The field is a hidden field since i've never looked at a php code page b4 i need some help.

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How To Generate A Random Time In VBScript?

Any clues or ideas how to generate a random time in VBScript?

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Generate Query String

i have designed a website that is using an asp shopping cart script and has a flash header which i have designed to display different content depending on the query string that gets passed to it in the page url. now my problem is that my script has a lot of pages and there are many ways of going from one page to another.

what i im wondering is if ther is away that i can make an asp page directly append a query string to the url when the server generates the page and sends it to the browser.

So basically if say i had a page called home.asp when i opened this page a some code in the page make the page serve as home.asp?page=home&content=logo which would make my flash script display content according to the query string it has received.

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Generate Randomize Numbers Based On A String Of Text

i trying to randomize a string of text inc. number and alpha. e.g. 024053J

what is the approach to generate a few integer numbers from this string "024053J" ?

i tried to this way of randomize but not very efficient as in sometimes the user will get the same numbers back when the page is refresh.

So i thought to use a string of text to generate the randomize numbers.


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Random String

How do i produce a random string.anything from A-Z or a-z or 1-9 for the do i do that

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Random String Generator Problem

I have the following function which generates random strings:

function GenerateRandomStr(nLen, skipRandomize)
dim i, strTmp

if not skipRandomize then Randomize
strTmp = vbNullString

for i = 1 to nLen
strTmp = strTmp + Chr(fix(26 * Rnd) + 65)

GenerateRandomStr = strTmp
end function

But it is so happening that it is generating duplicate string which is causing the system to fail. Can anyone tell me why it is behaving in that way??

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Displaying Images At Random From SQL Query String

I have a database of images with captions that I need to display at random on an ASP page. Once I have pulled out my recordset, what's the best way to select on item at random from the recordset to display? Also, at first I might have only 5 items in my recordset, how can I avoid the same item repeating 3 times in a row if the person clicks refresh?

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How Do I Make Random Images Not Random?

However, what I want to do is include a request.querystring("ID"), so that IF an ID is defined, eg ID=3, , it will display the relevant (not random) information. I've tried this every way I can think and get type mismatches, etc etc. It's probably really simple but I can't see it.

redim link(limit)
redim image (limit)





<a href="<%= link(random) %>">
<img src="<%= image(random) %>" border="0"></a>

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Making It Random (getting Random Numbers)

I just wanted to know whats the best way to generate 50 or say X amount of number at random without having to repeat any of the previous number...

so far I've the following:


function RandomNumber()
dim theRandom

'RandomNumber = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)

theRandom= Int((99 - (0) + 1) * Rnd + (0))

if (theRandom<10) then theRandom = "0" & theRandom

RandomNumber = theRandom
end function

and then I've this in the body of HTML doc: Code:

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Random Token Generator - Not Really Random

We have the need to have a random token (a 16 char alphanumeric field) to be used as the key for one of our SQL tables. I have created a random token generator, however after only 3 months in production, it appears that we had an instance where a token that already existed in the tables was created. There are 3810 records currently in the database so it isn't like there are billions of records there.

I contacted an old college buddy of mine who is a mathematician, and he claims, assuming that random really does mean random, that the chances of getting a duplicate token are 1 in 79.5 septillion (79,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

So my conclusion is that this was either a complete freak of nature occurance, or my random generator isn't really all that random. Here is the code behind how I am generating this: Code:

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Random Number Not Random

I am trying to generate a random number. I am using randomize and then rnd to return a decimal number between 100 and 120. This will give me a longitude. I am doing something similar to generate a latitude.

I created this on a page which refreshs every minute. I put these points into a map and they are showing up in groups of straight lines. Since rnd is time based will refreshing every 60 seconds return similar numbers?

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Generate A New XML Doc

how I generate a new XML file that I can then use with an XSLT file. I am trying to use an XML file generated from Microsoft Project or even better generate an XML file from the project file (MPP File) itself. Which I can then use with an XSLT file

I am new to XML and want to create a project viewer using XML, ASP and XHTML. I have an idea of how this should work but would really appritiate any help someone can offer. Is it possible to take an XML file and generate it in ASP without using an XSLT file??

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Generate A CSV

I've been trying to Google this but have been getting far too many hits to be of use. Is there a slick way to generate a CSV or other Excel-friendly format and push it to the client? I'm using VBScript (and HTML and other typical stuff of course) on the ASP pages (no .NET stuff). Just a shove in the right direction is all I really need here.

