Generate Unicode Text File

Is it possible to get information from a database and generate it to
unicode text files using ASP?
Is there any product/COM out there that can do this? If not, is there
any other solutions? It doesn't have to be ASP, but it would be nice.

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Unicode Text File

I have a text file which is UTF-8 encoding. How can I read it from the ASP?

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Write Unicode Data From SQL To Text File

I have a problem

DB:SQL Server

Field type is varchar and some data is unicode like this "•õ" It is a chinese. How do I transfer the data I retrive from DB and then I can write it into an text file with its proper chinese word using FileSystemObject. Or any other way ?

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Loading A Unicode Text Format In Asp

I have a text file containing korean fonts, i saved it as a unicode format in notepad.
i tried to load it in asp using #include file, i get an "UNICODE ASP files are not supported" ....

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PUT Data Into A UNICODE File

I have to "PUT" data to a Unicode file... a file that has the "FF FE"
mark at the beginning of the file.

How do i do that. What HTTP header do i need to send so that the data
is stored in the Unicode file. Right now when i "PUT" the data it sores

it in a regular file. Code:

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Generate Randomize Numbers Based On A String Of Text

i trying to randomize a string of text inc. number and alpha. e.g. 024053J

what is the approach to generate a few integer numbers from this string "024053J" ?

i tried to this way of randomize but not very efficient as in sometimes the user will get the same numbers back when the page is refresh.

So i thought to use a string of text to generate the randomize numbers.


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Generate RTF File From ASP

currently, i export data from ASP to Excel. but i want to change it to RTF. i have looked at microsoft website and tried whay i have studied but failed to make it. at microsoft website, the table is created using rtf script but in my case, i just want to create it using html script.

and then, when user click PRINT button, i want my system shows the detail contents of rtf file and then open the Print window later. so user does not need to click File->Print and so on. is there any example script i can study?

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Generate File

how to generate a text file with data from the db in asp and save that file in clients system.

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Generate Xml Without Need To Persist It In A File?

i get data with ado i need to get a xml string from the recordset how can i get it without having to persist the recordset in a (xml) text file is there a simple way ?

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Using Asp To Generate Xml File On Server

Is it possible in a global.asa file (or some other way) to have an xml file generated by an asp script and saved to the server some how?

Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p'Create an XML document
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")'Create a root element and append it to the document
Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root")
xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl'Create and append child elements
Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1")
Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2")
rootEl.appendChild child1
rootEl.appendChild child2'Add an XML processing instruction
'and insert it before the root element
Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)'Save the XML file to the c directory
xmlDoc.Save "c: est.xml"

THis seems to be what i am after but when I try to modify the xmlDoc.Save line to either "/images/listings/test.xml" or imageslistings est.xml" and it comes back saying it can't find the path. If I just leave "text.xml" it comes back saying permission denied. If I can solve this path issue so as to be able to save the file to a directory I think I will have it solved.

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Generate Unique File Name

I have an application form that when filled out is being written to a singular HTML file. I want to convert it to generate a unique file name each time a user fills it out.

Secondarily, I want to be able to attach the unique file to the email that is sent to us when it is submitted.

Here are the current snippets of code:

set ObjFS = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objTheFile = objFS.OpenTextFile("e:credapp2.html",2,-1)


objMail2.AttachFile "e:credapp2.html"

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Generate Excel File Using ASP

With response.contenttype = "application/", I can easily export my data to Excel which is embeded and shown within a browser. If I'm going to save the Excel file through ASP programming, which method can I use? I need to save the data to Excel file with dynamic name (the file name should contain key values and appended with system datetime).

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Generate Html File

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way I could generate .html files? The thing is that I have to retrieve info from database and the generate .html file.

I know I could have it as .asp, but this woudl my index page and I would like to use it for search engine, which are not very happy with other extensions than .html.

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How To Generate .html File With Asp?

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way to do it?

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Generate An Ms Word File For An Asp Output?

generate an ms word file for an asp output?


- is it possible for the date (code above) to be displayed on ms word?

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Dynamically Generate Global.ASA File?

On each site there is a global.asa file that ties into an Access database. The fields from the Access database instantiate the values of session variables used in the site. I am trying to do away with the need for a database and was wondering if when I set up a site I also set the .asa file for that site.

