"HTTP/1.1 New Application Failed" Win2003

I'm getting this error where I hadn't had a problem before. Prior to getting the error, I did change settings on the default web site. Could that cause this problem? How do I fix it? I've stop and restarted the server and the computer. Still getting the error. Code:

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HTTP 1.1 New Application Failed

My we site is facing a problem with HTTP 1.1 New Application Failed.

There is no database connections. And even I do not have any Global.asa Files .

What could be the problem and How could it be rectified. Where in on the same server the other asp site is running well only this site is facing the problem.

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HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed

I get this error when I try to load my site, "default.asp", or any ASP file really. This error comes up inexplicably, once every month or two. I cannot seem to regain access to the site until IIS is restarted. The error is probably caused by something I'm doing in my script, and it seems to be server side in nature.

Has anyone encountered this error before?Does anyone know what would cause this?I'd be happy to offer more information about the server, and/or my script, but I am not very intimate with the server as it is administrated at a remote location by someone else, and I really don't know where to start looking in my script. The web site functions flawlessly for a month or two before this error comes up.

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HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed & Sessions Resetting

I have a Win 2003 SP1 with IIS 6 and host about 40 websites, most of
them useing ASP/VB with access databases. The server is a Dell Dual 2.4Ghz
XEON with 512Mb Ram.

Every few days I get the error 'HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed' and the server
stops showing the sites. It comes right after a bit and then the error comes
back. I have separed the sites into 10 per application pool but it still does it.
Occassionally it will actually look like it is working but the sessions just
keep resetting and the users get logged out every 2 or 3 minutes.

There is a hotifx 838306 which according to MS is in SP1 but according to
everyone else, is NOT. It wont install on SP 1 because it needs another
hotfix first (837001), which will not install because there is a later
version of the 2nd hotfix in SP1. Catch 22!

So my solution is to set up my server to reboot every night at 2am. That
keeps it going.... barely.

People keep saying you don't need to reboot, just recycle the app pools.
Well that does not fix anything, only a cold reboot solves the problem... for
a few hours anyway.

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Run On Win2003

I have some ASP pages(called dlls) running well on Win2000, but not Win2003.
Got "Permission deny" when called Server.CreateObject

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Cookies Problem On Win2003 Eng + IIS 6.0

The first page create a cookies. The second read the contet. If I browse the pages via IE6.0 the pages does not work. If I browse the pages via FireFox the pages work fine....

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Win2003 Operation Updateable

I have moved an ASP application to Windows 2003 and I have problems as I am currently using an Access Database until I upgrade it.
However, I am getting the error:
Operation must use an updateable query.

I have had this before so this didn't bother me too much. I added my IUSR_WINSERVER2003 to the security tab of the folder containing the database and gave read/write permissions.
However, I am still getting the updateable query errors!
I even added the Everyone account temporarily to see if it made a difference - and I still get the error.
Is there something new in Win 2003 ? Can anyone help me?

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CreateObject Not Working In Win2003

We have a web application that calls a VB dll in one of the asp pages. It
works fine on the old NT server but does not display results on the Windows
2003 server (IIS 6?). Does anyone know where I might start trying to find
out why this is happening? We copied the web pages and registered the dll
on the new server. The call to the dll function returns a string and we
just display that string on the next asp page, but it does not show up. Is
this some sort of cache issue or ???

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CDONTS On WIN2003 Server,

I am moved to WIN2003 Server, and the server admin is saying CDONTS is no more supportable on Win2003 I don't like the CDOSYS

and tell me in detail what I need to do to get the CDONTS on my win2003

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It works perfect on my Win xp machine but when i upload the page into my server which is win2003 it returns 0 What is the possible cause of it ? Code:

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3.0 Moved From Win2000 To Win2003 (convert Problem)

I got a new server with Windows 2003 on. I moved a site that works fine from a Windows 2000 server. On many pages i get a convertion like this:

|Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
|Type mismatch
|/test/test.asp, line 3

This is the code that i run to get the error:

| a = 1
| if a = 1 then response.write("a = 1")

It does work if i add "if cint(a) = 1 then...." but is it a way to make IIS6/ASP don't check the code so critical?

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Error ASp .NET WEb Service : URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

i'm using windows XP, IIS 5.1, Visual .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

When I open New Project - Visual C# Projects - ASP .NET Web Service -

Location : http://localhost/WebService1

After that i click OK, then it returns error

"The web server reported the following error when

attempting to create or open the web project

located at the following

URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

After that i try this : Code:

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Server.createobject On Shared Win2003 Server

I've recently uploaded a site to a new ISP, which is on a Win2003 platform. I've had a problem in that the existing ASP scripts handling email form submissions all experience the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046' Permission denied

From what I can gather this is due to moving from Win2000 to Win2003, and specifically the problem lies in this line of code: ....

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IIS Log Failed

This comes randomly once in a blue moon on the browser screen. Any clues on how to resolve this.IIS log failed to write entry

File /WebCollections/global.asa

Line 35 Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another

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New Session Failed

I'm on a windows VPS and I run ASP applications with mysql. I have a lot of traffic so I know I use a lot of resources.The server is running and after some hours I get this error:

message:HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed

I've supposed this is caused by the leak of memory, so I've tried different thing without any improvement.- create a paging file - set the pool recycling when at a "maximum virtual memory" amount- set the session timout in the webconfig at 5 minutes Nothing has changed. I don't know if I had some little improvements,however nothing that prevent the server from displaying that error after some hours of running properly.