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Generate ID

how can i generate ID(automatically) when user press the "New Record" button in my registration pages.the ID will get from the existing database and start with C01234.let says the last id in database is C01234,then when the New Record is entered,then the id number will change to C01235.

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Generate PDF

I noticed that PHP have the ability to create PDF files without using any third partty componentys. Most notably is via FPDF. It generates PDF by using "pdf markups" / or ghostscripts .

I believe the same can be done via ASP too. One has to use response.write pdf headers. Has anyone succeeded in doing that? I have the intention to go thru PHP's FPDF and try to convert that to VBScript.

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Generate A New XML

I trying to generate a new XML file everytime a user post a value through a simple form.
The form has one textfield called "price" and I want to save a new XML file (rewriting the file if the case) using the value entered. I don't want to append the value. I saw many turorials, but none of them work for me, and everytime I try to edit them, nothing seems to work.

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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How To Generate A GUID Value In ASP

Can you tell me how to generate a GUID value in ASP?

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Generate Excel From ASP

I want to create an Excel object from an ASP page. Basically, the input parameters to the Excel would be from the ASP. I know ASP and I know VBA, but I haven't used both of them together. Here's what I would like to do -

The ASP should generate an Excel report by passing 2 parameters to the Excel application (I have done this independently; without interfacing with ASP).

I know that I can create an excel handle from the ASP as -

Set MyExcel = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")

I dont know where the VBA code has to go? DO I have to include it in the ASP?

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Generate HTML

I have a web page using frameset split into few pages. And I want to generate one page of HTML code and send it through email. My question is have to generate a HTML page using asp?

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Generate Date

I want to be able to generate a date (day,month,year)
and add it to a DB so as to prove when a record was added(when a transaction was completed)I then want to delete a record automatically 1 day after the date was generated.

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Generate Popup Box

I have a form which contains drop down box with several available selections. Based on the users selection, I would like to have a popup box appear upon the form submission that gives them some additional information about their dropdown box selection. Is this possible?If so, how do I go about doing something like this?

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Dynamically Generate The Sql

i have a long recordset that i want to page through. can sql pass back say, 5 records from 20 to 25 out of 1000?
i can then pass 2 variables between the pages to dynamically generate the sql and thus page through the results. can someone post up a simple example of this if its possible?

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Generate Multiple Row

I have design a single row (which includes text box and combo box) with muptilpe columns. When user enters a one details (for example: employee id), the other boxes will be automatically be filled in with that employees details. This I can do. However, how if I want to add more rows (to get more than one employee's details)? I can add rows but then the previous info (say on row one) goes missing

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Generate Pages

I've looked around for a good while trying to figure out how to do this... and I need your help.I have a web page that is dynamically generated and it display rows from a DB and the rows get to be in the 100s. I need to break it up into sections... but I'm not sure how to go about doing it.What I'm wanting is something like this:

<< Previous 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Next >>

(kindof like what is at the bottom of the forums here)

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Generate Webpages

I have two webpages main.asp with some codes and text.html I need joint
(insert) text into main.asp.

I forgotten instructions to insert first webpage into second. How I can do

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Generate A Table With ASP

I need to create a table with 4 cols and X rows based on the number records
in my database. I dont know how this can be done, mabye with an array?

If I got for example 6 records in my database, a table with 4 cols and 2
rows should be generated, the last row will only have 2 cols with
information... Code:

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Generate RTF File From ASP

currently, i export data from ASP to Excel. but i want to change it to RTF. i have looked at microsoft website and tried whay i have studied but failed to make it. at microsoft website, the table is created using rtf script but in my case, i just want to create it using html script.

and then, when user click PRINT button, i want my system shows the detail contents of rtf file and then open the Print window later. so user does not need to click File->Print and so on. is there any example script i can study?

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Generate Excel

I am using the code below to create an excel document from data that is returned from an sql query. The formatting of the excel document is pretty and all is good unless I hit the back button and run my query a second time, or a third time (I haven't made it past 3
times). Basically what happens is every time I do this, excel does not close once I hit my back button. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Another problem is that when I run the query it just opens excel within my browser, is there any way to make it ask if you want to save or open the file?

I basically throw this code at the top of the html doc: .....

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