HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

Moving my app from windows 2000 to 2003 server. It has been debugged and tested on win 2000. But I'm getting the above error on win 2003. When I put debug lines in the code, IE gives me a more detailed error:

FTracker error '800a004b'

Path/File access error

/login.asp, line 26

I have: Code:

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HTTP 500-Internal Server Error

I have a problem with the IIS running. Whenever I try to ru
http://localhost/aaa.asp i got this error "HTTP 500-Internal Serve
Error". I use very simple code in aaa.asp. I try to look for the Sho
Friendly http error messages, but it doesn't give me another othe
error beside "HTTP 500-Internal Server Error". Does anyone know what i
happening here? I use Window XP with IIS 5.1

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HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

I created an ASP on-line form which is displayed as:


a local server with Internet Information Services 5.1 to submit data to a MS Access database. The ASP on-line form displays correctly on the browser but the problem is when I submit it I receive the following error prompt.

HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

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HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error

actually i've developed a many .asp files and it was wroking correctly on my Local host,but when i changed my connection & DB path to work on the remote site it gave me that error:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer

my connection is: Code:

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HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error USING IE

Can anyone suggest the reason why I could be getting this

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer

Rather than the script error reported on the internet explorer browser. This
is an ASP application running on Windows Server 2003.
I've set up a custom error page using a URL of either /Error.asp or
/RetrievalSite2.0/Error.asp in the root of the web app as type URL however
this doesn't appear.
Does anyone know the best way of diagnosing this issue.
I received this in the w3svc log file
2006-09-28 09:14:31 GET /RetrievalSite2.0/mainScreen/MainFrames.asp
locale=en-gb|3|ASP_0131|Disallowed_Parent_Path 80 -
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.N ET+CLR+1.1.4322;+InfoPath.1;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727)
500 0 0
So the error is clear Disallowed_Parent_Path however why isn't this reported
in the ASP page to the client?

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<i><b>Originally posted by : vishnu </b></i><br />I am using PWS as my web server for my win 98 machine and I got this error when i tried to load my page or even the example page in the web server.<br />what is this error. How to rectify it.<br /><br /> .

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Http 500 Internal Server Error

I am runing Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3. I am trying to teach myself asp with a beginners book but I can’t even get my first script to work (even when I copied the code from the accompanying CD!).
I tried to access the MS iis help files but I am getting the same message! I thought it might be a problem with iis but I can run a few php scripts from localhost so I am stumped. Also I ran the script from the web and it works fine! Code:

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HTTP 500 Internal Server Error With Dreamweaver

I'm a beginner when it comes to ASP, so forgive my vagueness. I'm using Dreamweaver MX 04 to upload files I'm creating from templates and saving as asp files. I can see the file on the server, but when I point my browser to it, I get an internal server error. What am I doing wrong?

Some files are showing up and some are not. The only ASP even used in the template are library items, for example:.....

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Need To Display Error Code When I Get HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

I tried to display an error detail on my webpage when I got an "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" of my .asp page, but I was failed I did setup in IIS so it will display debug error on my asp page as well as setting up my browser internet option.

Can you help me how to set it up so I am able to see the error detail on my browser when I get "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" ( Currently, I just got a blank page with "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" in the web page title)I run IIS 5.0 and window professional xp browser.

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HTTP 500 Internal Server Error Online Server

I have made a site in ASP and I can navigate the site fine locally. However once I get to the product page I get:

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer"

Does anyone have any idea as to why this may be? ....

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HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP Error

I've already unchecked the "show friendly http errors" advanced option and it work fine in one page only. The problem is when the page is in a iframe and that iframe is in a table. Got that massage.

On the other way I've another site with iframes and tables.....and this doesn't happened.
Have a 50 k paint picture attatched.

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Error: 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'

I just installed IIS 5.1 and Visual Studio 2003 with .NET 1.1.

I'm having a problem starting an ASP.NET project. Everytime I select an template from the IDE I get the above message.

I set up a default.htm page and the IIS server appears to be working. It just won't let me start a new VS project. Does anybody have a clue why this is happening?

BTW, the error also occurs on another computer on the LAN. Could this be a conflict of some kind on the network?

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Error: HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP Error

# Error Type:

Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)

Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:
/CoxAxis/adminEditPage.asp, line 6

My code:

dim self, pid, i, c
self = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
pid = Request.Querystring("pid")
set Session("pageContent") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set custObj = Server.CreateObject("NFIFunctions.ValidateField") Line 6
set psi = Session("pageContent")
set errDict = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1

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Asp And Http 500 Internal Error

I am having trouble with http 500 internal error. I have developeseveral dynamic pages, it works fine on our intranet server, however,when I migrated into our external IIS server, most of asp pages cann't display with error message of http 500 internal error
does anyone have idea on what is going on?

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HTTP 500 Internal Error When I Try To Display Asp-pages But Static Content Is Ok

When I use IIS 6.0 to display static content everything works according to plans. Now I have created an asp page even though there is no dynamic content at the moment. The web page's name just ends in "asp" and has the Code:


at the first line of the code.

