Getting The Real Authentication Type From AUTH_TYPE

I want to know what authentication type the IIS uses to authenticate
users, when i query the AUTH_TYPE i get "Negotiate"...
Is there a way to know for sure if it is Kerberos or NTLM?

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Get Real Name After LDAP Authentication

I'm using the function copied below to authenticate users in LDAP before allowing them onto our intranet site. This works great! But what I'd like to do now is use the LDAP connection it creates to retreieve the users actual name.

I dont know how to do this so I've been looking for examples I can learn from on the net. I have found snipits of other people code but I've been tying myself in knots trying to fit them into my function and failing miserably.

Could anyone tell me what I need in the function below to get this information. From what I've seen I think I need to use some kind of filter on the LDAP object, but I dont know how to implement it. Code:

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Real XML Values

I am new to ASP.I am retriving one table values from mysql database.
displying the values on the browser in XML Format.
now my problem is I want to read this XML Values but i Don't want to save

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Real Time

ow do i show real time on my page?
for example i have



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Real Quick

Im looking since the begining of the week about saving the enter(vbcrlf) from the html <textareato my MySql database, it save everything but it just loose everything when saving ot the database, do i need a special component to be able to save the enter and tabs etc. Im sure i was able to do it before and it was easy.

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Real Estate Calculaters

I am doing a RE site, and need a variety of RE calculators? Anyone know of a gud resoure free if possible.

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Real Time Site Monitoring

A client of us asked to write a script to View live visitors as they browse her website and to get the information such as, what page they are viewing, what browser type they are using, IP address/host name, visitor time on site and screen resolution.

Is this possible in ASP scripting without a server side or client side application? How to get the realtime stats of a visitor?

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ASP Script Running In Real Time

I want to be able to make a script which runs in real time. This is what it needs to do:
When a user clicks on a box, it starts the countdown, and changes a variable in the database (ie taking away 1000 from the 'money' column). The countdown is 20 minutes, and the user can see how long they have left to wait by refreshing the page. Once the 20 minutes is up, it changes another variable in the database (ie add 1 to the 'no of buildings' column).

I know this is possible, as i've seen it done before. I think you may have to use AJAX, but have no experience of that so could use some help.

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Replace Markup With Real Code

what I am trying to do is the following, its causing some probs though:

I have the following in a database:
[[imagediv 100.jpg This is the description text]]
This is just some dummy text. It doesn't mean anything and is for placeholding use only.

And want to change it to:
<div class="imagediv"><img src="/images/100.jpg" alt="100.jpg" width="200"
height="200" /><br />
This is the description text</div>

This is just some dummy text. It doesn't mean anything and is for placeholding use only. In the future I might want to use different codes ie [[imagediv 100.jpg This is the description text]] to reference a different DIV.

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A Server Page Execution (hiding The Real URL)

I'm looking for a solution for the following problem:

I created ASP code to convert an URL such as:

into the following URL:


Now, the first URL is submitted by the user. The second one is the real URL,
but not visible for the user. This one should be handled by the web server

I thought I could accomplish this task with server.execute or
server.transfer, but none of them can handle querystrings. Is there another
way to do this?

Are there perhaps any COM objects? (This will be my last choice, because the
whole system should go running on an iASP (instant ASP) server too if

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GLOBAL.ASA Real Active User Count

I've searched over 1 hour on Google and elsewhere and haven't found

I'd like to find a way to get the real active user count on our website.
THe main problem I have is when a user quit with the "X" the counter will be
decremented of 1 only when the Session.Timeout will be expired.

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Total Price In Other Currency (Real Time Rate)

I've just launched a web site that sells collectibles. To do this I've got a ASP shopping cart with a checkout process.

As all the prices on my site are in Australian Dollars, I' trying my very best to find a way to display the total price in USD as well....

Total Price : $ AUD 100.00
Total Price : $ USD 79.00 (real time rates)

I need to do this because I also want to Accept PAYPAL account payments which cannot be made in AUD.

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Error Type:Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A000D) Type Mismatch: 'UBound'

I got a problem while running an application. The code for this is as follows:

aList = Split(strMsg,";")
For nX = 0 to UBound(aList)
set rs1=conn.execute("insert into tbl_BackupfileInfo(Filename,Createddate,Createdtim e)values('" &aList(nX)&"','"&var_date&"','"&var_time&"')")

while runnig this application some times it works fine .But some times it giving an error

Error Type:Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: 'UBound'.

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Error Type :(0x80004005) Unspecified Error Type

I am trying to send a fax from my asp application and am getting the follwoing error on the hghlighted line:

Error Type:
Unspecified error

If anyone knows why..Code:

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Type Mismatch On Type "Text"

I have a table with four fields, ID (auto increment), question (varchar(200)), answer (Text), and shop (tinyint(3). When I connect to the database in an ASP page and write this code

Response.Write rs("question") & "<br />" & rs("answer")

I get an error that reads "Type Mismatch"

but if I change the type of the answer field to type varchar I don't get the error but am limited in the length of the field's contents. I just also noticed that if I keep the type at TEXT and change the collation to ascii_general_ci I don't get the mismatch error but all the ' characters turn into ? characters? Oh woe is me.

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Nt Authentication

how would an intranet user be nt authenticated using asp?

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SQL Authentication

i want users to login to my web application using SQL authentication i.e whenever the page opens, it should display the SQL server login window. i know Login feature is in dreamweaver MX that i use, but unathurized users can lookup the password in your database.

