Generating Unique Codes

I have a table with data in it and i want to generate unique icodes for each user. I have a hex function that generates random code but i get stuck when i want the items to be unique. I want to update all uses that have empty codes. How will i go about this. Code:

str_sql = "update tbluser set [usercat]='" & strcode & "' where usercat=null"

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Generating Confirmation Codes

I have made a booking system, but need to somehow generate a unique confirmation code to be sent to the bookee to confirm the booking. I hve done a basic Google search, and a search through the archives of the forum, but to no avail.

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Zip Codes

We have "orders" that are entered into our database through a data entry web-based application that we've built.Typically,the user enters the city/state/zip code/county. Now they want it to be able to autopopulate the city/state/county based on entering only the Zip Code.

We realize this can be a problem as Zip Codes can overlap different counties/cities/etc.Is there a good way to handle this?Perhaps some kind of control we can use on an ASP page that will read our Zip Code data and handle this somehow?

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Promotion Codes

I have designed an e-commerce site for a friend and he now wants to add promotional codes to the site t work as follows:

The first 100 users to subscribe to the mailing list will be sent a promotional code be the site owner (via email) entitling them to 25% off their next purchase.

What I want to know is the bet way to implement this using ASP and access and also how to ensure that once a Code has been used by a visitor then it cant be reused again.

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Action Codes

Having a problem with a page being skipped in the cart. Intermitting problem here. Action code 38 then 47 when this occurs.

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Including Asp Codes

I have included all the db scripts in asp above the <head> tag and <html> opener tag.When i submit a page, to add a record that record just get doubled and i dont know why that is happening.It dont happen always but now and then. The problem is not with cliking the submit button twice. So all i want to know is if it may be a problem with including the asp codes above the html tag or not?

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Asp Codes Or Articles

Does anyone have codes or articles related how to make Yahoo-like directory-based serach engine which the categories of the post can be change from one to another, theoretically expandable to unlimited level of directories, etc.

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Revise Codes

I'm working to revise some code I had the misfortune of inheriting and am hoping someone can either give me a quick explanation or link to some more information. I need to figure out how I can edit a constant.

Specifically, I keep coming across things like

and I need to know a.) what the values mean and b.) how I can edit these.

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Validation Codes

the code for validation? What I'm trying to do is if a person forgets to fill out something on a form...I want a pop up that will remind them what information they forgot to fill in. For example "Please enter your name before submission."

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How To Log ASP-error Codes?

I would like to write ASP error codes in a log file. Error message would be
for example:

ADODB.Fields error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name
or ordinal.
/ASP-application/page1.asp, line 67

I've learned that it is possible to get some information with the
'err-object' of VB. Unfortunately these codes and descriptions are not that
good as the ones ASP itself generates. First of all I'm interested in the
description ("Item cannot be found in..") and the line in the ASP-Page where
the error occurs.

Does anybody know how to catch this information?

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Distance Between Two Zip Codes

I am trying to find a software that can find distance between two ZIP codes. I think most of them do it by having the longtitude and latidute of each ZIP, and substract. But this gives the air distance. Where can I find software that find the ground distance (like in Mapquest).

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Encrypt Codes

Does anyone out there know how to encrypt the entire ASP file? That means when a person tries to view my ASP source code, it will display as rubbish. Can't use Script Encoder (srcenc.exe) cause out there in the market exist a freeware Script Decoder (scrdec.exe) which can easily decode back the file to its original state.

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Asp/ado/xp_sendmail/return Codes

I have a stored procedure that builds and sends an email using xp_sendmail. It is called after the user makes a change to a form (it tells the support centre that a change has occurred.)

The last bit of my SP is this:
-- It fails if it has no recipient list
if isnull(@recip, '') = '' set @recip = @supportemail

declare @rc int -- have also tried changing it to bit

exec @rc = master..xp_sendmail
@recipients = @supportemail
, @message = @msg
, @subject = @subj
, @no_output = 'False'
, @query = @q
, @width = 200

Return Code Values
0 (success) or 1 (failure)

select @rc
return @rc
If I call it through query analyzer, @rc is 0 and I receive the email.
If I call it through my ASP page (which worked earlier), cint(rs.fields(0)) is -1 and I do not get the email.

strSQL = "exec pr_EmailNotification " & iRequestID
writeline "<P>" & strSQL

set rs = ConnObj.Execute (strSQL)
writeline "<P> Result: " & cint(rs.fields(0)) '0 (success) or 1 (failure)

(All variables are declared.)

It was working earlier, I had proven it... I thought it was the return @rc line that was doing it and was just keeping in select @rc for debugging. When I was ready to move on, I removed my debug statement, and then it started failing. I've put it back in, but it still fails, so I must have also removed something else, or changed something, or something.

I'm at wits end. It still works perfectly through Query Analyzer. But not ASP.

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Pages Showing Codes In IE

when i try to view an ASP page in my IE web browser, all i see are the codes used to design the page but when i preview 'em in Dreamweaver its okay.Why is it so ?does it mean if i publish my asp pages to the web; thats how they'll be on other people's browsers ?what do i do to be able to see the actual web page and not the codes in an ASP page.

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Auction Website Codes

Is there any sample codes/projects that does auction website ?

