i have a logon page, i create session variables for every person who logs on, but when their session times out, i want to redirect them (or have a popup window) that tells them that they have been logged off, but i have no success.' global.asa:
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Session_OnEnd
Response.Redirect "loggedout.asp"
End Sub
but it doesnt work, i set the timeout to 1 minute, and i lose the session variables, but i cant seem to redirect them to the loggedout page!
I'm trying to add a "user-verifacation" thingy to my site. my problem is using/accessing session variables.
all the tutorials say that the global.asa should only have the script tags (<script...> & </script>) and inside the script itself only have the application/session onstart/end.
I've created this global.asa file and put it in my site-root folder:
I have absolutely no idea how global.asa works. I've read through quite a number of articles and they're all fine and dandy but implementing it on my (first) ASP application just doesn't work. It's amazing how ASP.NET automates everything for you.
Anyway, I need to store session variables and I have no idea how to. I have no global.asa file, but I can declare session variables fine. So does that mean that somewhere in the ASP process, a Session_OnStart() method's already running.
If I create a global.asa file, I put it in the same directory with other ASP files right?
A global.asa file should contain the basic four application/session methods... and shouldn't really contain much code, unless I want to start a variable with a default value. True or false (I say true). Code:
I am trying to run a Session_OnStart Script based on a Session variable that is created on a .asp page. The problem is that when I reference the Session in Global.asa It has no value but it has a value on the .asp page level. Is there a certain way that I have to reference a Session in Global.asa?
What I have is somthing like the following:
Sub Session_OnStart If Session("NIS")<> "" Then Run The Routine End If End Sub
Based on the above the routine does not run because Global.asa does not seem to get the value of Session("NIS").
I have initialized some session variables in Global.asa for our web application. But these session variables are returning null values; it is was working fine before; Recently we have rebuild our servers.
Please let me know if anyone of you have some idea?
I have a couple ASP applications running on my server (non .NET) I would like to be able to get a sum total of how many active sessions I have running. I can do this within each app individually as I can just use an Application variable and add/subtract as the sessions are created or deleted. I am trying to come up with a sum total of all sessions between the two (or more) apps running on this server. That way I can tell if it is safe to reboot the box without affecting anyone or not.
Is it possible to create a global variable from within a Sub so it is available to another function in the same web page?
I want to tap a database for information within a Sub procedure but end the Sub after assigning the values to global variables.
Simply defining the variables as global (outside the Sub) and setting them to empty strings does not do the trick. The variables don't persist after the Sub procedure is complete.
I am making a testing project to get my hands on ASP classic. I have a question about Global Scope Variables e.g in PHP we make a file where we define some values which are global, e.g site URL, site title etc, and then we can include that in any page to get that value.
I read Global.asa works very good in fact we dont need to include that in every page to use stuff within this file. I read some examples but they are mostly about functions in this file. Can anybody guide me please how to define variables in Global.asa to use them sitewise?
I have a piece of vbscript that returns the user logged on to the machine. it is as follows:
<script language="vbscript"> Set WshNetwork = createObject("WScript.Network") stringUser = (WshNetwork.userName) 'store username in variable stringUser document.write("Username: " & stringUser) 'output value to web page </script>
Now I need to use the value of stringUser on other pages of my asp application for database queries, form values etc. I have tried to call stringUser from inside <%..........%>, but it doesn't recognize the variable. Everytime I try to output the value from wthin asp code, it just appears as blank space. Any ideas?
I'm just dipping my toes into server-side scripting.
The Global.asa file seemed really nice, but am I understanding correctly that the application onstart event is fired ONLY when the server is started/re-started or when the FIRST user logs onto an ASP application?
If that's the case, then all the changes I keep making to my Global.asa file are pretty useless, right? (which seems to be the case -- i.e., my pages are not using any of the new information). Code:
where do you have to place your global.asa file in order for your session variables to work? If i dont have access to the root (not my server, a remote one), is there any way i can specify a path to my global.asa?
I have started session("visitorID") in global.asa in order to keep track of how many users are on our site at any given time, trouble is I can't seem to call the session while on another page.
As I am relatively new to asp I'll post both the setting of the session and the call to it on the other page below Code:
I have a application which is a global login for other applications. Basically application A checks all the user login information and then lists all the applications B-Z that the user has access to.
I have a global.asa file in application A and individual global.asa files in applications B-Z. Applications B-Z are under the Application A directory. Can I have global.asa files in each of the application folders? Does the pages look for the closest global.asa file?
