Global.asa :: Possible To Retrieve A Value From A Variable

Is it possible to retrieve a value from a variable in an .asp page in Global.asa?

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How Do I Retrieve Values Of An Array Variable From A Form To An Asp Page?

if i have a vbscript function on a certain form and I assigned some values on an array variable on that function, is there a way for me to retrieve the values of that array on another asp page once i submitted the form?

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Global Variable

If i want to declare a global variable in a one page and can be retrieved anyway in any page. how can i do that? the normal one that we declare is :

dim execno
dim month

but what about the global variable???

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Global Variable In ASP 3.0

In classic ASP (ASP 3.0), can I create a variable in global.asa and
reference it from other pages in my web app? If so, how?

So far it appears that anything I create in Application_onStart() is not
visible from other pages.

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Global Variable

If i want to declare a global variable in a one page and can be retrieved anyway in any page. how can i do that?

the normal one that we declare is:

dim execno
dim month

but what about the global variable?

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Assigning Variable Value In Global.asa

I'd like to have a variable that I assign a value to for an entire website. It's a variable that contains the DSN name for my ADODB Connection.

This variable value is necessary on every page on the website. Is it incorrect to assign a variable the value in global.asa so it just stays for the entire site?

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Global.asa :: Assign Diffrent Global.asa To Each Application

I have one application folder containing all ASP code files. I want host multiple sites pointing to same code. Can I do this ? If YES then how I can assign diffrent global.asa to each application...

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Global.asa :: Combine Many Global.asa Files

I have added a db driven marquee to my site and need to combine the global asa's to 1 global asa file. Code: ......

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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Retrieve Value

How to value in drop down value from mysql database ..

Technical Languages:

Front ENd: XHTML
Validation: JavaScript
Server Scripting: ASP
Database: MySQL

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Retrieve Data

I have two tables having similiar columns ( i had to do this to compare the values given to me, because both the table data came from different sources)

The tables named are

Now the table EMPLOYEE contains more than 5000 records and the table OFFICERS contains around 2400 records which are already present in the EMPLOYEE table.

Now I want to build a query that will return me all the records in the EMPLOYEE table that are not present in the OFFICERS table. The criteria for comparing 'full_name'. so the query should return me 2600 records that are not present in the OFFICERS TABLE.

I tried doing this

But this query returns me records that is not present in the OFFICERS table as well as some more 1000 records which are present in both tables.
thanks a lot

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Retrieve FileName

I want to have a form where there is a textfield and a Browse... button to the right of it. I want the user to be able to press the Browse... button and select a file and then that filename be returned to the textfield.

I don't want it to upload it or anything like that...I just want to know the filename that the user has selected. Also, when the user presses the Browse... button, I want it to automatically go to a certain place.

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How To Retrieve The File's Name In ASP ?

I write the code as floowing to check the file nam before submit , but it show nothing when i click submit button. Code:

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Retrieve Date

if i have 08/21/2007 11:07:27 AM in the database..

what should i do to just show it out as 08/21/2007 ?

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Retrieve XML Data

I am trying to access the following site with an asp page. I am just starting out with XML

This is my stats page for battlefield Vietnam. I have managed to get a local verison to work if I save the source code of the page above as an xml file on my server, and I use the following code:

<% Option Explicit %>
Dim xmlDoc, root
Dim success, player, strData, online ,rank, rp, score, kills, deaths, fttk, kdr
Dim dpm, ftpm, mppr, medals, gold, silver, bronze, rounds
Set xmlDoc = server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")

What I can't figure out is how to access the data from the external site.

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How Can Retrieve The Data In DDL ?

This is my code can you fix it if it have an error

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "select cat from events"
rs.ActiveConnection = conn strSQL
if not (rs.eof or rs.bof) then
for i = 0 to rs.eof
response.write("<option>" + rs(i) + "</option>")
end if

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Retrieve A File

I know that you can retrieve data from a form using
Request.Form("name"), but how do you retrieve a file?

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Retrieve Information

how can i retrieve information on a form page that once previously submitted by the user so that when the user goes back to that form page it will remember what they inputted instead of having them to retype it again? do i have to use session? can somebody please help me... what would be the easiest and most efficient for a newbie to tackle this problem?

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Retrieve Data

how to retrieve a data that has been selected using combo box with asp

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Retrieve Value From Cookie

If i have got a cookie which stores the username and password of a user, how do I retrieve the values, e.g. I want to retrieve the username.

My page so far is: ....

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Retrieve Pdf Files

Doesn anyyone know the proper lines of ASP code to sucessfully retrieve a pdf file from SQL server. Everytime I run my code I get gibberish all over the screen. I would like it to prompt me to save the file to disk.

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Retrieve Words

I want to take a string like this:Code:


and retrieve only the words over a certain length or longer (let's say 5 characters), maintaining spaces between them- result:Code:


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Retrieve Data

How can I retrieve data from Ms Access Database which is located in another computer over the network.

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Retrieve Data

I have a question, is that any other way to retrieve data from another webpage besides using XML object? Because I am using XML object now but give me so much problems.

If I used MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object, it gives me time out error:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2'
The operation timed out

If I used Microsoft.XMLHTTP object, it will hang IE. In both cases, I have to wait for half an hour or more in order for the XML object to be working again. Actually both webpages that's communicating are hosted at the same machine. The main site (ex. points to particular folder under it, while another one (ex. points to another folder which is two levels up to the first one.

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Retrieve Computer Name

how to retrieve the computer name using ASP?

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Code To Retrieve

i have this code to retrieve the picture from the DB , it works but diplays the image like this :

^%&YGTHDS&&%@$&% ....

and what is the code to save images in the DB ?

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Retrieve X And Y Coordinates

any open source solutions around? I'd like to feed in a city name and have the X and Y coordinates returned.

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Retrieve Querystring

i'm passing in a parameter using session like this,

<a href ="hazard_action_formP1.asp?<%=session("harownrefpass")%>">

how am i to retrieve the parameter in hazard_action_formP1.asp?

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Retrieve From Database

What is the coding for a search form to retrieve from a database? Do I need one page or two: the second for the response? Do I search from tables or SQLs? I have both in the database though.

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Retrieve Last Insert

I use a access database with asp and i insert one record. I want to know the Id of the record inserted.

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Retrieve Email Using ADO

I am trying to access a remote email host via ASP to retrieve a list of
messages for the mail account, I have tried the following code to no avail,
any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated.

set popctrl = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
popctrl.Provider = "ExOLEDB.DataSource"
popctrl.Open "",,"passwd"


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