Get Entire URL

How do I get the entire URL?

<a href="trackingpage.asp?id=100&r=">Link</a>

On trackingpage.asp
vTrackingInfo = request.querystring("id")
vRedirectPage = request.querystring("r")

problem is the &art=45 gets cut off.

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Return Entire Row(s

I know there's a way to do this - well 99% sure anyway - and seem to remember reading an article or tutorial about how to do it but I'm not having any luck finding it.
What I need to do (using MySQL & ASP3) is to find all rows with "X" as a non-unique ID - there may be 30 or so total - and grab them to be archived in a CSV file before deleting the record from a DB.The reason I want to avoid hardcoding the field names is that they're going to change with moderate frequency.

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Copy Entire Contents

I need to do the following in the asp project.
The form contains the file upload component and textarea objects.
After the user uploads the word file (using file upload), the entire contents of the word file should be copied to the textarea and displayed.

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Scrolling The Entire Asp Page

I have deployed a page with 3 frames of which one of them is a asp page.

Whenever the content of the page increases scroll bars apperar individually for each frame ruining the look of the page. I tried using tables instead of frames by giving "server.execute()" inside <td>.The drawback is that server.execute() doesnt accept absolute urls.Server side includes also cannot be used because the page to be loaded is decided dynamically based on the request.

How do i load absolute urls ...?

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Upload An Entire Folder?

I'm trying to write a function that allows a user to upload photos (like a photo album). I currently use AspSmartUpload as my upload component - but I only know how to upload one file at a time. Does anyone know if it's possible to upload an entire folder at once, or will the user only be able to upload one photo at a time?

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Capture Entire Field.

I have written an asp script to pull data from fields in an access database.However it is only displaying the first word of the string.Below is my code:

Response.Write ("<a href=residentialind.asp?add=")
Response.Write (rs.Fields("address").value)
Response.Write (">More information</a>")

how to capture the entire field.

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Upload Entire Directory

I'm developing a site under IIS and ASP. I want some help into a free solution to upload the content of an entire folder, even subfolders, to a web server from a client. It can be used ActiveX, COM or other type of components.

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Terminate Entire Subroutine

I understand that I can use "Exit Sub" to terminate an subroutine. However,this does not prevent everything before the "Exit Sub" from processing and displaying. Now, if I can't determine if a certain condition is met or not met until later in the subroutine, how can I prevent any parts of the code from displaying?

For example:

Response.Write "Table Header"
For 0 to all user's online
If user's page is an product page, then
Response.Write Page_Name
Y = Y + 1
end if

If Y <> "" then
Exit Sub
End if
End Sub

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Upload Entire Folder Using ASPUpload

I use ASPUpload as a component to allow users to upload images to website. I did not find on website clear explanation on how to upload entire folder of images to website.

1) Is it possible to do using ASPUpload?

2) Could you recommend me other sites, articles etc to read about this problem (with code samples)? Or could you provide me an example of code samples.

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Upload Entire CD Volume To Server

I'm currently doing a project that allow user to upload file to and download file from a server. my asp page funtion as file uploader can only upload a file at a time, and now the problem is when i try to upload an entire cd volume from a cd to a server, what i can do is just browse to individual file and upload it. i know that there's a virtual drive that does this function. but the project is host in intranet mode, so every user is accessing the server. and the virtual drive for server cost a lot. so can i know outside there's any coding or example or solution can help me with this upload entire cd volume problem?

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Search Entire Site Contents

I am developing a site that has a mixture of both Static and databased content for which the client requires a site wide search to pick up on the text in the database and the text in the static html pages.

My original thought went to Index server? Does this still exist for Win 2003 Server? Are there any other similar server products? We can install what we like on the server, and obviously the cheaper/free'r the better! Or are there better solutions with some hosted search that can have a customisable results page?

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Compare Field Data To Entire DB

I have a page that adds data to an Access DB. When an employee adds a record I want to compare the phone number from the data they inputted to all of the phone numbers that are currently in the database for that field.

If the new phone number currently matches any record in the DB I want to have an alert that notifies the employee that a record with that phone number exists with the date that the first record was inputted and ask whether they want to continue and add the the new record or cancel the addition of the new record. Otherwise, I want the data to just be added. At this point I have a Case statement that will add the record after a submit button click.

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Download Entire Folder From Server

I am unable to downlaod entire folder at a time from the server using ASP i.e. all the files and sub-directory in that folder at a time, not by downloading individual files one by one .

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Upload The Entire CD Volume Into Server

im using a asp file uploader to upload my file into a dedicated server. my uploader can only upload a file once a time. but my concern is if i want to upload the entire CD volume into server, i still have to locate the file in the cd one by one, is there any way or coding to allow entire cd volume to be upload at once?

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Copy Of This Entire Database In Another Directory

I have an Access Database; e.g., DB.mdb, which has 10 Tables; e.g., Table1, Table2, ..., Table10; in a directory; e.g., Directory1.

Using ASP copy method:
FileObject.Copy(destination[,overwrite]) I have made a copy of this entire database in another directory; e.g., Directory2.

The Tables from Directory2 has been and will be changed via writing new data into the 10 Tables in Directory2. I need to copy only one of the Tables, e.g., Table5 from the original database in Directory1, to the database in Directory2. Replace Table5 from the DB in directory2 witj Table5 from Directory1 without affecting other 9 Tables. How can I do that?

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