HTML Doesn't Work For FIREFOX

I don't what is wrong my site but some of my members cant view it on
firefox. I been browsing the net for answer but i havent find the
solution. Some said add

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"which
was already there when i first started. Everything is find on internet

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CDONTS Doesnt Work Always

I am using CDONTS to send mail to the user from my ASP application.
However, the code doenst works all the time. I am able to get mails but
nothing happnes most of the time. The code works maybe once in 20 tries.
What could be the reason?

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CDONTS Doesnt Seem To Work

i posted earlier, and the response seemed to be there is
another dll i need to use the cdonts object, i used it
fine for awhile on my old setup, i upgraded to 2k3 and it
errors up as if cdonts isnt an object. So is there a dll
i need to have to use the cdonts object in iis 6 or do i
need to rewrite my code to use cdo? (if so, please provide
asp 3 example on how to send an email with recepient,
sender, body and subject)

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Why FileSystem Doesnt Work Wit My IIS 5.01 On XP

I have got a problem wit da FILESYSTEM in ASP coding. Before I use window 98 installing PWS. Everything works fine....

And now, I use Window XP professional ( Laplop ), everything is updated ( Service Pack, .NET component, stuff...

All my ASP code with FileSystem which used to be properly ran cant be executed on my XP server.

There is no message error on da page, but the browser icon keeps spinning and da content is blank, it means u dont see anything happens. I wanna ensure dat all da code is right, cos it work properly with PSW and other servers. I even tested with a simple code, but It still doesnt work..... Code:

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Ntext Doesnt Work With ASP

I'm using SQL Server and I decided to convert one of the fields from nvarchar to ntext. The transition in the manager was all right, but my ASP pages wouldn't display the ntext and there is no error message. I use Code:


to display the ntext...and there is nothing.

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GetRow Doesnt Work

I have a database table with several records. Now I am filtering some data based on the "where" statement. If I run the query in analyzer then I get 20 rows. If I run the same query in asp and assign GetRows() to an array, then the array returns only 4. I am not sure if I am using the GetRows wrong. Here is a snipp of my code:

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Trying To Get My JMail HTML Message To Work With My Site

I have been trying to get the JMail.GetMessageBodyFromURL
"" command to work, but all I get back is a very sparse
HTML message in MS Outlook 2002 on WinXP SP2 UK.

I've checked and made sure that Outlook can accept HTML emails, but the
problems I am experiencing are:

a) The placeholders are there, but none of the pics come through.

b) The external stylesheet has gone out the window.

c) If I click on any of the links a dialogue appears asking where I want to
save the exe.

I have a feeling that problems (a) and (b) relate to the fact that the paths
are relative to the site and Outlook needs the absolute, but how can this be
easily corrected without changing the whole site?

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Making My Bookmark(HTML) Work In Emailbody ASP

Ik made some code but i can't get it working.When i view the source of the emailbody the HTML is correct but nevertheless it doesn't work. Code:

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Doesnt Retun All Columns

I have a query in ASP that does a select * from table
It doesnt retun all columns!
When i use objRS("columnname") I get blank. This only effects some colums and I fix it by using

select *,missingcolumn1,missingcolumn2 from table

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SQL Db Doesnt Support The Cookie

I wrote the code for Members of Register. and i use cookie in this code, My database is SQL server. SQL server dosent support the cookies in my codes i dont know why this cause but my codes are working without any cause .

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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CDONTS Object Doesnt Recognize Simplified Chinese Characters

When we send a mail using the code below,we do not get simplified chinese characters if they are present in the body but we get junk in the mail and we need to change the mails encoding to simplified chinese to see the Chinese characters.

'CDONTS object
set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = sFromEmail
objMail.To = sToEmail
objMail.Subject = sSubject
objMail.Body = sMessage
set objMail = Nothing

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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Odd FireFox

The site in question is Roger Funk Cars
In IE it works fine. In FireFox when the page is displayed the navigation bar on the left side does not expand down, it leaves a gap. This happens on all pages depending on how much the side bar has to expand. The strange part is that if I refresh the page it will start working right.

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Firefox & ASP

why Firefox is displaying some of my ASP code to the user, it works fine in IE, is there a fix for this?

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Cookies IE Vs. Firefox

I am trying to create a cookie based on a querystring. Firefox creates and displays the cookie without a problem. IE on the other had seems to not even create the cookie. I HATE BUILDING FOR 2 BROWSERS!

Here is the creation code:

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Links In Firefox But Not IE

I wish to hide links, i'm at present trying to 'float' as such invisible links over a background image....
the line i'm wishin to use that i think is right is

#links a i {visibility: hidden;}

when taken out we can see the links, as needed, but the minute i add this line, they should be invisible but still there, this is the case in IE but with FF they disappear completely...

