Getting Vars Form Querystring

how do I get the xmlsource? in php its just this line of code: include($_GET['xmlsource']);

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Easiest Way To Save Form Vars For Later Download

a customer already has a website with ASP pages to request a call from a salesman... and it emails HQ with about 20 form values and also emails the customer.

what we'd like to do in a simple way is store those 20 fields somewhere they can be downloaded as well, instead of messing with the emails. but i don't want to mess with any rdbms (cause we don't have access to the server--- long story) so i'm wondering if some simple commands can just write the data to a physical file somewhere in webroot so it can be downloaded at a later time.

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Form & QueryString!

Is the only difference between the Form collection & the QueryString
collection is that the Form collection is sent through the headers
whereas QueryString gets appended to the URL? If not, then what else
are the differences between the two?

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Daft question I'm sure but is it possible to pass information to a page via the Request.Form AND Request.Querystring at the same time?

I.E If I have a form with several text boxes and the URL includes a variable will the page it's being passed to be able to gather the information from both sources? Code:

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Form Field Cutting Off Querystring

a form field that should read the refer=querystring cuts off after the
toid=101. I assume that because I have

Is there any way to make it read the entier section after refer= and not stop and the variable?

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Passing A Querystring Variable Through A POST Form

I am passing a value to a form through the URL as follows:

<A href=""radius">"radius"

On the orderone.asp page, I am reading the value into a text box as follows:

<input name="Template" type="text" id="Template" size="25" maxlength="255" class="body" value=<% = request.querystring("Text") %>

so far it works fine. It shows the value in the text box on the page. I am trying to post this page with all the form fields to a new page that emails all the variables that are on this page. The form tag looks like

<form action="Orderform3.asp" method="post" name="order">

In orderform3.asp, i am requesting the values for all the form fields as follows before emailing all the fields to myself:

strBody = strBody & Request.Form("Account_Name") 'strbody is the variable that adds all the form fields to the body of the email
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & Request.Form("Contact_Name")
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & Request.Form("Template")

Here is the problem...I am getting the email with the values filled in except for "Template" and I cannot figure out why. Is there something that I am doing wrong? i have to mention that there is no DB behind this is just a static web site with an email script in it.

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Url Vars

it's that time again. Time to learn a new language, and I picked ASP. I've got this:

<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="BeenPaid" DataNavigateUrlFields="BeenPaid,BillName" HeaderText="BeenPaid" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="Default2.aspx?BeenPaid={0}&BillName={1}" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" />

It works fine, it makes links of the stuff that is pulled outa the database. An example url it made is:


how do I get those vars out of the url in the Default2.aspx page. In php it was $_GET["BeenPaid"]

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Application Vars

I have an application that uses SQL extensively. However some of what it
uses SQL for (the results) are fairly static and change in the database very
rarely. Would it be more efficient to store this information in application
variables rather than doing SQL queries each time? Its a pretty heavily
utilized application. Would application variables be able to handle the

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Session Vars

Is possible to terminate all session variable created
without closing the browser
I do not want users to click on BACK button on browser or paste the url link
in the http:// and shows the record displayed after logout. This works fine
if users close the Browser.

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Session Vars

I'm sure we've all heard the warnings about using cookies instead of session variables to store all of that user data so that our servers don't get bogged down. I'm just wondering how serious is this. I mean, is it just a suggestion or do these variables really take up a large amount of memory per visitor?

"Why would it matter? Just use cookies!" might be your response. Well, say I'm creating a user backend to edit a news section for a company. Now, I realize that the company newsletter is not mission critical information, but my novice-programming gut will not let me sit at ease if I store usernames and passwords in cookie data. What's to prevent someone else from looking at that local machine and fake my cookies, or even directly login with the information contained there-in?

For a recent backend along these lines, I stored a custom class in a session variable (all of you hardcore ASP guys can take a deep breath and stop twitching ). The class basically contained a copy of that user's database record (a user id, the username, the password, the e-mail address, and a few different permission variables).

I did this for two reasons:

1) I filtered all of my content through default.asp (meaning that each url looked something like default.asp?p=events where p was the real page request). Doing this allowed me to simply check the user's credentials in the default.asp script and then server.transfer them to the real page contained in the p querystring variable. I used the session-stored class after the first login (so I didn't have to hit the DB with each page request but could still make sure they had access to the site).

