I am trying to use CDONT to send a HTML message, but on the receiving machine it just shows the code in the message. Code:

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Setting Message-id With CDONTS

I am currently sending email using CDONTS through the virtual SMTP server on my windows 2000 server. The message-id that is created does not include a time and date stamp therefor over time I have been getting some message-id's that are not unique. I can not find where that message-id is created so that I could update it.

Instead I have set the message-id header in my ASP program when I send the email using CDONTS. Now the message-ID has everything I need in it.

I am happy with all my tests and have not seen any problems but then again I am new to this so what do I know.

Does anyone see a problem with setting the message-ID this way?

Does anyone be chance know where the default message-ID is created when using SMTP?

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CDONTS.Newmail With Message ID

Does anyone know if it is possible to send a message ID to the mail server using CDONTS? or even append something to the message ID that the mailserver assigns to the message.

I am starting to get duplicate message ID's which has been causing many problems down stream.

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CDONTS And AttachFile Error Message

Currently, I have a form that a user can enter the subject line content and the email body content. They can then send the email which I have set up to use CDONTS. This works fine.

Now I want to add in the ability to attach a file (it will most likely be a MS Word document) to the email being sent out.

I would like to use CDONTS's AttachFile but it's not working for me. I've read up on it and it seems fairly simple except that I'm getting the following error message. Code:

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CDONTS New Line In Message Body

I have a script sending mail with asp using CDONTS. The script works fine, the only problem I have is specifying a new line in the message body.

I am used to php's imap commands where you can just set the body to be "Hi This is on a new line!" but putting in the text of the CDONTS mail just displays the as part of the text.

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Using CDONTS To Send Japanese (UTF-8) Email Message

I'm having no luck sending an email message from an asp page with UTF-8 encoding so that Japanese characters can be correctly rendered.

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CDONTS Text Based Email Message Not Working

I'm trying to send email through a form I created and everything works except the email portion. It's not sending the text message. Code:

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Very Important Message Sent Has To Be HTML Rich (CDO)

i have created a simple asp page with sendimg mail using CDO and the message that will be sent must be HTML rich how to do that.

here is my code for the email section:

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject =Request.Form.Item("lstSubject")
myMail.From = Request.Form.Item("txtEmail")
myMail.To = Request.Form.Item("txtEmail") &","
myMail.HTMLBody = Request.Form.Item("Comment")
myMail.Send 'commands CDO to send the message

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Trying To Get My JMail HTML Message To Work With My Site

I have been trying to get the JMail.GetMessageBodyFromURL
"" command to work, but all I get back is a very sparse
HTML message in MS Outlook 2002 on WinXP SP2 UK.

I've checked and made sure that Outlook can accept HTML emails, but the
problems I am experiencing are:

a) The placeholders are there, but none of the pics come through.

b) The external stylesheet has gone out the window.

c) If I click on any of the links a dialogue appears asking where I want to
save the exe.

I have a feeling that problems (a) and (b) relate to the fact that the paths
are relative to the site and Outlook needs the absolute, but how can this be
easily corrected without changing the whole site?

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Sending mails using CDONTS works great but I have (for now) just 1 minor problem.
I would like to place the username (of the person located in my database) inside my input-box (type="text") and send that as a page to the person using cdonts.

here's a part of my code (simplified):

HTML = HTML & "<html>"
HTML = HTML & "<head>"
HTML = HTML & "</head>"
HTML = HTML & "<body>"
HTML = HTML & Email: <input type=""text"" name=""email"" value=""<% = strEmail %>"">
HTML = HTML & "</form>"
HTML = HTML & "</body>"

So the problem arises at line 5 here. He does not understand the asp-tags inside the text. Anyone who knows how to solve this?

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HTML EMail Form CDonts

How to I wrap this to process the information as HTML EMail?

I have enabled all the HTML options in the script but I still get a text email:....

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Creating HTML EMail With CDONTS

I can create an email with ASP's using CDONTS and this works well. I'd like to format the email as HTML. Can I do this with ASP's and CDONTS?

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CDONTS HTML Mails With Images

I got a little problem while sending HTML e-mails with CDONTS.

I generate my e-mail body without problems into a string variable. When I
display it to the browser via a "response.write", it's OK, including images.
Then I set this string variable to the CDONTS.Newmail object (body
property), and I send the mail. Code:

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Embed Image Within HTML Email (CDO Or CDONTS)

Usually, when I send HTML emails, I just SRC the image to my web server, but now I would like to consider embedding images for those instances when potential customers may view the email when offline.