I have to keep track of user login time and logout tme for each application. The problem I run into is how do I record the user logout time when the session expires?
All, Just to give a little background this is reagarding an ASP 3.0 application running on IIS6 using the default app pool.
I have set the session timeout to 540 minutes in IIS (under options tab in Application configuration). There is no code in the Session_OnStart or Session_OnEnd in the global.asa. Via an include file, each page executes
Sorry, just wanted to give some background on what we're dealing with. Anyways, the problem is that the users are saying their session state is expiring much sooner than 540 minutes. How is this possible? What did I miss? Are there better techniques to ensure the 540 minute session?
i just started learning what it can do, and I am using it to tracj how many people have logged into my site, but when people login to my site, I start 2 sessions, one for their ID, and one for their name. Is there any way to only count the name session as a session_onstart in global.asa?
I'm using the following code in my global.asa file to set the session.timeout value amongst other things -
Sub Session_OnStart Session.Timeout = 40 Session("Authenticated") = 1 End Sub
Yet when I print out the value of session.timeout on a page after this event has fired it returns 20 (I get the right value for Session("Authenticated") so my code appears to be working). I checked the default timeout value in IIS (v5) on the server, but this reads 900 seconds, which in my books is 15 minutes. I am therefore very confused as to where this value of 20 is coming from. Could anyone point me in the right direction as I need to set this to 40 minutes and my WROX manual doesn't provide much information on this property.
I need to set a session time out for this website that was created by someone else using ePower. How can I configure the global.asa page to set a time out session for the users or do I have to set this in IIS? Code:
I am trying to write a sub that will delete a spreadsheet file created by the web user. THis is the code I have inserted into the global.asa file, but it is not working.
sub Session_OnEnd 'delete the temporary excel spreadsheet Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.DeleteFile(Server.mappath("temp/<%=session.sessionid%>.xls")) Set objFSO = Nothing end sub
I have made sure that the temp folder has permissions set for the IUSR_machinename account to be able to delete files. I am running IIS 5 on a windows 2000 server.
Until now I've only seen VBScript to handle application and session events (e.g. Application_OnStart, Session_OnStart). Is it possible to do this directly in JavaScript or do I have to write VBScript proxies?
I want to create an administration page which lists all the current users who are on the site at the moment.
I know coldfusion has this feature built in using the SessionTracker class... does ASP have something similar? If not... is there any way I can just iterate through all the session files on the server...?
What i'm trying to do is delete away some rows of data in a database when a session ends. The codes are shown below. The problem is why the the database dont get deleted even after i set the timeout to 1 (waited for more than 1 minute) or after the script called the Session.Abandon? Code:
I am using Session variables in my ASP application. I have tested the application on a Win2k professional and it works fine. When the same web app is installed on a win2k advanced server from the client browser when the app is accessed the session variable returns null inspite of a value being already set. I have checked the IIS enable session state settings. When i use the server machine as client and access the app as localhost then the session variable has correct value.
How can this be solved? What other settings if any, need to be changed to get it work.
Do session variables carry over if you've left your site and come back?
My shopping cart uses PayPal/IPN to transact and then enter details of the transaction into my database. All of the data entry takes place after IPN has returned all of the data to my site.
A couple of the fields I need to populate are held in session variables throughout the application. When the customer clicks on the checkout button, and is sent over to PayPal's server to complete the transaction, will the session variables still be available to me upon returning to my site?
Is there a way to close a single session variable, once it's been created? I have an application that requires a several session variables to be created once a person enteres a certian section of my site. When they leave the variables are set to nothing, as they are no longer needed. I'd like to just close them out, but I will still need to keep the session open, so Session.Abandon will not work in this case.
We have different types of logins for our accounts on our intranet. When a person logs in, a Session variable is set to determine their level of access. For sake of argument, say the two LoginTypes are Manager and Employee.When I log in (as a Manager), I get a certain set of options on the homepage. Then I return to the login page, after logging in as myself, and log in as an Employee. For some reason, the page seems "cached" and the manager options will still display. If I refresh this page, it will appear the way it should. I *think* this only happens when I copy/paste a URL that I was at as a Manager. I believe that if I click a link, it displays properly.Is there a way to prevent this? I do a ton of copying/pasting URLs.
I would like to declare a session variable. ' Use session variables for the recordsets for the GetSubordinates and IsManager functions Dim orgStructRS set orgStructRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Where can I declare this session variables? Once I use the recordset in both the functions, where do I close these recordsets?