Grabbing File Size Details From A Folder

I have a folder that has a batch of leaflets in it, these are PDF files. In my application I have a list of courses and one of the fields has the name of the file.

Is it possible, without automatically having to add them by hand, to grab the file sizes and use them on a page or insert into the relevant db field?

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Folder/file Details

Is it possible to run an asp script to display the details (i.e. last
modifed time/date) of several files held on the client and or on the server
running IIS (if i map it to the folder with the files in question).

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File Size And Folder Size

I'm using Windows 2000 server n IIS I'm Using FileSystemObject of ASP in Server Every File and Folder has 2 Size when we get properties of any 1 actual size and Size on my problem is when i get the file size from ASP object it give Size value but when i try to get folder size it gives size on disk and both values are different.

I'm creating a size to access limited size to upload files so i just check the folder size and then get size for those which are going to update by user then i will less those size to actual folder size to get remaining size.

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Showing Folder Details

I saw a while page a link to show folder details ie folders / files in a directory
let me know any links to tutorials

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Protected Folder Login Details

I have a folder that is protected, the users login with their unique
username and password, these are held in a text file.

Is this information logged in a way that I can use the login name as a
variable for use on my page, such as if I login as Jon the page can display
"Logged in: Jon"

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Calculate The Size Of A Folder?

How do I calculate the size of a folder? Also how do I count the number of images stored in a folder?

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Grabbing Information From A .txt File

I have seen people's ASP scripts which call an external .txt file and compare it to a form's returned information (i.e. a password and login system), and--with my being new to ASP--I couldn't figure out how. What I want to do is write a form's results to a .txt document and retrieve those results via JavaScript, HTML, ASP, PHP, etc.

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Writing Form Details To A File

I've created a form for users to fill in, and I want to be able to write the details of each form to a text file. Each file is named username.txt (eg. JohnSmith.txt or MikeStiletti.txt)

However, when the code below is processed i get a "Path not found" error. Now these files are on a web server and i am trying to write to my C drive. It would be great if I could create these files on the same web server too by just removing the "C:Surveys" on the bolded line. Code:

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Details From SQL Server To MS-Word File

I have a strSQL line.. that basically does a SELECT * from many joined tables. The output is displayed into a table. What I'd like to do is, to have each table's field entries (say a Name field) displayed as a URL.

Clicking this URL will spawn an external viewer, which will open a predefined MS Word template. ASP code should then do a few SELECT statements, parse them, and write them to certain areas of the MS-Word document.

Practically, a user should be able to click on a name, and have MS-Word launch, filling in details on the Word document, such as Name, Address, ZipCode and so on, which are stored in SQL-Server 2k. how I can get this to work?

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File Upload - Need To Check File Size

I'm having a problem with the fact that I want to allow image files to be uploaded to a remote web server, as the hosting package the web site is on is IIS6 and has a default file upload size limit of 200kb. As it's a shared hosting package, the default limit cannot be changed for me unfortunately.

Anyway - i need to check the size of the file being uploaded, so i can notify the user and prevent them getting the default Microsoft error message page. The problem is that I can't implement a server side size check which works, using either Request.TotalBytes or load.getFileSize (with "load" being an object of my loader class). It seems that I can't carry out any of these operations when the file size is too large.

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How Do I Get A File Size

How do I find out the size of a file. I can get listing of files in a
directory but I cannot figure out how to get the file size also.

Here is what I have so far.
Set MyDirectory=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFiles=MyDirectory.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("test"))
For each filefound in MyFiles.files
Response.Write filefound.Name & "<br>"

I don't have any books for reference here. Can someone point out a good
online source?

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ASP File Size

Is there any limit of file size or lines of code in asp.

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Get File Size!

i am using the file type input and an asp upload component to save the file from client machine to server machine. if user type the file name or path that doesn't exists, the upload component still create a file on the destination but that file is empty. Now, how can i determine the size of the file saved on destination.
its alternative is that can we restrict the user to type the path and file name. i mean the text field is disable and only browse button is used to select a file.

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Size Of A File

given a filename on the server, how would you use the filesystem object to determine its size?

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File Size

How can I get the size of a file using Scripting.Filesystemobject. If not,is there a way that I can using ASP?

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Uploaded File Size

please help me to send code for limiting size of uploaded files,i want no one can upload any file upto say 2 mb in a stretch and overall say 5 mb.

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Upload File Size

I got a script for uploading files that sets its file size limit to 10240kb. The line in that script Code:

Const MaxFileSize = &H100000

has an equal size of 10240kb. Any idea why &H100000 is equal to 10240kb and how do I set it to less or greater than using such hexa type like value?

