Get Post Element Name

for i=1 to request.form.count
response.write request.form(i).name & " - " & request.form(i) & "<br>"

this throws Object doesn't support this property or method: 'name' is there anyway i can display the post data with its field name?

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Key Is Already Associated With An Element

I am getting this error message with the following piece of code.

sqlSelect = "Select * from UserPermissions where UserID = " & UserID &
set tbl = GetRecordset(sqlSelect, false)
while not tbl.eof
response.write ("<br>key: " & tbl("SectionID"))
Permissions.add tbl("SectionID"), 1

The screen displays
key: 1
key: 2

I've been staring at this problem for two hours now.

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Display XML Element In ASP

I'm trying to write a piece of ASP that will allow me to display only one
element of a XML file. I am new to XML and wanted to find out what I am
doing wrong. I think it may be to do with the nodes ? When this is currently
run it comes up with the error "Overflow" ('800a0006').

Any pointers or solutions ? Code:

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PageSize Element- WHere?

I am trying to split my search results into manageable pages, with 10 or 15 results per page. My question is- where do I place the pagesize element in this code? and what would it look like? Code:

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Form Element

I have a form that has dynamically assigned element names. How would I do the following:
(original code)
sub OnControlLoad
set Control = Document.getElementById("MsRdpClient")
if Not Control is Nothing then
if Control.readyState = 4 then
Document.all.connectbutton.disabled = FALSE
end if
end if
end sub

I want to get this line
Document.all.connectbutton.disabled = FALSE
to loop and look like
Document.all.connectbutton1.disabled = FALSE
Document.all.connectbutton2.disabled = FALSE
Document.all.connectbutton3.disabled = FALSE
etc....up to a predefined value

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Position Of An Element

I use an array of elements and I want to know the position of a given element in my array
I know the filter function that allows to determine if the element i look for is in the array but this function doesn't allow me to know its position.

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ASP File Element

How can i find an asp file's TAG like input, button from another asp file...
For example i call a.asp from internet explorer and i want to list b.asp 's
elements.(input, button, etc...)

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Finding Element In Array

I'm creating an array from the querystring, then I want to find if something is in that array..

url = quiz.asp?done=6|3|4

done = Request.QueryString("done")

myArray = Split(done,"|")

For Each i In myArray
If myArray(i) = x Then
do something
End If
I keep getting a "subscript out of range error"

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XML Document Must Have A Top Level Element.

I am creating a simple XML file via asp and want the XML to appear in the browser. Here is what I have tried: Code:

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Remove Element From Array

is there a function i can use of some sort to remove a specific element in an array by its index number?

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Getting Form Element Names

I have a dynamic form sending information via name=value pairs.I know I can read the value of each element in the sending form by using the following....
for i = 1 to request.form.count
response.write "<p>" & request.form(i)

but since it's a dynamic entry page (it's built based on number of fields in a database), I need to know the name of each element also.not just the value.Is there a good way to get the "name" portion of the element on the form without having to parse through the request.form string?

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Removing Element From Querystring

I am creating a recordset paging script, however I am having a few issues. I need to remove a certain part of the querystring for it to work properly. i.e i need to remove


I can't just do a Replace, because the value of the parameter will change for each page. Is ther an easy way to remove this from the full querystring?

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Textarea Form Element

I have noticed on some forms that when a user submits the form and there is a textarea element that a lot of extra whitespace is getting submitted at the end of the elements content. What's going on.

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Forcing A Div Element To Background

Are there any div attributes that could force a div element to stay in the
background? I have a .vbs calendar class that opens a small calendar.

Unfortunately, sometimes it opens above a form element like a combo box and
the combo box shows on top of my calendar.

The combo in question happens to be within div tags because it hides/appears
depending on another form choice.

Any got any good links on forcing div elements to the background?

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Re-submit A POST Immediately From A Previous POST

Is there a way to 'force' a submit on a form with out actually allowing the
user to press a button ? For example...

step1: A from is filled out by a user, then they click the submit button.

step2: The form is 'post'ed to an ASP page which writes the values to a
database. So far No problems. But..

step3: Now I want to 'post' these values again to another page without any
user interaction.

My ideas were:

1) I know you can get the form values from Request.Form("myVar"), so I
thought of making a 'dummy' form and setting the 'values' of the form
variables to these Request.Form("myVar") valiables, but I don't know how to
'submit' them to another page again.

2) Is there some type of 'submit' command in ASP?

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Disable A Text Area Element

How to disable a select element via vbscript from another element in the same form. I want to disable a text area element named xptoTextArea if and only if a certain option value is selected.

If this option is selected then disable this text area element.

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Form Element 'key' Syntax (VBscript)

how I write this in VBScript (it doesn't like the 'key' object) Code:

For i = 0 To Request.Form.Count - 1
Response.Write(Request.Form.Keys(i) & "=" & Request.Form.Item(i) & "</br>")

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Uploader With Multi Element Form

i need to find some scrit to uploadimages but with multi elements form i mean i need to put some textboxes and compo boxes with the uploading form to process the data entered in the text boxes and copbo boxes something = the posting new thread u can write ur thread and choose file to attach hope it's clear.

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Empty Recordset When Using Array Element In WHERE Clause

I have created the following code to create the recordset rsToBeApprovedLocalItemID. Unfortunately, the for next loop works properly only on the first cycle. The response.write(arrToBeApprovedCatSub(0)&arrToBeApprovedCatSub(1)&"<br>")works for each loop but the SQL statement sqlToBeApprovedLocalItemID returns a populated recordset only on the first loop.

