Global.asa File

I am in much need of some help with my global.asa file. I use ASP and mySQL. In a nutshell, When a registered user logs in, a field in I have a field that gets updated in my DB Table. It is a TINYINT. When they log in, it updates the value to 1, when they log out, it updates it to 0. I use a tiny iFrame to create a loop displaying users with the value of 1. Basically a cheasy "Who's Online" function.

How ever I am now trying to create a global.asa file to say when the session times out, I want the global file to just update the value back to 0. I am also attempting it so that if the users browser window closes and then gets reopened PRIOR to the timeout limit, It knows they are still logged in. I can provide my script if anyone thinks they can help. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think my final thought would be that when the user closes their browser, that the session ends and the DB field gets updated from a 1 to a 0.

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Include File In Global.asa

I have written general purpose functions in one of the include file, I want
to use the same in the global.asa. Do you know how to use include file in

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Global.ASA File Limitations

Users are required to log into my website. I store the users name in a session variable. If the user doesn't log out and the session expires after 20 minutes, is it permissable to have code in the session end function of the global.asa which accesses a database and makes alterations to the users login status?

The reason I ask this is that I am having problems trying to get the logout to work for sessions which have timed out. If the users logout using the logout button, the code works fine.

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Is It Bad To Have A Large GLOBAL.ASA File?

It seems to me that I generally use two types of Functions:

Type #1-Ones that any page on my site might use
Type #2-Ones that only a single page would ever use

Logically, it seems that I should put the Type #1 functions in the GLOBAL.ASA file and the Type #2 functions in the pages that use them. I would like to, however, just go ahead and include ALL of my functions in the GLOBAL.ASA file.

Comments on this? Is this a good idea?

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What Do I Need To Do To Implement A Global.asa File?

where does the file need to be?(root directory of server? main directory of my application?)

I don't need to include the global.asa file in my asp pages to reference the application variables, right?

can I use application variables without using a global.asa file?

when using a global.asa file, do I need to restart the server(or IIS) every time I make changes to it, or does the application automaticaly reset once a change has been made to it?

at the mo I have a global.asa file that looks like this.

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Application_OnStart
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd
End Sub

and then I have this line in the asp page to display the number of visitors...



I get nothing...!

what am I missing?

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How The Global.asa File Changes Will Take Effect?

My website is hosted with the ISP and recently I have modified my Global.asa file for the ASP application.

So I think we need to restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service so that the changes in the Global.asa will take effect. I think it will be difficult for the ISP to restart the Service as there many applications will be running. So can you suggest how can my global.asa file changes will take effect so that I can deply those changes?

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Session.timeout In Global File

Can I put a session.timeout = "45" in the global.asa file? and if yes, under what section?

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Vritual Directory & Global.asa File

If I don't set a vritual directory for the new application on the IIS (simpley copy the new application to a parent virtual directory), the new application's Global.asa file won't work. Right?

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Implementing A Global Log File For A Web Site

I am trying to implement a single global text file for my web site that will log the actions that my ASP scripts peform. The site I have set up involves about five web pages with scripting in VBscript. Several of these pages also use COM automation to peform certain tasks in Excel macros which also write to the text file.

Currently, I must declare an FSO object on each page. I also have to close the object before I call the COM components (because I write to the log file from the Excel macros, too) and then open it again when control returns to my ASP scripts.

The macros I have written inside Excel are quite intensive, so they chew up some time when they execute. In the end, each user will go through the five web pages to generate an Excel spreadsheet which they can download, and, during this process, will have logged about 15 messages to the text file. Code:

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Dynamically Generate Global.ASA File?

On each site there is a global.asa file that ties into an Access database. The fields from the Access database instantiate the values of session variables used in the site. I am trying to do away with the need for a database and was wondering if when I set up a site I also set the .asa file for that site.

Then if a shop wants to change something like an address, phone, number, directions, etc., they would go a toolbox area of the site and there would be a form whose field values would be populated by the session variables from the global.asa file.

When the form was submitted I was thinking I could somehow use asp to write a new global.asa file and store it in the server. Is this feasible? Also, what would this mean insofar as permissions on the root directory of the site? I'd imagine they'd have to have write permissions no? Code:

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Session Variables Are Not Getting Initialized In Global.asa File

I have initialized some session variables in Global.asa for our web
application. But these session variables are returning null values; it is was
working fine before; Recently we have rebuild our servers.

Please let me know if anyone of you have some idea?

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Remove Connection Information From The Global.asa File

I have actually an asp web site which use the global.asa file to connect to
the database but for security reason, I want to put username and password
information (or the complete connection string) in a seperate file so only a
special user could read these informations.

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Deleting A Temp File On Session End From Global.asa

I am trying to write a sub that will delete a spreadsheet file created by the web user. THis is the code I have inserted into the global.asa file, but it is not working.

sub Session_OnEnd
'delete the temporary excel spreadsheet
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSO = Nothing
end sub

I have made sure that the temp folder has permissions set for the IUSR_machinename account to be able to delete files. I am running IIS 5 on a windows 2000 server.

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Using Global ASA File To Detect Language Setting

I am about to begin a web site for a client who wishes the site be in English, German, and Italian. What I am planning on doing is setting up a script in the global asa file that will detect if the users language is set to either it or de and if so, set a session variable to Italian or German, if not, set the session variable to English. In the actual pages themselves, I will use a select or if statement on each section that will have content. The statement's criteria will be the session language variable. I know if I was doing this site for someone who wanted it in 20 languages this may not be practical, but for 3 languages I think I can pull it off. So what's my question you ask? Is my approach sound and practical? If so, can someone show me the snippet of code that would go in my asa file to set the session variable. OH, and also equally important, when this site is spidered by search engines, will and and pick up their respective pages? The spiders have language settings, no? Don't they request pages from a (my) server just like any other request?