When I try to link to this asp-page I get an error code saying "Http 500 Internal Server Error". I then disabled the "friendly http errors" and got this information.

"Asp error Asp 0203"
"Invalid code page"
"The specified code page attribute is invalid"

I should also add that I have enabled/allowed asp as extension in IIS manager.

Anyone who knows what I can try to get IIS working with dynamic content too?

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Internal Server Error

I'm trying to update information on an intranet into a sql database and I keep getting an internal server error on this page. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where any errors may lie? I know it is tricky without knowing the context. Code:

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500.100 Internal Server Error

when I try to excecute an ASP (either JS or VB) script to
say, access a database record, I get an Internal Server
Error HTTP 500.100


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Getting 500 Internal Server Error

I want to know when would I get a 500 Internal Server Error. Are there any special circumstances when this error will come?? If yes, please list the circumstances or reasons for the error.

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Internal Server Error

I have recently reloaded windows on my system and of course now have a fresh install of IIS running on localhost port 85

Now, I'v previously (2 days ago) been working on an ASP page which retrieves its data from an XML file. Previously I just started work on the xml stuff without having to midify anything; but this time I tried to load the page and I got the "HTTP 500 - Internal server error". Do I have to download an XML parser or is there something wrong with IIS ?

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Internal Server Error

y i am getting this error

HTTP 500 - Internal server error

i uploaded tha asp pages and check,when i try to login this error coming.

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500 Internal Server Error

Just wondering if you could possibly check this site for me - . I am getting a 500 Internal Server Error message every time I try to log in, however I have set all file permissions related to the login as read,write and execute.

Username = user
Password = fasteners2003

I don't know all that much about ASP yet as I am learning, but I have managed to get the site working fine on my localhost using IIS. But when the site is uploaded to the remote server, 1&1 Microsoft package, I get the errors.

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Internal Server Error

i am getting this following error

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer "

i know that if i set the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" then it will be working but i can't tell it to all my clients . so could anybody tell me how can i set this "Show friendly HTTP error messages" programetically.

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Internal Server Error

when I use asp with mysql i face the internal server error. The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

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Formmail.asp And 500 Internal Server Error

I've just tranferred a clients website to differnet windows hosting server and his formmail.asp no longer works. When the submit button is pressed it creates a 500 internal server error.

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500 Internal Server Error On Localhost

I get a the "http 500 Internal Server Error" when tying to run any ASP page from localhost. I'm running Xp Pro with IIS 5.O with Frontpage installed. I've checked secutity settings on IIS.

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ASPSMARTUPLOAD Internal Server Error

i am having a upload script which is giving internal server error. I am using ASPSmartupload and my server is windows2003. The code which i am using is working fine in windows XP dev mechine but not working in windows 2k3. Is there is anyone who can help me in sorting out the error.
The error given is internal server error. I can't able to trap that also. It is calling some http_500.html i don't remember exactly. But it is internal server error.

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500 Internal Server Error On ASP Home Page

hosted on my own IIS while developing and had no problems, but since putting the site up onto an external ISP, we have been getting server errors when trying to access the default.asp page. Clicking refresh loads the page fine (but of course, new visitors don't know this!)The address of the site is . If you type this address into the address bar you may recreate the error (it doesn't always occur)

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Internal Server Error When Trying To View .asp Files

I've gotten mod_perl and apache::asp installed. But now whenever i try to access any of the examples asp scripts provided by apache:asp i get the following error.

I tested apache::asp by typing perl -MApache::ASP -e ''

i can view the default.htm page (samples page) but when i click on a sample .asp script i gives me the error below.

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

and the apache error logs spits this out. Code:

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Internal Server Error Internet Explorer

i am getting this following error

"HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer "

i know that if i set the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" then javascript is not working... if i reset it javascript is working. so could anybody tell me how can i set this "Show friendly HTTP error messages" .

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Http 500: Server Error

i have an application running ASP code and ASP.NET together. It worked fine
before i installed IE 7. The application has Windows Integrated
authentification set in IIS 5.1 (windows xp prof).

Now, with version 7 of IE, the aspx pages work as usual, but the asp pages
give HTTP 500: server error. Nothing more.

Any idea why and how to solve this?

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HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error

I am NOT running asp.NET ... on this IIS Server ... (Windows Server 2003) ..

all of a sudden I have started to receive this error... but, the weird thing
is that there is NO RECORD of an ERROR or WARNING in the EVENT VIEWER in
either the Server running IIS or in the Server running SQL SERVER (which the
asp pages connect to) ..

can anyone give me any ideas?

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HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error

Opening an ASP page brings up this error HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error

This is from the Event Viewer:

Error: ASP will not serve requests because it could not perform the first request initialization.

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HTTP 500.100 - Internet Server Error - ASP Error

I'm using ASP with Oracle 9i and before I was using forms 6 and change it to Developer Suite, so as soon I made the change my ASP programing started to show me this error every time I run the browser.

HTTP 500.100 - Internet Server Error - ASP error

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (0x80004005)
Oracle error ocurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.

Then it says that the error is on the line 42 where I have the connection to the database.
This is the connection that I use: Code:

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