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Div Authentication

Is it possible to authenticate a user who is trying to access a certain Div on a page???
I know how to authenticate a user accessing a standard ASP page, but is this possible with a Div!

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I have a page that authenticates users by reading
Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") and
Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE"). When users try to access this
page from windows NT/2000, it works fine (prompts them for their
credentials when they're not on the same domain, and then lets them
in). Now, some of the users got XP boxes, and can't get in to the
page. It prompts them for their credentials but when they enter them,
just keeps prompting them. The credentials they are entering are
correct. What is different on XP that is causing this problem and is
there any setting I can modify on the server side to prevent this from

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NT Authentication

I have an asp page on IIS 5.0 and I''m trying to get a dialog box to pop up and ask for username password and domain to authenticate against NT. I have anonymous logins unchecked in the IIS properties page and access restricted on everything but it won''t ask for a username and password no matter what

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I had to transfer an ASP Web Application (developed by another person) to a different web server. It seems to work but not completely.

I have some problems with authentication: it is based on a username and a password stored in a SQL Server's table. These data are requested via basic authentication (not a IIS level but I think it is used to create the authentication window in which put username and password). The problem is that it doesn't accept username and password and, after three times, it redirect me to a page telling "You don't have rights to see this page". What could I do? .....

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Asp And AD Authentication

I have no problems authenticating via AD and an ASP page. My question is
this - is there any way to 'reverse' the process?

What I mean is the authenticated state remains as long as the browser window
is open. Is there any .asp command I can provide that will revert the
browser session back to IUSR?

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I have an intranet asp application that sends emails that contain a link to an intranet page.I have a case where one user is forced to login to the windows domain when he clicks on the link,even though he is within the firewall & his Outlook security settings specify automatic login with the current name & password.

This doesn't happen with any other users unless they go through the firewall.The site is also recorded in the trusted sites section.

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I'm developing an Internet site that is going to be password protected. I have one windows 2000 domain on the Internet side of things, and another on an Intranet side.
Is there any way to authenticate a user that hits my Internet pages against the Intranet user database?

I just want users from the Intranet to automatically be able to access the Internet pages without having to create a separate user on the Internet-side domain.

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I have written a simple login script that checks a username/password from an Access database. the login.asp page sets a session("loggedin") at zero. The username and password are checked successfully and the user is redirected to admin.asp. The admin.asp page has an if-statement at the top that checks the session variable to 1, which is set after successful dB check.

The problem is that if you go directly to admin.asp without going through the login process, that is, without ever going to the login page.... simple typing something like http://localhost/admin.asp . you are given access to the page and not redirected back to the login page. What could I have missed? It simply checks the session variable....that should never be set to one when all sessions are reset...and the user can still gain access?

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I am attempting to access WMI data on a remote machine. I have been able to get this to work, but there has got to be a better way, I hope.

set wmiLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set WMIServices = GetObject("winmgmts://" & cn & "")
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
WMIServices.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3

Then in my IIS snapin, Directory Security, and then Edit. I have this set Anon Access with my username and password as well as Windows Integrated Authentication checked. It does the job, I can pull the data, but it poses a security risk. I don't want to have my password and username as the authentication options.

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ASP IIS Authentication

I'm using legacy ASP pages on IIS 6.0 to validate users through ADO
Active Directory objects (AdsObject & AdsCommand).

When I use the page from the server itself with "localhost"/page as
servername, it executes fine. But if I call the site with
"servername"/page, the exection fails. AdsObject throws "Table does not
exists" errors.

Currently, the server is configured with Integrated Windows
authentication. I tried changing to Anonymous authentication with
IUSR_machninename user. Again it fails.

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Registration Authentication??

I would like to be able to automatically authenticate a registration. Meaning:

A registration occurs
email is sent to registering party
Party clicks a link to authenticates.

or something to that effect.

Does anyone know where I can find something like this?

I would use a forum (i.e. webwiz, phpbb.....) the only problem is they are asking way too many questions for what I need.

I have built a database to hold the party's information, I have built an asp page with form that inputs the info I need into the DB, which all works, but now I would like to be sure that the person registering is a real person and it is a valid email address.

Any Ideas on how to get started?

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NT User Authentication - Is It Possible?

I'm facing a situation where my team leader wants me to create some ASP code that will pull the user's ID (which is no problem - request the LOGON_USER server variable) and THEN pull that user's NT Permissions to determine what kind of permissions the user will have when he/she comes onto the website. There is to be no logon screen at all. The permissions cannot be determined via a database or through cookies. Only NT Authentication can be used.

I have a small hunch that the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION server variable might provide a clue, but the value of that variable is a bunch of (encrypted?) gibberish that means nothing to me, except probably the NTLM part at the beginning. Is there a way to decode the value of that variable into something coherent that I can use in my code?

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Query With Authentication

I want to get diffrent query from a table .I want that diffrent usernames
can get diffrent queries.How can I do it with asp?

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Basic Authentication

I have an XML file which I access from a remote server like

Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET","",false
strXML = http.responseText

The real server is password protected with, I think, with basic
authentication. How do I pass it the username and password.

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Authentication Picture

I have seen on many websites the use of some sort of program to generate a
random character string distorted and warped with lines making the resulting
graphic ideally only human readable.

The theory is to prevent automated login programs.

I don't know what they call this type of component so I really don't know
how to google it. Do you know any source for this type of thing?

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