HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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Read Cell Data Line By Line From Excel

I had created a macro to read data from an excel sheet and write the values to a text file. I had used "ActiveSheet.Range("GB" & k).Value" command to read the values from the excel.some cells in the excel sheet is having two lines value and four lines data, the text file is generating that value in a single line. (Ex. the cell value in address column is in four lines and should display in four lines in the text file generated from the macro)

Can i do something in the excel sheet or in vb script to read the address value line by line and write line by line in text file?

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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Carriage Return / Line Feed

I want to send an Email using ASP (I know how to to this) The body of the Email contains several variabels How do I concat string values and separate them by carriage returns/ Line

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Get Value Of Excel Cell

I have been toying with various resources I have found on here and the web - but would like to know specifically how to get the contents of an excel cell on a particular sheet using .asp?.

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Excel Cell Properties

Is it possible to set a cell property in Excel from an ASP page. We have numerical data that is taken from a database and then displayed in Excel. I would like ideally all the data to be set at 2 decimal places, is there anyway of setting this from the ASP page?

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ASP And Excel Cell Formatting Issues

I came across a problem when importing my data results into Excel. The whole table outputs perfectly but a particular field which is generally large (13 characters long) presents as some random integer which shouldn't be the case. I click on Tools -> Format Cells and change its value to number and to 0 decimal places and great it works.

Am I able to do this before I get into Excel? Or would this always have to be done by the user?

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Reading Data Excel Cell

Is anyone aware of a 255 character limit when reading data from a particular Excel cell? I'm experiencing when pulling straight text from an Excel spreadsheet, which otherwise works fine. Right at 255 characters, the data is truncated and I only see that bit of information.I've searched Google and came up with a few registry modifications, neither of which fixed the issue. Has anyone else ran into this?

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Excel Wrap Inside Cell

What ASP code can I use, for an ASP-generated spreadsheet, to force a cell to wrap if the content is longer than the width I have specified for that cell?

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Line Breaks In HTML Code

How is it you should format your ASP code to that when viewing the resulting
HTML text from the browsers "view code" it looks nice with line breaks?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

If i'am writing a post in a "textarea" and i use the ENTER (newline) on my keyboard it comes as a line break <br> in my post on the forum.PHP uses "nl2br", but what is the ASP solution for this?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

I have some text in my database with paragraphs in it.When I display that info from the database on my website using asp, it shows with out the paragraphs.Is there a function that will Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string?

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Include A Line In .HTML File

is it possible to include a line of asp in a .html file?

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CDONT And HTML Email Line Wrap Problem

I send HTML formatted emails with links and images in them generated by my asp driven website. Occasionally the image will not appear and the link will not work. By looking at the email at the receive end, (right click/properties/details/message source, this is what I sent: .....

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Html Table

Can someone explain to me or give me an example of how I would insert a row into an html table.

I will explain more so you understand what I am talking about.

I'm a newbie working on a dynamic website using asp.

I want to insert records dynamically. There is a command button insert when this is selected I would like a row added to my html table so the administrator can add his records.

The records will also be automatically updated to the original mysql table.

How would I add this row to my html table when the insert button is selected

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Convert Table To Excel

I have a table created from different queries and display in a asp page. Currently I have to highlight all the cells and copy and paste into a Excel sheet. Is there a way to automatically convert into a excel or csv file?

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Recordset/HTML Table

On the first ASP page I have a form (checkbox) with 20+ different categories. After the user clicks on a few of them, they all have to be transfered on the second ASP page in HTML table. My problem:

If user selects only three categories, they should represent themselves in three differenst columns in my html table(something like Column-Name). If he selects 4, - four differesnt columns in the same table, etc.

So the table has to be 'dynamic'. It should have the same number of categories that the user selected on the first page. Could it be done? After that I should populate every category from a recordset and I know now how to do that.

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Exporting HTML Table

I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to word, I need a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to word.

