Go Back A Page After Update

After updating a record, I want to go back to the results page from a search. Anyone know how to redirect after you update a record to go back a page to see the results again. A simple click of the back button would do the trick, but that can't be done after you click the update.

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Passing Information Back To ASP Page From Another Page

I have an application which allow users to search our database. Quite a lot
of search fields pull data from other tables. I don't want to populate the
dropdowns (total 14 of them) from the database everytime as it slow the page

Instead I would like to have a link next to the text field which a
user and click and the choices can be displayed and whatever the user click
in the pop up I want to transfer it to the text box and close the popup.

For example there is a Textbox called country. The user can either type in
the country name or click on the link which will pull all the countries from
table in the database and which ever country user selects, the textbox is
popluated with the country name and the pop up closes automatically. Code:

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Don't Back The Page

I have a Fotolog system and i don't want the user back to last page using the Brownser ...

How I do it?

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Back A Page

I know in javascript you can use ..........


to go back a page. However can i incorperate this into a 'Response.Redirect'. Or can ASP do something fancy?!?!?

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Go Back To Prev Page

I have a question that I haven't been able to figure out. All I have is Bits and pieces but still can't complete it. I have a form that users fill out and submit. I would like the form to displaying a message saying "Please verify that the following content has no error" If it does have any error Click the Yes button. It will redirect the user back to the form for correction to be made .

When the user hits the No button it send the information to the confirmation form and gets updated to the Database.Or something like that. I would the user to have capability to view their information before sending it to be updated.

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Back To Referring Page

if there was an easy way to have a form set up so that when the submit button is pressed, it goes to a confirmation page that contains a back button that goes back to the page that called the form.

Basically, I'm looking at a scenario where 10 pages can call the form, but I want to user to be able to click the back button and be returned to the page they were on when they click on the link to the form. I thought that maybe using javascript:history.go(-2) would work, but if the form is reloaded for any reason, gaing back 2 pages goes back to the form.

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Response.Redirect - Back To Page They Came From


instead of redirecting them to home.asp page, how can i redirect them back to the page they came from?

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Back To Referring Page Question.

normally I can redirect to my previous page with referrer. is it possible to go one more previous page is in java script. I mean like,history.go(-1), history.go(-2), etc.

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Expire Page Or Disable Back

For security purposes I would like to know how to disable. The back button in the browser and/or expire the page.

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Redirect Back To Referrer Page

I've got several pages with links. When the links are clicked, a value is posted to 'processing.asp' which does a database update then needs to redirect back to the page from which the link was clicked. Is it possible to obtain the full URL of the referring page using asp? I need it potentially to be able to redirect back to something as complex as:


If that was the URL of the page from which it was linked.

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Send A Form Back From An Asp Page

I have a html form which allows the user to select add, delete, update or view from a drop down list. Their choice is sent to an asp page.

My problem is how to send them back a form from the asp page depending on their choice and send the resulting input to the same asp page again for processing.

So if they choose 'add' from the html page then that is sent to the asp page and they are sent back another form, to fill out the new record details which is in turn resubmitted to the same asp page to carry out the 'Insert' statement.

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How To Pass Data Back And Forth Between ASP And JSP Page?

How to pass data back and forth between ASP and JSP page?

Let's say I have Java objects, how to pass the data back to ASP page?? Or
ASP has data, how to pass the data to JSP page??

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Linking Back To Spot On Previous Page

I have an ASP page that lists a recordeset that can have dozens of records, at the end of each line is a details link that links to a page giving more detailed information about the record where a user can add and update information to that record.

At the top of the update record page I have a Back to Record List page. The problem is that when a user hits the Back to Record List page they are taken back to the Top of the list, I'd like to create a link that will take the user back to the record they just updated. I am carrying the data record number through the querystring.

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Redirect Back To Referring (internal) Page

I want to have a series of links (flags for Italian, English, and German) on the top of every page, each of which when clicked will go to a script and change a session variable called language to the respective language. Once the session variable is changed, I want to send them right back to where they came from.

