Generating A Written-out Date

I'm setting up an ASP blog and part of my site's design involves setting off each entry's date in all caps (e.g. MONDAY, JULY 17, 2006). There isn't a way to type out each date manually so I want to know if there is a way to write out each blog's date in all caps using ASP.

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Pre-written E-commerce App

First of all, I'm not a programmer. I'm trying to locate a pre-written application (otherwise I already have a programmer lined up.)
I have a business that builds customized computers. I need an interface where the customer chooses the different hardware configurations and then the page displays the updated price. If you don't understand what I'm talking about Dell and just about every other pc manufacturer have an interface like this on their websites. I've looked at a lot of sites, nearly every one of them uses asp.
I need to know is if some sort of pre-programmed asp script exists to make my programmer's job quicker and easier.

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Tag Written Out Unresolved

In my newsletter-application I am creating code for a "read more"-link.

If there is no fulltext-page
"else" looks like
strAspLink = ""

a few lines later I want to write it out


For my outlook users the link does not appear which is fine because the special article has no read more-link LotusNotes-users see this code unresolved

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Include File Written In ASP

I want to allow my users extensions and things via include files. I need the script to look something like this...

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="<%=grargareg%>" -->

but ASP doesn't accept values like this... is there a way around it some how?

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Redirct Error: Headers Already Written

I'm getting an error:" http headers already written", when I redirect back the page I came from.

I writing an on-line store app. The page 1 lists products, desc, price in a table. Click on a product, it adds it to an XML shopping bag and , thru a link, jumps to page2 that prints everyhing in the bag so far. At the bottom of page2 is a TYPE SUBMIT button that takes you back to page 1 for more shopping. The form for the button uses Code:

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Opening PDF Within IE7 - File Could Not Be Written To Cache

I have a page in in ASP which lists static links to PDF files. When
users click on the links, they receive the following message:

right-clicking on the link and selecting "save target as" generates
the following error message from IE7:
"The file could not be written to the cache"

Clicking the link, and selecting "save" from the resultant dialog
"Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The
requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found please try
again later"

This page works fine in Mozilla.
I've researched this a bit and have read about the caching issues,
although none of the pages on the site address cache control. Any
thoughts or ideas as to why this isn't working?

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Can ASP Pages Be Written In A Dreamweaver Site

I am working on a site which is written in Dreamweaver. Is it possible to write pages in ASP inside of a Dreamweaver site?

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How To Create A Srting From What's Written To The Brower?

In my code, I include a file which writes to the browser. I'm looking for a way to create a string that will contain what the file I included wrote to the browser. For example, the included file (meow.asp): Code:

<% meow = 6 %>
this is a test. the number is: <%= meow+4 %>
<% response.write "hello world!" %>

And my code: Code:

<!--#include file="meow.asp"-->

I want that somehow I'll have a string in my code that contains: Code:

this is a test. the number is: 10
hello world!

How do I do that?

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Can An ASP Page Read A Cookie Written By A PHP Page?

I am working with a developer, on two portions to a site, he is working in PHP and my work is done in ASP.

Is it possible for my pages to request data from a cookie that was written by his pages that are PHP but residing on the same server? Just want to make sure before I spend too much time planning out the development on my end.

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Generating ID Under ASP

I am not an expert in ASP but i am trying to generate a page in which i am able to generate an ID for any one viewing that page or entering the data.

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Generating Images On-the-fly

I wanted to know that is there someway in ASP that I can generate images on-the-fly without using ne 3rd party component?? Like its possible in CGI-Perl to generate ne type of image on-the-fly, is there a way 2 that in ASP? OK, if the 3rd party components r the only way, then r there ne free ones available?

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Generating A Variable Name

Does anyone know how to generate a variable NAME?

I’m thinking of something along the ground of:



(“stuff�&myvar) = request.form(myothervar)


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Generating Charts In ASP

I need to generate some reports with graphical charts (line, pie, bar and polar). I want to generate those charts which represent database values. Hope I have to use a 3rd party control for this.

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Generating Particular Autonumber

Ive got a table in an access database and I want to generate my own autonumber
based on the number of records in the table. Code:

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Possible To Generating Thumbs?

I've been surfing the web and this forum for methods to upload images through a form in a browser. I've come up with a few results, e.g. Dundas free upload component.

Besides that I've got the free product from to check the ImageSize and found some other non-component method to check the Image dimensions at:

Users should be enabled to upload a thumb for their profile. Since I can't expect each user to be a computer literate they might upload an image which is a bit too big. Are their free methods with ASP to reduce those images in size? I'm simply using ASP here with IIS. For now I can only give them an error stating that their image is too big.

A second matter might be a photogallery where there's bigger images and thumbnails. Right now I'm using Irfanview/Ifranview to quickly make thumbs for each regular image. Like with the example above it would be ideal if this can be automized as well, since users should be enabled to put up some small photogallery as well.

I know there's some fancy expensive methods to achieve this, but usually they offer loads more and all I need is something to crop or resize (resizing is best).

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Generating Images

I'm looking for a code or a component that will enable me to generate images on the fly, through my ASP code.
For example:
Retrieve some textual data from a database and make an image out of it.
Combine text and an existing image into one new image.
Read an HTML file that contains text and image and generate an image from it.
I've found programs that do it (like ABC Amber Text2Image Converter), but I fail to make it work through a code and not through a software console.

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Generating CSV Reports

I have been asked to produce reports which will be triggered and generated automatically via scheduled tasks against data in SQL SERVER.
The reports will be generated as CSV's to provide compatibility with Excel.
The reports will then e-mailed as attatchments to an agreed list of recipients.
This all has to be done with the use of ASP and SQL Server.
Can anyone advise on how the prolem should be approached?

