Generate Unique File Name

I have an application form that when filled out is being written to a singular HTML file. I want to convert it to generate a unique file name each time a user fills it out.

Secondarily, I want to be able to attach the unique file to the email that is sent to us when it is submitted.

Here are the current snippets of code:

set ObjFS = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objTheFile = objFS.OpenTextFile("e:credapp2.html",2,-1)


objMail2.AttachFile "e:credapp2.html"

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Generate Unique ID

in Database i have table 'timetable' it contain one field 'lect_id' which is primary key of that table. i want to generate unique ID. How can i do that.

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Create Unique File Name

I have a script that will compact an Access MDB and a copy to a new folder. I would it to give each export a unique file name. I can do this with an absolute file reference but I am struggling to create one using 'Server.MapPath'.

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Generate RTF File From ASP

currently, i export data from ASP to Excel. but i want to change it to RTF. i have looked at microsoft website and tried whay i have studied but failed to make it. at microsoft website, the table is created using rtf script but in my case, i just want to create it using html script.

and then, when user click PRINT button, i want my system shows the detail contents of rtf file and then open the Print window later. so user does not need to click File->Print and so on. is there any example script i can study?

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Generate File

how to generate a text file with data from the db in asp and save that file in clients system.

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Generate Xml Without Need To Persist It In A File?

i get data with ado i need to get a xml string from the recordset how can i get it without having to persist the recordset in a (xml) text file is there a simple way ?

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Using Asp To Generate Xml File On Server

Is it possible in a global.asa file (or some other way) to have an xml file generated by an asp script and saved to the server some how?

Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, child1, child2, p'Create an XML document
Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")'Create a root element and append it to the document
Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("root")
xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl'Create and append child elements
Set child1 = xmlDoc.createElement("child1")
Set child2 = xmlDoc.createElement("child2")
rootEl.appendChild child1
rootEl.appendChild child2'Add an XML processing instruction
'and insert it before the root element
Set p=xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)'Save the XML file to the c directory
xmlDoc.Save "c: est.xml"

THis seems to be what i am after but when I try to modify the xmlDoc.Save line to either "/images/listings/test.xml" or imageslistings est.xml" and it comes back saying it can't find the path. If I just leave "text.xml" it comes back saying permission denied. If I can solve this path issue so as to be able to save the file to a directory I think I will have it solved.

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Generate Excel File Using ASP

With response.contenttype = "application/", I can easily export my data to Excel which is embeded and shown within a browser. If I'm going to save the Excel file through ASP programming, which method can I use? I need to save the data to Excel file with dynamic name (the file name should contain key values and appended with system datetime).

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Generate Html File

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way I could generate .html files? The thing is that I have to retrieve info from database and the generate .html file.

I know I could have it as .asp, but this woudl my index page and I would like to use it for search engine, which are not very happy with other extensions than .html.

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How To Generate .html File With Asp?

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way to do it?

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Generate Unicode Text File

Is it possible to get information from a database and generate it to
unicode text files using ASP?
Is there any product/COM out there that can do this? If not, is there
any other solutions? It doesn't have to be ASP, but it would be nice.

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Generate An Ms Word File For An Asp Output?

generate an ms word file for an asp output?


- is it possible for the date (code above) to be displayed on ms word?

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Dynamically Generate Global.ASA File?

On each site there is a global.asa file that ties into an Access database. The fields from the Access database instantiate the values of session variables used in the site. I am trying to do away with the need for a database and was wondering if when I set up a site I also set the .asa file for that site.

Then if a shop wants to change something like an address, phone, number, directions, etc., they would go a toolbox area of the site and there would be a form whose field values would be populated by the session variables from the global.asa file.

When the form was submitted I was thinking I could somehow use asp to write a new global.asa file and store it in the server. Is this feasible? Also, what would this mean insofar as permissions on the root directory of the site? I'd imagine they'd have to have write permissions no? Code:

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Generate PDF Reporting File With ASP From SQL Server Datas

I'm looking fo a solution to generate automaticaly a PDF file.

My aim is to use a template define by a user and to insert dynamicly
datas form SQL server in this document.

Can you tell me if it exist PDF template like .dot for word ?
If such file exist is it possible to generate list of information like
aacount report with datas coming for Database like Sql server.

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Unique ID

I need help with some asp code that would allow me to grab the last record id and add one to it for the new record being inserted.

I am new to asp and have been banging my head up against the wall trying to get this to work. I am currently using Visual FoxPro 6 for my database.

The SQL statement I am trying to use is:

strSQL = "SELECT Max(contact_id) FROM CustomerContact;"

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Following Unique ID

i'm building an ecommerce website and I want to create a unique orderID for each new order. My problem is that I don't want to have a random number but a number where each orderid is one higher then the last order like for example 4850323, 4850324, 4850325....

I tried to do this by using an application variable where 1 is added after every order but
this doesn't garantee a unique number because if IIS is reset it also resets the application variable.

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Which Unique

I've a databse of product in which I've unique ProductCode plus a ID that increments by 1 (AutoNumber). both the code and ID are unique and there will be no duplicate but is it worth having both in the databse?

