Getting Record Increment To Display In Form Field

How would I get the max record + 1 to auto-populate in the GMVINC form field? I have a feeling that my query is not correct. Code:

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How To A Erase Field & Insert Auto-increment

i have a field with a list of wrong ID (random) and i wish to replac
them with a sequential (auto-increment) value. how to remove the valu
and to add in the sequential ID?

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Pass Hidden Form Field Value To Another Form Field To Insert In Db

I am trying to pass a hidden field value on a form into another field on the
form so that it can then be inserted in the database, to enable me then to
reference that number at a later date.

(The hidden value (1 for example) would then automatically get passed to the
other input field.)

The code for the text field that allows users to type an number into it for
submission to the db is below, but what code do i need within the hidden
field to populate this text field below so that users do not have to type the
number in? Code:

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Display The Second Record

i have a news page which a user can update etc add new news articals etc etc.The page which is to display the news needs to start at the second artical, ie if a user has posted a news artical on the 20/11/2005 .

a other person comes along and posts one on the 22/11/2005 i need to ignore the 1st one and display the second (20/11/2005) do i create a query when doing my record set or is it a asp thing on the using ASP VBScript and a access database. Im not 100% with asp im still learning so if u could expalin exactly how to do this .

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Display Only First Instance Of Record

.asp, vbscript, ms Access

I want to display a list of records on my page, like this:
California - Los Angeles - Sheraton
- Los Angeles - Meridian
- San Diego - Mercury
Colorado - Denver - ..................

ie. only display first instance of California..

Can this be done..

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Display Part Of A Record

I need to limit how much of a record is printed to screen. I just want text up to the first full stop.

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Onclick Display Record

I have the below code. I am trying to send information to a subroutine, I am getting an Object Required Error.

<input type="button" name="pSearch" value="Search"

Then in my ASP page I have this

Sub DisplayRecords()

dim conn
dim strsql
dim mycount

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Add Column To Display No. Of Record

I want to display all records from the database based on keyword entered by user. As for example,

ContactName Title Phone
xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
xxxx xxxxx xxxx
xxxxx - xxxxxx

I want to add another column (to display no. of record), as for example,

No. ContactName Title Phone
1. xxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
2. xxxx xxxxx xxxx
3. xxxxx - xxxxxx

Is it possible?

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Database Display Record

i am trying to figure out the best way to display records. I have a page which pulls multiple data from mulitple tables in multiple queries. In order to get the page layout to put the records in the right spot i would like to be able to display each record invidually.

Is there a way to echo a record to a spot instead of using a datagrid? I know in php i can specify the database recordset and then echo the value for that particular record. Does asp have the equivalent to this?

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How To Display Only First Five Record In The Database?

I've situation where I just want to displaying first five record in the database. I've search in this forum but could'nt find it.

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Updating A Field In A Record

I try to execute the following:

set rsCars=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsCars.CursorType = 2
rsCars.LockType = 3
rsCars.Open mySQL,objConn

'set rsCars = objConn.Execute(mySQL)

But, it doesn't work both ways , and gives the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

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Display Partial Text Of A Record

On the webpage, I want to display like this:
I use Response.write objRS("FieldName") to display the value of a record .I guess a number of chars is allowed to display a part of record.

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Display Color If Record Set Is Empty

I am using a calendar, and I want the calendar to show a different color on the date if there is something with in that recordset. So if there is an event for that date display a color else do nothing. Im not sure how to do this?

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Select Only The First Few Words Of A Record Field.

Say I have a field containig some text, for example: The quick brown fox jumped over the fence. How do I only show the first 4 words of the sentance, i.e: The quick brown fox...

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Can Not Update A Record If There Is A ' In The Text Field

i'm trying to figure out why i can not update a record if in the text box there is a ' anywhere in the field..

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Deleting Field Information In A Given Record

I'm trying to delete some record information but only a set number of fields. when i run the following, it deletes all the record and not the field information in the given records:

set rs = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset")
StrSql = "DELETE field4, field5, field6," _
& " field7, field8, field9" _
& " FROM tblStock" _
& " WHERE field1 ='" & Request("loc") & "'" _
& " AND field2 ='" & Request("pdt") & "'" _
& " AND NumberOut =" & Request(" numberout")

'Response.Write StrSql & "<br>"
cn.Execute StrSql

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Display Textbox For Each Record Retieved From Db From Same Table.

When a selection is made from a list (lstpos) - single selection allowed, (for example a user selecting engineer), it retrieves all the duties (it may b a duty i.e. 1 record OR many duties i.e. more than 1 record) an engineer performs (each one on a different line) from a table and automatically displays text boxes next to each duty so that the user can input "scores" for each duty (rate the engineer).

