if i use the example code belpw ; which ip address will the post appear to come from. the ipaddress of the browser or the webserver?

Response.Buffer = True
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

' Notice the two changes in the next two lines:
xml.Open "POST", "", False
xml.Send "select=All&for=The Usual Suspects"

Response.Write xml.responseText

Set xml = Nothing

which ip address will the post appear to come from. the ipaddress of the browser or the webserver?

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XMLHttp Post

I already know I can use the XMLHttp object to login to a page on a remote site, but can I then use it to post data to a page after the login page?

I would have thought that wouldn't work, as the XMLHttp object runs on the server, and I guess wouldn't maintain session state because of this. Is this something anyone's come across?

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I have use an affiliate link on my site, and I did not like it because it
did not have my sites banners on it, so I asked the permission of the other
site to change the display and they aggreed..

The affiliate site has 4 pages of forms linking to each other so it goes
something like
form.asp > results.asp > results_details.asp > confirm_details.asp >>>>>>
proceed to payment..

I wanted to grab the each page page using the XMLHTTP object and then the
post of the form to a local pages on my site.. The local pages would grab
the request.form string and then using code something like below..

on my page quote123.asp, I have <%=request.form%> and I never see the string
"select=All" - why is this... Code:

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I am trying to post some data to a form using the XMLHTTP object, and have run into a problem trying to find the proper
location of the receiving page.

The form points to a directory, like so:

<form action="/servlet/Login" target="_top" method="POST" enctype="x-www-form-encoded" onSubmit='return goodform()'>

but the XMLHTTP object requires a specific file reference.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to find the specific file that receives the form submission?

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Is There Another Way To POST Apart From Response.redirect And XMLHTTP ?

Is there another way to post data to my provider's server apart from the response.redirect and XMLHTTP?

I have tried both, problem with response.redirect is taht the user coudl easily tell who my provider is, and XMLHTTP I cant get to read from the other server the request.querystring status.

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How Could I Use POST Method To Transfer Parameters With XMLHTTP?

How could I use POST method to transfer parameters with XMLHTTP?

With GET all works correct, but with POST I get a problem.

client.asp with GET - all works .....

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Using Http Post With Xml

I created a form for users to sign up for a newsletter our site sends out. The thing is we use a third party that keeps a db of our subscribers and sends the email for us. The signup resides on our site and when the user submits they get poasted to this third party site and then click through and get refreshed to our site again.

We want change that process and keep the user on our site so now thier values need to get posted to the 3rd party behind the scenes. Code:

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Http Post

i'm tring to send post data using
set objSrvHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("WinHTTP.WinHTTPRequest.5.1")
objSrvHTTP.send xmlstring

but the transfer rate is very low(4 min per MB on LAN)..
some ideas?

(with MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 is equal)

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Http Post, In ASP

i'm trying to find out how to post a file to a URL, using ASP, but I can't seem to track it down.

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HTTP Redirect With POST

I need to redirect to another web page, but that redirect will include the
submission of form data. So, unlike ServerXMLHTTP which stays on the
originating web page, I need the script to redirect to the page that I'm
submitting the POST data to (without pressing a submit button).

Any suggestions?

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HTTP Post In Vbscript

A site I'm working on has a php form with an asp form processor redirecting to a php thankyou page.

I need a way to output some of the form fields entries in the thankyou page.

Here's my ASP and vbscript: Code:

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HTTP Post - The Code...

i've got this code...

Dim oOriginalPO, oXMLHTTP, strFileName, strURL

strURL = "url that is required"
strFileName = sXML

Set oOriginalPO = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

oOriginalPO.async = False
oOriginalPO.load strFileName 'name of file containing cXML data "POST", strURL, False 'strURL is our URL you post to
oXMLHTTP.send oOriginalPO

So on the assumption that the sXML variable has correct information inside it to send out, can anybody see why perhaps this code isn't working properly?

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Is is possible and if so would anyone have a brief example of submitting data from an ASP page to another server via HTTP, using a POST method. Essentially duplicating an HTML FORM.

Further details, if availalbe would be the use of username/password (basic) authentication and the HTTP connection is actually and HTTPS (SSL) connection.

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SQL Parameters From HTTP Post

How do you append parameters to SQL string?

descrip = Request.Form("Description")

strSql = strSql & " AND [SaLTInventory].[Description] LIKE "&descrip

I don't seem to have it quite right?

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How To Simulate HTTP POST Using Headers?

This is the scenario: I am making a wizard composed of several steps, each
step being a form with the post method. The first steps may be completed
whether the user is logged on to the website or not. But from a certain step
on the user must be logged on to complete the wizard. What I do is post the
data gathered so far to the logon page; the logon page is essentially an ASP
page with an HTML logon form that posts to itself. Once the user logs on he
is taken again to the wizard, to the step where he left off.

Right now I am using the HTML form / approach on the
logon page: after the user is authenticated, the asp page builds a form with
the "saved" data, pointing to the next step of the wizard, and uses the
onLoad event of the body tag to submit the form. And this does what I

But I believe there must be a more elegant way to do this, and I suspect it
involves setting headers directly using Response.AddHeader but I don't know
how to do it. Am I right? If so, how to do it?

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HTTP Post To A Remote Server

I have an asp page. There I enter some text. This text needs to go some other web site but as jsp page ( such as

Now, I was told to submit my asp page as HTTP Post to their jsp page. This is completely a new thing for me to do. Code:

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How To Send Http Post Request

Let's say if I want to send a http "Post" request to a url, and check the http status code later. How should I write the code? I have found example to use WinHttp to send "Get" request and check the http status code:

Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5")
objWinHttp.Open "GET", strURL
If objWinHttp.Status <> 200 Then
End If

How should I write the code if I need to use "POST" to send data in a form, and to check the http status code later?

