Group Emails To Email List In Table

I would like to send the same email to every email address that I have in a table.Only complication is that some records have an email address and some don't (some people dont have email addresses.

I had a go and made an array and used the len(email)>0 idea, so that if no email address, skip sending and email. Guess just after some standard code, nothing fancy. The site is on a commercial server running win 2000 .

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Import Text File Contains Emails Into Access Table

I copy my emails from microsoft inbox and save it into a textfile and try to read the information and save it into access table. But during i read the textfile i am stuck.

Dim fso, fil, ts, sContents
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fil = fso.getfile(server.mappath("myemails.txt"))
Set ts = fil.openastextstream(1)
sContents = ts.readall
aBuild = Split(sContents, "From:", 2)
sFrom = Split(aBuild(1), vbCrLf, 2)(0)
Set ts = nothing
Set fil = nothing
Set fso = nothing

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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Email Emails In The Database

Does anyone no or have a link to how i can send a Newsletter/Email to every Email address in my Database?

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Emails Sent To An Email Address

Basically one of our clients has asked us to save all emails sent to a particular email address. eg.'' to a database.
I don't even have the slightest idea as to how this could be done via ASP on a web server.

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Mass Email Using To Get The Emails Into A Delimited Variable

I want to use a simple CDONT mail script to allow the administrator of a site to send an email blast to their users. there are approx 1600 emails in the MS SQL db table. I would like to parse the entire email address column and get a variable that is all the email addresses separated by a comma so that the form picks it up as all the emails in the 'bcc' field as in the eg. below..I know there has to be an easier way but I want to get these guys up and running.


objCDO.To = ""
objCDO.From = ""
objCDO.bcc = "$variable_of_all_email_addresses"

Dim txtSubject
txtSubject = "Insert comments and case info here"

objCDO.Body = txtSubject


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Drop Down List From Db Table

I already know how to create a drop down list that reads from a database. However, how can i make a drop down list that reads from a table but it automatically selects a specific row instead of the first row?

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Drop-down List And Table

I have drop-down list with product categories and next to it I've got a table with list of products. I've managed to make them to read the data from the data base. In drop-down list i have names of 6 categories and in the table i have names of all my products I've got in the data Base, but i couldn't make the table showing only those products depending on which category name has been selected in the drop-down list.

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Input Data In The Table List

I use while-loop the show the table content in web page. e.g (bookingno,
booking date,customer no)

However, the client need me insert one column (confirmdate ) and allow the
user input and update the date .

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Looping Thorough A Table To Get Code List

Assume there is a table called Item:

and fields Itemcode Customercode

now a customer may have one or many items(itemcode)

Now the issues are, Customercode can be zero or a code value.

NOw i want to put a do while loop to get all the records as comma seperated format

select * from Itemtable where customercode=customervalue
Do while not Rs.eof
TempItemcodest=TempItemcodest & "," & rs.fields("Itemcode")

TempItemcodest=TempItemcodest & "0"

so i am adding a zero at the begging and end to have the commas seperated properly.

is there any better way to do this?

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List Documents In A Html Table

I currently have a set of documents in a directory that i need to list in a html table. Is there any way to generate the table with the documents listed instead of having to update the table manually everytime a new document is added to the list.

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Generate List Of Table Names

Anyone have any advice on getting a recordset of all tablenames in a database? I have an access database that I am constantly adding tables to.

I want to have code that will lookup all tables and populate a selectbox with the tablenames so that I can click to look at each table individually.

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Complete An Access Table Through A Select List

I would like to know if it is possible to fill in an access table through a select list inside an APS 3 web page. If yes, how ?

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Creating A Best Sellers List From My Orders Table

I'm creating an online shop which has an area showing the top ten best selling products. I'd like to generate the list of the best selling products from my OrdersDetail table (which is table showing listing purchases made on the site), ordered by the most popular at the top and the least popular at the bottom.

I thought if I could use the SQL DISTINCT command this would create a list of products without duplicates, then if I could COUNT them I'd generate a list of the most popular products in the OrdersDetails table. This nearly works but the list won't ORDER BY the COUNT column (I get an error). This is my code so far:

SELECT DISTINCT ProductDescription, COUNT(ProductDescription) AS bestSellers
FROM OrdersDetail
GROUP BY ProductDescription

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Comma Delimited List & Lookup Table

I have a sql server 2000 table with a comma delimited list of ids. there is a seperate lookup table with a desc for each id.

I need for this data to be retuned in the same order in which the data was entered into the database. right now it is returning ordered by the id from the lutable.

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Inserting Table To Format Dynamic List

I have an .asp page that contains a drop down menu, that when a selection is made, reformats the page to one of 22 different .asp pages. When clicked, the drop-down disappears and the options from it are formatted as a list on the left hand side of the page.

I need to format this so the list is in 3 columns, with the secection bold. I think I need about 4 if..then statements, but I've never done this's the specific code, the code for the drop-down is first, then the code for the "quick link" list: Code:

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Sending Email To List - Bcc

I have an asp page that I use to collect email addresses for an email notification list.

I'd like to be able to send the notifications to everyone on the list without everyone's email address showing in the "TO:" list. Is there a simple code snippet I can use to send automatically as a BCC instead?

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CDO.Message Email CC List Problems

I am trying to send an email from some server side ASP code and the CC field
is giving me some problems.

The code works fine if I have one or 2 email addresses in the field (The
addresses are valid.) However if I have 4 it breaks. Now the good
part......If I copy the 4 addresses (that were causing the problem) into the
field a few times, so basically I have 16 addresses the code works!!

I don't get an error back from the code when it breaks and I don't see any
emails in the Bad Email, Pickup or Queue folders, the email just doesn't
sent at all.