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Firefox Problem For XML

I'm almost finished with an ASP app that takes HTML form input and outputs that info into XML-ready text. The ASP creates the tags as follows:

Response.Write("&lt"&"item"&"&gt"), which works fine in IE, I get a nice

But in firefox I get:

Any ideas?

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ASP Different Results In Firefox And IE !

I have following code, picking an ID and saving it to Cookies.

ItemID = Request("prod")
Response.Cookies("THREES")(ItemID) = Request("prod")
Set rdset=objConn.Execute("SELECT ID, Name, Large, Description
FROM shop_products WHERE ID=" & ItemID)

In IE it works fine as it should, adding item id to Cookies

In Firefox it gives me the following error:

Cookies object, ASP 0102 (0x80004005)
The function expects a string as input.
/shop/addcart.asp, line 27

Any information on that. Any idea what is going wrong.

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ValidationSummary With Firefox

I'm using a ValidationSummary with ShowMessageBox set to "True". It's
working fine with internet explorer but when it comes to Mozilla
Firefox it's not the same. No window is opened.

What can I do to make it work properly?Is there a way to do it?

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Firefox When Using AJAX

I put some code together below, so you can see what I

If you test the link above with IE works as it is supose to, however it doesn't display any elements withing the <form> tags in Firefox.

By the way, I am loading the page using AJAX, if you call the ASP directly in Firefox then it works fine, but that's not what I am trying to

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Viewing Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to the way i code cannot be support by firefox?it work well in IE,but firefox cannot work.i have upload the file, can someone pls help me on that?

the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse,it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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BinaryWrite And Firefox

I am using Response.BinaryWrite to write a PDF to the browser. Everything works great on IE and Safari but when I try to use Firefox the browser hangs. The title bar says application/pdf but nothing ever shows up. Going directly to the pdf works fine but unfortunately am unable to do that in the long run and must use BinaryWrite.

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Viewing In Firefox

i have work on this 4 days already but still cannot find a way to solve. is the way i code cannot be support by firefox??it work well in IE, but firefox cannot work. i have upload the file,. the asp.txt is my asp page, while the menubar.txt is the js file that i include in the asp page. it should work like ie.jpg but when i use firefox to browse, it show like firefox.jpg. is my code got problem?

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Firefox Problem

I was informed that one of out pages wasnt working. the user was on firefox and said our page wasnt functioning but whenever i use IE it works fine. is there any reason or something in the code that wouldnt allow a page to work with FF.

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A Firefox Database Blitch

When pulling information through from the database on firefox (using an asp document with a css), firefox seemed to be truncating the page. This is possibly due to an assumption of the amount of lines needed. To sort this and so to have scroll bars you will need to add another 'blank' div just underneath with a couple of line breakers ( <br />) this way, the asp sees that there is something physical upon the page apart from the original info pulled through from the database and thus displays the scroll bars!!!

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Hyperlinks Explorer Vs. FireFox

I pull file paths from a database that point to files on our internal server and create links to them. For Explorer this works...


But not for FireFox.

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Loading Page For IE And Firefox

Here is the coding that i get from this forum last time...

Response.Write("<br><h4><div id=""please_wait""><center><b>page loading, please wait......<b></center></div></h4>")

Response.Write("<script type=""text/javascript""> document.getElementById(""please_wait"").style.display = ""none"";</script>")

Its for loading page to display the message to user. but some of my friend say it can display the text at they browser. it need change some setting?

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Firefox Buffer Flush

I know some of the gurus round here use Firefox a lot. I'm experiencing problems with using:

<% Response.Buffer = True
Response.Flush %>

It never seems to flush the buffer. Does anybody have any ASP script with buffer flushing involved? Do they work for you on Firefox?

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LDAP Problem With Firefox

I have a number of applications that use a particular technique to
authenticate users using IWA and LDAP.

These are for intranet application where the users all use IE6, however I'm
trying to debug some javascript code and I find that easier to do with FF.
However my applications that use this authentication technique have problems
when running through FF.

I get an 'error '80072020' authuser.asp, line 20', which point to an LDAP
call: Code:

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Running ASP Scripts On FIREFOX

i encountered an issue on my webpage when browsed using Firefox. Issue:

ASP Scripts do not run on Firefox. When I click the button to add a comment or message, nothing happens. Niether error messages do not appear. It just not process the request of inserting the values I entered. To test my page, copy this link,, and paste it on your firefox web browser.

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Array Trouble In IE & Firefox

I recently started testing my work in Firefox and noticed that when I am looping through an array where I say for example: Code:

for i=0 to ubound(myarray)-1

--work with the array values here--


I get the following results:
Firefox works with all items in the array EXCEPT the last one
IE works with the entire array.

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