Grab Top 3 Vote Questions

I have a voting system that works perfect. It calculates the % of votes and shows the total percentage that people picked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and a total.

However, I want to be able to select the top 3 of those, and highlight the row, using a bgColor variable that I have defined. The problem with this is that I am calculating the %'s as I am writing the rows, and do not know how to check to see if that row is one of the top 3.

Here is my code:

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Vote Then E-mail Results

I want to have a vote on a intranet site, a drop down list of peoples names and a text box for the voters name, then have an asp page e-mail me the result.

I found a forum to e-mail script but I'm still new so I can't figure out how to manipulate it to do what I want or work at all. What I would like is the code to put in my html page and the code for the asp page.

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Grab ID# From Address Bar

I bet this is a simple one, but I just don't know.

How do I grab the 12345 in my ASP page as the ID#?

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Can You Grab The Computer Name?

can you grab the computer name via asp?

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Grab Specific

I am looking to find out how to grab a specific content on a particular Website and put it on my Website. Of course, I will get permissions before doing so. Any ideas? I have found a sample ASP script that shows how to grab the entire page, but certain sections of the page.

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Grab IP Address

Is it possible to grab a client side IP Address using JavaScript in an htm page? I have a web page hosted on a non-ASP server and I want a piece of code in JavaScript to grab the IP address of the client and send it to a web page on another server. The other page will be ASP.I need this for both Netscape and IE browsers.

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I'm looking for a way to grab the HTML behind one of my pages and display it
to the user. The page I'm trying to get the HTML from is an ASP page, so
obviously I'm looking for the post-asp processing results. Basically I want
the same HTML that the user could get if they had done a "View Source" in
their browser on the page.

Does IIS/ASP provide a way to do this natively, or do I have to buy a third
party component?

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Grab Web Content

how to grab web content on another Website and put it inside mines? Such as grabbing text, or links then reformmating it on my Webpage. Any ideas on how to do it?

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Grab Content From Others Website

i need some help to grab others website content. after grab the data, i need to store into database. Any idea??

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Can't Grab A Record From A .mdb Table

There's only 15 rows in the table 'FiscalYr', but I can't grab the row I need.

Here's 3 typical rows:

..Year...Start..........End...... Column names = 'year', 'start', 'end'
2003 12/29/2002 12/27/2003
2004 12/28/2003 12/25/2004
2005 12/26/2004 12/24/2005

For example, if the value of 'today' is #07/10/2004", I want the record where the key is 2004. In fact, any value for 'today' between 12/28/2003 and 12/25/2004 should pull up the '2004' row.

Here's my non-functioning code:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM FiscalYr WHERE Start >= #" & today & "# AND End <= #" & today & "#"
Set rs = DBConn.Execute(SQL)

The resultSet obviously should have only one record because the Start and End dates are unique and don't overlap from row-to-row.

but when I:

if rs.recordcount >= 0 Then
response.write. "There are " & rs.recordcount & "rows that match your search."
response.write "While attempting to tally a RecCount there is an Error with recordset. <br />"
end if

I keep getting the Error msg. What am I doing wrong?

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Grab Results From Recordset

Is it possible to grab recordset even after SQL throws error, but also returns data?

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Grab Server Variables

I am trying to grab the server name and IP address using Response.Write (Request.ServerVariables("ALL_HTTP"). I am using this one because I wanted to see everything that is brought back.

The server name I am getting back seems to be the host name found in IIS not the fullly qualified domain name of the server. Is there a way to get the fully qualified domain name of the server?

Also this server is one of two servers in a cluster and the IP address being returned is the IP address of the cluster server. Is there a way to get the IP address of the server that I am actually logged into?

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2 Questions. ASP & SQL

Q1. How do I send 2 dates to a stored query in access. What I have in the
query so far is

Select * from tblOrders where Date_Archived between #3/01/04# and #3/31/04#

What I want is to send to variables to this query that the user inputs.

Q2. I know that this is probably not the right group but I am trying to
trim a string (first name to 1 letter) in an SQL statement.

Does any one know how to do this? I do not want to use ASP as I will be
build a complete CSV file on the file (column names and data)

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ASP.NET Questions

I never used any ASP or ASP.NET and i want to know if this is something worth learning.
I am about to start learning PHP (i know PHP a litle bit already) but will it be better to learn ASP.NET instead?

