Get Value From Flash Movie And Pass To ASP

I have a movie clip having a few buttons inside that Movie clip. User can click on each part and fill a color.

I used getRGB() function to extract the filled color value of that button. I have used trace to see what the value is. Now I want that value to transfer into a database using ASP.

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Insert Flash Movie Within An ASP Page

got some problems inserting a simple flash movie within an ASP page. Actually i am working with Dreamweaver and when I test my page from PWS directory, the flash movie keeps on loading..can't get the flash movie, but when I test the movie outside PWS, it does play the movie.. Should I include any file within the PWS root directory?

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Embedded Flash Movie Controls

I have embedded a flash movie (.swf) in my web page - but I don't know how to put the "play,pause,stop,volume" controls to the video.I need the movie to share with my colleagues at work using our local web server.

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I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play. Has any body faced this problem.

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Flash Movie Wont Play On A Secure Page

I have been working with ASP classic on this current project im involved in. Well the problem im facing now is there is a page where a flash movie should play in a particular section on the page but it wont play on the secure pages, on the unsecure pages it plays fine. I had added an Active X work in accordance with the Lawsuit issue but it still wont play.

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Movie Displaying

I done Internet presentation for my client and presentation is placed on Brinkster...

Displaying movies is a part of presentation...

Those are .mov files...

As movie container I use Quicktime...

My problem is:

I have to wait to full movie loading...

Wait and wait...

When the movie is loaded then display starts...

Sometimes, it can take a long time...

I want to achieve effect with movie slider in my Quicktime container...

In other words, I want that movie begins to play before the end of full loading...

How can I achieve this?

My code is here:.....

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Upload Movie Clips

I am handling a module using ASP3.0 which has to upload an movie clips of size 1 mb or 2 mb. i have a code which upload only files or images....

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Passing Variable From ShockWave Movie

On the Shockwave movie (in a browser) I have:

on mouseUp me
postNetText("address/page.asp", myVariable)
goToNetPage "address/page.asp", "_blank"

and in the ASP page I have:

<% passedvariable = request.form("myVariable")%>

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Opening Movie Based On Checkbox

I want to load a particular movie in my active x control but I want it based on whcih checkbox the user selects.

How easy is this to do as I have no real ASP experience but someone here said this would be an ASP thing. I will paste some of the codes below that I have. I have no real ideal as to what I am doing with ASP so the code is probably a bit screwed up.

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Dynamic Movie Times Based On Zipcode?

Does anyone know how to display movie times from a particular zipcode stored in a DB? I need to find a website out there has a data feed that can be accessed with movie times. Anyone have any ideas?

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ASP And Flash

Does anyone know how can I load an ASP file with variable query like:

loadVariablesNum("Member_details.asp?MemberID= ???", 0, "GET");

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Flash MX

I have created a Contact Form in Flash MX, However i want it to be able to send the message using ASP. Does anyone know where i can download or find information on how to do this?

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ASP/Flash And XML

I have been struggling with this issue for several days now. I have a flash movie that I am using the geturl call.

getURL((((("javascript:apripop('mypage.asp?theimg=" + this.myimage) +
"&title=") + this.title) + "')"));

This is what the xml page has.

<image myimage="images/flashme.jpg" title="Basic Movie"/>

The problem I am having is that when I click on a thumbnail from the flash
movie, it pops up the asp page and then it is suppose to display the image and
title. It is displaying the title only and not the image. I can view the
properties and the image string is being passed through, it's just not showing
the image. Is there some other code that has to be included in the asp page to
display an image? I hope I explained it enough for someone to assist me.

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Flash And Asp

Anyone ever work between Flash and ASP before? I'm trying to send a variable from a Flash movie to an ASP page and get the page to display the variable. I have a variable, test, in the root of the Flash movie. I've set up a button that has this script attached to it:

getURL ("newpage.asp","","post");

Then, I've written a simple ASP script as follows:

name = Request.Form("test")
Response.Write (name)

This is just to test out the concept. According to a tutorial I read, this should work, but it doesn't seem to be.

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Flash Possible

I am working on creating a login script in my flash file but wanted it to access my Microsoft Access DB. Would anyone know if flash can handle asp ?

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can anybody give me link for debug flash error in google

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Run Flash

I am looking for a way to put Flash files into HTML without the location of my flash file being shown in the HTML. I have seen this done before using ASP. Where the flash would be embedded, instead there is a line of code that runs a ASP file. Then the ASP file runs the flash from it's location on the HTML page where the ASP file is ran.