So, if they enter a page on the site that is optimized for "Local Area" and it is in English, IF they click German or Italian it will go to the script, redirect back to "Local Area" with the Session var being set appropriately.

Keep in mind though that I need to be conscientous of SEO, so I want to keep querystrings to a minimum. Ideally, what it would look like is this AFTER the redirect:

www.mysite.com/local-area.asp for English

www.mysite.com/local-area.asp?l=i for Italian

www.mysite.com/local-area.asp?l=d for German

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Destroying A Session And Starting It Back Up On The Same Page

I have a quick signup for a friends page, and at the end of the signup I wanna destroy all the session variables using the nice session.abandon then create two session variables for the username and password so they're already signed in, then redirect them to the index page already logged in. Problem is the session variables don't get saved on the redirect when the session has been abandoned on the page. If I take the abandon out and destroy the session variables individually everything works fine and the new session variables survive. But if I abandon the session then set the new variables they do not. Yes, they are being set after the abandon, and do exist as I've written them to the browser before the redirect. Its not that big a deal in such a small scale to delete all the variables individually, but theres gotta be a way incase it was hundreds of session variables right.

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Back Button Or Refresh Page OnLoad

how to detect when the user click on the back button to go back to the previous page? Or a way to refresh a ASP page whenever it's loaded?

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ASP - Form Redirect To Same Page - BACK Button Does Not Work ???

I have created 2 asp pages called testa.asp and testb.asp

testa.asp has a link to go to next page testb.asp

testb.asp has a form that ask you for a reference number and post it
to the same page testb.asp

If the reference number is not blank, it will just write out what the
reference number is.

Now my problem....

If you go to testa.asp and click on the link to go to testb.asp you
will see the form. At this point, if you click the back button, it
till take you back to testa.asp ALL FINE SO FAR.

If you go to testb.asp again and see the form, enter a number say 33
and click on search. This will now show you the number you have just
entered. NOW - click on the BACK BUTTON, it will just show you exactly
the same page ! WHY does it not go back to the FORM in order to refill
in a different number. Code:

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Form Submit That Must Report Back To The Same Page An Error...

I have a form submit that must report back to the same page an error if a pair of radio buttons inside the form block are not checked. But data from the buttons must still be sent to another page.

I tried having the form send data back to the same page, then putting the data in session variables and redirecting to the page they have to go to. But apparently the session variables are having unpredictable effects on the very complex page I'm sending the data too.

I'm thinking about using Onsubmit = somefunction inside of the <form > . I've tried javascript but I haven't found the right code yet, and also I'd rather avoid the popup alert box, it is inconsistent with the rest of the website. Perhaps an ASP subprocedure could do the trick?

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Thickbox3.1 Submit Form And Go Back Main Page

I am using JQuery's thickbox 3.1 and ASP.

I want perform : click a link in main page, then pop up a form in div window by thickbox, after I sumbit this form , div window disappear and go back main page.

My problem is : after I sumbit the form inside div window, form is sumbited , but still in div window!

How can I make it jump back to main page after I submit ?

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Global.asa :: Send The User Back To The Login Page

im tryin to secure my application. i want the application to send the user back to the login page if they have not logged into the system. do i use the global.asa file or is there a simpler way to do this?

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How Can I Redirect To A Page When I Click The Window Back Button?

How can I redirect to a page when I click the window back button. I think javascript will do. But I will embed it to my php script.

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How To Open A Popup Window Select A Value And Send It Back To Page?

I'm need to open a popup window from an asp page that calculates a value. This value must be returned to the input box on the asp page. I have managed to get the popup window to open and display a value so far but I am not getting the value back into the asp page.

Popup Window code...

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Prevent Users From Accessing A Web Page When The Back Button Is Pressed

Is there a way in ASP to prevent users from accessing a web page when the back button is pressed in the browser.

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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Update My ASP Page

Do anyone now how I should do to update my ASP page every 5 sekond.