How does ASP.NET compares to PHP? I know that PHP is free, what about ASP.NET? Which is easier to learn/implement? Which is faster? Which is more powerful? What are the strong/weak points of each?

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Grab From Database And Send Email

I have another script where i pull all the information from the database and I want to send it to the person. What they do is they enter in their email, and if the email matches, than it will email them their login information.

How do you grab the info and than use that info and put it into an email to send?

Here is my code thus far for it: ....

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Grab Data From A Text Box And Pass It On!

Ok i have a shopping cart got everything pretty much going but it didn't allow for quantities to be updated. So in my cart view i decided to add a quantity box so u could enter a new value and then click update to update that item.

However i don't know how to grab the value from the txt box.

I have the code working for all the db updates cause i tested it by hard coding it in. I just cant grab the value and pass it on from the txt box....

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Transfer Questions

i hope no one is getting sick of my server.execute/transfer questions..
does server.execute return a value? im wondering what happens if an error
occurs in the .asp file that i'm calling with the server.execute command??
is there a value/flag i can set in the case of an error that can be seen
once i return to the calling page? if not i was thinking that i would have
to use a session variable for my error handling.
i want to stay true to the model, view, control architecture so i don't want
to simply redirect in the case of an error - i want to send a value back to
my control page which will decide where to go.

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A Few Questions About Creating Using Asp

First, how can I get asp to create a table in en existing DB that is an atuonumber. Meaning.. If say table 56 exists alrady, I want it to create 58 as the name. Along with this, I need to copy the fields from table temp, into the above DB. Can this be done?

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Sessions (two Questions)

I was reading up on sessions, and on websites they don't mention "passing" session varables. But the guys on this form are asking questions about passing session variables. So what is it? Can you or can you not pass variables? I don't think you can pass session variables, since they are just cookies.

Second, does the session expire when the brower closes? I know it expires with Session.Abandon or it times out.

For my project I need to the user to login and do his/her stuff. The session should expire by timeout, or logout link (Session.Abandon) and when they close the browser. My guess is that when the browser window closes the session expires. I just need to make sure about those two things.

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Recordset Questions

I am trying to create a hashtable in ASP. I need this to be on the application level,
i.e. each page from different users calls the same table. I figured the best way to
do this is through a recordset.

I need it super fast so I want it loaded into memory (RAM) and be altered in memory. What is the best way to do this? I found all these different connection types, but nothing seems to fit this purpose.

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TabView Questions.

I have questions relating to TabView and Tabbed Navigation.

Currently, this is what I have

[code]<DIV id="divTabs" style="LEFT: 5%; WIDTH: 450px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 10%; HEIGHT: 10px">

That displays the tabs...but heres my quesiton

Now what I would like to be able to do, is throw those tabs on the bottom of the page. Is this possible? How do I go about doing this? Could someone supply me with the changes in code I need to make?

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General Questions

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>

When using such objects as the one above, where is dbConn actually comming from?

How do I store session variables using the session("") in the code below? Everytime I try doing it, I get an error page.

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>
<object RUNAT="Server" ID="spEssRtd_loginValidate" PROGID="adodb.command"></object>
<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript enablesessionstate=false %> ......

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Handling Questions

i have a scenario where i have to serve users of my site questions on daily basis,but before they can answer a question they must answer a previous question correctly served previously before the current day .

This means to me that i have to keep a log of each questions served each day and users response whether they attempt the questions or not .i am scared to keep a scenario of a million users each day,their actions on a particular questions.what is the smartest way to achieve this.

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A week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment
variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if

I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or
..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming
from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the
framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx ,
or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the
HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.

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Seaching Questions

I have seen sites that have asp searches and have a textbox and a search button and when the search button is clicked a search results field is displayed on the same page. Im having problems grasping how this works.

I am assuming that it states that if search is clicked then display the search results field. But how does it do this? Does the entire page reload? Is it a table that have attributes set to invisible then are change to visible? Anyone with an example or that can point me in the right direction please let me know.

