Get Referer Minus The Querystring

I need to redirect after processing to the previous script (referer). However I dont wish to redirect including the querystring. Just the referer's script name.

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Sql Minus

anyone familiar with sql minus statement?coz when i use

Quote: sql="select * from test minus select * from testing"

it suppose to see only the rows that don't match in both queries.but when i execute this statement it giv me also rows which hav match in both queries.that is i hav 10 row n col.then after execute it show me again 10 row n col

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Minus One Date From Another

Is there a way if someone enters a date, like 02/02/04, and have that date subtract from 02/04/04; so the number 2 is returned, and if you wanted to see if 02/05/04 is greater than 02/04/04 returns true?

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Now() Minus 20 Minutes?

I wish to count the lastLoginDateTime field that has any date and time in it that is within 20 minutes of now(). Code:

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Database Current Time -(minus) 3 Hours

Ive got some code on my site that shows how current the database is. Basically it looks at fixed text file that I am basing the database on, checks to see iwhen it was created, then displays the time.

My webserver must be on the East Coast and I am on the West Coast, so the time the stamped file time is 3 hours ahead. Code:

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URL Referer

if it's possible to catch the url that the user is visiting after leaving our site. I mean, I use HTTP_REFERER to see from which url the visits are coming from, I want to know if there is some way to catch which url they visit after leaving our site.

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Setting A Referer

I am making a small ASP script to track users from an email marketing campaign. Basically the email is sent to subscribers, then when they click on an offer they are sent to a third party provider. Right now we can track how many users open the email, and how many visit the site, but we would like to track conversions.
The third party will only provide stats via referer. Is there an easy way in ASP to set a referer to a custom url during the redirection?

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Http Referer

i am using the http referer and i get null value from some computers

and the correct value from other computers,

all the computers are using the same code!!

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Find Referer

I want to know how to find out who is sending visitors to my site. So i obviusly need to find out who a visitors referer is.

I took a guess and thought that this is what I should use:


But that does not return anything. Any ideas guys?

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I built a site half a year ago with form that submits to page that processes the info and then returns the user back to the page they came from using HTTP_REFERER.

There's one guy -- using an identical set-up to our main testing platform -- who kept getting the "URL required" error when doing this. For some reason, on his system alone, HTTP_REFERER was not collecting any referring URL. Is it common for HTTP_REFERER to wuss out like this? What causes it?

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Referer Length

I have a question about the Max Referer length. By default this is 256. I am not fully sure I understand this property. It this a header that is sent back to the Server by a client and is it part of the URL.

While testing our Secure IIS I ahd the error come up I increased the value to 1080 and the error did not repeat!. But through my search the Max Referer lenght is always 256. SO I am trying to get feel for what the Referer really is, is it part of the HTTP 1.1 protocol?

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Page Referer

I have a CMS with access restriction to every page (the user must log on first). If a user tries to access a page while not logged on then they are redirected to the log on page.

In this case I want the log on page to send the user to the page they were trying to access, after they log back on.

Because the page restriction is the first bit of vbscript on every page, non-logged on users are redirected before the rest of the page loads, so using Request.Servervariables("HTTP_REFERER") does not work (I think this is the problem).

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I'm trying to use <% rReferer =REQUEST.SERVERVARIABLES("HTTP_REFERER")%>

and capture the referer URL in the variable 'rReferer'.

All I get is the URL of the very page I'm inserting this code into, that is, it refers itself. "sigh"! Yes, I'm clicking from another web page to test it. Am I coding this properly?

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Can I Get Referer In A Html Page?

is there a possibility that i can use this statement

referer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") in a .html page??

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Grouping On Domain In Referer Log

I've got a lot of referer variables in my dbase and I'd like to have a query that groups them just by the domain. Everything up to the 3rd "/" should do it. So far, I'm using:

SELECT COUNT(id) AS clicktotal, ref
FROM clicklogs

This only lists everything by the actual referring url. Is there a way to only have it group by the domain within the referring url?

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Disabling Referer HTTP Header In IE / IIS 5 / ASP

Is there any way to prevent an IE 6 browser from sending up the REFERER HTTP header? (Either as an IIS Server setting, change to asp files, or even a setting in the IE browser).

This is wasting WAN bandwidth in our Intranet application - we have fairly low network bandwidth. The referer is inevitably somewhere else in our own ASP application, and is usually has a really nasty long QString attached ... (and no, really dont want to run stats about how users navigate our app)..

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No Referer Error Mesg In ASP Script

I have been trying like mad to get this script and this form to work. i'm at the point where the error message i get upon hitting the "SUBMIT" button is simply Form could not be processed due to the following errors:

No referer. Code:

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HTTP Referer Disappears When I Response.redirect

I am able to get the value for "request.ServerVariables("http_referer")". However, I try to use this value in a "response.redirect" and the value disappears. Why is this happening. Example:

If Not Session("whatEver") = True Then
Dim httpVar, EncodeHttpVar
httpVar = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
EncodeHttpVar = Server.URLEncode(httpVar)

Response.Redirect "https://www.blah-blah/extranet/index.html?referer=" & EncodeHttpVar

End If


What am I doing wrong.

