Global.asa - Different Behavior On Local And Remote Server?

On a remote server running W2K and thus IIS 5 I have session variables declared in a global.asa file in the root of the application which are passed and visible on all pages with no problem. This was also the case on my localhost before (, also on W2K / IIS 5. But now for some reason one variable doesn't pass through at all and the other is taken as a String on the localhost.

The problem area in question in my Global.asa file (which is identical on the remote and local servers)

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">

Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

When I view the values locally with:

pprice = Request.QueryString("fpPrice")
Session("total") = Session("total") + pprice
Response.Write "Index: " & Session("indx")
Response.Write "Total: " & Session("total")

I get (for example - pprice = 45, and after 3 attempts):

Total: 454545

Whereas on the remote server I get:

Index: 3
Total: 135

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Local Server To Remote Server

I am not an expert but I am trying to create an application where I need to connect my website to the user's(basically my client) database in access and then I will read the values from the database in the local drive and upload all the values in the database at my webspace. I will have everything like the database name and the how can I do this

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Save A File From Remote Location To Local?

Is there a way to save a file from a remote location to my local computer with asp?

Let's say as an example that I would like to save a file from
on my pc using an asp page located either on one of the two locations?

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Linked 'tables' (access) Local - To -remote

Is it actually possible for a local access 2000 database to link to a remote database online via linked tables. I just wanted to know how feasible a LINKED TABLE scenario would be.

If this was possible it would solve so many administration problems and save development time when it comes to building asp-admin pages to manage the backend.

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Access A Remote Database On A Local Harddrive

i want to run a website on a server with an sql database ( that in itself is no problem, i've done this before) but with a possibility to update the sql database with data stored on a local harddrive in an acess database, can ianyone give me some hints or websites with
related info ?

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Asp Copy File From Local To Remote Share Drive Disk

I have two machines, one generate files, and copy to the other.
I try in my program, but it dit not work.

The two machines are not in the same domain. I saw some people's
question but not suitable for me,their machine are in the same domain.
They can assign permission to do the job.

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Sending Email By Using Corporate Exchange Server Instead Of Local Server

I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.

P.S. I’m using Dreamweaver MX2004.

The code that sends email is shown below ....

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Server To Local

An application runs on server, and is used for Hour-registration. Now I want to run the application local, I use SQL Server 2005, and managed to fix connection changes.

But now, I get this error everytime I run the application:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Error Code :0x800A01CA

Error source :
Error Description :Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript

Any solution please?

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Local ASP Server

I need to setup my home computer to view ASP files like I veiw PHP files through Apache2Triad or some other similar installer package.

I'm using Windows XP Home,is this possible?

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Local Web Server

I have a computer running Windows XP home edition and i would like to have a local web server for testing my classic asp pages.

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Setting Up Local Server?

What is the best way to set up a server with MSSQL on your local machine. I have IIS set up, and am wondering if there is some way to get MSSQL for testing purposes for a reduced cost? From what I understand, a typical MSSQL license is around $8,000, am I right

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Local Server Error

I am using Windows XP Pro, and since I updated to Internet Explorer 7 I am having problems getting web sites to work on my PC in Internet Explorer using the local IIS web server. These web sites are using ASP and Access databases.

The two errors I get are:
Operation must use an updateable query or Cannot modify the design of table 'TABLE_NAME'. It is in a read-only database.

Does anyone know how I can get this working so I can test my web sites locally before uploading them to the live sites?

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Local Testing Using SQL Server

I have a SQL server db set up locally. I have a local DSN set up. I have DW connected to the SQL server db and can create Bindings and use Server Behaviors without any problem.
When I try to test the site locally in the browser, I get the following error:

"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database
"xxxxxxx" requested by the login. The login failed."

What am I doing wrong?

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Page 2 - Server To Local

Manipulate your asp code in whatever editor floats your boat, but try your code in IIS without your ide and see what happens.

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Local And Server Script


strpath1 = rsResults("app_path")
strresult = Replace(strpath1,"","")


What i want to do is pass strpath1 to my locally ran script which is the bit at the bottom but i cant find a way to do it i have tried request.querystring("strpath1")

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File From Local Machine To Server

im trying to create a intranet site which copies files to the server. im guessing i should use filesystemobject to achieve this but im not sure on how to accompish this.

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Current Media In Local WMS Server

anyone could assist me in finding an ASP script to find the current playing media in a local Windows Media Services server. Since the particular stream is a broadcast, it will have constantly changing media.

