HTML Mail WYSIWYG Component

Anybody know a good component for sending HTML mail with WYSIWYG? I am bulding a system with a lot of Mac (maybe old versions) Internet Explorer/Netcape users.

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I need to add a HTML WYSIWYG Editor to my website,which must be able to edit dreamweaver templates. Which one would you suggest?

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Mail Component

Anyone know an asp email component which supports both multi-part (html&text at the same time) messages, but also lets you change the date/time on the email. aspemail does the first and aspmail does the second, but I need a component to do both. Inline gfx included in the email would be nice too.

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E-mail Client ASP.NET Component

My current webhost provides limited web-based e-mail management, but at the same time does provide unlimited number of pop3 accounts.

I would like to offer my clients the ability to compose, send, receive, store, sort and filter e-mails using an interface with my company brand on it. Is the best solution to add an e-mail application to my web application which allows me to do all this (something along the lines of this e-mail application retrieving the e-mails from my host's server and storing them in a database on my application).

I hope I have made myself clear, if so what are my best options? Are there components available in ASP.NET that provide a solution to this? Would a web service be able to provide this functionality.

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Mail Component POP3 Or IMAP4

Mail component to retrieve mail from Hotmail, Yahoo, gmail..etc?
I am not sure these web based mail support POP3 or IMAP4. Is there any mail
component out there that can retrieve mail from these services?

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Asp Mail Without Using A Mail Component

I'm looking for an asp code who can send an email without using a mail component. I started to write somethings using winsock but I don't have enough time to finish it.

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Where I Can Get Code Of Aspsmartupload Component For Attache Mail?

I have aspsmartuplod component on my server. I have from of information with attachment field. I success to upload file on server with that form but i want that upload file will come at my end as mail with attachement.

I tried at my end but not find any code. Can any one help me to get that code. I want user infromation and his uploaded file through mail.

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Email Multiple Recipients With CDO Mail Component

I'm a PHP programmer who for some reason was tasked with fixing some code on an asp page. I have what I feel should work, but I am getting this error:

CDO.Message.1 error '8004020c'

At least one recipient is required, but none were found.

/admin/mass_email_monthly.asp, line 47

Line 47 being this line: objMessage.Send

Now I want to have multiple recipients pulled from the database as illustrated in the code, but it isn't working. I have no idea why, and I have no idea what that error message means? Can anyone point me in the proper direction of a tutorial that can help? OR possibly show me where my syntax is wrong?

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Component For "Html

I am looking for a component that can generate images from html - serverside.

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Is There Are Any Component Covert HTML To RTF/DOC?

I am going to convert the HTML code to RTF/DOC, is there are any solution to
do so?

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How To Display A BSTR String Returned By C++ Component In HTML

i have an asp page which creates a object using server.createobject and
uses its method. example:

set obj1= server.createobject("test.test") ' test is a dll
tmp = obj1.method() ' it returns a BSTR string.

i want to display tmp in HTML. when i tried to print tmp like

i get some garbage value.

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I am trying to write a session value into a html email body and am unsure of the syntax:

Title=Session ( "Title" )

HTML = HTML & "<FONT SIZE=""6"" FACE=""BERNHARDFASHION BT"" COLOR=""#FFC880""><B>Session ( ""Title"" )</B></FONT></td></tr>"

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Sending mails using CDONTS works great but I have (for now) just 1 minor problem.
I would like to place the username (of the person located in my database) inside my input-box (type="text") and send that as a page to the person using cdonts.

here's a part of my code (simplified):

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body>"
HTML = HTML & Email: <input type=""text"" name=""email"" value=""<% = strEmail %>"">
HTML = HTML & "</form>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"

So the problem arises at line 5 here. He does not understand the asp-tags inside the text. Anyone who knows how to solve this?

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Generating HTML Mail

I m displaying details of a document after getting data from multiple tables of my database. Now i wanted to generate an HTML enabled email with the same
document as content. I m using ChilkatWebMail for this purpose which has a method
objMail.send([HTML Here]).

When i send this mail it generates error. Actual problem is organizing html data before sending. I can't write whole html in send() method. Because my html is very long and fetches data at runtime. I m also uses subroutines to perform individual tasks. So whenever i call a subroutine,it generates error.

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I have a small problrm in sending mail in HTML

I'v done this code, but.:


Private sub SendMail()
MailBefore = "<html>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<head><title>" & MailSubject & "</title></head>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<body>"
MailBody = MailBefore & MailBody & "</body></hmtl>"
select case strMailMethod
case "cdonts":

I receive like this....:

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Sending Mail With Asp From An Html Form

I need to send a form via email using ASP to my client. My form is in HTML.

I'm using method="POST" action="mail.asp"

How do I grab the fields and send them using ASP?

here's the first part of my html:

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Html Code In E-mail Body

I have a e-mail function in serverside VB, how would i put html code in the body variable so when email is recieved it looks like html page in the body. right now it just shows up as text in the body of message,


There must be a way because i get emails with html ?