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New Session Failed

I am having problems with the above mentioned error message with IIS6 on my dedicated server. The problem is apparently from leaky code that has allowed memory to max out the CPU. Can anyone offer up a suggestion to help me find the problems in my scripts? This issue is only showing up from time to time, but when it does everything is down for a few hours or until the server is restarted.

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OLE Oject Failed

I created a calendar in access 2k and when the user clicks on the link from the web page I created I'm getting this error. The operation on th eOLE oject failed. The OLE server may not be registered. To register the OLE service, reinstall it. What shall I do, I tried reinstalling it and that wasn't the issue. Anyone has any input?

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SLQSetConnectAttr Failed

I've this return error --> Driver's SLQSetConnectAttr failed <-- My system is XP, I've development in .asp and my DB is Access 2000, someone could help me ?

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Write To File Failed

Error Type:
ADODB.Stream (0x800A0BBC)
Write to file failed.


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Redirecting On Failed Image 404

I have some images on a domain (http://www.domain.com/image1.jpg for example).

I want to create a sub-domain so that the images will be
http://images.domain.com/image1.jpg for example.

Once I move the images to the sub-domain any requests to the old locations
will result in a 404.

Is there any way to redirect all failed image requests to the new location?
Maybe by modifying the 404 page?

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Conversion Failed Error

Ok i'm getting a conversion error when i try to do an insert, the table i'm pulling from and the one i'm writing from are the same. i think there is something i can do to define my field data types.


Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type

Select Statement


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Server.CreateObject Failed

Any idea why this is happening? The directory exists on the FS. It's an upload script to put files in a database directory. It errors out on the upload.

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/ProspectTracking/alphatest/default/Upload/upload.asp, line 3




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Failed To Get Password Using CDONTS

i developed this sytem in my localhost.
this is my codes. the error i found is

<LI>Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/minarex/forgot_pwd_send.asp, line 36


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Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr Failed

I am recieving an weird error when trying to check to see if a user exists in the database. The error I am recieving is:

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
/PhotoBBS/NewUser.asp, line 56

I have searched on google, and nothing really came up, except to check my SQL Statement, which I have and it seems correct, tho I might have made a little mistake, could someone help me? Code:

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Utf-8 String Comparison Failed

I want my website to support multi-lingua, so I add Codepage="65001" in my english website.
However, after adding that, all the string comparison failed (login page, catcha).
I thought I only need to add codepage, then my website will become multi-lingua site Did I miss something?

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Detecting Failed Images

Is there any way in VB ASP of identifying if an image which is placed on a page fails (if it's simply not been put on the server for instance so IE gives it a red X)? I want to detect this if it happens and display a default image or something.

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Login Failed For User

The error i get is as follows:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
error '80040e4d'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login
failed for user 'webuser'.

/dsn_inc1.asp, line 25

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OLEDB Connection Failed

When I connect to a MS Access 2000 db with no password using a OLEDB string is no problem but if the db is protected by password I get this message:

"Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user."

The string used is this:

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Password=xxxxx; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("xxxxx")

Does anybody have a clue?

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'Login Failed' Message Box

I'm creating a website using asp for a university assignment,and I want to create a message box for when a login fails, i.e. login failed..try again.

I can use the 'response.write' function, but I feel that a message box would look better.Could anyone shed some light on how I should go about doing it?

I've had a look at the java tags in dreamweaver and I can see that you can create a pop up 'onsubmit', but I only want to display the message/pop up in the event of a login failure.

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The Transport Failed To Connect To The Server

I tried setting up formmail ASP based on Matt's cgi script but only got these errors when submitting this page: http://www.a2zli.com/surveycl56.htm

Formmail v1.3 detected the following errors:
error no.: -2147220973
description: The transport failed to connect to the server.

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Failed To Read Binary Data.

DXUpload.Form.1 Error '80020009'

Failed to read binary data.

/backoffice/album/album_save.asp, Line 29

29: Set objUpload = Server.CreateObject("DXUpload.Form")
lAction = objUpload( "ACTION" )
lAction = request( "ACTION" )
End If


here's my code... I can't see why this error occured...

any advice to sort it out?

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Error: Server.CreateObject Failed ??

I've put together a CDONTS e-mailing script which was working fine two weeks ago. Now all of a sudden I'm getting the following error...

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/content/5_message_sent.ssi, line 5


I've made no changes whatsoever to the file so I cannot imagine why it would stop working just like that.

Do you think there is a server error or something, or did I screw up a config file somewhere along the way??

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Login Failed For User 'test'

I have a simple ASP code that i am trying to use in order to get records from a database in SQLserver 2000 and display it in html format.

I named the file index.asp and placed it in the home directrory for IIS. When i type in http://localhost/index.asp, i get 500 errors. On viewing the IIS logs, i am noticing the following errors:

2005-10-31 20:05:16 W3SVC1 GET /index.asp |47|80040e4d|Login_failed_for_user_'test'

After searching on the internet, I have already checked "SQL Server and Windows" authentication in SQL Server security.

here is the code that i am using to connect to the database: Code:

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