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Rs.Update Locks Up Page

I have an ASP page which uses QueryString data to determine what the user is wanting to do. It has Upload (which provides a form to enter a category, title, overview, and file), Edit (which gives user a form with the before mentioned sections, minus the file, to change the overview, title, or category), Update (which processes the Edit form), and Delete, which allows the user to delete a file.

A user can upload a file just fine, and a file can be deleted just fine. The problem is with Edit/Update. The Edit form loads fine, with all the correct information in the input boxes, and a hidden field storing the "ID" for the record. This form submits to .asp?Action=Update, where the Select statement is based on the hidden ID. When the user clicks the update button on the Edit page, the next page never loads, the confirmation never comes up.

On our Production (Live) server this caused ALL of our sites to go down, we had to restart the server to bring them back up. Now I've been testing in our Development server trying to solve, it causes this site to go down, but all other sites on the development server continue to function (so we have a different result on this server, but still the problem). Reboot is not required here though, if I wait a few minutes, I can access the page again (maybe a timeout is happening here that isnt on the other server?) Code:

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Update Page Info On Tab Out

I want to build a page having a list of products with their individual price, order qty, and total price.

What I would really like is that when a user enters the order qty and tabs out, that the total price is updated instantly. How would I go about doing this?

When the user has finished all his order, then he would press the submit button and not before.

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Update Db Without Doing A Page Refresh

I want to update a database but, NOT do a page refresh.

Like how they do it on Netflix with the "was this review helpful?" you choose yes or no.

I just want to capture the yes or no, without doing a page refresh so the user can make a number of interactions on the page.

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Update A Page Without A Refresh

How would I go about updating a page without a form submit?when a user types the number 1 in textbox1 and the number 2 in textbox2, textbox3 automatically displays 3.

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Update Cart Page

i am using following code to display purchansed items...

<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
<td class=h1 class=stocktextfont><b><%=RS("cnt")%></td>
<td class=h1><b><input type=text name=qty<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> class=stocktextfont size=2 value=<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> maxlength=2></td>
<td class=h1><%=RS("Order_Item")%> <input type=hidden name=pname value="<%=RS("Order_Item")%>"></td>
<td class=k1><input type=text name="pval" class=stocktextform size=5 value=<%=RS("Order_Amount")%>></td>
<td class=h1><input type=button name=but value="Update" class=stockbuttonfont2></td>

in this i get sr.no by <%=RS("cnt")%> which keeps increasing by 1. when i change some quantity how to capture in next page as i wont be knowing how many itesm are displayed in this page and which item user wants to update.

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Update Access Database Through ASP Page

I developed an ASP page which has 2 input fields- First Name and Last Name.I used Access 2002 as database. Once I click the Submit button,

it has to perform 3 tasks-----
1) It has to update the First Name and Last Name in the MS-Access database in their corresponding fields.
2) It has to go to the Home Page(which I already did)
3) It has to update the date/time in the "Time" field in the MS-Access database.

The following is the code I wrote to connect to the database and update the fields in the Access table---

set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver

(*.mdb)};;DBQ=c:/documents and

rs.Open sqlqry,MyConn,2,2
rs("firstname") = first name
rs("lastname") = last name


Can somebody please help me in figuringout if I am missing something.

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Drop Down Button In UPDATE Page?

I had successfully created a update page for a registration. But now I went into a problem.

1: In REGISTRATION page (Where they submit their data for the first time), they are able to use Drop down button to choose their answers. In my UPDATE page (Where they can edit their data), I can only create textbox for them to change their data which they originally used Drop down button.

For example: In REGISTRATION page, they can choose Yes/No from Drop Down button. In UPDATE page, they need to type in Yes/No instead from Drop Down button.

How can I create drop down button in the update page with their previous answer selected?

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Update Only A Specifc Part Of A Page

i want to update a specific part of a page every 3 seconds without refreshing the whole page, any ideas?

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