Can this be done with CDO or is another component required?

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Sending CDONTS HTML Email Issue

I have a web form where a client can select which site members to send
an email to.

This form is populated from the contents of the member table, so the
form can have 0-x names listed on it depending on member expiration dates.

When the form is submitted, the code loops through the form contents and
sends an email to those members that meet the selected criteria.

All this worked perfectly when I was sending text emails, but since I
changed, it sends the message correctly, but the last person gets
everyone else as well. For example, if I have three members (mem1, mem2
and mem3) to send emails to, here is what happens

mem1 gets the correctly formatted message

mem2 gets mem1's correctly formatted message plus mem2's message - one
right after the other. Code:

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg &pound; for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg &pound;.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Html Inside Another Html

i need to include the html inside another html, though it might appear simple, the catch is this, my one html is in one server and my another html is in another server.I cannot read the html and stream it as it has images and their path gets changed when i do that.

More over i donot have any control over the html which i am going to include all i have is a url http:abcxx.htm whose content i want to show in another asp page. The technology is ASP (vbscript and javascript).

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I'm using CDO.Message to send emails and i'm using the .CreateMHTMLBody to send an html page, the only problem that i have is that when you view the email, you notice all the images that are in that page as attachments !!!! the email loads fine, but is there a way not to show the images in the attachments line

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I have a asp page that sends a excel price list to customers, this worked
fine untill now, but now when i sent one to myself it arrives as a dat file.
Does any one know why, and how to fix it, is it a problem with my emailk
reader (Outlook) or is it some thing to do wih Exchange?

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message to send mail from ASP page. I find that all the mails sent goes to bulk folder or appear as spam message in both yahoo and gmail. How can i prevent that.

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Message Box

Is There a Message Box in Active Server Script like in
Visual Basic?
The four books I have show it the same as VB but I get a
Message "Permission Denied"
MsgBox "Message"

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Message Box

does anyone knoe how to make a message box in asp vbscipt??

I am using

msgbox hello


msbox "hello"

to try and get a message but i get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied: 'msgbox'
change.asp, line 17

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Message Box

When I load this script it says, �No record found�. This message suppose to display when I put something in search box and there is no record that matches in database. Everything else works fine. How can I get read of �no record found� message when I load page Code:

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I am using CDO.Message object with code below. When I execute the .Send command, I get the following error.

Error: -2147220973
Description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

Note: The SMTP Server and the IIS Server are the same machine.

Anyone come across this error message in the past? This error also occurs when I use Method #1 where I use the schema reference provided by Microsoft. Here is the code:

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I've created a form that e-mails the response to a person. Problem is that I want to include their name in the From attribute. Unfortunatly, the .From doesn't like spaces between strings. Are there any suggestions how to fix this? Code:

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I use CDO.Message to send mail. The problem is, CDO.Message will send to any malformed address, (eg. and no errors are thrown.

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Message Box

I want to delete a record from sql DB in asp page.. When the word "delete" is click, there will be prompted by message box about want or not to delete the record.

If the message box is clicked "yes" then record will be deleted. If the message box is clicked "no" so the record will not be deleted.

I've tried to use vbscript, but it didn't work, because I don't know how to combine this vbscript with ASP which is should connect to DB too.

If anyone who read this, has a complete coding for solving my problem, n would like to share with me ...

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Does anyone know if it's possible to send an email out in the Session_OnEnd script?
I Know it's possible to create a connection object in Session_OnEnd but unsure if it will create a cdo.message object.

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Message Box

My ASP is limited and I can't recall how to pop up a simple message box
(with OK button).

I want to use them for debugging some code.

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Message Box

im making an online course and on a certain page there are 3 items that each user needs to open and read. I want to check and see if they have opened all of these items before they can continue, so I would like to have a msg box pop up when they try and leave the page if they havent opened all 3 items first.

I have the database set up so if i know if its they're first visit to the page, and it knows when they open each of the 3 items, I just dont know how to get a msg box to appear when they try and leave the page. I know there is no msgbox fuction in, and i have tried javascript alert on page unload, but i get a "Response is not available in this context." error.

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CDO Message

I am using CDO Message Class for sending email.My program is working properly.But some times it sends only part of mail.

I am sending through my mail server using authentication.Every thing is fine.I sending mail in html format.I am not understading the reason behid this there any limitation of size of message to be sent?

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i recive this error when sending the email that uses cdosys

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/admin_SubscribedCust_email_processor.asp, line 42

line 42 is --> myMail.Send

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