2) I knew before-hand that this system was only going to be used by 10-15 people max, and only 1 or 2 would be logged on at a time, let alone most of the idle time when no one was logged in (basically, it was a very low-load system so I didn't mind being unconventional). Code:

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Using Cookies & Session Vars In Asp

I'm involved in quite a large project which has a slightly unusual
form of login (at least I think it's unusual!). I'm creating a site in
ASP (actually Chilisoft ASP) where access to all pages has to be
secured via login. The odd bit is that while the login page will be on
this site, the login process itself will be carried out on a
completely separate domain - this is the client's requirement so I
have no choice.

On login, the user will be assigned a 24 hour cookie by this 2nd
domain and then be passed back to the site I'm involved with. My site
then needs to assign a similar cookie (I'm assming that I won't be
able to read the other domain's cookie) and allow access to the site
for 24 hours.

I'm wondering if it's most efficient to assign a session variable to
indicate the user is logged in once my cookie has been generated
(rather than have every page check for a cookie again) and on
subsequent sessions during the 24 hour period to 1st check for session
var, then the cookie and then, if cookie exists, to assign the session
variable again.

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Resetting Session Vars

is there a quick way to reset all the used session variables onb a server in one hit rather than using Code:


for each one.

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Server.Execute With Vars...

I'm trying to get a page included into another page, and so far I've been using Server.execute("home.asp") without any problems ['home.asp' is just an example], but now I' m trying to get this to work:


but to no avail. Code:

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Accessing Vars In A Javascript

I've got a software package that generates nice roll-over menus. The code generated is javascript. I want to edit the javascript to prevent specific menu buttons from appearing based on security/permissions settings. These permissions are contained in ASP session vairables. So, in the js I want to check for an ASP session("perms")... If I place <% if ... %> in the js file--it errors.

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Error Passing Vars To Mdb

I have a prob passing some vars from an .swf to an .mdb using a n .asp file. When I use the getURL command instead of loadVariablesnum, I am getting this error:

"Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.
/processForm.asp, line 112"

I have counted the query values and destination fields a hundred times, but they are both exactly 100.

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Session Vars Collection Inside COM

I was wondering if there was a way to pass the entire collection of ASP
Session variables into a COM function.

Inside COM, I need to have something like

Public Function ProcessVars(ByRef Session as <SomeSessionVarType>)
End Function

Which reference do I need to include in my VB6 project?

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Vars Passing From One Page Losing There Value?

I guess this is a continuation of my erlier problem which I thought I had solved.
I have several inputs being passed from one page where they are inputed in, to a preview page so the user can chek there info, then it will be passed to a page to submit the info to a data base.

I have a input that is the item description var name of �prodesc�. It pass from the input page to the preview page just fine. Then I use the same method to pass it to the next page to save it to a data base, but when it gets to the submit page the var �prodesc� only has the first word of the description that was shown on the previous page? Any one know why its acting like its been trimmed? Code:

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Session Vars In ASP App Under IIS6 Not Sticking

Developed a basic ASP web site with MS Access 2k3 as a database
back end. I've developed it on two different Win2k3 servers, and app works
flawlessly on both.

However, we just moved it to a client's Win2k3 Server,
and it's not holding any session variables. It IS, however, holding
Application variables, but not session variables.

I checked all the usual
things (MS KB, ASPFAQ, etc), but none of them provided any solution. The
only difference I can find between the three servers is that one has the
Enhanced IE Security whosiwhatsis loaded, whereas mine don't.

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I am working on an ecommerce app and want to be able to take my entire POST results as one item (or iterate through them) and check for any malicious SQL INJECTION items. After checking/escaping them i want to save them back into the post results. The reason for this is because I have coded the entire app and just learned about the dangers of SQL Injection and rather than going through every post var and fix it I would rather run a function at the beginning of each page.

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Write All Defined Vars And Their Values To Page?

for debugging purposes, I am wondering if it is possible to have an ASP script that:

-creates a tabel with two columns
-writes a var name in the first column
-writes its value in the second column

is this possible? Right now, I have manually created this tabel for myself, but everytime a new var is defined, I have to update my 'debug' table. Can this be automated?