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Getting Size Of A Local File.

I made a image upload a while ago, but too many people submits too large images (this is no problem, since ASP Upload won't upload too large images) but people gets frustrated when their images are not uploaded!I want to do so that you can't submit the form if the pictures are too large. I was thinking of doing a asp functions to check the file size and then pass the result to a javascript function, which will then alert the user and denie him to submit the images.I know how to do the javascript part, but I don't know how to check a local file's size with asp? I'd appreciate if someone could help me! Thanks.

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Uploading File Size

Is there a way to capture the current size of an uploading file as its being uploaded to a directory, so I can produce a loading bar?

I've tried using GetFile but that only displays when the file has been fully uploaded.

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File Upload Size

I had my server run win2K SP4 running an ASP site that uses ABCUpload and all was working fine. Today I have found that we can no longer upload files greater than about 4Mb.

I think way back when I set this site up I had to change a setting some where in windows that allowed the site to accept file greater than 4Mb. Does any body know what this setting is and where I can find it.

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ADODB Streaming File Size

i have a problem with streaming files. i want to force a download box to appear, which works fine. however it only works for files with a size of <4mb, anything else and a 0byte file is downloaded. the web server uses IIS6.

is there something i can change to allow bigger files to transfer? Code:

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Limiting The Size Of Uploaded File

I am able to upload files to my server using free asp upload
software. But i have another requirement now.

#1) I need to let
the user upload files upto 5MB only. Not more.
I need to limit the size of the file.
This is how i am using the file upload.

#2) I have a txtbox and button on my main form. The name of
the button is Upload and when i click on upload button i get
another asp form which has Code:

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File Download Size Limit

I have a site that allows a person to log in and get a list of files to download for them. If the file size is under 65MB then everything is fine, they click the download button and the save box pops up. But if the file is larger than 65MB the page sits and processes until it times out. I can't figure it out becaus a 64MB file loads immediately for download while one slightly larger hangs up.

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Total File Size Per Directory

I used to have a little ASP file (classical ASP) that would show me the total file size used per directory. I didn't need it for many years and now that I do I seem to have lost it.

Does anyone have an classical ASP file/script that will loop through your filesystem and shows the total Mb's used per directory? I could write it myself I'm sure, but if someone has a script like this ready it would save me quite some time.

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Size :: Using Persits File Uload Component

using persits file uload component ..up to what size of image we can upload. there is any limit for image size?

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File And Folder Listing.

I am creating something for our intranet and i want to list the files and folders of a directory, i found some code to do this.The only problem is that it lists the asp file used to for example if i go to:"http://myserver/listing.asp" In the file listing will be "listing.asp" amongst a lot of marketing documents.Is there a way to block/stop this one file from being listed?

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Folder And File Listing

a website that tells how to do this Folder and File listing? I know I need to use the filesystemobject but other than that I'm lost.

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Delete A File From Folder

I want to know how to delete a file from a folder in ASp Like i have the path of the file at runtime in my ASp file... but how to delete ?

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How To Check The Size For Upload File On Client-side

I am developing an web application, it should has the function to upload file from client computer. The uploaded file size can be limited within 10 MB.

But I dont know how to check the size of the file on client-side. Server-side size check is not enough, because it can not be checked until the whole file is received while the server resource(cpu,memory etc) is wasted.

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Setting File/Folder Permissions

I am trying to use this bit of code to change the permissions on a file. Apparently it should work but it isn't. I am getting no error messages just nothing is happening. The path to the file is definitley correct. Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?
strFileOrFolder = "D:WebRoothtdocsProjects est.txt"
strUserName = "Everyone"

dim objWSH
set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Call objWSH.Run("cmd /c echo y| CACLS " & strFileOrFolder & " /G /T " & trim(strUserName) & ":f", 0, True)
set objWSH = Nothing

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Downloading A File From A Folder Above Webroot

I am currently working on an ASP based site which displays largely numerical data, which is stored in an access database. I have been asked to create an 'export' page, which, when working properly will allow a user of the site to export the table he or she is looking at and export it to a .CSV file which they can save onto their own machine.

My problem lies here, I can create the .CSV file on the server, BUT permissions on our host are such that the file can only be saved to the 'databases' folder and not on the webroot.

Is there any way in which I can either setup a way for the user to download from the databases folder? or rather than creating the file on the server, directly write the file to the user's machine?

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All The Sessions Reset When Run Copy Folder Or File

I have very weird problem on my server, when I run this function: Code:

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Retreive Image File Stored In A Folder

I have a DB table, which contains the name of a image file stored in a folder. What i need to do is somehow retreive this image and display it in an asp page?

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