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Edit An HTML Table

I have a dynamic html table. I want to write the code to edit rows in the table. Right now I can't change anything in the table. How do I make the rows so they can be selected and changed.

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Display Txt Into Html Table

i want to convert my txt file into a html table for display . But i dun want it to go through db .

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Printing A Html Table

We have a report in html Table form. When he gives print, say the table would take 5 papers to print, he wants the table headers in all pages. Is this possible? I calculated a A4 paper would be of 1090 pixels.

I thought if I could find the height of one table row, then I could do the paging easily. Could it be possible to find the height of a table row.

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Edit HTML Table With Asp

I have tried to edit table in html page with asp, but I havent succeeded in it. The pupose was to check with "if" function that does the variable fit into certain number array. For example:

if data1 < 100 then
"change the colour in a certain cell in a HTML table
end if

Is it possible to change with asp the properties in a html table? The purpose was to change the colour in a certain cell if the condition in the if function does not match. And if it is possible.. how I can point to a certain cell and change the colour in it.

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Create Html Table From Rs

how do i create a td for each field in my rs, with out labeling them. this is what i have, not sure if i'm heading in the right direction or not.


<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<%= rs ('insert rs name'<<<<???)%>

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how to output a pdf file using asp. I know it can be done.

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ASP Auto Updating An HTML Table

I need to create a webpage with an HTML table that keeps track of certain data. I have created the table and hardcoded all the nonchanging cells.

The problem is the data I need to update the table with is FTP'd to a webshare in a .txt format. I need to take this file, parse it and update the table every morning at 745.

I have found ways to do it if the webpage receives a hit, but I still need it to do it on weekends and holidays when we are not in the office, because this file will be overwritten with the new data file the next day.

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List Documents In A Html Table

I currently have a set of documents in a directory that i need to list in a html table. Is there any way to generate the table with the documents listed instead of having to update the table manually everytime a new document is added to the list.

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Generate An HTML Table From A Database

I am using ASP to generate an HTML table from a database. I use FSO to output a file with an XLS extension then open it. I can set the column width and row height; I can set the font family, size, and weight. I know I can include formulas in a "cell".

What else can I do when I generate the table that will take effect when the file is opened in Excel? I'd like to do things like autofit and sorting. The client does allow Office Automation on the server so I can't write to Excel directly.

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Html To Excel 2003

I have a report created in ASP (not ASP.NET) that uses Response.ContentType="application/" to display the results of a query from SQL Server 2003 formatted as an html table using Excel in Internet Explorer (version 6.0.2800).

The report displayed fine when my PC had Excel 97 installed. My PC was recently upgraded to Office 2003 and now the report only displays the report header. Does anyone know of a change I can make to the ASP code to display the rest of the report in Excel 2003?

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HTML To Excel Chart

I developed some code to export DataGrid to excel base on the html stream technology.
But that one works only with worksheet cell. Is there any way to output Excel Chart based on the html stream?

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Render HTML Doc As Excel

This is a simple report that is supposed to render as an Excel document, for some reason it's not anymore, not sure why, I think it's related to permissions, we recently added a domain user as the anonymous user for the site, everyone has permissions to the virtual directory where the asp page is executed... Code:

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ASP-Excel :External Table Is Not In The Expected Format

My program exported a excel file by using

Response.ContentType = "application/";after downloading the same when i import it back to my system using Microsoft Excel driver, i got an error.

External table is not in the expected format. Do anyone know how to solve it?

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Uploading Excel Sheet Into Oracle Db Table

i'm tryin to develop a webpage using classic ASP wherein the user can upload an excel sheet into an Oracle db table with the excel columns correspondin wit the oracle table columns.

i hv come across many ready made libraries/solutions that almost serve the purpose but they didnt work for me since most solutions wud populate the entire excel data into one column of the table. I wud like to know if anyone has a solution tht im lookin for specifically.

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