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Passing QueryString URL As A Paremeter In QueryString

The subject sounds confusing but here is what i want to do. I have a
button on my page which says

OnClick="'reportsContainer.asp?pag eURL=Report1.asp?intCurrentPage=1&blnRetrieveFlag=1&Show=1',TasksRPT');"

Now on the Conatiner.asp what i do is
if Request.QueryString("Show") = 1 then
pageURL = Request.QueryString("pageURL")
end if

And then i set the pageURL along with intCurrentPage and
blnRetrieveFlag parameters to my fram src as

<frame height=500 scrolling=auto name="pageFrame" id="pageFrame"
border=0 src="<%=pageURL%>">


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Request.Form("Field Name") Versus Request.QueryString("Field Name")

I want to know what's the differences between

Request.Form("Field Name") and
Request.QueryString("Field Name")

OR they function exactly the same, which is to return the value of the

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is it possible to check if a variable is present in the querystring, or is that unneccesary? will it assume the variable is empty if it is not present in the querystring?

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i have a hyperlink from a results page:Code:

Response.Write "<TD>" &"<a href = JobDetails.asp?id=" & rs("JobID") &" >" & "Click Here" & "</a></TD>"

the sql statement in JobDetails.asp =

sqlstr = "select * from Jobs where JobID = '" & Request.QueryString("ID") & "'"
rs.Open sqlstr, conn

im getting this error when i click the hyper link

line 20 is the rs.Open sqlstr, conn line

this error seems to happen with dates but i dont have any dates at all.

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I want to write a page which will
load a default page for me with some links and all. lets say someone
clicks on the link, which not only points to the same page but also
passes a querystring. Looking at the querystring I will then display
data from a database.
So my question in short is... Is it possible to have a single asp page
which can return either a default page where no querystring is passed
or a result from the database when a querystring is passed?
If the answer is yes, then is it a good idea to do this or have 2
seperate pages?

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I've got a request form for samples of our product that we send out. The form is being linked from our ebay auction pages. In the link from the auction page I'd like to include the model number of the sample that they're requesting. (ie. /sampleRequest.asp?AS240)

Then, on my sampleRequest.asp page which contains the input form I'd like to include a hidden field which holds the value of that querystring. Finally, upon submitting this form I'd like that value to be placed into the sampleModel field in my Requests table in my database.

The problem I'm having is how to populate the hidden form field with the querystring form the ebay auction page. Code:

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I have a querystring like this:


I would like to insert each set of checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 into a table like field1(checkbox1), field2(checkbox2), field3(checkbox3). Remember each set of 3 checkboxes are 1 unit inserting into a table. Is this possible?

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I am trying to maintain some ASP code that I did not generate and the programmer who did has a very different style than I do so I am having some problems. Hopefully someone out there can help me by answering my question.

I have the following line of code:

If (isEmpty(Request("dir"))) Then.....

Now my question:
Could the Request("dir") used above be the same thing as using Request.QueryString("dir")???

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I just noticed though that when I include the file name to the folder it worked.

ie - no output
& - outputs 4

can the querystring be read when the file isn't shown?

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i have a querystring on one page where the url looks like:


on delete.asp i have:

Dim name, type
name = Request.QueryString("name")
type = Request.QueryString("type")

It gives me an error for some reason.

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i am working on in c# and i want to pass " +" in querystring but "+" is converted to space.Is thereany encoding method to show "+" in querystring.

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I have a querystring that contains the + sign as a separator, I need to read these values individually in a select statement, for example.


where single is the type of room somebody wants and 205 is the user ID in the Customer table.

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Querystring From URL

I have a banner that is clicked and the people are takin to a general information page. From the banner they are given the URL and a querystring of ?AdID=X. On that page they click and are taken to our signup page where i have a form for them to fill out.

The mentioned querystring is the referering company. How can I get the querstring information into a hidden value on my form before submitting to the database. I have tried <%=request("HTTP_REFERER")%> and it writes the whole URL into the database. I need just the querystring. Have also tried. <%=request.querystring("AdID")%> and that does not work either.

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