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Generating Screenshots

How can I generate screenshots (.jpg) from a .flv file using asp?

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Generating Excel

I'm generating excel spreadsheets online with many manufacturers. One
particular manufacturer has 5000 more records than the next highest. When I
query for that manuf the table does not form. Just plain text. It doesn't
time out. Just doesn't form properly.

Is there a cache or setting I need to increase to get this much data?

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Generating RTF Output From ASP

Does anyone know of any freely usable code that helps automate the
process of generating RTF files from ASP (particularly generating the
code needed for tables)?

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Generating Usernames

Basically I have a site where the administrator adds new students to a college system. This code just adds a new student to the database. When they are added a username is generated by taking the first letter of the forename and the first from the surname and joining them to the date.

(ie, James Brown would generate JB2005) Obviously some people will have the same initials so i'm trying to get all the records from the student table in my database that has the first two letters as the student I'm trying to add and adding the value of the count of that recordset before the date of the new students initials. (ie, if Jane Bennett was added the username would be JB12005 because there is already a user with the initials JB in the database)

At the moment if i add a new member to the database, the fields are populated but the count of the recordset is not added so I end up with duplicate usernames. I'm not sure if the recordset is even being filled or whether the recordcount is not working. Code:

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Generating Hyperlinks

im currently trying to generate a list of links to files held within my database.The file itself is a pdf

Im currently using this code :


response.write "<A HREF='" & RS("file") & "'>" & RS("linkname") & "</A>"

and its giving me the error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/irtwebsite/welcome.asp, line 27

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Generating Reports

I am working on a system which requires data to be entered for candidates. It stores the whole data about the candidates in database(MS Accesss). The system will be used on client-side.Now what Iam required to do is generate reports as required by the user.but i have heard about reporting tools which can be used with ASP to generate reports.

The reports can be in Excel format or word format.Please suggest me which one should i use and how to use it?I am very naive to anything like this. Where can i find more info about it?

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Generating ReportDate

I have a question about generating reportDates upon import succeed of text files to Access. In the tables that needs to be imported daily has a field name called reportDate.

I have done in such a way that an ASP page will call the Import Macro from Access & execute it. There is no data for reportDate in the text files because I want it to be updated by the codes itself(auto-generate).

I adventured into Access, double-clicked on one of the tables & then View it in Design View. I entered Now()-1 in the Default Value caption. And then, I try my Import code & went back to check on my tables to see if data has been imported into or not. I also check my reportDate & realized that Access enters the date as 1 day before.

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Generating Navigation

When the user creates a new page, rather than go through every other page in the site and add a new link to the left hand navigation I want to use an include file and search the folder for all .asp and .htm files and display them in the navi as a link. If that makes sense?

I've been playing around with FileSystemObject, but am struggling to get the desired results. Rather than display the full name of the file in the navi, I want to remove the file extension and the path, and maybe convert the leading letter to a capital so it looks like a regular nav.

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Generating XML Code

I am using dreamweaver MX to connect to a microsoft database with the typical data stored such as name, address etc. I gt this information to displlay via recordsets and thats all good.

BUt im having trouble exporting the data from the database inot an XML document. I know I can do it on Acces itself but i want to be able to generate it using ASP. How do I do this?

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Generating Data From 1st DDL To 2nd DDL??

I have a question on search engines.

My ASP page can currently just display selected table & selected field names prior to the selection of tables.

My ASP page has:
- 2 drop down list
- 2 submit button

Currently, both of my drop down lists can work.

1st DDL: Displays the table names
2nd DDL: Displays the respective field names prior to the selection of table from 1st DDL.

The scenario is like this; When User selects the tablename & clicks 1st submit button, the 2nd DDL will generate the field names. User selects the field name he/she wants to view from 2nd DDL & clicks the 2nd submit button.

I know its quite lame to do it this way but I'm still a novice in ASP. So hoping to get ideas from you people on how can I re-decorate my search engine into a useful tool for the User in the future.

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Generating Bar Charts

how I can generate xl bar charts from ASP page. For example, just a click, take the input (recordset), put in a chart and open up/open a xl sheet, show the chart through excel application.

I tried with user defined class, but this isn't working with excel.

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Generating Number

How do you go about generating a number based on the current date and time? I want to generate a number to be used as a confirmation number to an email. My site does
not connect to a database or anything just pure asp with an email form.

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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Generating Statistics From Access

I would like to do is to generate statistics from my access db.

Within the db there are fields for each of the 11 plaers in the team each week, i.e. p1, p2, p3 ...... in each one will be a name, i.e Bill Bloggs but the name could appear in any one of the 11 fields.

What I would like to do is count the number of occurances of bill bloggs in the 11 fields and return it on my site as a table, i.e.;

name - times played
bill bloggs - 6

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ASP/Oracle And Generating PDFs

I have a project coming up soon where pdf files are stored in our oracle database. They want me to pull the pdf form out of the database and present it to the user on the screen. I've done a little searching on google, but haven't been able to find anything that helps. Can someone tell me if this is possible and if so, give a little example?

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Generating A Secure Email....

On our website, a user can order products from us. When they "submit" the
order, the website designer has written some ASP code to auto send an email
to our Exchagne 2000 server. Due to the contents of the email, we need to
secure it... How can we send a "secured" email from ASp script or would
this not be a function of ASp at all but the server the email is being sent
from? There must be something in the ASP code to indicate the email needs to
be secured?

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