Grabbing Files

Is it possible with classic ASP to have a list of image files in a database, automatically transfer them onto our server from another server and resize their dimensions? We have many images of products that we have to screen grab at the moment from our suppliers' websites and it would be useful to automate this.I think there are tools for ASP.NET to do this but can't find anything to do it with ASP.

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Grabbing Info

I am trying to retrieve data from a dropdown listbox in asp using:

<%Response.Write + Request.Form("cboBox")%>

The problem is that I only retrieve the first value of the option. For
example, if my first option was <option value=this that>, I only can
retrieve "this". It won't get the second word.

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Email Grabbing

how or has the resource for graabing a users email address without them knowing? Before I hear all the 'Its not ethical' blurb - I know and my use is legitimate. I am build an e-commerce store and as well as grabbing the users IP at point of sale, i think it would be invaluable to grab a users email address (on top of their registration supplied address - but not always) so that in cases of attempted fraud there is an additional avenue by which we can investigate. The intention is by no means for spam (which I loathe) Anyone know how to do this?

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ASP & Grabbing The User's Name

I am testing NT Authentication and have found that the following works

Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")

However this gets me "my_domainusername" on both cases. How do you get the users full name and not just the username.

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Grabbing Login Name

Intranet application.

strLogon= Replace(Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER"),"DOMAIN","")

The above line is used by several pages on my browser-based app to obtain the Windows login name for the user. Of course, I replaced our domain name with the generic word "DOMAIN" here, but the point is that I am trying to get that name and store it into a variable.

It works fine in Production, but not on my dev box, which is on the network and is very similar to the Production server (Same OS, for example).

On my dev box, it doesn't return anything, but in Production, it will return jsmith, mjones,etc.

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Grabbing Info Out Of An Iframe

I have it inserting a table into an iframe. However I want to pull that table information back out to make changes to it. I am just stumped on how I should go about it. I have the inserting of the table executing through a showmodedialog box. Do I do the same to pull out but how?

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ASP Grabbing Windows Username

Anyone know how it is possible for windows to get the name of the user
logged in?

I know if you do :

Request.Servervariables ("AUTH_USER")

it displays the username of the person logged in, but is there a way
to get the "Full name" of that user in the active directory?

Ie, if they log in with the username jsmith, I from that I know there
full name is John Smith.

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Grabbing Information From Session

I have this site to where people can get access to via a username and passwrod. THere is also a download section in here, but i want to limit the amount of downloads, but i also am covering up where the download is located. So when someone hits download on the page, they get sent to an asp page. This asp page has a response.redirect to download the file.

I have stored the peoples username and password in a session. I can "response.write" the infromatino that is in the session, yet i can not assign that information to a variable. Code:

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Grabbing Left/right Of A Variable Name

I have several checkboxes named in the following format:


I need to be able to pull the table names and values from each checkbox name (for example, I would need to pull the "table_city" and "20" from the checkbox above).

In short, how do I pull out the table_city and 20 from the first example. Since the table names and values vary in size, I can't just do a regular mid, left, right function.

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Grabbing Information From A .txt File

I have seen people's ASP scripts which call an external .txt file and compare it to a form's returned information (i.e. a password and login system), and--with my being new to ASP--I couldn't figure out how. What I want to do is write a form's results to a .txt document and retrieve those results via JavaScript, HTML, ASP, PHP, etc.

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Grabbing Values From Database

I was playing around in FrontPage and I noticed that you could insert an ActiveX control for a calendar. I would like to be able to use this to integrate with a database - for example, I would like to be able to click on a day of the month and have the page display all data associated with that date (sort of a select * from database where date = "date_clicked_on")

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Grabbing Webpage Data

I need to download content on a webpage once a day and then parse the data. I know how to parse, so once I get the page, I'm ready to go. Is it possible to use something like the filesystemobject to read a webpage instead of filename? If yes, great! How? If no, what can I use to automatically download a webpage that I can then in turn parse?

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Grabbing Secure Web Page

I am working on automating a workflow process for my company. Part of the process requires the user to send a snapshot of their benefits from a secure web site to their manager. I am trying to extract the web page using Microsoft.XMLHTTP but am having problems due to user validation which is required to access the benefits web page. There are 2 layers.

First, user is required to login with user name and password, then user is redirected to another page that asks for PIN. Only if both authentications pass, the user is considered validated and is redirected to the benefits page. I am not able to through any of the validation pages. What can I do?