On subsequent loops it is empty even though the arrToBeApprovedCatSub(0) and arrToBeApprovedCatSub(1) are alive and well. What's going on? This is truly weird behaviour. I have not come across something this funky before. Code:

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Asp: Pass Array Element Values To Form On Next Page

how to create an array of checkboxes that were selected from a form on one page and pass them into hidden fields in a form on the next page? I have this massive project I've been working on and am having trouble with this.

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How To Form A Method To Change HTML TD Attributes When Passed Element ID?

I have a ton of TD attributes that have to be changed based on the
data in the DB. All TD elements are ID and runat=server.

Changing the attributes of a SINGLE TD is simple:

<td id=thisTD runat=server>


Now, say we have 100 TD elements with IDs TD_1 to TD_100

I have not been able to find a way to (essentially) say:

for(int i=0;i<100;i++){

in J-Script, I could do it by Eval() or about eight ways through the
DOM. It seems crazy to me that if I can access the Attributes of a
specific element directly by ID (thisTD.Attributes), I couldn't also
access it by reference.

But I have been able to find NOTHING to indicate how this may be done.
Obviously, my problem is not limited to a single attribute, or else I
would have just typed them all out by now. Trouble is, there is a lot
of logic that must be applied to the data before setting the
attribute. Without being able to iterate or loop by reference, I will
be typing for ages just to change some freaking classes.

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Post Data, Then Post Again..

i have a series of .asp pages that i am dividing into model, view, control logic. my view collects a whole bunch of data and posts it to the controller. im wondering if there is a way to somehow "re-post" this same data to my model page.

in short, is .asp capable of taking data posted to a page and re-post that same data to another page?

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Asp Post

I've an html form with some fields, I have to normally post them clicking a
submit button to an asp page; this page have to programmatically repost
these fields and other constants to another page

I do this beacuse I don't want the web user to see the costants which are
the authentication values (username password)

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I couldn't get my page to POST to my server I thought
because I had run IIS lockdown and other hardening tools.
Now I've rebuilt the whole server from scratch and have
yet to disable anything. I still can't POST. GET has been
working fine all along. Is there anything that needs to
be done beyond setting the forms method to POST and using
Request.Form(whatever), instead of Request.QueryString
(whatever)? Is there something that I need to put in the
ASP or client page header or something? I must be missing
something. Maybe IIS 5 needs to be set up to use POST or

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Old Post

It's really simple question. How can I insert Statement/line with " ' ".. for exmaple I get error if I enter "Let's play".

I am trying to instert that line into table.

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Post To A URL

I'm trying to make a simple ASP page post to a URL on a seperate web site, and then get the returned HTML into a string which on service side script I can then parse. Is there any object built into IIS or Microsoft I could use Server.CreateObject with to make this possible?

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End Of Post

I have a form that get submitted. On the page that dose the db work I need a loop that will run through each record set and updated it to the db. I was thinking about writing a do loop that will increment scount = scount + 1 . the problem is that I have no idea how to tell if i am at the end of my request.form("id").

i can response my request.form("id") and i see all the id's listed acress the page.. just need to loop through then one at a time.

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Get Vs Post

Well I did a little research of my own and found that get shouldn't be used when a form is causing some big changes into the DB such as deleting, updating etc.

Until now I've always used GET for everything. So should I use Post for updating, deleting editing etc and GET only for retrival.

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From Post To Get

I am trying to re-write a post method search page so that it will accept variables using the get method. For those of you asking what the heck i'm talking about simply this. I need the ability to send variables through the url to the search page of my site.

This page would be a copy, i.e. Searchprods.asp-original that uses post method, Searchprods2.asp using get method. I am almost completely lost as I don't use asp, or even vbscript often.

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i got a lot of text inputs inside table(60~)and i want to update them. till now i used to do it with posting to another page the variables and on the other page i will take all the posted values and update it inside mysql.

but suppose i got a long list of text inputs. is there to update only the changed fields? if i got 60 text inputs, and changed only 4. i realy think this is not logical to standon the other page and check all 60 posted variables one by one if they empty or not andupdate those which the user changed, or to skip the checking part and to update all 60 at once.

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Post Data

in past, i learnt from the book to post data by

action=post & input type=text

now the post data is not from user input
it is from a table which is generated by asp script

i wish to generate a table with a check box at each row.

when i select the check boxs, then the rows of the table will be posted to
another html page

any hints to me for doing this?

Secondly, how about if rows of the table will be posted to a input box on
another html page grateful if you could give me some hints.

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Post Variable

I have a VB application sending data via post to an ASP page.

The application sends two variable: id, txt

If txt has the & sign in its string, it cause trouble. E.g.:
id = 1
txt = "Hello & more"

If I take a look into Request.Form() array in asp page, it shows the
id = 1
txt = "Hello "
more = ""

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Passing Post

I'm posting a form from a php page to a page that's asp. I want the url parameters sent to the asp page to be the defaults of the form. I've never used asp so I'm not sure how to do this.For example:

Text field in asp/javascript form called "client" should now default to "123".

In php I would have put this as the default value for the "client" field in the form: <?php $_GET['clientid']; ?>

What would be the equivalent way of doing it for asp?

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