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Passing QueryString URL As A Paremeter In QueryString

The subject sounds confusing but here is what i want to do. I have a
button on my page which says

OnClick="'reportsContainer.asp?pag eURL=Report1.asp?intCurrentPage=1&blnRetrieveFlag=1&Show=1',TasksRPT');"

Now on the Conatiner.asp what i do is
if Request.QueryString("Show") = 1 then
pageURL = Request.QueryString("pageURL")
end if

And then i set the pageURL along with intCurrentPage and
blnRetrieveFlag parameters to my fram src as

<frame height=500 scrolling=auto name="pageFrame" id="pageFrame"
border=0 src="<%=pageURL%>">


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is it possible to check if a variable is present in the querystring, or is that unneccesary? will it assume the variable is empty if it is not present in the querystring?

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i have a hyperlink from a results page:Code:

Response.Write "<TD>" &"<a href = JobDetails.asp?id=" & rs("JobID") &" >" & "Click Here" & "</a></TD>"

the sql statement in JobDetails.asp =

sqlstr = "select * from Jobs where JobID = '" & Request.QueryString("ID") & "'"
rs.Open sqlstr, conn

im getting this error when i click the hyper link

line 20 is the rs.Open sqlstr, conn line

this error seems to happen with dates but i dont have any dates at all.

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I want to write a page which will
load a default page for me with some links and all. lets say someone
clicks on the link, which not only points to the same page but also
passes a querystring. Looking at the querystring I will then display
data from a database.
So my question in short is... Is it possible to have a single asp page
which can return either a default page where no querystring is passed
or a result from the database when a querystring is passed?
If the answer is yes, then is it a good idea to do this or have 2
seperate pages?

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I've got a request form for samples of our product that we send out. The form is being linked from our ebay auction pages. In the link from the auction page I'd like to include the model number of the sample that they're requesting. (ie. /sampleRequest.asp?AS240)

Then, on my sampleRequest.asp page which contains the input form I'd like to include a hidden field which holds the value of that querystring. Finally, upon submitting this form I'd like that value to be placed into the sampleModel field in my Requests table in my database.

The problem I'm having is how to populate the hidden form field with the querystring form the ebay auction page. Code:

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I have a querystring like this:


I would like to insert each set of checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 into a table like field1(checkbox1), field2(checkbox2), field3(checkbox3). Remember each set of 3 checkboxes are 1 unit inserting into a table. Is this possible?

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I am trying to maintain some ASP code that I did not generate and the programmer who did has a very different style than I do so I am having some problems. Hopefully someone out there can help me by answering my question.

I have the following line of code:

If (isEmpty(Request("dir"))) Then.....

Now my question:
Could the Request("dir") used above be the same thing as using Request.QueryString("dir")???

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I just noticed though that when I include the file name to the folder it worked.

ie - no output
& - outputs 4

can the querystring be read when the file isn't shown?

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i have a querystring on one page where the url looks like:


on delete.asp i have:

Dim name, type
name = Request.QueryString("name")
type = Request.QueryString("type")

It gives me an error for some reason.

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i am working on in c# and i want to pass " +" in querystring but "+" is converted to space.Is thereany encoding method to show "+" in querystring.

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I have a querystring that contains the + sign as a separator, I need to read these values individually in a select statement, for example.


where single is the type of room somebody wants and 205 is the user ID in the Customer table.

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Querystring From URL

I have a banner that is clicked and the people are takin to a general information page. From the banner they are given the URL and a querystring of ?AdID=X. On that page they click and are taken to our signup page where i have a form for them to fill out.

The mentioned querystring is the referering company. How can I get the querstring information into a hidden value on my form before submitting to the database. I have tried <%=request("HTTP_REFERER")%> and it writes the whole URL into the database. I need just the querystring. Have also tried. <%=request.querystring("AdID")%> and that does not work either.

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Querystring Within Querystring

I am using querystrings to pass URLs to be able to tell what page to go back to when an action is done on my inventory site. For example, if an order status is updated, the page that does the update knows to go back to a page to display the page that the person was looking at before the update was done.

One of the pages that displays orders filtered by search criteria uses querystrings. If I try to send that URL as a querystring, it all gets combined together. For example, I have one page that redirects to something like "emailUpdate.php?Send=True&OrderID=342&LastPage=results.asp?Item=Computer&Method=Brand&Criteria=Dell" where "results.asp?Item=Computer&Method=Brand&Criteria=Dell" is the page I want to return to.

The "Item=Computer" gets set just fine, but the rest of the URL is concidered part of the first URL. Is there some special characters that I can use to show that I want the one URL to be its own querystring?

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Add A Querystring

how do I add a querystring, with ASP? You're probably thinking, "just add it to the url"...but that's not what I want to do. Here's an example of what I do want to do,
[vbs] Dim someString

'// Here a querystring gets added, through headers or something

'// Here my code uses the newly added querystring
someString = Request.QueryString("MyAddedQueryString")

this is just a simplified example. Does anyone know how to do that?

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I have a this piece of code...

dim ur

And this is a part of a flash movie..
<param name="movie" value=testez.swf?clickTAG=<%=url%>

when i click in the movie the page goes to..

But the another variable var2 doesnt appear in the url. How its possible pass all the parameters when you click in a flash movie?

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