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Grabbing IP Adres From ASP Webform

As a trainer in a company, I launched a webform asking people to log
in before they can access the needed training. Nothing fancy and just
there for monitoring who comes in and when. Problem is that some
"nice-guys" enter who knows what - because that's fun. Can I
counteract this by having the ASP form sending me also the IP address
from the PC ? And where do I have to add these lines ? Code:

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Grabbing From MySQL Database In ASP

I'm doing a website in PHP/MySQL but its an IIS server - THUS no sendmail. I've used CDONTS to send email in ASP before but this time its a little different

I have a MySQL table called 'emails' in a database called 'db'. The table has Key IDs from 1 to about 50 that correspond with different email addresses. I want to use CDONTS to Grab the email addresses from the MySQL database one by one and in 15 second intervals send out the same email to each address.

I know this sounds a bit 'spammy', but it's a band website with a mailing list. Only about 50 or so entries. I'm trying to set up a mailing list manager and the only missing piece is this damn emailing script.

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Grabbing The Maximum Value Of A Field's Contents

I need to evaluate a field's maximum value and then do an if

if rs("havesubP") = true and rs("displaygroup") < MAX then ....

whereas MAX represents the biggest value in the records for the
displaygroup field (an integer datatype). I get an "Either BOF or EOF
is True, or the current record has been deleted.." error if i put any
type of comparison number (of course MAX is not a vbscript keyword)
that is larger than my largest displaygroup value in the dbase , as I
will loop thru all the records once this condition is met.

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Grabbing Current Username Via ADSI

My users logon to the Patriot domain, my intranet is on sdsddata01 server. I have a form that people have to click on a dropdown list to pick their name from the list when submitting a form. Is there any way to grab their username via ADSI so I can query it against a database that will get submitted against a form.

I have seen a few arcticles regarding this but I couldn't make sense of them. They are already authenticating when they login, so I don't want them to have to do it again once they hit the intranet. Is this possible using ADSI? Will I have to make some permission changes in IIS as well?

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Grabbing Special Characters From Another Site

I have a script which grabs headlines from another website. The site I am trying to grab from is in spanish and has those weird characters, but when my script outputs it onto my page, most of those special characters are replaced with question marks. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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Grabbing A Variable From A Diff Form On The Same Page

I'm trying to grab a variable from a dropdown list and pass it to a paypal form, the problem is it's in two different forms.. Code:

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Grabbing File Size Details From A Folder

I have a folder that has a batch of leaflets in it, these are PDF files. In my application I have a list of courses and one of the fields has the name of the file.

Is it possible, without automatically having to add them by hand, to grab the file sizes and use them on a page or insert into the relevant db field?

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Can Php Files Execute Inside Asp Files?

Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible.
My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one.
Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?

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Convert ASP Files To Executable Files

I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.

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How To Use ASP But Produce HTM Files, Not ASP Files?

I was wondering how some sites let you search by using a form, then present the results as static .htm files.

The reason I ask is that I tend to use ASP to process form information, then give the user a list of results presented on an .asp page. The list is simply drawn from a database in real-time and formatted into a template page.

The problem with this is that search engines can't see any of the information in the database, since they can't do the form submission. Is there a way around this?

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.exp And .lib Files

When DLLs are compiled in VB, in addition to the dll, there are also
exp and .lib files created. Can somebody tell me what these are for?
Do I need to include them when I deploy my application?

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PHP Files

I want to include just the result of a PHP file within an ASP file. <--#include won't work, it just imports the text.Is there an alternate way to do this?

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IIS Log Files

Checking our IIS log files we often get the chinese bots probing our sites. My only concern at the moment is that when an item is called by ID (i.e. select category from table where categoryid = id) and the id is called from either a querystring or a form request, I use CLng (i.e. CLng(request.querystring("id")) to convert the id to a long int to prevent the bots injecting the variable with any non-numeric characters.

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Ftp Files

how can i do a ftp function to upload and downlaod file to the server without using a 3rd party component?

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Zip Files

can somebody advise me, how to put a few text files into zip archive on IIS5
on user request on some asp page?

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ASP Files

IYHO, if I have say 10 different product categories that extract their data
from say 10 text files or an Access DB, is it more efficient to have an ASP
for each product category to query each section or 1 which parses the lot??
The only reason I am asking is for multiple user access I have this strange
belief that if 1 page is getting requested and queried by 10 simultaneous
visitors then 'spreading the load' on different pages would help.
Is my logic correct or do the ISP fairies have this in hand??

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Pdf Files In ASP

when the user submit a form, all the form data's will be saved
as a pdf file
is it possible?
yes means. by what way we can get this..?
For doing this we have to use any third party tools..?

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I would like to capture the data from a textarea box and save it to a file.

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.Inc V/s .Asp Files

i want to know what is the difference between using a .asp include file and .inc include file.I know how an Asp Include file works , but some place i have seen .Inc as Include file. What is the difference?

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