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Connecting Web Server And Remote Db Server Via Asp

my prob is i have 2 different computers, one that runs my asp pages and the other my database server (mySQL). im working on my local and trying to connect my remote database with my remote webserver using DSNless connection string as more advisable. Code:

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Copy File From Local Comp To Server ?

how can I copy a file from local disk to windows server using ASP (not

I have a control file on my web side, <input type="file" name="file1" />

I choose file on local computer and what function must I use to copy
this file to server ?

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Copy File From Local Machine On Server

I have one .asp page with form and <input file> field on it.I want to copy selected file from local machine on server.But it doesn't work.

Should I use some component?

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Remote Server

i want upload a txt file to remote server

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Remote Server

I work with dreamweaver 8. I use the tools provided within dw to create my asp features etc. I downloaded a news script to save time since its a very low budget site, but I need to customise how its displayed.

The news script connects using a Server.MapPath connection. I would like to be able to work locally using a dsn. dsn=nwnews; but I would like to be able to change that connection to work on the remote server for testing etc.

This is Dreamweavers Connection file: Code:

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FSO On Remote Server

We're wanting to upload files and save them to a different server on the network (Windows 2000) from the web server. The upload works fine but we cannot copy files, using the File System Object, to this other server folder.

what is required in terms of mapping and registering the folder so that the web server can link to it?

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Remote Server By FSO

I just want to delete a file in a server by FSO. My code is:

Set objFSOD = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSOD.DeleteFile Server.MapPath(".") + "Greetings" + sFileName1,
Set objFSOD = Nothing

When I check the code locally, everything is fine. I have two remote servers. When I check the code in each servers, one is fine and other is thrown a error. But the error msg is in Korean language while I'm not korean, that is why I can't read the error
msg. What would be the error msg about? The sFileName1 was always correct every time I checked.

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Remote Server

Currently we have a site that allows users to listen to mp3 files. It is creating bandwidth issues. So we want to move the mp3 files to an ISP that caps bandwidth usage. Ours is currently burstable.

Now I am able to do the following:

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.fileExists(music_file) Then
'show music file
'do not show a link for file
End If
set fs = nothing

Is it possible to do the same thing, but on a remote server?

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Automatic File Forwarding From Webserver To Local Server

Having finally mastered freeASPUpload, I really want the files being uploaded to the web server to automatically be forwarded to my local inhouse server. I'm sure there has to be a way.

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Download File From Server To Local Hard Drive

my current setting is user will click a link in the web page and choose the place that they want to save the file to.

Now i am trying to auto download the file. that means user click the link, it straight away download to for eg. "D:Test". my problem is the web page is at server. user will access the web page thru http, but how am i going to auto download to the user's local drive?

View Replies View Related Not Working On Remote Server

Localy along with VS2005 when hitting ctrl+f5 the asp application server get's launched, and the whole site works fine, now on my windows 2003 server i installed IIS, it also has apache running and that works fine but the IIS part, i cant get it to work.... i have my inetpub filder on c which has a www folder but when i copy my project to there it tells me it's unable to process the page (aspx), can somebody help me out here please.....

I did the configuration and rule statements in the server manager which now displays working and active, but it does NOT work at all....

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CDO - And Remote SMTP Server

1. I wonder, why do I need to add the following lines when sending forms through mail, using CDO component?

2. If I remove these lines and the form is still submitted as it should, and I get the mail as a result as it should, does it mean I do not need these lines?

3. In other words - How do I know if an SMTP service is installed on the local server, and not in another network (besides asking the admin)? Code:

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XML Won't Take Remote Locations

Whenever i put in a remote location to, it errors about an invalid character (the colon is what gets it. is there any way to do xml parsing remotely?

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FSO Remote Server Access

Wish I'd found the thread yesterday before spending half the day fighting
the same battle and finding a workaround. But at least it explains why my
final approach worked.I set the remote folder as a virtual folder on the webserver, assigned web rights to a domain user and used fso.copyfile(server.mappath) to copy a
file created locally.I'm not thrilled that access to the remote location can't be controlled at the user level this way but at least access to the calling script can.
Strange though, the problem showed up during a migration. Server A had been
hosting this asp page and connecting to server B sucessfully. I was moving
the application to server C when I ran into the problem. All three machines
are W2K, same service pack, same domain, same users, same access
rights/method configuration. Go figure.

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Database On Remote Server

I try to get data from a database which is on an other server. I can view the files on this server via the directory "t:" from the machine the ASP pages are on.

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=t:database.mdb"

't:Database.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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Connecting To SQL Db On Remote Server

I need to connect to a SQL db on a remote server but my connection string doesn't appear to work as the page just keeps timing out. The physical url of the db is (not real IP) and the connection string looks like so:

strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=;Database=query;"

What should the connection string look like?

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