I'm not an ASP guy at all. I'm a flash guy. But I just don't want to put the location of my flash file where people can see it on that pages source code. This OR any other way of doing it is fine.

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Flash And Asp

Anyone ever work between Flash and ASP before? I'm trying to send a variable from a Flash movie to an ASP page and get the page to display the variable. I have a variable, test, in the root of the Flash movie. I've set up a button that has this script attached to it:

getURL ("newpage.asp","","post");

Then, I've written a simple ASP script as follows:

name = Request.Form("test")
Response.Write (name)

This is just to test out the concept. According to a tutorial I read, this should work, but it doesn't seem to be. I'm wondering if I'm missing a step.

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Flash Var > Asp

we would like to import a flash var with asp language from a SWF application. The var is a global one: Code:

_global.myVar = value .

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Detecting Flash With ASP

I have a Javascript to detect whether a client's browser has flash installed, but as so many people are putting me off relying on Javascript, could you please let me know if you know how to detect whether a browser has flash installed using ASP.

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ASP-Flash Chat

i am looking for asp-flash based chat source codes please send me link if you find any one. Code:

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ASP & Flash Movies

I am trying to figure out how to pull random flash movies from a designated folder and display them. I have a script that works great for one instance, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work for 5 different instances.

Meaning I am trying to place this 5 times on a side bar, so I wanted to have 5 places it places flash files at random, 1 file per slot.

Here is the code I am working with. Any ideas how to modify it so I can use it 5 times on the same page? It works great for one spot, but I need it to work for 5 spots and cannot figure out how to make it work. Code:

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Integrate Flash

Does anyone know how integrate Flash with serverside scripts (ASP,PHP,....)????Any website??tutorials?I've found few information about it.Anyway there are some interesting books but they stop at the point i need more info. They are "Flash 5 Magic with ActionScript"

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Flash In Header

This is more of a flash recommendation question than ASP related, but I use this forum a lot, so wanted to see if anyone can answer.My page header is flash. One the header is flash. It's about 500KB.Do you recommend keeping flash in the header so it loads on each
page, or creating a second image to replace the header on all thesecondary pages.

If someone views the flash header once, do they download it each time
for each page, or does it cache?My point is that I do not want to kill my bandwidth.

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Flash Or Text

I don't think the text file is caching. The information in the text file is called upon manually by the user of the flash movie.Odd that the variable in which the text is stored doesn't clear once the page is revisited. Flash can't permanently store the information without having Shared Objects set up.

(And they are not set up) I don't understand how the text file could be cached since the user manually requests the information after the page has loaded. The text information is being loaded into a Flash variable. All commands within the Flash movie are referring to an ASP file which draws from the text file.The project is complex; so right now I'm focusing on using txt files. I'mnot a database guru yet.

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Flash And .asp Integoration

i am new in .asp and i have a fair knowledge of flash . basically what i want to do is set some variables in .asp and view the data (variables) in flashi tried the Request.Write but i didn't work .

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Flash Player

Is there a way to determine with VB Script, or Java Script, if MarcoMedia Flash Player is installed as a plug-in in a browser?

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Arrays From Flash

i am using the following code in hope of tryin to read in an array from flash. i m new to asp and hope you can help i think the syntax is wrong to be honnest

Dim santas 'amount of santas s
Dim trees 'amount of trees
Dim santa_array_x()


for arrayintake=0 to s

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Variable Sent From Flash

i have sent a variable from a button in flash to reload the page that is shown. however i cannot even load the page atall unless i set the variable to be fixed in the asp code. the variable is called category in flash and is simply three numbers; the flash code on the button is

on (release) {
var category="206";

getURL("hippylife_shop.asp", "_self", "GET");

basically i need to be able to set a default value for the first time the asp code.

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Flash Database

I am trying to set up a dynamic page IN FLASH that automatically displays information from an access database, that is specific to the current date.

For example, at midnight tomorrow morning, the page would automatically display content specific to July 6th, and then would update to July 7th information on the following midnight, etc. Any ideas on the best way to accomplish this?

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Create Image With ASP From Flash

If I have height and width and pixel value from flash, How can I create jpg image from those values with ASP ?

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Using Admentor With Flash Banners

I am having difficulty getting admentor using flash isn't redirecting the ads to their get urls, am using just a a standard "clickTAG" in the get url feild.

on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {


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LoadVars Flash Form >>>HELP<<<

i have made a flash movie with a flash designer program and i put some input text inside the flash ( Username , Passowrd, ) also i named the variables to Password and username.

then i exported that flash into another flash designer program where i desgined a enter flash button and i added the enter flash button onto the external swf file which is the one ive created before with the other program. Code:

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