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Codes To Create Pages

I have created a form with the folowing properties, first name, last name, registration number; course; grade etc I have passed this form to a page to be called create_table.asp, and on submitting the form.

I want this page (create_table) use the info from the form to create tables in an access database (jacko) each time the submit button is pressed with the tables to be named automatically according to the convention fname_lname. I also want to create a page that I can use to edit all the tables in the database can any guru assist me with the required asp codes.

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Distance Betweeen 2 Zip Codes

anyone knows what the formula is for finding a distance betweeen 2 zip codes?

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Unable To Figure Out Codes

I'm now doing a project about handphone making a call and sending sms or mms by using

But i need to make the button invisible inorber to see the buttons of my phone.when i switch the visible to false.

The button become inactive and i can't even click it. How to make the button active and it is invisible at the same time. Need to figure out the codes fast,running out of time to do the project.

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Codes To Open An Access Database?

my database is database.mdb
my file path is C:Inetpubwwwrootfypdatabase.mdb

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0009)
Subscript out of range: ''

Besides using this ASP code of opening up my database is here any other way??? I often get the above error due to " This is my present code..


dim objConn, path
set objConn = server.createobject("ADODB.connection")

path = "C:Inetpubwwwrootfypdatabase.mdb" "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq="& path &";"


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How To Trigger External Lamp Kit By Using ASP Codes?

I am studying Programming and Computer Engineering and got an assignment. I made a lamp kit and a program, but I now need to integrate both by using ASP. So, when somebody is in the ASP page and presses a certain button, the lamp needs to automatically switch on (or off).

This of course not only applies to a lamp but should be used for different devices. The logic is that no matter where you are or what time it is, you can remotely switch devices on or off using ASP.

My question is: What codes do I need to make this work? And what are the steps to follow?

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Free U.S. Zip Codes/Latitude & Longitude DB

Does anyone know where I can get a free list/database of all US zip codes as well as latitude and longitudes? I am attempting to create a distance calculator but need that information.

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*Efficiently* Calculate Distance Between Two Zip Codes

Alright, in regards to my previous post of finding a DB that has all of the latitude/longitudes in a DB, I need to now filter through those based on search criteria. The search criteria available includes: Code:

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How To Drop Start & Stop Codes When Barcode Scanned?

I have a product that when scanned into the web site will scan as a single piece of string but it is really made out of start code - A0, componeneet code - 00150, stop code 3B, how could I drop prefix and sufix when the product is scanned so it only scans the actual product code.

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Unique ID

I need help with some asp code that would allow me to grab the last record id and add one to it for the new record being inserted.

I am new to asp and have been banging my head up against the wall trying to get this to work. I am currently using Visual FoxPro 6 for my database.

The SQL statement I am trying to use is:

strSQL = "SELECT Max(contact_id) FROM CustomerContact;"

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Following Unique ID

i'm building an ecommerce website and I want to create a unique orderID for each new order. My problem is that I don't want to have a random number but a number where each orderid is one higher then the last order like for example 4850323, 4850324, 4850325....

I tried to do this by using an application variable where 1 is added after every order but
this doesn't garantee a unique number because if IIS is reset it also resets the application variable.

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Which Unique

I've a databse of product in which I've unique ProductCode plus a ID that increments by 1 (AutoNumber). both the code and ID are unique and there will be no duplicate but is it worth having both in the databse?

I mean, can I not just use the productCode and forget about the ID? does this makes any difference? as far as I can see I'll have no problem in using the ProductCode. how you'd do it.

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What Is The Best Way To Creat Unique ID

Whats the best way to create a Unique ID and insert it into a Access DataBase? the field that holds this is a text field, and is called company ID.

Its a text field because it seems to cause less hassle

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Unique Values

I have a list from a database which I have made into a dropdown box, with each option as one line from the list.
At the moment I have several repeat values which I do not want.
I can set up a series of nested if statements and loops to remove the duplicate values but I would expect there to be a function which does this much more easily.My question is:

Is there an easy way of only displaying unique values from a database using ASP and SQL.

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Unique Entry

This is about a simple form validation in asp using javascript.there is one field called invoice_number which requires an unique invoice number as input. Whenever user inputs duplicate values message should pop up as warning on submit of the form. A sql fetches all the invoice nos. from database into an array using do i use the result of getrows in javascript to perform client side validation

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Best Algorithum For Unique ID

I am trying to find a best algorithm to generate unque id(alphanumeric less than 10 character long - not GUID) for entering orders in orders table for an e-commerce site.

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Unique String

I need to implement a email confirmation ASAP, but I need a way to create a unique ID. Can I just use the SessionID? People will click a link in their email, (if it exists), and my site will validate it. ASP.NET has GUIDs, but ASP doesn't. I'm wondering if a SessionID will just do it?

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Generate Unique ID

in Database i have table 'timetable' it contain one field 'lect_id' which is primary key of that table. i want to generate unique ID. How can i do that.

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Unique Records

I have a tablet structutre that is the following:

id customer error
1 custa 0
2 custb 1
1 custa 3
2 custb 0
1 custa 0

Each id is unique to customer. I have a table with over 100 rows of the above.I need a way to pull that last three occurances of error number 0 for each customer? I was trying to use a subselect but i was having trouble.

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