I mean, can I not just use the productCode and forget about the ID? does this makes any difference? as far as I can see I'll have no problem in using the ProductCode. how you'd do it.

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What Is The Best Way To Creat Unique ID

Whats the best way to create a Unique ID and insert it into a Access DataBase? the field that holds this is a text field, and is called company ID.

Its a text field because it seems to cause less hassle

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Unique Values

I have a list from a database which I have made into a dropdown box, with each option as one line from the list.
At the moment I have several repeat values which I do not want.
I can set up a series of nested if statements and loops to remove the duplicate values but I would expect there to be a function which does this much more easily.My question is:

Is there an easy way of only displaying unique values from a database using ASP and SQL.

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Unique Entry

This is about a simple form validation in asp using javascript.there is one field called invoice_number which requires an unique invoice number as input. Whenever user inputs duplicate values message should pop up as warning on submit of the form. A sql fetches all the invoice nos. from database into an array using do i use the result of getrows in javascript to perform client side validation

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Best Algorithum For Unique ID

I am trying to find a best algorithm to generate unque id(alphanumeric less than 10 character long - not GUID) for entering orders in orders table for an e-commerce site.

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Unique String

I need to implement a email confirmation ASAP, but I need a way to create a unique ID. Can I just use the SessionID? People will click a link in their email, (if it exists), and my site will validate it. ASP.NET has GUIDs, but ASP doesn't. I'm wondering if a SessionID will just do it?

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Unique Records

I have a tablet structutre that is the following:

id customer error
1 custa 0
2 custb 1
1 custa 3
2 custb 0
1 custa 0

Each id is unique to customer. I have a table with over 100 rows of the above.I need a way to pull that last three occurances of error number 0 for each customer? I was trying to use a subselect but i was having trouble.

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Unique Host IP

I'm trying to obtain the IP of the hosts connected to my webserver.


on error resume next

'trying to obtain host IP
ip = request.servervariables("remote_addr")
response.write "IP addr: " & ip & " --- "
ip = request.servervariables("remote_host")
response.write "IP host: " & ip

If I use the above script, it shows me the IP of my ISP webproxy, not mine.

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An Unique Strange ASP Session

I have developed a site for my client,


I have registered the domain with godaddy and mapped the dnc to my server (Windows 2000)

When i browse that site using that, in one of the pages i found that the session value is lost. This happens only in some machines not same with all. Most of the machines works that site properly. But not the same in some machines. All machines has configured same.

The exact part is


session("custdata") = request("name")
response.redirect checkout.asp

in checkout.asp

if i give response.write for that session("custdata"), In some machines i m not getting the value.

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Unique Visitors Hit Counter?

Is it possible to create a unique visitors hit counter in ASP? I'm struggling to find any tutorials on the net. I found a few that can do a unique visitors on a daily basis but I just need a straight forward unique visitors in general.

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Form With Unique Id (no Database)

Have an asp form created and I need to assign a unique id number to each submission. Can this be done w/o a db?

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Unique Random Number

How can I generate a unique random number?

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Creating Unique Users

Very ill today so unable to concentrate and need some help with some fairly simple stuff...
Below is standard code on my page which is recieving variables from Flash and imputting them into a database.
What i need this page to do is to and your help doing it is:
1. Check if the email address exists in the dbase?
2. If it exists then to update the field 'High_score'
3. If it doesnt exists then to create a new record and input as the code below does.

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Unique Visitor Hit Counter

I have found a tutorial to create a hit counter for my webpage which runs off of a database it is all wonderful and everything BUT, whenever I am working on the site and refreshing a thousand times to see what everything looks like, it is counting me too.

Is there any way to code your own counter that counts only unique visitors? I would use a free one, but of course I don't want any links or images on the site, I want to be the only one that can see the stats.

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How Can I Create A Unique Folder Using Asp?

I am trying to create a folder dynamically for an individual user to upload to on my site. However having successfully created a folder dynamically, I cant create a folder by the current users username.

The '<%=username.Fields.Item.Value%>' part was done by dreamweaver and believe that to be the problem.

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Export The Goldmine Unique ID

I'm writing an ASP application in VBscript that will take an exported Goldmine contact record and import it into our on-line system.

The problem is that I want to export the Goldmine unique ID so I can re-import data back into it and make sure it goes to the right account. However, the account numbers in Goldmine are very interesting, here are a few examples:

A4091738208 SVU{Jef
A4102056041&+C J7Joe

As you can see, there is a wide assortment of characters in an account number. The problem is that when I try to import it into the online system it breaks ASP because of these characters. I've tried adding slashes before special characters, but then trying to remove them is impossible because the same slashes could be used in the actual account number.

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Unique ID For Shopping Cart

i'm about to write a shopping cart application and need to know the best way
to assign a unique id to each order.previously i used the sessionid which i've since found out isn't unique.can someone please advise me as to the most reliable way to assign a unique id to a transaction.i'm using classic asp and an access database.
i'd rather not use the session object due to issues with a previous shopping
cart application.

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