Then if a shop wants to change something like an address, phone, number, directions, etc., they would go a toolbox area of the site and there would be a form whose field values would be populated by the session variables from the global.asa file.

When the form was submitted I was thinking I could somehow use asp to write a new global.asa file and store it in the server. Is this feasible? Also, what would this mean insofar as permissions on the root directory of the site? I'd imagine they'd have to have write permissions no? Code:

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Generate PDF Reporting File With ASP From SQL Server Datas

I'm looking fo a solution to generate automaticaly a PDF file.

My aim is to use a template define by a user and to insert dynamicly
datas form SQL server in this document.

Can you tell me if it exist PDF template like .dot for word ?
If such file exist is it possible to generate list of information like
aacount report with datas coming for Database like Sql server.

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Converting An Image File To Hexa, Read Text File

i'm converting an image file to hexa..then the hexa is saved to a text file..

can any one help me how to read the content text of a text file?...

im doing it this way because i don't want to save hexa in my database, because it makes the database slower to open up.

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Converting Text File To Sound File In ASP

Does anyone know of a method of converting text files to sound files (.wav, mp3 etc) which can be accessed from ASP?

I have an ASP-based website that enables users to design choreography for equestrian dressage. The resulting design is held as a series of coded movements in a database and it can then be reproduced as text or as a series of diagrams. I would like to offer the option of an audio version.

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Converting Text File To .iff File (VB,ASP)

Does anyone have knowledge of converting text file to .iff file. I am working on a VB ASP application. I searched for example on internet but I didn't get anything.

If you have any idea of converting text file to .iff file (VB ASP) please share with me.

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Read An Asp File As A Text File

I want to read an asp file as a text file. The problem is that the file that I want it to read is located on a server. For example: I want to read te content of this file: . I want to look after some values in that file.

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Text File

how can i write a line to a text file? also, how can i put every line of a text file into an array - and see whether a value mathes any of the lines in the array?

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ASP To Text File

I have an asp page that is populated by an access db, I want to create a text file on the server based on the asp file. Then provide a link for people to download that text file. How would I do this quickly?

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CSV Text File

I've a very small form just a name and a few checkboxes.when user submits the form, we want to store the data in a CSV text file and send an email to one of us here. Has any one had done it before please give me some ideas how to do it.

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Text File

I'm using ASP 3.0. I'm taking form contents and dumping it into a text file
on the server. how to add the TIME to this statement. I create the text file with the name of file, month, day and year.I would like to add TIME to it.

set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set act = fso.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("/data/"&g_filename & "-"&
month(date())& day(date())& year(date()) &".htm"), true)

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Extracting Text From PDF File

is asp code able to do the extraction of text from PDF File without using a third party software?

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Asp Text File Out Of Memory

I have a page which sends a query to an DB2 using an ODBC. The
results are then written to a text file. I am unable to write directly to
the users drive because of permissions.

The problem I have is that when the
query set becomes too big, I get error '8007000e' Not enough storage is
available to complete this operation. The query is returning 100, 000
records or more. So my question is how do I handle this? Somebody had
suggested to me to chunk the data. Code:

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Reading A TEXT File Without DB

I would like to know how I could accomplish this without using DB. There's a long text file named "TEST.TXT" The TEST file contains special character 'º' which will be used as pagebreak. I want an ASP page that will read the TEST.TXT file and split it into multiple web pages with navigation control. (eg. <FIRST<PREVIOUS>

If it is possible

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Recordset To A Text File

My original thought was to save the recordset into a text file. However,
because of permissions I am unable to do this and will not be able to change
the permissions. My next thought was to open it in excel. However, the
table is too large and I get the Cell Table: too many rows or columns error.
I need the user to be able to save the records on her computer.

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How To Read Text File In ASP

I'm write an asp to include part of a text file into my asp output html, I use FileSystemObject to get the content of the text file, but the asp just hang when it runs, the source code is listed below if anyone could help: Code:

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Writing To A Text File

I am new to working with ASP and I would like to know
the code to create a textfile on the serer and then write
something in it using ASP.

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Save As Text File And Zip

I want to loop through a recordset and save each records contents as text files and then zip all the text files and promt user to download the zip --- can this be done?? Does anyone have any code?

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Writing To A Text File

I'm writing data from an access db to a text file then emailing the text file. Everything works fine but it needs to tab deliminated. Can some one post the code for a "tab"?

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