I am trying to write a session value into a html email body and am unsure of the syntax:

Title=Session ( "Title" )

HTML = HTML & "<FONT SIZE=""6"" FACE=""BERNHARDFASHION BT"" COLOR=""#FFC880""><B>Session ( ""Title"" )</B></FONT></td></tr>"

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Sending mails using CDONTS works great but I have (for now) just 1 minor problem.
I would like to place the username (of the person located in my database) inside my input-box (type="text") and send that as a page to the person using cdonts.

here's a part of my code (simplified):

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body>"
HTML = HTML & Email: <input type=""text"" name=""email"" value=""<% = strEmail %>"">
HTML = HTML & "</form>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"

So the problem arises at line 5 here. He does not understand the asp-tags inside the text. Anyone who knows how to solve this?

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Generating HTML Mail

I m displaying details of a document after getting data from multiple tables of my database. Now i wanted to generate an HTML enabled email with the same
document as content. I m using ChilkatWebMail for this purpose which has a method
objMail.send([HTML Here]).

When i send this mail it generates error. Actual problem is organizing html data before sending. I can't write whole html in send() method. Because my html is very long and fetches data at runtime. I m also uses subroutines to perform individual tasks. So whenever i call a subroutine,it generates error.

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HTML Mail WYSIWYG Component

Anybody know a good component for sending HTML mail with WYSIWYG? I am bulding a system with a lot of Mac (maybe old versions) Internet Explorer/Netcape users.

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I have a small problrm in sending mail in HTML

I'v done this code, but.:


Private sub SendMail()
MailBefore = "<html>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<head><title>" & MailSubject & "</title></head>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<body>"
MailBody = MailBefore & MailBody & "</body></hmtl>"
select case strMailMethod
case "cdonts":

I receive like this....:

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Sending Mail With Asp From An Html Form

I need to send a form via email using ASP to my client. My form is in HTML.

I'm using method="POST" action="mail.asp"

How do I grab the fields and send them using ASP?

here's the first part of my html:

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Html Code In E-mail Body

I have a e-mail function in serverside VB, how would i put html code in the body variable so when email is recieved it looks like html page in the body. right now it just shows up as text in the body of message,


There must be a way because i get emails with html ?

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Send E-mail In HTML Format

If i want to send an email in HTML format, do i just set the bodyFormat to 1 or it's much more complicated? any examples available?

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Link To E-mail An HTML Document

I need to know how to write a link that will e-mail html code. If it's possible, I want to have the user click on a link and have Outlook open up with a title (this part already works) and the body filled with html code that I push in. Here is my current code:

response.redirect "mailto:?subject=" & session("screenname") & "Report&Body=" & session("msgblock")

The session values are from a previous asp page that links to this page when you click an the e-mail link.

The session values both show up when I put in a response.write and the title (which is not html, just text) works in the response.redirect -- Outlook opens just fine. The problem is with the msgblock which is in html. Do I need to write a script so that Outlook knows to format for html? Any ideas?

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Send HTML Body Format CDO Mail

I have been using CDO Mail but the message body is plain text. Is there a way that I may send an HTML body so that I can format some tables?

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Tool To Convert Html To Multiline String For Mail?

I need to convert html into a multiline string which looks something like this:

shtml = "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""
width=""720"">" & _ "<tr><td width=""100%"" valign=""top""><br>
<!-- MainTable -->" & _


Is there a tool that can do this?

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Form Processing Script: Results In HTML Mail Format?

I have purchased a form processing script, which basically saves the data into a database, emails certain people's email addresses with the form results, and also sends an email to the user that filled in the form with a thank you email.

However, all the emails are being sent in plain text format. I would like to change this to HTML so I can make the results look nicer and also make the thank you email look nicer.

I have emailed the script developers, but have yet had a response from them, so i thought id put a post on here!

I have found the part of the coding that sends the Thank You email out to the user once they have filled in the form:

'/// Send Autoresponse
if replyto<>"" and (autoresponse<>"" or sendcopy<>"") then
if sendcopy<>"" then autoresponse=autoresponse & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & message
call sendmail(replyto,mailadmin,formname,autoresponse)
end if
end if .......

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Send A Mail With Cdosys And Save A Copy In The Sent Mail Folder: How To?

I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange
server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?

I'm using:....

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Mail Insertion Hack On Send Mail Form

I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms.
Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems
to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email
with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the
hacked emails have the following:

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Sending Mail Using ASP/VBScript To Exchange Mail Box

Here's the scenario. I'm currently using cdosys/asp to send mail to
our SMTP server. We use a product called MailFilter to check for SPAM.
It doesn't work very well. If MailFilter isn't working cdosys also has
problems and emails don't get sent. As these email are confirmations
for customer's bookings this means lots of customers calling to see
where their confirmation emails have gone. The root of the problem is
MailFilter but that here to stay. So I had this thought of sending the
message to a queue of some sort so at least they will get to the
customer eventually rather than being lost for good. So here's the

Can I/How do I send messages to a mailbox on our exchange server using

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Invalid Mail Address Gives Error In CDO Mail

I'm using CDO from my vb component to fire email. The problem is
whenever one of the email addresses in to, or cc is wrong then none of
the mails are fired even to the correct addresses. It gives an error

The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server
response was: 550 Relaying denied for <>

My code goes like this. Why is the mail server trying to look for the
validation of email ids??I want that atleast the mail should be fired
to the correct email addresses rather than no email fire. Can i
achieve that.

Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message
Dim iConf As New CDO.Configuration

With iConf
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10 ' quick timeout
.Fields.Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate) = cdoBasic
.Fields.Item(cdoSendUserName) = "username"
.Fields.Item(cdoSendPassword) = "password"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyServer) = "server:80"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLProxyBypass) = "<local>"
.Fields.Item(cdoURLGetLatestVersion) = True
End With

Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
With iMsg
.To = strToEmail
.From = strFromEmail
.CC = strCCEmail
.BCC = strBCCEmail
.Subject = strMailSubject
If strMailFormat = "TEXT" Then
.TextBody = strMailBody
.HTMLBody = strMailBody
End If
If strAttachment <> "" Then
.AddAttachment strAttachment
End If
If intPriority = 2 Then
.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") =
End If

End With

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Sending E-mail To Different Mail Box!

I would like to know if this can be achieved! On the form I a drop down menu that's called ("Escalation_type") the values are eta, hdtv, and supervisors. I have some ideas but I am not sure if it will work or not. If the use chooses an eta as a value I would like it to be sent a mailbox for exam: If they choose hdtv as value I would like it to be sent to a different mailbox. Can this be achieve by using the case statement or the if statement?

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Asp Mail Without Using A Mail Component

I'm looking for an asp code who can send an email without using a mail component. I started to write somethings using winsock but I don't have enough time to finish it.

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg &pound; for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg &pound;.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Html Inside Another Html

i need to include the html inside another html, though it might appear simple, the catch is this, my one html is in one server and my another html is in another server.I cannot read the html and stream it as it has images and their path gets changed when i do that.

More over i donot have any control over the html which i am going to include all i have is a url http:abcxx.htm whose content i want to show in another asp page. The technology is ASP (vbscript and javascript).

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Mail And CSS

Have created a contact page which uses CSS and am using asp mail object to send email on the page. However, I have encountered problems and think it might be down to the DOC type that am using ....

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I have to create a send mail code after registration had taken place. i want to know how to code for that ....

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CDO Mail From ASP On IIS 6

Our company has recently migrated from Windows 2000
servers to Windows 2003 servers. Since the move to IIS 6,
I have been unsuccessful in finding how to configure the
server to support CDONTS to send smtp mail.

I have used this method in asp pages for years without
any issues, until 2003 server. I have even tried opening
the smtp server completely, and still no luck. I can send
mail using OE through the server, so I don't believe it's
an smtp configuration issue.

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Mail Through ASP

I am facing a problem,
I am using CDONTS for mailing,
and the following Code:
set sendMail=server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
sendMail.Body="Hello Testing"
sendMail.Subject ="Test"
sendMail.BodyFormat =0
if sendMail.Send then
Response.Write ("Mail Send")
Response.Write ("Mail Not Send")
end if
set sendMail=nothing

I have two windows 2000 server, while running from one server i got the mail, while from the other i don't got the mail,on the second one the mail is dump in the mailrootqueue.
is there is some problem with the CDONTS setting on the second server, or some other problem

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Mail Api For ASP

I have a simple ASP app (not ASP.Net) that I need to send email from.
Can anyone make a recommendation, and share why that's the best one?
(cdo, msxml, etc)

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Cdo Mail

I am trying to get cdo.message working on my home development machine,
however, when I send it it appears to get stuck in the queue and never
actually gets sent.

If I don't have a domain SMTP set (either alias or remote) then I get an
error on page. But if I set these, the email just sits on the queue. I have
been trying to work it out from other posts and forums, aspFAQ etc but with
no joy.

Could someone supply a step by step guide to getting SMTP set up on a win2K
pro machine and how to get these mails out of my servers queue and into the
outside world so I can properly test code withing having to upload to my
hosts server and get the email back?

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Asp Mail

We use a custom built mail system at work. It is an asp based webmailing system. It uses cdonts.When we try to mailout to our clients (as a group) about 1500 of them, most of them get the full email. Others get about a third of the email.

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Mail In ASP

how can i send the mail to multiple receipients like yahoo.mail or hotmail.

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ASP Mail

I made a form in which I send the visitor a link to my page but when the visitor gets that link in the mail it dosent send him to the page just says invalid syntax or something like outbound. I'm not trying to spam

this is the code iput into body variable

text= "<table width='310' border='0'> "&_
"<tr><td class='all'><p align='center'> Something <br>"&_
" Something<br>"&_
" <strongAnd something <br>"&_
" </strong>Something!<br>"&_
" <a href='http//'></a></p>
</td></tr> </table>"

I looked at code that works and its the same why dosent this work.

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Mail With ASP

I was wondering what is the best method for mailing with asp? There is CDONTS and ASP MAIL and something else. What do you guys recommend?

I want to send my mailing list of 315 (its a celebrity gossip ezine) by html/graphic way. SO when a user checks their hotmail, they SEE the html message (I think this is called "in-line viewing" and not to have it come as attachments. Is there any script I can run and try out on PWS?

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Receiving Mail

I am generating Purchase Order from database. Then i send it to the
supplier. I am using CDONTS to send mail.
I am not sure that it was sent or not.
So i need confirmation when they read it or received. How can i send a mail
with acknowledgement?

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