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Send E-mail In HTML Format

If i want to send an email in HTML format, do i just set the bodyFormat to 1 or it's much more complicated? any examples available?

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Link To E-mail An HTML Document

I need to know how to write a link that will e-mail html code. If it's possible, I want to have the user click on a link and have Outlook open up with a title (this part already works) and the body filled with html code that I push in. Here is my current code:

response.redirect "mailto:?subject=" & session("screenname") & "Report&Body=" & session("msgblock")

The session values are from a previous asp page that links to this page when you click an the e-mail link.

The session values both show up when I put in a response.write and the title (which is not html, just text) works in the response.redirect -- Outlook opens just fine. The problem is with the msgblock which is in html. Do I need to write a script so that Outlook knows to format for html? Any ideas?

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Send HTML Body Format CDO Mail

I have been using CDO Mail but the message body is plain text. Is there a way that I may send an HTML body so that I can format some tables?

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Tool To Convert Html To Multiline String For Mail?

I need to convert html into a multiline string which looks something like this:

shtml = "<table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0""
width=""720"">" & _ "<tr><td width=""100%"" valign=""top""><br>
<!-- MainTable -->" & _


Is there a tool that can do this?

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Form Processing Script: Results In HTML Mail Format?

I have purchased a form processing script, which basically saves the data into a database, emails certain people's email addresses with the form results, and also sends an email to the user that filled in the form with a thank you email.

However, all the emails are being sent in plain text format. I would like to change this to HTML so I can make the results look nicer and also make the thank you email look nicer.

I have emailed the script developers, but have yet had a response from them, so i thought id put a post on here!

I have found the part of the coding that sends the Thank You email out to the user once they have filled in the form:

'/// Send Autoresponse
if replyto<>"" and (autoresponse<>"" or sendcopy<>"") then
if sendcopy<>"" then autoresponse=autoresponse & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & message
call sendmail(replyto,mailadmin,formname,autoresponse)
end if
end if .......

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What i want to do is make a popup that holds a string for the "hyperlink" window...

I have a popup to do this before, and it works perfecty, but in order to make it work, I have to know the adress of the box I wanna put the value back in to...

I have this so far :)


But it will not work. Guess it is wrong adress for my input box. maby some strange adresses since i'm using a editor...

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I have an ASP page which is being displayed on PDA's. I need to find a WYSIWYG editor that will work with it. I tried using OPENWYSIWYG, but my site kept telling me the textarea field was blank (I guess it doesn't like the code).

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When it comes to making an WYSIWYG editor.. What I want is to create a simple editor to : Bold, Font Color, Underline, and automatically enter a <br> when a user presses enter to get to a new line.
Thats all I want.. I tried going through the tutorial here :
but it doesn't provide <br> and doesn't seem to work in Firefox.
I am strongest with ASP, which is why I would prefer it written in ASP although I am unsure if it is possible to work entirely in ASP for what I need it for.

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WYSIWYG & Database

I want to be able to create text in a WYSIWYG editor, such as this, which is fine, however how do I place the content in a database, i.e. Access, so I can then take that content out and have it displayed like it was entered? Any tutorials someone can direct me to?

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Well I've made my first 2 ASP pages!!! WOOT (or whatever them kids do) I'm calling my navigation into my pages. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a WYSIWYG editor for these 'includes' pages?

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WYSIWYG JS Based Editor

I got 2 ASP/Javascript based WYSIWYG editor scripts which have insert table functions. But aftyer placing the text or Image in the table it is not possible to set the table boder 0. If set this first, as you know I am unable to view the coloms. If there any why we can bring the table outlines(like in front page or dreamweaver?).

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WYSIWYG RichText Editor

I need to develop (or buy) a WYSIWYG editor to run on a browser to create documents to be printed locally just like a wordprocessor with the ability to have customisable page headers and footers, print preview, merge fields etc.

I've tried looking at products like EditWorksPro and RichText, these are great for creating content to be published on a website, but are rubbish for printing locally. Anybody got any ideas that might help?

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File Browser / Wysiwyg-textareas?

I want to force the users of my company's intranet to follow my templates by storing the contents of webpages into a database, so now I'm developing a webinterface for them to edit it. I've run into two initial problems. I want the user to be able to add pictures to the page, but I don't know how to make my asp open a file browser for them and retreive the adress as a string. Is there an easy way? Secondly, I'd like them to be abled to add some styles and stuff to their text, but can I get a wysiwyg-textarea that displays underlines and italics and stuff(like this one, btw)?

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WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor

I need to build a rich text for a bit like this one here that i will the take the html and store in the database. I would like to know some good sample code or better still some tutorials to complete this well.

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Is There Any POP3 And NNTP Component I Can Use As A ASP Component?

What I want to do is to show always the latest post on our company NNTP
and the newest email in my inbox as an activex background on my desktop.

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