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Collect String From HTTP Form POST

I have a basic form that POSTs data to a web server. The web server then replys with a string response. It goes something like this:

<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Click here To Submit">

The response is just a comma separated values string like:
1,0,2,3,0,Transaction Success,Etc

Once I hit the submit button the server returns a string response. I do not want the user to ever see the response, but need the response string to create my own page. How do I retreive that string and use it??

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Error ASp .NET WEb Service : URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

i'm using windows XP, IIS 5.1, Visual .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000.

When I open New Project - Visual C# Projects - ASP .NET Web Service -

Location : http://localhost/WebService1

After that i click OK, then it returns error

"The web server reported the following error when

attempting to create or open the web project

located at the following

URL:'http://localhost/WebService1. HTTP/1.1 302 Found"

After that i try this : Code:

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Re-submit A POST Immediately From A Previous POST

Is there a way to 'force' a submit on a form with out actually allowing the
user to press a button ? For example...

step1: A from is filled out by a user, then they click the submit button.

step2: The form is 'post'ed to an ASP page which writes the values to a
database. So far No problems. But..

step3: Now I want to 'post' these values again to another page without any
user interaction.

My ideas were:

1) I know you can get the form values from Request.Form("myVar"), so I
thought of making a 'dummy' form and setting the 'values' of the form
variables to these Request.Form("myVar") valiables, but I don't know how to
'submit' them to another page again.

2) Is there some type of 'submit' command in ASP?

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Post Data, Then Post Again..

i have a series of .asp pages that i am dividing into model, view, control logic. my view collects a whole bunch of data and posts it to the controller. im wondering if there is a way to somehow "re-post" this same data to my model page.

in short, is .asp capable of taking data posted to a page and re-post that same data to another page?

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I need to get data from a url (which throws out XML) and then parse it using DOM or XSLT. I know, to get the data, I need to use XMLHTTP.

Can I get a sample code for it?

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Using Xmlhttp In ASP

I have the code below and in a random fashion it is responding extremely
slowly. On in 3-4 times it takes ages to do the job..

It is the line: xml_http.Send("") that gets stuck. I am on IIS 6 on Windows
Server 2003 Web Edition. Code:

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One of the limitations of ASP is the lack of a dynamic SSI, in which you can include files using variables. So far I know only of two methods to go around use the File System use the XMLHTTP Object.Which one of the two is less of a burden for IIS ? Or are there other ways that are much better?

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I m getting information with XMLHTTP from 3 sites at the same time. but it is so slow. how can i make it faster. any information or any document about it. anyone who know about it. it is about alsa bandwith. how can i increase xml http performance.

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XMLhttp Anyone

I got a great little example of how to use XMLhttp to query an external web site (I'm wanting to do my own localised search engine by extratcing the content and putting it into an Access DB), but it only appear to extract from the page that you point it to, ie the main default page is extracted when you put in something like

I want the util to extract content from all of the found pages in the site I suppose like a spider. Has anybody done this or any ideas how you get it to go past more than the initial page?

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I need the ASP/xml page to send the Request to the share point portal server (Webdav) using XMLHTTP and i also need to parse the response xml into HTML.If any body knows about.

It might contais mainly three files one is Search page where user can type his requirements , second one contains sending XMLHTTP request to the Share Point Portal server and third one contains the Parse xml response into HTML format.

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I use MSXML2.XMLHTTP to receive some HHTP responces from
remote server, unfortunatedly, it uses cookie-based auth.,
so I am unable to pass it, due to inability to store
cookies. How can I retrieve cookies from the headers of
HTTP response, and how can I add them to my request at the
next step?

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XMLHTTP And Images

Why do sites dragged in through XMLHTTP only download half or so of the images associated with the site?

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XMLHTTP Question...

Up to this point, i've been able to extract the search results from a site. Form -> Results chain.

However, on a new project im on, im a little stuck, and not sure if it is at all possible. The next page im trying to get info from there's a chain of 3 pages. so Form -> Middle -> Results.

I've tried inputting my own form data, but i get the page info from the Middle link, and not the Results link. Any ideas how i can go on to the Results link?

At the moment i dont think it's possible, but i haven't been in this game for long.

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I'm using XMLHTTP to perform a simple screen scraping job.
When I try to have it "scrape" lines with embeded CSS declarations, it
renders them incorrectly, stripping the leading period. Consequently, my CSS
doesn't work.Here's how I'm calling it, but I don't think my implementation is the

Dim srvXmlHttp
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", TearURL, false
If srvXmlHttp.status <> 200 Then
Response.Write "No Server Response"
End If
Dim strRetval5
strRetval5 = srvXmlHttp.responseText

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I have a peculiar problem using the method

Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") in order to get a connection
from one server to another.

On my personal host (IIS) the above method works perfect, and I can 'include' an HTTP stream from a remote URL into my own page. However, the method doesn't work on another webserver (IIS, too) although the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTPP method is installed (I checked it).

The error message I get there is:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out

This error does only appear if I try to get data from a remote URL, if I try to get data from http://localhost/foo, the method works - I believe the webserver is behind a proxy. Would this cause any problems? And if so, how can it be solved?

- Do you guys know of any other solution how to 'emulate' the php
include command in ASP without using the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP method?

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Server Using Xmlhttp

Shown below is ASP Code sample that tries to access a method,CreateUser in the server called, "" using the protocol,XMLHTTP. Can you explain to me why this Code does not work and showing the correct Code Sample?

dim objXMLHTTP
set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "Post", "", false
'objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/html"
'objXMLHTTP.CreateUser "abc","123","Scriven","1","001","qms"

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