Also if I put the 4 addresses into the BCC field it works fine. It only
breaks on the CC field....

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Script Dont Process My Email List!

Im working on an automated email sending script which work real fine. I have to send 2 different list of email ( contact1 and contact2) of an acces database file (.mdb).

The fact is that my script work well but for some reason it only send the second list of email (contact2).

The script process the list contact1 without any error but obviously it isnt sending mail to those email.

It seems to be an easy fix mistake but i cant figure out why the first contact list isnt sending. Must be a "If then" mistake or something with the loop i think.

Heres the code: ......

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Combine List Menu Fields For Email Output

I am using asp to submit a form I've created in asp. I was wondering if there was a way to output the vlaues of three listbox menus.

1. User selects hour
2. user selects minute
3. user selects am/pm

This is now outputting into my strBody as seperate entries. I'd like to combine them into one entry within the strBody.

Please reference strStartTime, I've tried to incorporate this into the email strBody, but am unable to accomplish this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Everyone!!!

Here is the asp code for the form: ......

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Group By? Distinct?

When I just - SELECT DISTINCT atblProducts.ID AS ProductID, it selects distinct Product IDs but when I add other columns to the select, it doesn't select the ProductID as DISTINCT.

I've heard to try "GROUP BY..." Code:

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IIS Group Access

I have a asp app that I wish to limit execution access to a universal
security group during beta test...
I've tried restricting permissions using ntfs, the virtual directory
and the net.config file (which I assume will not work as this is not a app).

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Group Array

I have several arrays, created by splitting a string of comma delimited values, as follows:

arrOne = split("1,2,2,2,3,6,3,7",",")
arrTwo = split("5,2,1,6,5,5",",")

What I want to be able to do is to group the arrays so that I know how much of each there are. I need to output results in the following format:

Number / HowManyTimesThatNumberOccursInTheArray.

So for example, the above would output:

1 / 1
2 / 3
3 / 2
6 / 1
7 / 1

1 / 1
2 / 1
5 / 3
6 / 1

These can literally just be output as a string if needs be. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about achieving it?

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Group My Catalogue

I have a catalogue table and forum table in my database. In the cata table , it has ASP, PHP, JSP 3 record. In the Forum Table, it has ASP intro, ASP Install, PHP intro, PHP install 4 record. I want to group the ASP intro, ASP install in the ASP group and The same with the PHP group.
How can i do ? ( By ASP ) .
( Could you please give the asp source code to get the data from database by group ? When the Cat_ID at the 2 table is equal, they are in the same group)

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Administrators Group Name

I try to read out the Administrators Group name from a specific Computer in our Network with the aid of the RID.

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SQl, Group By - Error

I'm trying to execute this sql below:

strsql="select Name,CName from Task where Name like '%" & request.QueryString("PrintName") & "%' and CName Like '%" & request.QueryString("PrintName") & "%' group by name"

but it doesn't work and i get this error:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'CName' as part of an aggregate function.

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Group By Average...

I want to Group my records by the average of a field...

I tried using 'GROUP BY AVG(Rating)' but that's an illegal use...

Is there another way, besides opening another recordset? I also used:

... AVG(Rating) as AverageRating GROUP BY AverageRating ...
But, same problem...

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Group Permissions

I have a asp page that I need to check to see if the current logged on user is a member of a specific active directory group. How can I do this? I have tried so many different LDAP code examples and none seem to work.

Do I need to include a administrator username and password in the code? Does any have any samples of code I can try?

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I have this problem with table of database MySQL. My table with fields ID, Number and Description: Code:

1 ====== 9168381650==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA
2 ====== 9168381659==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-9
3 ====== 9168381651==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-SQ S.SANLUCA
4 ====== 9168381652==== CDR VER-CS AP-UPS SANLUCA-SQ DIST.GUSPIN
From this table I need to have the total of records data all under the description CDR VER AP-CS-UPS SANLUCA.

Is a hierarchy structure where IDs 2, 3 and 4 belong to the description ID 1. I don't like to see the data individually for each description, but the grouping data for macro-DESCRIPTION. For example:

The total records in table are 4, the query return:
"There are 4 records total for description CDR VER AP-CS-UPS SANLUCA."

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Group Members

I have a asp page that I need to check to see if the current logged on user is a member of a specific active directory group. How can I do this?

I have tried so many different LDAP code examples and none seem to work. Do I need to include a administrator username and password in the code? Does any have any samples of code I can try?

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Group By Order By

I have the following statement that is working just fine:

SQL = "select* from products GROUP BY name ORDER BY price"

I have many products with the same name but with different prices and I want to display unique records along with other information but I want to display the cheapest product first. It is displaying the first record in the table with that name but not the cheapest distinct record in the list of all distinct product names. Code:

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Grouping And Totals For Group

I am writing a report using ASP and am having trouble displaying the data in the way i want. I'm collecting turnovers for various companies and each of the companies has a county code. e.g. Yorkshire is defined as number 2.

I need to group the companies together by county and need to display a totals line for those members only and then on the following lines I want the next county and its companies.

I can group the counties together but the totals line I'm displaying appears after each companies rather than after the group of companies for a given county.

I use a do while loop to check that there is data in the database for each company. I tried putting the totals line outside the loop and that only shows 1 totals line for ALL companies.

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Counting By Group And Selection

I am trying to show some stats. However I have four levels to choose from, which are shown as true/false. I want to count each entry by employee and categorize it only under the highest level achieved. One entry can have multiply Levels. Hope this make sense my mind is a little foggy today.

Here is the sql statement I am using. I have added the levels as or however I want to count each level but only the highest level achived. I don't know if it would be easier to do this in a SQL statement or in vb script. Code:

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