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Global.asa An Error Referring To A File That Is In A Different Location

i have two sites on shared NT hosting and

both sites have their own global.asa files and both appear to be throwing up an error referring to a file that is in a different location

anyone know whats happening?

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Can I Implement Session Without Global.asa File In My Root Directory....

Can I implement session without global.asa file in my root directory....and is there any good site for sessions tutorial.

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GLOBAL.ASA Recognize File Located In Subdirectory Of Webserver?

Will IIS6.0 recognize a global.asa file located in a subdirectory on the webserver?

I'd like a file that will execute whenever a file in the subdirectory is browsed - or, at least it is executed the first time a file in the subdirectory is browsed.

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How To Write A Statement To Increase Session Expire Time In Global.asa File

i want to increase my session time so that it does not expire till the user closes the site.

i have written in global.asa file the following code:


Sub Session_OnStart
Session.Timeout = -1
End Sub


but it doesnt work and my sesion still expires.

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Global.asa :: Assign Diffrent Global.asa To Each Application

I have one application folder containing all ASP code files. I want host multiple sites pointing to same code. Can I do this ? If YES then how I can assign diffrent global.asa to each application...

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Global.asa :: Combine Many Global.asa Files

I have added a db driven marquee to my site and need to combine the global asa's to 1 global asa file. Code: ......

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Global Asa

I am trying to put a condition in my Global.asa file based on the server
name.the reason, I want to set a global string as a application variable based on
the server I am on.
I also need to set a coonection string based on the value of the server.
I need to use this connection string to retrieve values from an sp in
application on start that sets a load of global variables so I can't really
do this anywhere else.

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Global Asa

I have a site which until this morning, was on a remote server. The structure was that the "site" was actually a folder on the server, as I am designer and use this arrangement to develop sites. Under the root directory, I had modified the global asa file to include session variables. Ok, so I download the site (folder) to my hard drive, and put it in the folder of "MY Documents" called MyWebs. I then opened VB Studio and created a new solution, which is pointing to the before mentioned directory in My Documents. When I pull the site up in IE, the session variables were not being called, and I realized I had not copied over the asa file. So I did so, placing a copy of it in the hard drive's c inetpub wwwroot directory, and also directly in the my docs mywebs directory,and the site's directory as well. It seems it is still not being called.Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Is the Global.asa file resolved before parsing the 'Include' (files) or
after parsing the 'Include' (files)?

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I have IIS 5.0 installed on for a test server. the global.asa file runs perfectly.

when tryng the same application on win server 2003 IIS 6.0 the global.asa does not fire. i have set the application as a virtual site and given rights for iwam and iusr. What else could be the problem. Code:

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How does IIS 6.0 treat the global.asa file? I had the following problem;

1. uploaded a new site to the win3k server

2. had incorrect db connection string in Session_OnStart in global.asa and website caused errors.

3. Changed the global.asa file to include the correct details. Saved the file. Still got the same errors.

I could not resolve this unless restarting the WWW Service on this server. In IIS 5.0 the global.asa file would reload after resaving it (as the timestamp is updated).

I even waited the next day before restarting the service because I though Session_OnStart expires after my session ends...but the error was still there
in the morning.

Hopefully someone will make sense of it for me. Here is the code (I inherited) in the global.asa

Sub Application_OnStart
Application("DB.ConnectionString")= ""
Application("MaxLoginAttempts") = 5
Set Application("Con") = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Session("Test") = Now()
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart....

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ADO In Global.asa

Is it possible to use ADO in global.asa?I simply want to creat a log of each visit to the site?

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COM And Global.asa

I created a dll to track our users and I want to call it in the Global.asa. How do I do this? I've seen the <OBJECT> tag to create an object, but I'm not sure how to use it correctly.

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Global.ASA Reg.

I dont have any idea about Global.asa. Is it for global variable declarations?

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How To Use Global.asa

i'm a little bit confused with using application_onstart.. as u can see in the following code... my DB connection and SQL statements is currently included in my application_onstart event.. but, unfortunately, i wasn't able to reference Application("sUser") in my asp when i tried to run my website Code:

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Global Changes To SQL

We have over 100 asp pages that reference a table (distribution_components). We added a new column and primary key to that table, so now we have to modify the where clause to include that column (we have to make the new column = to a session variable in the page)

The table appears 531 times in our code. Is there some util or method that allows us to change it globally, other than going to each occurrance, and adding the new column to the where clause.

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Global Session_Onend

Basically session_onend will not fire in my global.asa files! I have just made a very simple test to prove its not my programming and it still doesnt fire.
Session_onstart works a treat but onend will not work even if you force the session to expire with abandon. I have tried on 2 of our servers now and it doesnt work on either.

my simple test is this:

Sub Session_OnEnd
application("test") = "hello"
End Sub

Now surely that should work. i obviously have a page that writes that test variable to the page but its always empty.

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Cookies In Global.asa

Set IE 6.0 ver. X to "Block all Cookies" in privacy settings and try
this code in three separate files.

<-- Global.asa -->
sub Session_OnStart
response.cookies("test") = "-1"
end sub
<-- Global.asa -->

<-- testcookie1.asp -->
<-- testcookie1.asp -->

<-- testcookie2.asp -->
<-- testcookie2.asp -->

I get "-1" on testcookie2.asp

Anyone else get the same result?
Why am I getting the cookie in this test?

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Global.asa And Session_OnEnd

So when *does* Session_OnEnd fire in my Global.asa file? Does it fire when
they click a link to leave the site? Does it fire when the session times out?

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