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How? Parsing HTML To Grab Images And Info

I need to grab product info including images from specified websites with no RSS or common structure.

I've been searching and reading articles for 2 days and have played around with grabbing html from a site and trying to find out what to do with it at that point. I think I need to parse it for the patterns I'm looking for, (creating an array out of them?) and save that information to my DB. I also want to grab the actual images and display them from my site so that the product suppliers bandwidth is not used by the pics being on my site...

I'm thinking, with my current skills which are limited, I'll be doing this with ASP (vbscript) and javascript (if necessary). I'm not great with those but good enough to figure stuff out eventually.

Can you tell me if you think I'm on the right track and recommend any learning resources specific to the skills needed to accomplish this?

If it's not too much to ask, a bit of pseudocode might keep me on the right track... what to do and when.

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Grab Logged In User's Email Address

I have this asp page (see code below). It grabs the values from the previous page and populates the email which gets sent to the recipient from the person bidding on his product. I need to grab the bidder's email address (he is logged in when sending this email) from the database.

I can't seem to figure out the code for grabbing a logged in visitor's information from the database to display in the "From" field. Can anyone help? I need the code that grabs his email address, and the code that goes in the "mailer.from" variable to populate that field. Here's the code:

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Connect To A Remote Server To Grab Data

I am wondering if it is possible to have an asp script, called script1.asp sitting on a server called server1. when this asp script runs, i want it to connect too a different server (called server2) somewhere else in the world and grab data, maybe an xml file.

Is this possible? and if so what is the process called (and/or function names etc) that can help me do this, so i can look them up in google and get cracking on the code.

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HTTP Referrer Questions

A week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment
variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:

If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if

I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or ..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx , or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.

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Two ASP Related Questions - SSI And Links

I am designing a Web site with about 500 - 600 pages of festivals on it and would like opinions on two ASP subjects. I have designed about 20 pages or so as of now. These are the contact us, FAQ, about us pages and such. I also have a template to go by for each festival's page. But I have two problems I need fixed before I start to replicate.

(1) SSI and styles - There are four sections to each page. I use SSI (ASP virtual version) for the top, bottom and a small section of featured festivals (which is above the bottom) on each page. Between the top and featured festivals is the actual page. This way I can change a link on the top or bottom and it is fixed on all pages.

But, I have an enormous amount of styles listed (all styles on four pages) in the code from each page's fonts. Each page's styles are called something different. For example, the festival page itself has the styles as normal, ".style1." But the styles on the top the links, which once again is an ASP include, would be called ".style1top." I used that approach because .style1 on the festival page and top links could be different.

It works, but I have dirty code and I want the site to be as Google friendly as possible. I have thought about adding all the styles to a page and using it as an ASP include on all pages, but that would have way too many styles each page and be even dirtier. What is the best practice for this? Code:

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Session Variable Questions

I keep reading that Session variables are evil things to be avoided. Is it
really that awful to use them? If you shouldn't use them, then what is the
preferred alternate method for accessing data across an entire solution?
Would it really be so bad to set something as simple as Session("login") =
true Session(user)=username when a user logs in and just read those
variables on an include for every page to display the user name?

Is it true that a user has to allow cookies in order for a session variable
to be used? I thought the point of session variables was to set things on
the server side so that you didn't have to worry about cookies being allowed
by the user?

What is the generally preferred method of storing a shopping cart?
Database, cookies or server variables? All I need to save is the product #
and quantity. Would it be evil to store that in a dictionary object or a
collection? My profs at the college said cookies were the way to go. My
co-workers say use a database. My mentor says use a dictionary object.

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Questions Asked In An Interview?

an idea of the type of ASP questions asked in an interview?

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Login Panel Questions

I've made an access script user based for a forum, so, I'm not sure what to store in the cookie. I think to store just the user_id (the one in the users table referred to the logged user) but is this way sure ? is anyway to hack it simple ? I know that nothing is 100% secured, but not too simple to hack.

Have I to store other informations like session id or something other ?

Another question is for the login form... Somebody checks if the of the user is the same between the page containing the login form and the page that checks informations... but is this really useful ? infact is an user stops on the first page (the one where is the login form too) reading something until the session goes to timeout then the check session fails...

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