How to do this?

Next this data needs to be input in a table when the user clicks a button (ADD or OK) in the format :

user duty score

user1 duty1 score1
user1 duty2 score2
user1 duty3 score3

Anyone has an idea how to do this?

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Display Data From Field

I tried to Display data from field DB (mysql) into a Textarea to edit the text. The code I used is : Code:

<textarea name="warranty" cols="90" rows="6" class="style55" value="<%=WARRANTY%>" type="text"></textarea>

And it does not displays the data.?

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Display A Portion Of A Field

I need to display only a portion (like the first 100 characters) of a field in a database. I don't recall how to do this.

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Formatted Display Of Memo Field

I am using access Memo field to store text of large size. If I use <%=memofield%> in simple display, it does not look like a formatted field and all text comes in a single line without any break.

Even If the text is same like what I am posting in this thread, out come will not have break in browser's display.

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How To Save Multi-name Into One Field, And Display Only One

From my system, it allow product has multi-category, so I need to save
all category names which one product belong to into one field on a

and record saved like " nameA|nameB|nameC " - seperate by "|".

question 1:

the second time when i update the record for same product name, how to
have a record
like "nameA|nameB"

After multi-category name saved, then, i would like to generate a
navigate name with the link like

home > nameB > name of product


so how can i retrieved only one name from category field.

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Display Screwing Up If Field Is Empty In DB

I so thought I had this down and I was getting excited, but when I ran it, it didn't work. I've tried a few different things and I can't get it to work (not smart enough I guess). Code:

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Display Related Access Field

I have a timesheet application I'm working on. The user fills in a form which sends data to an Access db. On the results page I need to display the values from 2 fields; i.e if the user selects "Report Writing" from a drop down list, I need the data contained in another column called 'Codes' to display as well.

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Display DateTime Field From Access In UK Format

I have a DateTime stamp in one of my Access database columns. Using now() as the default value, it enters records in the following format:

17/06/2005 14:28:40

This is perfect. UK format, just as I want.

However, when I pull this record into an ASP page it appears in a different format:

6/17/2005 14:28:40 AM

How can I stop it from re-writing the data into American format? I just need to display it exactly as it is in the database.

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Display VBScript Function As Text Field

I have a VBScript function:

<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
Function Main()
set wshshell = createobject("")
struser = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%")
strdomain = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERDOMAIN%")
msgbox struser & strdomain
End Function

That works great as a Active X script but I want this to display as a value in a text field and I can't find how o do that.

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Changing Display Of Auto Date Field

i have a field in my form which auto adds the date to my database, its inputs as 1/09/2007 and what im after is when i retrieve that data to be displayed i would like the date to be displayed as 9th September 2007,

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Parse A String From A Field And Display In Table

I need to parse a string from a single, semi-colon delimited, 60 character
field (el_text) in a recordset and display the results in a table on a
webpage (ASP)

I can retrieve the recordset from the database and display the field data
results in rows of a table but have the entire 60 character string in one
cell. I need to break that string apart and put each semi-colon delimited
value in it's own cell. Then move to the next record and do the same thing
in the next row of the table. - and so on

I'm using ASP, VB Script with DMSII Database and OLEDB

Does anyone have some code examples on how to break this field apart and
then arrange the data into an html table on a webpage?

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Loop Form - Extract Display 'value' As Well As Form Value?

While I can extract the option value from the following:

<Select name='Keystring' MULTIPLE>
<option value='1' name='status'>Pending</option>

I cannot seem to extract the corresponding 'display' value when I do a
For...Next Loop:

for each keystring in Request.Form("Keystring")



How do I aslo get hold of that 'display' value eg 'Pending' it

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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Form Field Form Submit

I have a form that has approximately 7 text fields and 1 checkbox.
Generally when this form is submitted(to itself BTW) it works fine,
however, when the checkbox is only field that has been
modified/clicked the form doesn't always submit. When it does work, a
Stored procedure is passed form variables and updates to the db are
made. When it doesn't, its as if the form wasn't submitted, it
reloads and resets the page, but the stored procedure isn't triggered.

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Increment Id

i hv created function that used to increment ID. The max id is like Q01946. once user click on the "new" button, the id suppose to be Q01947. but wat i get is Q1947. could anybody know how to keep/maintain the "0" value

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Increment Value

I am retreiving a number from the db then need to increment it by 1 and then store it back in the DB!

is this possible? I am counting how many times users are logging into the site. this is the current code....

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How To Increment Value In Asp

I have created a field which is in access database so user cant see on web page so whenever user submit their form I want to increment that field value by one ..

NOTE: This is field is not primary key and its data type is "text"

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